Home for a Runaway(Signups)


Teifling Rogue
Roleplay Availability
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Info and OOC: Here

RP: Here

Every runaway needs a place to stay.

Welcome to Terabithia,

Out off the beaten track, surrounded by dense forest and dirt roads, lies an abandoned house that isn't so abandoned anymore. It's a safe place for people like us. Secluded and quiet. Anyone that comes here is searching for a place to stay, either for the night or as a permanent residence. While the house is still in the process of being fixed up, it's a place where teenagers can stay for free as long as they contribute somehow.

Run by the two that founded it, Lidia and Alaska open their new home open to anyone as long as they never tell the outside world about us.






Reason for running away:


Name-Alaska Lockheart

Age- 18



Personality- Alaska is sweet, but quiet. She hates to let people know that she's hurting, so she holds it in. She's protective of others though. When she is upset she's usually playing guitar, but she mostly plays it outside so she doesn't annoy anyone. She always feels like she needs to repay other's though, so even when they decline payment she often makes them something and leaves it. She's a very conscious thinker, so she always thinks about her her actions now could affect the future

Reason why they left home- Her mother and sister were extremely abusive. Not to mention they were extreme racists and homophobics, and when she was raped by her mother's boyfriend at age 12, it was all blamed on her. When a school teacher noticed her scars and called home, the beatings became worse. Finally she left and has been living off money she's saved up for the past 6 1/2 years for this exact reason.

Other- If someone lets her stay with them, she always tries to repay them somehow. Usually its by paying, but if they don't accept that she cleans everything, cooks, and leaves them a drawing or a poem. She also speaks German, Latin, and English.

Name: Lidia Rose Lane (Played by Shy Shadow)

Age: 17



Personality: When you first meet Lidia she can seem kind of mean and sarcastic but once she worms up to you she is a great person to have around. She has a hard time trusting people but when she does she will show you who she really is. That the tuff girl she shows when she first meets you is just to protect herself from others to hurt her. She is really a sweet and sensitive girl but she will rarely let that show.

Reason why they left home: She lived with her drunk mother, her father left the minute he found out that her mother was pregnant. Her mother didn't care what happened to Lidia and made that really clear to her. She also had a boyfriend that would beat her regularly. One night it just was to much to handle so she packed her backpack and left.

Other: She has scares from her boyfriend beating her. She is also a great singer.
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Name: Corey

Age(13-20): 17

Personality: She's a wild thing, but she is also sweet. She loves having fun and meeting new people. She can be a flirt, and she is very caring. Corey is very competitive and athletic. She loves exercising and playing sports.

looks: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/26400000/-3-andrea-russett-26457203-450-552.jpg?1365176335080

Reason for running away: Her life was getting way too hectic. And she was tired of her strict family


Name: Connor

Age(13-20): 19

Personality: He's a real flirt, he loves to do new things. He can be a loner at times, but he loves having people around. He may not be nice and welcoming at first, but he'll warm up. He's also into Baseball and boxing.

looks: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-a85cEaSdh3E/UT4InCpFOUI/AAAAAAAAAK8/NcDWNsLfIDU/s1600/tumblr_mifhtpDdaB1qe8d0go1_500_large.jpg

Reason for running away: He was tired of his life of orders and his parents who were forcing him to chose his future.

Name: Elhrin Linker

Age:(13-20) 14

Personality: is a bit strange to most people, extremely destructive, but means no harm.

Looks: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8usz2X6s81qjzalmo1_500.jpg

Reason for running away: When he was little, Elh fell down an empty well, and no one had heard from him in a week. He survived by eating the plants growing in the well, and eventually crawled his way out. The well was fairly deep, about 20 feet down. By the time he got out, his fingers were reduced to bloody nubs and his left eye had become blind due to the amount of debris. He was scared of what his family would think, fearing he would be shamed upon. Elh stole the family fortune before departing, using the money to pay for expensive mechanical hands. Dirt-poor and barely surviving, Elh's family disappeared to the streets. He ran away to the forest.

Other: after the well incident, Elh spent six years in the forest before finding the house. Traumatized, Elh acts like an animal and has an obsession with the color red.
Corey, Connor, And Elhrin, accepted!

The easiest way to star off I suppose would be too act as new comers to the house. Then you'll be accepted as tenants.
Name: Deliah Smith

Age(13-20): 18

Personality: Deliah is fun loving, tomboyish and blunt. She can offend people by accident, but she's just saying what's on her mind.



Reason for running away: Deliah loved playing pranks on people, but always got in way too much trouble for them. On top of that, people would always make fun of her for being such a 'boy', and never did well in school due to dyslexia.

Other: none.
Accepted! Feel free to start role-playing. I suggest you start like Coedy, like you're just arriving at the house. I love the character by the way, dyslexia sucks, and I understand how it can make someone wanna run away once it ruins school for them.

I'll add you to the rosters!
Name: Christopher McKingley

Age: 16



Personality: Dutiful, respectful, irritable, sensitive. The latter two he tries his hardest to resist showing.

Reasons for running away: He was kidded out of his home by his family for being gay.

Other: His father was a spiteful survivalist who taught him all he knew about surviving. Chris has an extensive Bug Out Bag which he carries with him.
Name: Chan Wong

Age(13-20): 19

Personality: Cold, detached, very philosophical, strange. He is very quiet and protective of others. Most of the time people don't mess with him, and when they do, they get a beating for sure.


Reason for running away: Originally born in China and raised at the Shaolin Temple. He was a renowned student at the Temple but when he mastered so many styles, he left and move to America. Ha had no place to go, so Chan found the home for runaways and decided to go there.

Other: He has mastered Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Chin Ni, Bird Kung Fu, Sword Kung Fu, and Staff Kung Fu.
Name: Luke Binary

Age(13-20): 15

Personality: Angry, Quiet , Hard working, Not very cooperative, Dosen't think things through, sometimes violent, Occasionally a nice person, good sense of humor.

looks: Appearance

Reason for running away: Lived in the city a couple of miles away from town and was living with his older brother before he passed away and instead of going to a orphanage he sought out a refuge.

Name: Kristeena Ryles

Age(13-20): 15

Personality: She is outgoing, bubbly, friendly, protective, loves to laugh(even at herself xD ), and understanding


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/pic.jpg.20ef7871ed2e531ead835198a421ac85.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/pic.jpg.20ef7871ed2e531ead835198a421ac85.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reason for running away: She was raised by a father who was an alcoholic and addict. He was mean and hateful to her as well as abused her. She stayed quiet about it until one night when he began to beat her. When he began to get dizzy from being drunk, she used that chance to get away from him and ran away.

Other: She has acerophobia (fear of the dark)



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Octavius and Rachel accepted. You can start right away, and I'll add you to the roster.
Name: Ryu Shizuka




Personality:Friendly, caring, kind, quiet (won't talk unless spoken to), hardworking, protective of people he cares about and creative.

Reason for running away: Ryu's parents weren't getting a long for a while now and one day his father snapped after drinking too much. Ryu's father killed his mother and little sister. In complete fury, Ryu had picked up his wooden katana and beat the man to death.

Other: A rather skilled fighter. He doesn't trust easy and he never breaks his promises. He is practically always carrying his wooden sword because as a child he was taught that 'a warriors weapon is a warriors life.'
Name: Hero Linite

Age(13-20): 17

Personality: Stubborn, loving, impatient, Hot Tempered, intelligent


Reason for running away: Mom died, dad abuses her when he is drunk(That's all the time)

Other: Don't get her too angry, you don't want that to happen...

Name: Maxwell Alexanders

Age(13-20): 18

Personality::Max is really a sweet guy, but he has his moment just like us all. He can be a bit cocky, and his humor can be taken the wrong way, but As long as you're not overly sensitive you and him will be fine. He is a bit of a flirt, but he doesn't mean anything by it, it's all good fun when it comes to him..

looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_5rNZJ8bZj1252285579.jpg.e7fd2d73e0a03f594a6992d66d16e3e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="672" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_5rNZJ8bZj1252285579.jpg.e7fd2d73e0a03f594a6992d66d16e3e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_4bHmYnFE0m1023083249.jpg.0ee80f5fad62b2e3e7963571d2865aad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="673" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_4bHmYnFE0m1023083249.jpg.0ee80f5fad62b2e3e7963571d2865aad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_SrcjRAZ4jU1450137874.jpg.e5bf4bae29d9a835241434ff950702e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="674" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_SrcjRAZ4jU1450137874.jpg.e5bf4bae29d9a835241434ff950702e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reason for running away: Max's life was fine up until he turned 5, and his mother died. It was then that his father grew withdrawn and spent of his time working, leaving max with nannies, and the various women he slept with. Around the age 13 max usually spent his time, without adult supervision, and ended up getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. He started using drugs, at 13, some weed, and a little bit of coke, never really getting mixed up with the harder things, like meth till he turned 16, when he also started selling weed. He had to support his habit someway. At 17 his father finally snapped out of being a neglectful parent, and put him in rehab, getting off meth and coke were really hard for, him but he has happily been 1 year sober. Max still struggles with his addictions, and everyday not doing them is hard, but he tries his best. He still sale's, and smokes pot, but weed was never an addiction just a hobbie.

Other:pot seller,



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Name: Daemon Wade

Age(13-20): 16

Personality: mostly silent. will talk a little. Nice but can be a little rude on accident


Reason for running away: Daemon was abandoned by his mother at a doorstep when he was 11 months old. He grew up without a voice. He could speak but often chose not to. He began writing poetry and found where his voice could be heard. He soon found that his "foster mother" could not stand him. He was just a burden. He relieved that burden by running away. The police were never notified.

Other:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda451c95_images(15).jpg.ff71638a5a3211718e38e9af08447920.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="909" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda451c95_images(15).jpg.ff71638a5a3211718e38e9af08447920.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hello.. May I join? 
Name: Amber Anne

Age(13-20): 16

Personality: Kindhearted, shy, friendly.


Reason for running away: Her mother was always blaming her for stuff her older siblings did so she would get in trouble. Also, her father abused her when he was drunk, her friends were abusive to her as well.

Other: She always takes her stuffed bear with her since its her only friend. She loves to sing and play games with anybody that's kind to her.
Lily, Daemon, and Maxwell are all accepted c: Feel free to go ahead and post on the rp thread! The link can be found on the first post.
Name: Alannah Fief


Personality: Alannah looks tough on the outsdie with her leather and mostly a cigarette in her mouth. She doesnt care what people think about her but she loves getting attention from boys. She is a flirt and will break their hearts not caring about feelings. She just wants to have fun.


Reason for running away: Her family used to be a poster family. Her brother got amazing grades and her mother and father loved each other a lot. But when her brother went to college evrything changed. Her mother cheated on her father with his boss and they spilt up. Alannah thought she found the boy that actually made her care but he was playing with her. One night her and her friends were at a party in the woods and her boyfriend was telling her that he played her. Refusing to listen to it she bashed his head in with a rock and ran away.

Other: She is not very good with girls she gets along better with guys.
Name:Scottie J


Personality:Scottie loves to party and hang out.He is not the type that sits around not doing anything and is very impatient.Scottie does have a sense of humour But when it hurts someone he knows when to stop.He loves the sun and the rain but mostly rain.He is a flirty person.

looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbf314a1_tumblr_mktc5gAtlv1s9hq11o1_500(1).jpg.abc08d94c98aa9be59ea1c6d2487c08a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2010" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbf314a1_tumblr_mktc5gAtlv1s9hq11o1_500(1).jpg.abc08d94c98aa9be59ea1c6d2487c08a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reason for running away:Scottie would always be the one to get in trouble with his parents when he was little,causing all kinds of problems and damages to the family.He heard his parents one day saying how he was a mistake to begin with and that they were suppose to have a girl.This didn't phase Scottie at first but then he started hearing it every night.Finally he heard them say that they would kill him in his sleep with pills.That night Scottie gathered his things together as much as he could and climbed out of his window and ran away.

Other:Scottie has been accused of something he didn't do and went to jail.



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Name: Izabella (Likes to be called Izzy.)

Age: 16

Personality: Izzy is a sweet girl, who loves everyone. She talks to everyone, is never shy, and she loves a lot of things. She would only have a problem with bullies. Other than that shes always there for anyone.


Reason for running away: Izzy ran away because her family was horrible to her. It all started when she revealed to them that she was a lesbian. They bullied her constantly, putting posters on her door saying "No Gays Allowed" and other harsh topics. She was kicked out of five schools for her sexuality and the constant bullying by other students.

Other:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Izzy.jpg.9da440456ed0d21513a690664092888f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Izzy.jpg.9da440456ed0d21513a690664092888f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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