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Fandom Hogwarts


Junior Member
Post Harry, 19 years later





Blood status (Pureblood, Half-blood, Muggle born):


Appearance (no anime, picture/gif or description):






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Name: Kameron Lavender Thomas

Age: 17

Year: 7

House: Ravenclaw

Blood status (Pureblood, Half-blood, Muggle born): Half blood

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance (no anime, picture/gif or description):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-3_16-28-56.png.291ecd7893a8aa8492231906ee174c23.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-3_16-28-56.png.291ecd7893a8aa8492231906ee174c23.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kameron is creative and loves music, she likes sport (especially Quidditch) despite being really lazy most of the time. She is very strong minded and, like her parents, is a member of the Order- should any dark wizard (or witch) rise again.

She has a very active imagination, so she finds studying difficult, meaning she procrastinates hard.


Pet: An owl named Merlin



- Sleeping in

- Quidditch

- Potions class

- Music


- Football

- Lots of loud noises, especially when she's studying

- Mess

Other: Chaser for Ravenclaw



  • upload_2015-11-3_16-28-56.png
    702.5 KB · Views: 53
Name: Nathaniel Oliver Beaumont

Age: 15

Year: 5

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Half-Blood

Sexuality: Bisexual


Personality: Nathaniel is very paranoid and is more of a loner, seeing as all he really cares about are his studies and writing stories. He dreams to become a famous writer, and would do anything to get to that dream. He knows how to handle tough situations, and though there has been less muggle-born discrimination amongst the students, there are still barely any other people who aren't pureblood in slytherin, so he despises those who think of him weird for not being a pureblood and being in slytherin. He is also very anxious and has anxiety attacks frequently.


History: Nathaniel's mother's side were all pureblood Slytherins, however his fathers side were all muggles. His mother was an Auror for the ministry, and his father was a journalist in Paris. His mother, when he was seven, disappeared while looking into a few suspicious looking reports, and nobody knows if she was alive or dead. His father, over the years, went insane without her being with him, and killed himself when Nat was 12. Since then, Nat had been living with his mother's sister, his uncle, and three pureblood cousins, all of which are in Slytherin or Ravenclaw.

Pet: An owl named Aire



  • Writing stories
  • Taking walks around the castle
  • Nighttime
  • Rain
  • Messing around with potions and spells
  • Winter


  • Summer
  • Bugs
  • Drama
  • Sweets
  • Parties
  • Things that stress him out

Other: Was the beater for the Slytherin team during his 2nd and 3rd years at Hogwarts
Name: Aaron Thomas Griffin

Age: 14

Year: 4

House: Hufflepuff

Blood status: Muggle Born

Sexuality: Homosexual



Personality: Aaron is the quiet kid in any group. He's made a lot friends but stays mostly in the back. He also has a lot of fears he is slowly getting over. Despite all of that, he will step up if the situation arises. Aaron enjoys Quidditch and enjoys times where it is quiet.


Pet: Does not own a pet.

Likes: -Quidditch

-Wizards Chess





Dislikes: -Bullies




Other: Chaser For Hufflepuff
Name: Margret Wood



House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Pureblood

Sexuality: Straight



Personality: Most people are intimidated by Margret Wood. She is strong, independent, and incredibly demanding. Usually, her classmates hate working with her in a group, since she usually assumes her place as leader and will work their butts off until the project is done. She is honest almost to a fault and is the most horrible liar anyone has ever seen. Though most assume she is a stiff, she actually doesn't care much for boundaries or rules at the school. She spends most of her time finding her own adventures and sneaking out.


History: She was born into a family of quidditch players, her dad being the all famous Oliver Wood (or maybe not that famous actually). Being the middle child of three children, she never really understood the importance of quidditch. Her father always put his daughters in mini leagues till they were old enough to go to Hogwarts and play for their school. Margret always prefered to stay inside and hated how much quidditch was drilled into her head. Growing up, she was picked on by other children for reading too much and for being much too clumsy to perform well in any sort of game that required any type of dexterity and coordination.

Pet: A ferret that goes by the name of Newt, after her favorite author







-any type of mythical beast







Other: She usually can be found exploring the hallways on her free time



Sylvia Lea Everwinter







Blood status:





(Picture is above)

Sylvia stands at a height of about 5'4'' with a weight of about 115. She has dark red hair, which is in fact her natural hair color, that falls to her waist line and is often held up in a pony tail or some sort of hair style. Appearing much older than what she actually is, many people mistake her for being an adult, her wise personality adding to this as well. She doesn't smile quite often, but when she does, it is a lovely small and beautiful smile. Light freckles line her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose. The girl has beautiful, yet slightly dull, blue-grey eyes. She often wears sweatshirts and long sleeve shirts unless otherwise in her robes for school.


Sylvia has a rather serious and stern aura about her, causing many people to avoid her because she appears very nerdy and a "goody two shoes." Sylvia can be quite the opposite. She is very bubbly and loving, all it takes is for one to warm up to the young girl. She is rather adventurous and quite the prankster and is often told she hangs out with the wrong crowd. This being said, Sylvia is actually very, very intelligent and often gets good marks on tests and actually takes notes and pays attention during class. During her free time, if she isn't out adventuring or getting into trouble, she is reading, studying or doing her homework.


Sylvia could be said to have a bit of a strange past, not terrible per say but not the best either. Sylvia was raised by her aunt and uncle, one of which being a muggle and the other a witch. Her uncle, being the muggle, was very stingy about Sylvia's love for magic, and especially Quidditch and whenever he could, he would keep her from doing the things she loved most. Her aunt was quite the opposite. Her aunt would be constantly scolding her uncle for being mean to Sylvia, and she would constantly praise Sylvia for her magical abilities and quick learning ways. The year before Sylvia was to be sent to Hogwarts, Sylvia's uncle was murdered by another Muggle. This caused her aunt and Sylvia to flee to Sylvia's other aunt, her father's sister. Sylvia was slightly blamed for the death of her uncle because she was present when he was killed. Sadly, she could do nothing as she watched her uncle be slashed to pieces. Her aunts came to resent Sylvia secretly and would often talk about her when they thought she wasn't in a listening range. This caused Sylvia to become depressed, but when her aunts found out about said depression, they no longer resented her as much and attempted to treat her well while still paying more attention to Sylvia's cousins. Sylvia was often pushed away and bullied by her cousins, leaving her to play by herself and have no friends. Sylvia continued to try and impress her aunts, even going to the lengths to trying to fly on her broomstick but failing miserably and breaking her right wrist. When she was first sent off to Hogwarts, her cousins resented her for being able to go before them and whenever she returned, they made her life hell.


A Female Snowy Owl named Alaina







-The Snow


-Hot Days

-Being Alone

-Being Talked Bad About



Seeker for Ravenclaw.
Name:Josh Farland


Year: Sixth

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Pureblood


Appearance (no anime, picture/gif or description):


Personality: On the more softer side of the Slytherin house, he is a mostly joking guy, sometimes he can be sherd but only if you never get to actually know him personally.






-History of Magic





-Short books

-People who say they see the future
Name: Lorelei Rose Vincent


Year: 6th

House: Slytherin

Blood status (Pureblood, Half-blood, Muggle born): Muggle born

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance (no anime, picture/gif or description):


Personality: Independent, intelligent, calm and cunning. Lorelei may strike some as the shy and quiet type at first, but if you've known her for a little longer, you would know she isn't afraid to express her opinions and stand up for what she thinks is right. She is a perfectionist that strives to be the best a everything, which makes her a bit of a snob sometimes. A lot of people wonder why she wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw, but that's because they don't know her very well or they've never made her angry.


History: Lorelei was born and raised in Germany though she has roots in China. Her father is an engineer, while her mother is a musician which is where she got her love of music from. She spent two years in Beauxbatons Academy of Magic before realizing she didn't feel like she belonged there. she decided to go to Hogwarts as it was the closest to where her parents were living. The first year was incredibly difficult for her. There was still quite some blood prejudice especially among the the Slytherins, so most tended to avoid her except for a few non pure-bloods, who accepted her as an acquaintance. She still has very, very few friends. Her best subject is DADA followed closely by Transfiguration, while her worst is Herbology. She gained most of the Slytherin's trust over the years by constantly earning points for her house. She has been selected to be a prefect in her 5th year.

Pet: A male Great Horned Owl called Moriarty



- Orchestral and Classical music

- Reading


- Winter

- Cheese

- Rainy days

- Wizard's chess


- Loud things in general

- Herbology

- Bullies

- Annoying people

- Hot weather
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