Holiday rps..Anyone?


Hello RpN, it's that time of year again! :D Everyone is talking about Christmas and whatnot, so I figured, "Why not try and start a Christmas rp?" xD

Anyways, my basic question is this.. Who would be interested in a Christmas rp?
*blinks a couple times before shrugging* Sure, why not? I've got nothing better to do.
actually we could do a group. It won't be that hard, if we can organize it right. We would need a mother, a father, a brother, sister and we can improvise for anyone that wants to join in.
I'm good in groups or 1x1, I don't mind either way, as long as I can be a non-motherly female.
I'd prefer a group RP. 1x1 is fine too I suppose. If we're doing group though we could have characters that aren't part of the main family too?
Here's the thing, every single time I try doing a group rp, it ends up just being a 1x1 or everyone becomes inactive, which is why I wanna keep it to 1x1 rps. 
I mean, I can try making this a group rp but only if everyone would be commited to it, I'm having alot of rps die lately and it's heartbreaking. xc
well what Catlover said is true about groups. We need a strong Player base so that way we know that people will join in. I check daily, I have an idea but it only works with a big group.
I check everything daily too. I also try hard to make sure RPs I'm in don't die >-< but its your decision as to what kind of RP you want not mine.
well I didn't start this thread, its what Catlover wants. I was thinking about starting one because I have an idea I would like to see.
I guess I can give it a try, considering I just posted a new rp in the new rp system. xD But what would be the basic plotline for it?
well maybe, it could be an older family, like the sons and daughters of a couple could have starting families, like 2-3 year olds. So that way they have some money, and its not like all the people are young. I usually play upper teens and twenties. But that is just me. Maybe It could be like the father is so sick that it will be his last holiday season.
The character I am thinking about is a 23 year old for this. It could be the oldest or the youngest, but something.

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