Home Behind & World Ahead

horbyn nodded, pulling the arrow from his boot and handing it back to Orydd "very well" he muttered, releasing his hand from his blade, after a few seconds he coughed and shuffled past Orydd, going into the room Teddy was burrying his head in his books, he knelt behind the young hobbit, his blade drawn and the tip touching the ground with his head bowed "I... wish to ask your forgiveness for my brutish behavior in your home, Master Ted, I will cover the cost of replacements and repair for all your worldly possessions that may be damaged or destroyed during this visit" he didn't raise his head, Thorbyn was prone to losing himself but when the queen of the land he protects demands he be quiet, he will follow her command without question.

He pulled a small bag from his belt, handing it up to Ted, inside were a series of solid gold coins, enough to replace everything in Ted's house three times over! at least, everything that can have a price put on it "If i may, sir, I request you join us once again in the main room, for i fear the knight of self-proclaimed "goodness" will begin battling with the rest of us if we continue to linger"
Teddy's small lips nearly curled into a baby pout, throwing his arms into a fold as he stormed out of the room. Why even bother? There was no sense in getting worked up over something that failed to change, especially the destruction of big folk such as them. Expelling an exaggerated breath, the hobbit shuffled over to his lovely chair and at once, sat his bottom down with a trump. "Why can't you all just leave me be.. the sun nearly rises and I haven't had any slumber." he groaned into his palms, almost sounding as if he were close to breaking down into frustrated tears. Boy, would he fear to see his Grandfather's face at the mess they made in his house - the poor old man would ring the younger Hobbit's neck if he did. Teddy lifted his head to rid the negative thoughts and snatched the same book about mushrooms, fingering through pages and pages of different kinds and even recipes for them to get his clouded mind occupied. "Ah, here we go," he happily chimed, ignoring the footsteps that drew close behind him. "Amanita phalloides, what an interesting species!"

Master Ted, that voice called him, causing the Hobbit to lower his book and nervously raise his intense eyes to the stranger that approached.
"Oh do not fret." he sighed out, gripping the front of the hardcover book and slamming it with ease, tossing it onto the circular table nearby for safe keeping. "You do not have to do that.." Teddy shook his head, ears wiggling while doing so. "Although, it is very much.. appreciated, I suppose."

Like a child on Christmas Day, Teddy's shrimp-ish eyes grew twice their normal size, nubby hands clutching the large (for him, at least) velvet bag containing solid gold coins with excitement.
"M-My goodness!" he exclaimed, literally shivering when opening it to peek at the lively treasures inside. Oh, how he loved treasures. "I give you many thanks! Many, many thanks!" Teddy shouted as he sprang up from his heels, launching himself at Horbyn for a tight, and friendly embrace, something that was very much familiar in the lands of a Hobbit. "Oh yes," he unwrapped his arms, ambling over to the fireplace and sliding the velvet bag into a chest that rest at the top. "I do think it is time to figure out why you are all here."


Soft, cream colored hands carefully took the arrows from her peers while the moment grew calm, promptly reaching behind to slide them back into her quiver. As she glanced around, the poor Elven woman readied herself for the copious amounts of talking ahead. "Thank you." she bowed her head as the last one came back into her possession, causing her to return her hands to her sides. "Yes, it is time to get on with it. Now," Orydd began, walking over to her pile of supplies to find the map she had obtained from her father, the King of Gamberyl, to show the destiny they would be heading to. "Some of you know, or may not know about the Fellowship of Gamberyl." she announced, sauntering to the table in the center of the room to spread the yellowed paper down. "But I, am one of the heads of such Fellowship and sent messages out to obtain members, to join me on this dangerous journey. I thank all of you once more, for showing."

"Across the Scither Valleys, forests owned by the very Elves themselves, rests the mountains of Erebor," She moved her finger across the inky drawings, raising her eyes. "In one of those mountains rests a dragon, that same dragon that ran Dain and his kin from their home. This is where we come into the portrait, if you know what I mean." Orydd stood straight, moving her hands to rest them gently at her curved hips. "We slay that dragon together, and return peace to the home that was taken from our fellow friend, Dain." She motioned towards him, suddenly lowering her voice as she continued on. "Although.. there's a catch. It may seem like a simple task, for some of us at least but.. The Stone.. i-it lies there." The Elven woman stammered rather bluntly, words burning on her tongue. Her scared eyes glanced around at the different faces for each reaction, making sure that one of them wasn't Teddy himself. The poor Hobbit couldn't know the real reason to this journey, for she knew it would change his stubborn mind immediately. Leaning forward, she rested her shaky hands on the edge of the table, desperately trying to get the message out. "We need it.. to hide it." she whispered. "The darkness will awake and suffocate the lands and people of Algorn once again.. We c-can't allow that to happen!"


Orydd jolted upwards when noticing Teddy enter the room, clearing her throat dramatically as she bowed to rid the obvious awkwardness.
"I bet you are wondering why we gather here, Sir Mumford." She said, changing the subject and waving him over to take a gander at the old, wrinkled map. "Hobbits aren't meant for adventures.. we all are aware of that. But, we desperately need you, more thank you think." she bent down a little to at least match his height slightly. "We need a burglar. You are small, and very quick on your feet, Sir Mumford."

((Sorry for not posting for so long, I didn't have time for it the past few days.))

Alagos was out cold after he got carried over to a chair. He had been exhaustedly sleeping there for who knows how long, occasionally murmuring strange things probably not heard by anyone. He jerked up from his sleep, promptly falling off face first onto the floor right when the word "adventures" left an elven woman's lips. "NO! DON'T DO THAT TO THE KITTY!" he loudly exclaimed with slurred words, still not completely awake, then shook his head, trying to get up from the floor. The pain from the fall suddenly hit him, and he clutched his lightly bleeding nose while looking around, sitting on the floor. "...Where am I? Who are you people? Why are there so many of us? What adventure? I like adventures. They're good. Better than taverns. Yessss..." he shot off a rapid series of questions while standing up on his still wobbly legs. He instinctively looked for a safe corner to retreat to from these dangerous-looking men and women. After dusting off himself and casting a very quick, almost imperceptible spell to stop his nosebleed, he put up a wide smile and started to back off to a corner of the dining room left from the meanwhile broken-down door. The blood on his face remained, though. "Uh, hello everyone. I am Alagos, niiiiice to meet you. Don'thurtmeplease." he slowly intoned, obviously very afraid of what might happen next.
byn re-enetered the room, glancing sideways at Ory awkwardly, he leant in and whispered "My lady, there is a legion of fine troops, mages, rangers and thieves at your disposal, are you absolutely sure that we need this.... dare i say, random rabble?" after her response he let out a deep sigh, bowing and backing away "as you wish milady" he went to stand by the fireplace, standing next to Ted, he knew from the previous reaction to a simple purse of coins that this HObbit was indeed keen on treasure, he leaned down, putting a hand on Teddy's shoulder "And what this dragon lies on, is treasure, mountains of gold, that purse i handed you was but a dozen coins, imagine thousands of coins, diamond edged swords, entire chests full of riches... and that is just your share, won't even have to bicker and fight over it..." he stood back up, winking at the young hobbit before turning his attention back to the main room

"Wait, Milady, I am well experienced in all manner of beasts, but an adult dragon with an established nest is not some giant spider's cave, or an orc encampment or some overgrown wolf, a dragon's hide is so thick that even if you were to bury your blade in it, it would barely have any effect, and they set up their lairs to be deathtraps for any intruders, from a lone sneaky thief to an army of 10,000 and anything in between, unless you plan on collapsing the cieling, how do you plan we deal with this dragon?"

The knight's breathing stopped for a beat when the lady Orydd first mentioned this most accursed of items, which had Navi, who was once again perched upon his shoulder, cast a worried gaze at the side of his helmet, before she lightly tapped her little hand against the steel covering his head.

Tyrann understood the lady's hidden meaning of the term all too well. Leading his right up to his little fairy-friend, he lightly patted her shoulder to calm her, though their bond denied him the ability of concealing his emotions from her.

After a moment of silence following the lady's words, the knight replied "A... worthy quest indeed, milady, defeating a dragon and returning to the victims their belongings, that time may heal the remaining wounds struck. But..." he wavered for a moment, uncertain whether to finish his sentence, but then decided not to. It was obvious that lady Orydd would not have given the information about the location of the Stone if she was not absolutely certain...

The knight had to admit. He was afraid. Not before the dragon, oh no, while that foe was certainly powerful, it could still be fought and, with the right tools, friends and faith in goodness, defeated. What was truly frightening was the Stone, for it could be an obstacle so much more insidious and terrifying...

"... no matter." he interrupted his broken sentence, before he bowed once anew before the elven lady "For a quest for goodness, you have the services of a knight who dreams the impossible dream, milady." he simply said, nothing more was needed.

With the path having been cleared now, it was time to turn to another matter.

"Sir gnome... I mean, sir Albigarium." he approached the aforementioned tinker, carefully, for he knew his faceless stature would have to appear intimidating especially to the smaller folk, not to mention what the knight had been taught of the history of the gnomes, the results of which the tinker had already expressed in distaste for him "While I was somewhat... addled, before, I would like to express my thanks that you managed to dissolve situation with the demon-blooded intruder peacefully, even if maybe not to my liking, the way without violence is always the best."

Giving a court nod, straightening his posure, he finished "It may not mean much to you, but it is what I wished to say."
After taking control of his own fraying emotions Gliba put his large backpack on the ground

and took to tinkering with one of his prior inventions, it was small and compact but held

many smaller tools within it, each of it's components were were held firmly to the metal

base but once he pushed one of the six buttons on the device the corresponding tool would

flip out from the side. Gliba called his invention 'The Pocket Tool-Belt', it was a rather unwieldly

name but that was it until he figured out something more apropos for it. After things had

calmed down for a bit, the gnome noticed that teddy had reentered the room and that a

young elf woman had taken command of the room.

"Dragons? Dragon-Lair? Hide that is impossibly thick and durable?" He noted as the the elven lady

told them the purpose of their summons and the goal of their quest should they choose to join.

Glibadon the gnome tinkerer was not the bravest of souls when it came to battle and quest but

his insatiable curiosity always got the better of him when it came to seeing and learning of new things

Gliba had only ever read about one of the world's most deadliest creatures and had theories

he wanted to test for himself.

Gliba stopped his tinkering when he noticed a shadow loom over him blocking the light and looked

up to ascertain what was impeding his work. There stood the towering night, his face covered by

his helm.
"While I was somewhat... addled, before, I would like to express my thanks that you

managed to dissolve situation with the demon-blooded intruder peacefully, even if maybe not

to my liking, the way without violence is always the best.
" Gliba quirked an eyebrow at the knight

"It may not mean much to you, but it is what I wished to say." The gnome smiled slightly "Fret not

Ser Knight, that moment is held securely by the past and so to is the history between our peoples.

I myself must also apologise to you for my unmannerly outburst of anger."
Gliba replied "An it please

thee Ser, thou mayest
refer to me by my monicker of Gliba." The gnome answered in Old Common and

returned a courtly nod of his own to the knight

"We will be companions on this quest and I have hired your erstwhile foe, while I do not expect

you to 'like' him, I must ask you to remain civil at the very leas tand I shall ask of him the same."

Gliba finished a very serious look upon his face. The gnome returned his attention to the Elven Lady

who had not shot at him (though her purpose was abundantly clear) with an arrow.

"I will join your party milady Elf
." He affirmed his future participation in the quest before

returning to his tinkering once more
Lothiriel cringed at the mention of the dragon, recoiling back. "Wretched beasts..." she muttered darkly, a shadow flickering through her intense eyes from behind the hooded cloak. As a matter of fact, she loathed the very word 'dragon'. She remembered the common folk whispering about elven being driven from their homes due to a large beast as they hustled and bustled through the market place, chattering quickly under their breathe. Her keen ears tend to pick up even the most quiescent chittering of beings. Tilting her head at Orydd, she casted her voice in the general direction of the female with scarred eyes, "Are you sure this is an... intelligible mission to... embark on, sweetling?" She tinkered with the silver band of enticing engravements on her arm in a rather edgy manner. The thought of taking on a dragon was a rather unnerving idea to the elf, due to her kind already been driven out of their homes. Would she be able to stand up against the rancid monster? She looked down, frowning.
"Bah," Baznif's dismissive voice broke the silence. "Dragons, drakes, wyverns and wyrms. All of them over sized lizards! Give em one good thump on the snout," He illustrated the gesture with his staff, "Show em who's boss, and they fall right in line." His tone carried with it the conviction of one who is absolutely confident in his words. Baznif idly stroked his beard. "However, dragons do make potent magical components..." Often a time Baznif, exasperated by the shiftlessness of his own dragon has used that threat as a motivator. "I accept this quest, you younguns aren't likely to do anything right on your own anyhow!" Baznif grumped to no one in particular. "Back in my day we didn't need half as many people to go deal with some oversized bag of scales..." He resumed his seat, still grumbling as he did so, adjusting his hat on his head.
Catherine listened to the explanation, their mission seemed to have quite vague goals. If it were up to her she'd have just left the dragon in the mountain, as she believed a hoarding creature such as it would no doubt guard the item better than an army could, but she wasn't one to question the motivation behind her orders.

"Fine, but how exactly do you plan on besting it?" Catherine asked, genuinely interested, she'd heard of Dragon Hunts, stories from far away places that said scores of warriors would march out and only a handful would return rich and victorious.

How were they to do it with such a small group?

The wizard started talking again, something ridiculous it seemed, that dragons would respond like dogs.

She decided it was best not to bring more attention to the comment than it had already been given, as who knew how far the Wizard was prepared to take his conviction.

"When do we leave?" she asked the Elf-Lady who seemed to be in charge.
"I've got an idea how to beat it" Auriel walked up to Catherine, putting an arm around her shoulder. "But, we'll need some special gear. And more men. Horses. And a fireproof material, for obvious reasons."
"I have a friend who owns a few destriers. I have the gold to pay for good armour as well as weapons," she quietly offered, idly fingering at a loose string on the hood of her cloak. Lothiriel looked from one person to the next, taking in their appearances and remembering every little detailed of her accomplices features for the first time since she entered Teddy's home.
Since no one seemed to notice him, Alagos calmed down, forcibly relaxing his tensed-up body. He opted to hearing out the conversation between all these adventurer-like people. "Well, if you need a mage, don't look further! Alagos Rochben, travelling MASTER of the arcane here!" he exclaimed, trying to get closer to the group, choosing the proximity of the armored knight who as he recalled carried him to the chair he previously fell off. He looked like the do-gooder of the assembly, so Alagos thought he might be the safest to be around. "So, where are we going? When do we set off to the journey? What do I get if I kill that dragon? Wait... why do we even want to kill that dragon? What the hell. Are you people insane? Uh, probably not. Anyway, that's simultaneously the best and worst idea I've ever heard. Except for my idea of putting that rabid, smelly raccoon there back then. Maybe." he conversed with himself, gesticulating widely and expressively, almost like an overblown, hyperactive actor. Well... not just almost. "Do I need some kind of qualifications to travel with this illustrious troupe?" he asked, turning to the elven woman who another elf called "sweetling" just a moment ago, obviously thinking they accepted him into the dragon-slaying party even though nobody even had time to react to his rapid-fire speech.
Catherine shrugged off the Mans arm and moved forwards, away from him.

"Why can't we block off the entrance to it's lair and redirect a stream in there or something like that?" she asked aloud, and to no-one in particular.

"I mean, isn't fighting it basically suicide?"

She sighed and leaned against a nearby wall.

"I mean, I'm only really repeating what I've heard here and from old stories, but those things are supposed to be tougher than boiled boot heels."
"I can only ask that you keep the demon from committing acts of villainy, such as anything that would harm the group or an innocent. If such takes place, I can not idly stand by. Sir Albigarium... I mean, sir Gliba." the knight answered the gnome's offer, before excusing himself as the apparent sir Rochben approached, who greeted them all with a burst of sentences and questions.

"Sir Rochben... master of the Arcane." the knight greeted, though neglected a bow in favor of repeating a specific set of words as spoken by the apparent elf, shrinking back mentally, having learned long ago that mages were sources of the worst pain, before noting his own lack of manners, finally bowing after a moment of silence, his fairy meanwhile flying just a bit above the helmet of the knight "The dragon we seek to battle has violently conquered the home of the dwarves, as perpetrators of goodness it is our duty to help those in need, the dwarves are certainly not exempt from that. As for qualifications, you already named yours, the only other thing needed is the wish to serve the weak and the helpless with compassion and protection. I am certain you can do such."

It was only now that the knight realized he had once again neglected his taught manners, as he once again bowed, though not as deep as before, and introduced himself "I am Tyrann, a questing knight serving the cause of goodness, this-" he opened his palm before his breastplate, which the fairy used to land upon, smiling at the elf at eye-level "-is my companion, the fairy Navi."
Harumph! To Baznif it seemed as if every young fool with a wand and a handful of spells tacked on some grand title or put on airs of mastery. Back in his day they called you 'boy' until you were thirty, and you didn't call yourself a master till you had a proper beard. Baznif's eyes narrowed. He would keep his eyes on this young whippersnapper. A beard signified experience and reliability. You couldn't very well go around with a full beard if you burned it off every time you cast a spell now could you? Damn straight you couldn't. Baznif musingly stroked his own full, fine beard as the woman, yes, he would have to admit now it was a woman, and the garrulous tinpot both said their piece. His attention was caught by the fairy that clambered around tinpot. While not rare, it was rather uncommon to see a fairy attached to a human in such a way. Were he possessed of his library, Baznif would no doubt indulge himself in further research, but for now he would be forced to make do with simple observation. He idly ran his fingers along the cool, rune engraved wood of his mighty staff. Baznif the Beguiling began to think.
Lothiriel pulled out a small, intricately designed dagger with a hilt crusted in beautiful gems. She placed the sharp tip on the surface of the table and then begun to absently spin the hilt, being careful not to allow the weapon to mark up Teddy's table. Huffing softly, she quietly lifted the dagger up and begun to spin the point on the tip of her index finger, watching as it spun quickly. She had quite the bit of skill to be able to spin it for such a long time without manually helping by touching the hilt.
While the knight was still fulfilling the introductions, Navi already lost interest in the apparent 'Master of the Arcane' and instead, after having once again perched herself upon her knight's shoulder, let her gaze wander through the room anew. Her eyes were soon caught by the lady Lothiriel, curious eyes staring at the elf's intricate movements as she, apparently, practiced her dagger-play. Tapping her little hand against the side of his helmeted head, the fairy guided the knight's own view upon the spectacle.

Looking on for a moment, Navi's expression showing quite some amazement over the elf's dexterous fingers, the knight decided that perhaps now was the time to ask the lady the question that arose from her earlier predicament. Purpose thus set, he, as his life had taught him, supressed the instinctive fear welling up within him as he approached her at the table.

"Milady Lothiriel." He greeted, remaining standing without taking a seat, his tone held low and as quiet as he could as not to garner too much attention from the other occupants of the stead, while his voice showed careful consideration as well as some nervosity "My... apologies, but earlier I, or rather, Navi,... " he gestured up to the fairy sitting on his shoulder "-beheld how you appeared to have some sort of... seizure. If the matter is not one too greatly invading your privacy, may I perhaps ask for further elaboration? If you deem the question too prying, then please allow me to ask how to help you if such happens in the thick of battle."
Teddy glanced around at the sudden commotion, talking about a quest of some sort. So this is why they came to gather here.. The small man could only sigh and place a hand to his mouth, not knowing what to say. Dragons? They were off to slay a dragon? For what? A massive beast like that would eat him as if he were a potato crisp. Oh joy. "I uh.. take that as a compliment, ma'am." He looked up Orydd, who begged to have him join them because of his quick speed and small stature. Which was true.. he was a Hobbit after all. He was born small and he would stay small for the rest of his long, boring life - that's how it worked around here. "I'm not one for adventures, sorry." Teddy quickly replied, turning his back to her and everyone else, fearing the reaction that followed. "There is no adventuring here, nor will there ever be."

The small Hobbit wavered his answer for a few moments, allowing it to settle on his tongue. Would there be treasure involved? Of course, it was a dragon they were discussing about after all. Oh lovely treasure.. he could rush in there with them, grab a handful of gold and scurry out before that hot-headed beast got the sight of him. He'd be rich, brilliant! Although.. the journey there. That would be the most dangerous. Orcs and goblins that feasted on the flesh of men and used their bones for tools. Teddy could only shiver when thinking about such things.. such things that were only heard of in the books lining his walls.
"Well.." He rubbed his chin, pondering over this very hard. "How complicated would this quest be?"


Orydd stood back up when everyone gave their opinions, some even shivering in their own boots at the word of
"dragon." Yes, she did admit, she was afraid herself - but it needed to be done. It was their job for Algorn, and it was her duty to revenge her father and prevent the evil from re-awakening. The sight of her once-husband.. couldn't be seen again. She brought her hand up and rubbed the back of her neck, sighing into the fur covering her face slightly."Yes I know this quest will be a handful.. but with this amount of people, some that may even join us along the way, and the equipment we will receive from my kin, the elves, it'll ease the difficulty." She glanced around at the different faces,"If you are not willing to be a part of this quest, you have the greatest opportunity to leave this home right now. But, the sake of Algorn itself is in danger." The elven woman circled around, fetching some contracts from her bag and laying them on the table next to the map, as well as a few inkwells and feathers. "We will figure out the method to slaying this dragon on the way, with the help of the elves too, but if we stick each of our minds together we shall be successful."

Orydd looked at Teddy and his reaction to all this. Typical for a Hobbit, she supposed.
"It'll be a very difficult mission, Sir Mumford.. this is a dragon we are discussing.. but we will protect you. The reward is stated in the contract as well as.." She let out a quick sigh before saying this. "Funeral arrangements and the cost. I'm not stating that you will.. die, but it is a possibility. We need to make sure that I, or any of us won't be responsible for your death." She picked up one of the feathers and held out to the Hobbit, raising her eyebrows "We depart as soon as the sun rises, which will be soon. We must finish the paperwork and be on our way."
Catherine yawned, it was true, dawn was fast approaching them. Even a soldier needed sleep, and after the long journey and with so much ahead she felt that even a few hours would be sorely appreciated later.

"Master Hobbit" she began, "Is there anywhere I can sleep?" she paused for a moment.

"Even the floor would do, I just feel that with such a unpredictable journey ahead of us it might be best to get some rest before we depart."

She had already started to feel a little sluggish from the long ride here, it'd do no good to find herself wounded because she was exhausted if she could avoid it.
Gliba listened astutely to all those who spoke, most of them repeating what the last said. The mission was to kill a dragon, a hard feat to be sure but not impossible. It would be foolish to simply walk into thee creature's lair without a plan but it sounded as though their elven leader had planned a few stops before reaching their goal. Since his entry into the surface world Gliba had traveled much, his sled pulled by Rhosgobel Rabbits that were faster than most horses.

Gliba had seen human cities, dwarven fortresses and many other places besides but he had not yet had the pleasure of visiting elven lands. The gnomes have a healthy suspicion of most of the taller races but they have a soft spot for elves, dwarves and halflings for those people shared an aspect of life similar to gnomes.

The dwarves who spent most of their lives underground shared a love of stone, metal and minerals, the halflings shared a love of merriment and they had a natural kindness to them, in fact their was a Gnome village not three hills over while the elves had a love of nature and often live in very close proximity to forest gnomes.

Tired and weary Gliba smiled momentarily at his potential comrades and moved to the door,
"It is time some of us rested, the journey has been long, we are no closer now to our goal than we were before. Ser Mumford, my people have a great respect for your own it would be wise for you to come." Another smile and he left the house to find his rabbit pulled sled and ready himself for the long trek ahead but not before a nice little nap.
Lothiriel threw the knife up into the air before swiftly catching it between her slender fingers with persuasion, despite being non-hesitant. Her shadowed eyes flickered up to meet the knight as he approached her. She stood up straighter, slipping the throwing knife back into her dark cloack that seemed to sparkle like twilight beneath the small light of the room. "Do not apologize, sir, nor fret. I am fine now. But yes; I suffer a sickness. Do not fear, it randomly comes within years, not days or weeks. I will be fine in battle. I thank you for your concern. It is too kind of you," she mused in a comical lull before glancing at Navi. She grew enthralled by the tiny creature; she had only seen one once in her life.

"Your companion is absolutely beautiful..." she breathed out in awe, head tilting to admire Navi from a new angle. She was still as stunning. Lothiriel's indifferent manners seemed to sink away into the abyss of nothingness as she watched the small creature, utterly amused.
Following lady Lothiriel's gaze towards his small companion, who, perched on her favorite seat, that being the knight's shoulder, was returning the gaze with curiosity written across her face, the knight gave a court nod in agreement "That she is indeed..." before his voice trailed off in reminiscence, before he set his view upon the elven lady once again "Never hesitate to ask if there is any help I can provide, milady, remember that this is a questing group, we must help one another if it is to be successful."

Hearing this, the small fairy tapped against the knight's helmet, bringing her head closer to his headgear's steel-side as her lips silently moved, at least to one with human hearing, speaking to her partner. Contemplating for a moment of silence, the knight resumed the conversation "But your illness should not sour the mood for the gracious meeting. Milady, if you wish, I could tell you the story of how Navi and I met, though it is neither long nor truly complicated, perhaps it might interest you."
Sorry for not posting in a while! I got grounded. :/ @Unwavering Knight





That's okay, I had to take a forced break from this site because of school, testing and working. I'll post soon!
The female gazed at the knight before offering a genuine smile. "Thank you, sir knight. And I would love to hear of your adventures and how you and this lovely lady..." she gently trailed a finger through the fairy's hair before pulling back, "came to be. I'm most enthralled. You have every ounce of my attention. Go on, now. Tell me what you have experienced. I love a good story..."

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