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Homebrew DnD 5e Campaign

Hey, I am very interested in this but have never played DnD before (I've been dying to though) would that be a problem? Is there any place where I can learn?
Hey, I am very interested in this but have never played DnD before (I've been dying to though) would that be a problem? Is there any place where I can learn?

No problem. I'm pretty lax with the rules, as I used to volunteer DM at a local card shop that ran a "DnD for beginners" campaign (Granted, this was back before 5e), so being new isn't a deterrent in my games.
And on where you can learn, I suggest heading to your local card shop in the afternoon, as there tends to be a few DnD players. If that's not an option then try XP to Level 3's videos on Youtube. They have a lot of good videos on DnD that go beyond just tutorials.

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