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Realistic or Modern Homeless


Warrior of the Mighty One.
KneelingAngel submitted a new role play:

Homeless - When your home is about to be destroyed, you will do anything to save it.

The government of Alson has a plan of renovating the slum of their capital, Alvert City. They are forcing the homeless out of their homes, or of what little they have left, with a warning, they have a weeks time before they send a specialized SWAT team to kill anyone who refuses to leave.
Lucas "Tramp" Remco is one of those people who refuse to leave and wants to fight for what is right, even if it kills her. But to save her home, Lucas goes looking for those who will rise with...
Read more about this role play...


The government of Alson has a plan of renovating the slum of their capital, Alvert City. They are forcing the homeless out of their homes, or of what little they have left, with a warning, they have a weeks time before they send a specialized SWAT team to kill anyone who refuses to leave.

Lucas "Tramp" Remco is one of those people who refuse to leave and wants to fight for what is right, even if it kills her. But to save her home, Lucas goes looking for those who will rise with her and fight against the government.

Lucas's plan is simple, get to the government building and talk to the governors to save the part of Alvery that belongs to them, but they would need to get past security, camera's and actually talk to the most important man of the state, but first of all they have to avoid the special agents that walk through their streets. Anything or anyone that shows any sign of rebellion will be killed on spot, no questions asked.

Lucas knows that her plan isn't as simple as it sounds, but she'd rather risk her life then have to start all over. None of them might have much, but it is still theirs and no one will take it from them by just waving a piece of paper in the air.

It's time that the homeless and jobless show their worth and raise their voice.


The slums of Alvert:




The Government of Alson:



  • RpN rules.
  • No god modding.
  • Be realistic.
  • Please only join if you are going to be active!
  • Romance is allowed.
  • Be a good roleplayer, not a main character wannabe, we're a team.
  • One-liners are allowed, but please try to have a three-liner minimum.
  • There will be fighting, of course, but please don't use any fire arms or things like that, remember you are a homeless person.
  • If you read the rules please place the code word "New life" into a sentence of your character sheet so I know you read the rules ;)
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Lake walked down the sandy road between the half breaking down houses. Rebel was walking beside her with a ball between his jaws, acting like a bodyguard to his owner. Lucas looked around, government guards were walking around in black combat clothes and helmets, weapons in hand. If she wanted to do this she had to be careful. She could end up dead before her plan would even start. She was sick and tired of being controlled by theses stuck up rich people. This was her city as well, this was her territory and those stuck up brats and their guards didn't belong on this dried land.
Amantha awoke to the sound of cars on her street.

I suppose it is time to wake up.

Her stomach agreed with her.

She climbed out of bed and stretched her arms wide.

This tatami mat is very uncomfortable.
Shou was sitting at a wall and meditating about the teachings, his master taught him. He controlled his breath, opened his mind and tried to inspect every element of the theory he was thinking about. After a while, he got distracted by a few government guards who made some noise next to him. He didn't really liked them. The reason behind his dislike towards them were not that they were working for the government, but the way they worked. Thinking so highly of themselves, not treating even a single person outside as a normal human being. Even after debating this in himself so many times, Shou could not find any way to forgive them. As the guards just increased the noise on the street, Shou got up and started stretching before he would head off for a run. He was quietly looking at the guards while stretching but anyhow he tried not to pay attention to them, he just looked at them.
“No~…no~…yuck, no!...oh shiny~!” Muna whispered to herself as she was searching through a big pile of trash hoping to find herself something to eat, or something else that would be useful. She held the shiny object she just found up in the air as she looked at it.

“Pretty!” Muna smiled at the shiny silver colored ring in her hands, she wiped the dirt of the small ring before she put it into a small torn bag she had found earlier. She gazed around her some more before she let herself slide down from the pile of trash and back on the hard ground. Muna stretched out her small arms before she reached in her small bag and grabbed out some bread crusts she found, it was dry and tasteless but it was at least edible. She Smiled happily as she put a bread crust into her mouth and began to chew on it while she started walked back to her ‘house’. Muna walked past a few houses before she came to the point where the so called streets she was walking on ended, all there was left to walk was the sandy path and she would be back. Muna jumped off the road and landed on the sandy ground as she walked further, she gazed at the sea before her as she walked up to it. Muna stopped just before the water, she gazed before her as she looked at the calm water and smiled. She removed her little bag and her socks and laid them down before she walked in the water and began to clean her filthy hands in it. The water wasn’t that clean either, but at least it was something.
Rebel started barking up a tree and Lucas knew who's home that was. Small and annoying, but Muna was always able to put a smile on Lucas's face. She had offered the little girl to stay with her, but Muna had been to stubborn. Walking up to the tree, she knocked against the wood. "Anyone home?" She asked with a smile.
Muna was on the walk again, her socks in her hands and her bag around her small shoulders. She kicked the sand up with every step she took while she had a big smile on her face. The sand whirled in the air as it was blown into her face, Muna let out a small cough as she wiped the sand out of her face and spit the sand out of her mouth. Muna blew up her cheeks a little annoyed as she looked up again, she could see her house in the distance. As Muna walked closer a big smile made her way on her face, she started to run.

“Lu!” Muna smiled happily as she ran up to her house as she saw Lucas stand before it. While she ran up closer she noticed that Rebel was with her. “Doggy!” Muna then beamed happily as she ran to Rebel and warped her arms around the big dog his neck.
"How ya doing, Muna?" Lucas said and crouched down in front of the small child, too small for Muna's age. "Did you eat anything yet today? You got dirt all over your face." She said and wiped it off with her not so clean palms, but still cleaner then the girl's face. "I see you went to the junk yard again. Did you find anything interesting?"
Muna smiled brightly at Lucas as she wiped the dirt of her face, Muna grabbed hold of her small bag as she lifted it into the air.

“I found a lot today!” Muna smiled happily. “I found this bag! And…” Muna said as she crouched down and opened the bag and grabbed out some broken toys, a dirty water bottle and more stuff as she laid it all down on the ground. “And do you know what Muna found today?!” She then beamed as she grabbed out the ring and placed it in the palm of her hands. “ It’s pretty isn’t it?!” Muna then smiled happily while proudly showing her the shiny ring in her hand. “I found some food to, its edible!... at least I think, it doesn’t smell bad! So I think it is fine, do you want some too?”
"No no, don't eat that!" Lucas said and lowered the ring in Muna's hand a little. "You have to hide it, because it's actually worth a lot." She whispered. "It's almost as good as gold." She said even softer. "Don't let the guards see it, okay?" She said and stood back up before ruffling the girl's red hair. "Be careful okay? If anything happens come find me." She said and started to walk away again, calling Rebel after her.
Jonathan drifted silently through the slums. His ragged grey shirt matched his seemingly permanent frown. He had a problem. He'd just spent his last bit of cash on a loaf of bread and some cheap cigarettes, only to discover that his lighter was missing. Stolen most likely, when he was meandering through the alleys of sketchy street vendors and watchful children seeking unwatched pockets. He'd be lucky if he ever saw it again, but the frustration of this only made him feel more in need of a smoke.

Nearby, a child was showing a young adult various items she had scavenged. He hid what was still left of his loaf of bread in his pocket.

"Hey, d'you find a lighter too, by any chance?" He called out.
Muna looked down at the ring as she looked at it, she then quickly hid it inside her small bag again before she looked up at Lucas. Lucas ruffled her hair before she could look up.

"Be careful okay? If anything happens come find me." Muna heard her say before she let go of her head and began to walk off. Muna’s smile disappeared before she ran after her.

“Can’t you stay a little longer and play with me, please~!” Muna pleaded, widening her eyes while she looked at her with puppy eyes.

"Hey, d'you find a lighter too, by any chance?" Muna heard someone call out before she got Lucas’s answer. Muna turned her head around as she saw a man in the distance, Muna grabbed hold of Lucas arm as she hid herself behind her.
"No sorry." Lucas said and picked Muna up, which was fairly easy since Muna looked and weighed like a five year old. "Anyone who smokes is rich in these parts." She said and pointed at the unlit cigarette between his lips. "If you try to rob us or something, you'll regret it for two reasons." Lucas didn't really trust the people around her, everybody stole from everyone since nobody had much and did what they'd have to to survive. "One, we don't have anything since we're all poor here, and two-" She snapped her fingers and Rebel started growling beside her. "I'll make him-" She gestured to Rebel with her head. "Kill you. I'm sure the government would me delighted to know that they wouldn't have to worry about another soul."
Jonathan took the cigarette out of his mouth. "Don't mention the damn government to me." He spat. "If I was even half as rich as those fat bastards I wouldn't be in this dump asking for a lighter."

Thinking about the government just then made him angry, but he calmed his tone a little. "Besides, I didn't come down here to cause trouble. I'm all out of work and all out of cash. Smoking's the only thing I got left." He paused a moment, a hint of desperation crossed his face. "You know, even a match would do." He put the cigarette back in his mouth out of habit. "I'll repay you, too. Any way I can, within reason."
"Alright." Lucas mumbled and tossed the lighter towards the man. "Since you want to repay me, you can help me." She said and took a quick look around for guards. "Help me repaint my house and we're even. Meet me at the half sunken boat in the lake tomorrow after dark and you can help me out... I'm Lucas by the way, call me Tramp."

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When finished stretching, Shou started running in the direction of the lake which was not too far from where he was. While he was running, he was looking around in the same time as well. He seeked some things to help with, or a tougher person to maybe brawl with. He was glad that he knew a style, but to make it stronger, he would have to know the other fighting styles as well. Know their weaknesses, strengths, requirements and rules. Only, after knowing them, could Shou shape his style into a more powerful weapon.
Jonathan fumbled to catch the lighter. He lit his cigarette and took a puff. "Alright, Tramp," he said as he put the lighter into his breast pocket, "I'll help you... paint your house..." He gave a suspicious look. It was hard enough to find a lighter those days, where'd anybody get paint? "Well, you can call me Joe. I'll be on my way now." He gave a departing nod as he began to turn away. He wasn't sure what would really entail going to the half sunken boat tomorrow, but he'd show up anyway.
Muna loosened her grip around Lucas as she calmed down while watched the man leave, as he was far enough away from them she looked up at Lucas.

“You’re going to paint with the smoky old man?” Muna asked her trying to lock her eyes with hers. “Should Muna help out too?”
Paint? Lucas thought in her head. As if. "No, sweetie, you can't help, you have to stay here." She put Muna down and patted her head. "I got to go okay? I have to take care of some business… Don't get yourself into trouble, ya hear?" Lucas asked and walked away, waving her hand. "See you around, Muna. Let's go, Rebel!" She called the dog and he came running up with his large body. Lucas grabbed the ball he had in his mouth and tossed it away. Rebel ran after it and knocked a guard over, of course Lucas "hadn't" planned that. When the guard was about to beat up her dog she called it and started running in the opposite direction with a laugh.
Jonathan took a bite of the bread he had hidden in his pocket. As he did so, he saw a man running towards the lake. It looked like he was searching for someone. He kept an eye on the man as he went on his way. Jonathan wasn't walking anywhere in particular, but was considering hitting up a connection he had for a small job. He didn't want to end up searching for scraps if he could avoid it.
Muna gazed sadly at Lucas as she walked off together with Rebel, Muna watched her walk off before she let out a disappointed sigh as she began to pick up the things she found. Muna crawled into her house as she gave everything a place in her little home before she laid down on the big dirty pillow what was her bed. Muna began to play with one of her half broken toys as she laid on her back on the pillow, she was bored, she wanted to play with Lucas. Muna put away the toy as she sat up and looked out of the hollow tree, she grabbed her stuffed animal from underneath the pillow as she raised it up into the air.

“Do you know what we can do Mr. flufkin?” Muna asked the stuffed animal as she gazed at it. It was quite for a moment before Muna sat up and grabbed hold of her bag and warped it around her shoulders. “Your right! We are going to have fun!” She then smiled at the stuffed animal as she placed it into her bag, crawled out of the tree and ran to the sandy shore to play. It was just an coincident that she came closer and closer to Lucas house while she played.
During his run, Shou saw a few things that for some reason, he found interesting. First, he saw way more guards patrolling than he can see usually. He was unsure about the reason behind it, but he had a bad feeling about the close future. Then he saw a girl, and a dog running away from some guards with the girl laughing at one. He did not see the reason, but the guards seemed angry a bit. He slowed down in his running in case the guards would start to chase the girl, but after seeing that they just gave up on the chance he accelerated again. Later on probably after a couple of minutes when Shou stopped to take a rest, he saw a smoking man. He got his attention because by the way he was moving, Shou could tell that that man knows how to fight. Shou sat down a bit, but his eyes were still on the smoking man.

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