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Realistic or Modern ➳ holy lands | character sheets


-daughter of bast


March 18th


bpd || histrionic personality disorder ||

abilities: (only applies to the demideities)


150 lbs

cora-lee currently has her head shaved. her hair is naturally black but she enjoys wearing wigs, usually black or pastel pink ones.


cora-lee’s closet is composed of cargo pants, large cropped jumpers, combat boots and tennis shoes. her favorite colors in regards to clothing are brown, olive green, black and orange. she rarely wears prints except for camo and she doesn’t consider a look complete without some sort of jewelry

favorite color:
metallic gold

cats, hot weather, salty foods, sleeping, jewelry

snakes, children, classical music, cold weather

quick on her feet, hand-eye coordination, planning carefully through situations

being punctual, holding her tongue, weak upper body strength, freezing up in tense moments

one sentence description:
cora-lee isn’t a bad person and would never go out of her way to hurt someone yet she considers being a good person too much effort.

cat napping, sewing clothes

mbti type:

moral alignment:
true neutral

positive traits:
honest, humorously sarcastic, overall resourceful, extroverted, sly

negative traits:
indifferent to everything, selfish, has issues forming close relationships, overly dependent on the few friends she does have

theme song:
life is amazing, it is how it should be


do you want them to be sent on the quest?

do they believe the gods are dead?
cora-lee paints herself to be a cynic but deep inside, she doesn’t believe that

do they think the earth is doomed?
yes, she thinks that all the fighting is because people simply don’t want to accept it

what are their feelings about the hunters?
a problem and an irritating one at that. she has no sympathy for hunters

biography: (please include at least 3 paragraphs as this will be used as my writing sample from you! include as much detail as you feel is necessary, thank you!)

-i’m a real bitch, i can’t fake shit !-

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░ P R I A M ░
❝my little child, please come home
◇ Feed the waters in her body, but the water's never going out
◇ Hurricane tears and miling windy breaths
◇ Slim arms make for the unlikeliest of warm hugs
◇ She'll sing lullabies if you so wish it's a dark world out there, little one
◇ Haik, Philippine god of safe voyage
◇ Say you're just speckled stars and she'll give you a sky to find a home within before falling herself
◇ The daughter that never deserved Tumblr RPs
↯ roxas ↯
-son of zeus, greek.
-i'm tired i'm not filling this out. he's got those leader vibes and he's a decent person ig. idk. i'm tired.
-fc: carty caruso
░ E D M U N D ░
❝we desensitise by h y s t e r i a
◇ I swear there will be more hunters from me
◇ Eddie just...is not one of them.
◇ Lyssa, greek goddess of mad rage or frenzy
◇ Very outside of himself as far as interactions go
◇ You can't see the sharp jawline there but I wouldn't mind if it cut m--y letters open, gosh.
◇ He's always so tense or on edge like he's waiting for a hit, it mildly upsets me.

name: Caine E. Grimshaw

son of Hades, Lord of the Underworld

age: 24

october 29th


conditions: Just an enlarged ego

abilities: being the child of a Lord in his pantheon, Caine had many gifts at his disposal. However, after he and a few friends of another adventure were poisoned by the Hunters, he was incapacitated in his divine nature. The only power he still clings to is his unique power to form contracts and deals that are binding in any and all realities. He can form even the smallest oath and whatever term, conditions, and outcomes that are seeked out will be met--even if it bends reality to do so.

height: 5"11

weight: 163 lbs.

hair: dark brown, shoulder length until he gets his trademark cut

eyes: Pale Ice Grey

style: mainly suits and dress-like attire, save for the occasional sneakers or boots to run during a quest... Although lately he's been really slobish due to his... Impotence.

favorite color: Purple
likes: (3+)
dislikes: (3+)
skills: (3+)
weaknesses: (3+)
one sentence description:
mbti type:
moral alignment:
positive traits: (3+)
negative traits: (3+)
theme song: *

do you want them to be sent on the quest?
No. Bloody fuck, no.
do they believe the gods are dead?
Well, if they were hit with anything like what I was hit with...
do they think the earth is doomed?
We're always saving the world now, aren't we?
what are their feelings about the hunters?
The cheeky bastards are actually quite fun to murder.


Caine was claimed by his father at the exact moment of his birth. His mother died from bearing such power into the world, but Hades made sure she was immediately spirited away to the center isles of Elysium. This son was not a product of distraction, but a fufillment of prophecy. Caine was taken into the Daybreak Institute, the Holy Land equivalent of Cambridge.

There it was that Caine learned he was a lot more powerful than other children. His father would visit him regularly, favoring him over even his Godly children. The boy was gifted at magic, black and white, but his baliwick was something more sinister: Gambling. Why, he even won a power from his father, though the logistics on that bet are changed every time the story is told.

Five years ago to the day, Caine made the biggest mistake he could ever make. He opened his heart up to make friends. He almost fell for a young man who wanted nothing more than to further his own hero-career through him. It wouldn't have been so bad if most of his friends didn't die not even a few weeks ago when their group decided they had enough of the threats and destruction. Ander. Donovan. Ruben.
Gemni was still MIA and his dear sister...Acacia...was broken. He was too, the sleek yet shifty man transformed into the least his character has ever been. However, hope hasn't been extinguished from his eyes. He wants to make everything right again and Zeus be damned, he will.
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as i land like a flower in the meadow
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