Hollingwood Academy For Gifted Teens

@Vampirelovee Ok, cool. I'll see what happens so. And Lucas or Sia weren't in the dining hall, just in a random hallway within the school as far as I'm aware but I'll change my post so that she doesn't drink at all, anyway.
I do again apologize to everyone if I am confusing their posts. I thought Sia was in the Dining Hall because Ilius made his post seem like he was when he addressed you. I just want this roleplay t be the best it can be.
I guess it was all my fault then. Oh well. Just proves why I can't skip coffee in the mornings.
Can I just say, I am in love with Claude and Sebastian? The two of them crack me up. Claude especially xD You really bring them to life, @Velcian. Awesome job!
Thank you, again. And, I agree, they are pretty awesome. And, we are all British, so that fits in with my characters as well.
Thank you. Actually, I'm very much like Olivia, and the way you characterize her is very spot on. In fact, I'm currently looking out my window to make sure no one is observing me and taking notes. What did you say you looked like again? Haha :P But, really, cheers on your writing ability, it's superb.
Sorry for the delay, folks. I went to see Panic! at the Disco yesterday and didn't get a chance to get online. Writing up a response now :)
Hey, are everyone here doing exams? Been a long time since anyone wrote anything...

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Darn. I've been having exams all week. I'll try to post soon. I think only Velcian is waiting for a response, though.
I think it might be the admin's turn? Or is it our vampire lord's turn?

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