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Dylaina submitted a new role play:

Home - Coloney of refugess from earth explore their new planet

Due to the overcrowding and lack of resources on earth, a group of refugees make their way to a newly discovered planet. Very little is known about the planet other than the fact it is capable of sustaining human life. The set out to explore their new home, only to discover that danger is lurking around every corner.
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The atmosphere on the ship was humming with excitement and anticipation. It had landed just hours ago on the new world with relatively few mishaps. Preparations were now underway to prepare to leave the ship. A small scouting party had exited before the general population but has yet to return.
"So, anyone think there are Aliens here?" Kyle said jokingly. There weren't Extra-Terrestrials anywhere, the government would never lie.
"Well, the report on this place said that no evidence of sentient life had been been found, but if you ask me, I am not so sure, this plane tis capable of supporting human life, why couldn't it support others?" Cora weighed in. "My guess though, is that if there is life, it is probably just bacteria and other microscopic creatures. Surely they would have noticed if there had been creatures as large as us."
The vault opened, as the atmosphere has been breached the alarms of the scientific base went off.

X exited the reinforced walls of his vault to activate the cloaking device hidden in the hill it was built into, cloaking the entire vault to look like simple rock.

He activated his own cloaking device and floated up, hurtling towards the ship, flying above it. He stared down at the party below. "Humans... already expanding.. interesting.. calculating chances of danger... ten percent"

X got out his datapad and began typing away a report as he watched the party.
"True... You really think there might be something else?" He didn't think it was possible. He only recently became an Atheist, but he still wasn't sure.
X decided to play around with Kyle.

With his telepathic powers he flashed an image of a grey's head into Kyle's mind, just for a second. He wanted to see how this human would react to one of the classic aliens of old popping up in his eyes for just a second.
RAIDEN: "I'm sure there is, Its not like we are the only things to ever have been created" Raiden said, plucking a petal off a rose he was holding. Raiden Believed that there was something else out there, there had to be. He wouldn't let anyone put themselves in danger for it though. If anything out of the ordinary tried to attack them, he had planned to step in and help in anyway possible.

ZUNE: Zune stayed inside of the cloaked vault as X went out to investigate the flying object. Zune wasn't going to lie to herself, she was pretty excited to see what her normal race was like, she wanted to meet them. This surely was out of the question though, so she quickly dismissed any thoughts of excitement and sat down bored against one of the walls. She knew X would test the humans, no doubt about his crazy scientific methods. After all, he was crazy enough to make her.
X sighed, watching Zune in the corner of his telepathic mind.

She wants to meet them, can't blame her

X showed her emotion every now and then, when she ran into certain problems. He did seem cold and scientific most of the time, but he came to being with the theory that every thing has emotions, yet humans have very powerful ones, which he nearly devoted his life to studying.
"Sure, I don't see why there couldn't be."

The doors of the ship open and the scouting party makes it's way back inside. "You guys really need to see this place, it is amazing!" one of the members of the scouting party says. After a few minutes of discussion, it is decided that the majority will leave the ship while a few will remain on board.
RAIDEN: Raiden finished plucking off petals of the flower and he watched them flutter about the ship with his one eye. I don't need depth perception to be cool~ Even in his mind he was egotistical and dramatic... He stood up from were he was sitting and flipped some of his hair with his hand, no doubt he was imagining sparkles flying around him.

"I volunteer to scout the planet!" He said dramatically with overactive hand gestures. He wouldn't miss seeing a new site for the world. Plus, he needed to see if it was more amazing than he was.
ZUNE: To pass the time, because she was a bit bored, she decided to think about some equations and such. She went through the lineup of pi first, then went of Einstein's E=mc^2 as well as his theory of relativity. Now that I think about it... X is kind of crazy... So was Einstein. I guess the definition of a scientist being a "mad scientist" wasn't off the mark. She had come to that conclusion after her algorithm thoughts.

When Zune was still fully human, and not altered in any ways, she wasn't intelligent at all... Sure she thought about the meaning of life and relatively understood what it was, but she wasn't exactly book smart. As far as any school standards went. Her family hadn't even named her, something she didn't really mind. They had called her Z though, in which she developed the name Zune. She felt it suited her quite well, especially with her new predicament. She kept up with the human world in her mind, watching from a far off distance about all of the crimes going on, as well as news in pop culture. She still feels a connection to the humans, as of course, she was one before.
"Are you sure? That was quite the scream." Core gives him a doubtful look. "Well, come on, everyone is headed outside!"
RAIDEN: Raiden eagerly stepped out of the ship and looked around at the vast planet. He put a hand under his bangs, above his eye patch and closed his left eye.

"ALAS, not even this planet can out-due this hunk of a rock!" He said, thinking he was clever for his pun. The planet was very rocky though. He stood there a moment out in the open, thinking that people were watching him as in his mind he was a sparkling gem. I guess while I'm here, I'll be a little bit of a comedic relief.. He thought as he stood there in his brunette-haired glory.
X sighed after observing the humans for awhile and returned to the vault.

"Zune...", he said with an unusually affectionate voice, the voice that screamed he would let her do something special.

He floated there and handed her a datapad and a tiny vibroblade.
ZUNE: she took what was being handed to her and looked with curiosity. On the inside she was on the brim of excitement, she looked over the information and had a small yet odd smile on her face.

"Yes...?" She said trailing off, trying to not show too much excitement in her voice. She could almost tell where this was going by both the information and his tone.
"I want you to go amongst the humans and learn about them for me, your first actual mission", X said with a rare smile, one that strangely set any heart ablaze.

"I'm sorry if I have seemed cold before, but we grey are taught from a very young age that scientific advancement is everything, yet I do this for greater reasons, trust me. But you must carry out this mission, just this once."

X laughed and looked at Zune kindly.

"I'm sure you'd enjoy this mission, anyway."
ZUNE: "An... Actual mission..." She smiled herself, her biggest smile yet.

"Don't worry, you can count on me... Of course I trust you... And.. Yes.. I would indeed enjoy this." She said, saying the last part a bit reluctantly. She gave a nod and a thumbs up before exiting the vault.

Zune wandered about the planet for a little bit, kicking some rocks and watching the humans from afar for a little bit. She could be seen in the distance a little bit with her white hair standing out against the grim scenery...

(Now if those pesky humans could reply :3)
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