Hogwarts, The Next Generation

Name: Claire Johnson

Year at Beauxbatons: 6

Age: 16

Favorite Class: Transfiguration

Look: {Realistic Preferred}

Likes: Spicy foods, being with friends, cute things (secretly)

Dislikes: Discriminating people, sour things, flirts

History/Bio: As a muggle-born witch, and a metamorphmagnus, Claire has always stood out. When she was old enough to go to school for her magic, Claire couldn't have been happier. However, she was called things like 'mud blood' and she soon realized that not all witches and wizards were friendly. After a few years, she met Faye, and they became friends. They took care of and protected each other from what they hated the most.

Personality: Claire is a hard person to get to know. She can be harsh, impatient, and somewhat rude. She, however, is quite kind and loyal to those she thinks deserves it.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/blue_zpsbb5e2318.jpg.5fa625e14100d863cfc77ceb1369ee1f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21459" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/blue_zpsbb5e2318.jpg.5fa625e14100d863cfc77ceb1369ee1f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Charlotte Leslie Thorne

Year at Hogwarts:5

Age: 15

House: Ravenclaw

Favorite Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts



Likes: A good argument, books, quidditch

Dislikes: People who think they're better than her

History/Bio: was born in the northern part of England to a middle class family. She has an older brother that attends Hogwarts in his seventh year. Her father works for the ministry in a small department and her mother owns a robe shop in Diagon Alley

Personality:Curious, antagonistic and rebellious. She has a satirical sense of humor and a sort of sarcasm about her. She is awfully stubborn and proud; she is the last to admit she is wrong. She is very opinionated and coarse 
Bummer, I never bother to check that stuff :/ I've just been kind of stumbling around seeing which RPs bite... A reboot sounds pretty interesting though if you'd want to 
I feel you. Let me know, though! I've been trying to test this character out for ages (Well, all day anyways) But none of the threads I've posted have been replied to yet. Either way its only a day, lol. This seemed like a good RP though. 
Sounds good!
Name: Corvin Ride

Year at Hogwarts: 4th

Age: 14

House: Slytherin

Favorite Class: Potions, of course. And Herbology, not that she'd ever tell anyone.

Look: The picture attached. Brown hair, hazel eyes.

Likes: Quidditch, her pet owl named Yang, her (few) friends, books, duels, animals

Dislikes: People who hate her/other Slytherins just because they're/she's a Slytherin, mean teachers, being bored

History/Bio: Corvin is the daughter of a rich business man and a famous actor. She lived in Colorado, USA, before receiving her letter. She doesn't like telling people that her parents were rich and famous, because she despises both of them. They expect her to be perfect, and she is far from it. She had a twin sister that die swhen she was five, and doesn't like to talk about it. Even though she is a mudblood, she's in Slytherin. She doesn't quite know why, but refuses to tell anyone.

Personality: She's actually quite friendly and very nice, but a lot of people assume she isn't because she's a Slytherin. She doesn't let a lot of people in, and doesn't tell a lot of people about her secrets. If she confides in you, and you manage to come close to her, consider yourself lucky. She wants to be friends with the other houses, but they often push her away.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Corvin.jpg.a65de3aaf0167272d089b64b3dc5d50b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22797" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Corvin.jpg.a65de3aaf0167272d089b64b3dc5d50b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Elisa Wesley

Year at Hogwarts: 5

Age: 15

House: Gryffindor

Favorite Class: Potions


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/b5e46848822898c3834ebae565d2c8c6.jpg.61587a377e632cbba1c2157a740caf3a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/b5e46848822898c3834ebae565d2c8c6.jpg.61587a377e632cbba1c2157a740caf3a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



-making friends


-Rude people

-Being late

History/Bio: She is Fred's only kid. Her mother died during child birth. She always loved going to her aunt and uncle's house and was glad to be a Gryffindor

Personality: Friendl, Is good to be aqround.



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It is rather tempting. I will send you a PM with the other two RPers I am having the reboot with so we can all get to know each other and I can tell you guys somewhat of the premise of the reboot.
Sorry I couldn't post this yesterday.

Name: Angelina Potter

Year at Hogwarts: 1st

Age: 11

House: Grifindor

Favorite Class: Quidditch



Likes: Being alone, Hogwarts feasts and Quidditch

Dislikes: Large crowds, annoying paintings, and remembering passwords.

History/Bio: I will RP it out later, if I can.

Personality: Angelina Potter is not really a loner but she definitely needs time alone. She is very forgetful but still does well in most of her classes. She is a very good Quidditch player like her father.

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