Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass
- One on One
- Group
- Dice

Jessie Carter - Slytherin - #53966E - & - Haylen Chambers - Gryffindor - #691307 - & Cas Chambers - Hufflepuff - #BF9C41
The passing weeks since they were chosen had been nerve wracking, to say the very least. None of them had to say it aloud, it was evident enough. At least classes and extra time on their hands carried on as usual, for the most part. The more time they all focused on classes, it seemed to calm the nerves, somewhat. Until the time eventually came…
Cas had made their way to the Champions tent that lied just outside of the first task’s arena. Accompanied with Jessie and Haylen. Thankfully the trio wasn’t the last ones to arrive, and they weren’t the last either. All sixteen Champions had themselves lined up around one of the Coordinators of the First Task, they had been tasked with retrieving a Magical Creature from within the bag, and whatever they pulled. It was what they would be going up against. Cas had only heard stories of past tournaments, and the varying tasks over the years. The last time the tournament required magical creatures, was over a decade ago. Cas could recall their cousin having gone up against…a…what was it called again? A Zouwu? A large feline creature, more or less a magical version of a lion, Cas thought. If they somehow managed that, it would have been easy enough. Magical Creatures class was one of their specialties, after all. It would be easy, so they thought.
Cas silently, nervously watched as Jessie went rather reluctantly first, however she managed to maintain her composure,t and retrieved a small three headed statue of a creature. Her eyebrows furrowed initially as she tried to figure out which creature it was, “Good luck with that one, mate.” Cas chuckled nervously. Jessie tilted her head to the side, obvious confusion. “It’s a Runespore Serpent.” they shrugged, “Nasty fella, but I’m sure you’ll…Manage.” the last word said with an emphasis. One that only received a roll of the eye from their Slytherin cousin.
Jessie looked back at Cas after giving a small nod. Snake, alright. Could be much, much worse. There were far worse creatures that Jessie could have thought of having to blindly pick, suddenly her’s didn’t seem to bad. “Oh yeah? How about you see how you fair?” she grinned back.
Cas scoffed, “Don’t mind if I do-” they said with a sly grin, reaching in and pulling their hand out, within it was the miniature version of a Chinese Fireball. Cas’ eyes flickered up to look at Jessie, this time a sheepish grin overtook their own features. Of course they would have picked a dragon as well, especially as Nova had picked a Hungarian Horntail, just as equally brutal, they thought.
“Good luck with that one, mate-” Jessie retorted.
Cas rolled their eyes as they looked down at the small figurine in their hand, “Yeah I deserved that…” Cas mumbled. They turned the figure over in their hands a bit, taking in all the details. Why was it them out of all people for dragons? They weren’t even the one with the older sister who went off to become a dragon tamer anyway. That was all Jessie.
Next it was Haylen, who looked all too nervous. He never was one who hid negative emotions well. After taking a look at what Jessie and Cas had gotten, he could only manage to gulp before retrieving his chosen creature from the bag. His eyes widening at the figurine, raising an eyebrow, “Is..Is that-” Haylen paused for a moment, “...That’s a Kelpie, isn’t it?” he asked, rather begrudgingly. A look of disapointment crossed Haylen’s face.
“What’s a matter? Afraid of the sea beast?” Jessie sneered playfully.
“No…I just don’t like water very much.” Haylen recoiled, making his way over to one of the benches, turning the figurine in his hands.
“As long as you don’t drown, I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Cas retorted, “Meanwhile I have to go up against a flaming chicken? With spikes..And doesn’t like magic.” they grumbled.
“Thanks for the motivation, Cas.” Haylen mumbled once again.
“Aren’t you a Metamorphagus?” Jessie said, head tilted.
“Yeah…?” further confusion scrawled across Haylen’s face.
“...Sooo.” Cas gestured rather vaguely at their twin.
There was a long pause before a look of realization hit Haylen, “Oh..Oh!” a large grin formed, “That’s a good idea, actually. Thanks guys.”
The remaining Champions went about taking their turns, each retrieving a unique creature. It was only at the end that they were told they'd been going out in order of which they withdrew their respective creatures. All Cas could do was be thankful they weren’t first. But second place wasn’t looking much better either.
Cas and the others were brought up to the overhang of the stadium where the arena was in the middle. Getting a front row seat to the first task that was underway.
As the first cannon fired, Jessie was let out of the tent and into the large stadium that lied within the magically infused arena. By her assumption every different champion would have their own unique playing field, especially given the vastly different creatures they all picked. Some more desirable than others, she could help but think.
The energy in the air was palpable as she made her way out, taking the first few steps onto slates of rock, sharpened edges and broken pillars all around the arena. She could scope out the few evident hiding spots for her advantage, but what worried her? Was that she didn’t see any creature, at least not at first. All she could hear was the excited cheers and applause of the crowd, especially that of Slytherin. She recognized more than just a few faces, but one had caused her to stop in her tracks. How had Jessie not known she was going to be here? Granted, last time they had written letters to each other, Jessie had been told her sister was all the way in Bulgaria due to work. But considering what some of the creatures were, it made sense for her to be here. Dragon's were a nasty bunch, after all. Jessie had just wished she was told ahead of time, but it was a welcome surprise, if nothing else. They would need to catch up after the first task-
Jessie had been torn out of her thoughts when a low rumbling sound shook the very ground itself, causing her to stumble before regaining balance. Looking around nervously, as she had on instinct retrieved her wand by her side. Her grip remained firm as ever, her eyes scanning the open arena in search of the creature. Which is when her eyes finally landed on her target. Three very large forms began to unearth themselves from the rubble. Three large serpentine heads rose to an incredible height, if she had to guess it couldn’t have been any more than twenty feet. Jessie gulped, before taking a deep breath. She had studied snakes for years, and while her memory may have been rusty, especially considering one as such of a Runespore, she did remember that she head had its own personality and manner of being. The left was considered to be the Planner, it made the decisions, the middle was the Dreamer or Visionary, often lost in thought, could only be considered the idiot out of the three, and the final one, the one on the right, was the Critic, it tended to be the one the other two heads didn’t like much. Somewhat of a hydra from Greek mythology in the mortal world, she concluded. Great.
Without much more of a second thought, Jessie dodged out of the way and behind one of the large stone pillars. She needed time to think of a plan. A proper plan. Being first wasn’t a good idea after all, for multiple reasons. If she could distract the middle head long enough to piss off and annoy the other two, it would be the perfect distraction to get what she needed from the nest and then make her way out. And she would be done. Foolproof, right? It had to be.
Taking a few shaky breaths, Jessie glanced off to the side of the pillar from where she was hiding, the creature was still in search of the intruder. She gulped back whatever sense of fear was starting to build up, she clutched her wand to her side. There were audible gasps from the crowd as she stepped forward out into the open. Arms outstretched by her sides, indicating no threat. There was no point in trying to fight a three headed snake that was ten times her own size. That would have been far too reckless and dangerous, even for her. Jessie kept her head low, and her eyes up. If she posed no threat outwardly, maybe her plan would in fact work. However stupid it may have been in the end. Jessie kept a steady pace as she made her way through the open field of the arena, however cautious. It seemed that she was of no real cause for alarm as the snake seemed to be occupied with something else.
Jessie let out a content sigh, as this whole thing seemed to be going a little too easy. Why was this so easy, it shouldn’t have been-It was then that the ground shook beneath her feet once more, however subtle it may have been. She looked up just in time to be met with three sets of eyes glowering down at her from above. This creature truly was bigger than she had anticipated. Six eyes glared down at her, making Jessie realize just how small she truly was. This wasn’t good. The head in the middle peered down at Jessie for a few moments, before it became disinterested in her. Meanwhile the two on either side grew closer, a cacophony of strange hisses escaped the two heads that leered closer and closer every passing second.
From any outsider looking in, it appeared as if the two heads were going to devour the young Slytherin. The two outer heads coiling back, as deep hisses sounded, appearing to strike at any moment. All the while Jessie stood strong, her eyes never once wavering from the creature that towered over her. After a few moments of silence, Jessie finally opened her mouth and what sounded next, were strange hissing sounds of her own. Accompanied by Jessie lowering her head while she gave a low half bow, one arm crossing her chest while the other was anchored behind her back. The two exchanged words in the form of hisses to those that watched it all unfold before them, meanwhile the strange hisses between the two shifted into hushed words and whispers as they reached Jessie’s ears. It was odd, no matter how many times she had done this. Being able to speak with snakes like this, never truly sat right with her, but right now, it seemed to be the only thing that may have gotten her out of this less than ideal situation. Only if she played her cards right, of course.
More moments passed in utter silence, other than the exchange of hisses between the two, Jessie finally raised her head once more, taking two steps back. Finally taking a moment to glance up at the large beast before her. With an outstretched hand, she closed her eyes. Letting out one final string of hisses to the creature. The two exchanged darkened glances between the two, the head on the right, the Critic, finally giving a nod to the Slytherin, before the creature gave one final hiss and began to slither away. Further into the arena.
Jessie finally felt herself able to take a breath once again. She genuinely didn’t think that would have worked, thank Merlin it did. Without as much as looking back, Jessie made her way through the arena, now without the current threat of the creature that called it home. What lied in the center, could only be described as somewhat of a macabre scene. Scattered bones of unknown origins, and shattered rock lied in the form of a nest, of sorts. Six eggs lied untouched in the middle. They had the same black and dark blood-orange sheen as the Runespore had. Without a second thought, Jessie picked up what she had come there for in the first place, a silver and black locket that lied among the eggs. Jessie picked up the strange piece of jewelry, eyeing it over as she held it in her palm. Turning back around, she gave a look over the audience once again, before giving a small final nod, and without a word she made her way out of the arena. Back towards the Champion’s tent. Now she could finally breathe.
Cas grinned as they watched their cousin complete her first task rather quickly and ingeniously, if they might add. Using her ability to speak with snakes, as well as serpentine movements to distract the creature? Brilliant, truly. Cas never had a doubt about it. They knew she was a Parselmouth, but being able to see it for themself was something else.
However, it only meant that it was now their turn to attempt their first task. Wonderful. They had this, why wouldn’t they?
Cas made their way down, retrieving the miniature from their pocket, and handed it to Jessie. “Hold it for me until I get back, yeah?” Cas chuckled as they heard Jessie reply with a playful muffled, “Go fuck yourself, mate.” as she made her way up to where the others were waiting, but not before she took the small figurine from her cousin. Fidgeting with it awkwardly in her hands.
Cas nervously made their way out of the Champions tent, and out into the Arena. Large, jagged spikes were spread out all across the arena. The air was still. All too still as Cas looked around. The stadium booths were filled with students and staff members alike. All watching with bated breath to see what the young and troublesome Hufflepuff would do. Cas carefully surveyed the arena, making sure to take note of places to hide or avoid. What would be the best approach to getting an egg from a dragon? A Chinese Fireball, nonetheless.
The Hufflepuff carefully began to step out, the soft sound of crushed stone beneath their feet was the only sound that could be heard. Cas kept their ears and eyes surveying the area, knowing that something could happen any moment. And just as quickly it did. A large form lurked over one of the stone formations that stood across from Cas on the other end of the arena. “Big fella, huh..?” Cas mused softly. Taking another step, but carefully and slowly.
They watched as the dragon looked around, and then disappeared back over the rocks. Maybe it hadn’t seen them, they wondered? Keeping close to the rocks that ran along the wall, Cas slowly crept throughout the arena. Cas was seemingly making record time before there was a loud crunch from underneath their feet. Their boots had crushed a very large piece of fragile slated stone. God dammit, Cas cursed internally. Slowly looking up, Cas was met with a blur of scales.
The force of whatever hit the ground near them was enough to send Cas backwards, slamming their back into the ground below. With a pained groan, Cas managed to prop themself up onto their elbows, to see the Chinese Fireballl was now clearly pissed off by the intruder in their territory. As it glared down at them. “Good...Good Chicken-dragon?” they questioned cheekily. The better Cas looked at the creature, the more and more it did in fact begin to look like a giant chicken, just with scales instead of feathers. It’s nothing more than a giant Chocobo, that happens to be on fire, Cas thought. Causing a small chuckle to bubble up at their stupid joke. At least Haylen would have appreciated the reference. Oh well.
There was an ungodly roar that filled the air as the Fireballl reared back, and took flight. Looking directly at Cas. The Hufflepuff looked up as it opened its mouth, knowing what was to come next, Cas managed to roll to the side and scrambled back onto their feet as a large fire-ball was sent in their direction. Merely missing it by just a few inches. Too close.
Cas could still feel the heat from the fire that barely missed them as they hid behind a large stone structure. Trying to think on what to do. It was only then when they remembered, magic wasn’t against the rules. If the dragon wanted to fly, then they’d fly. “Accio, Firebolt!!” Cas called out the simple spell. Knowing they’d have to wait for it to be of effect.
Just then another blast of fire was sent their way, and Cas managed to dodge out of the way again. But felt a sharp pain across their face as sharpened pieces of stone sliced their cheek, causing a pained groan to escape them. Looking up once more, but only a few seconds too late Cas felt the singed heat against their skin as yet another fireball was hurled their way. Cas bellowed out as they felt their skin burn as the fireball had only just missed them for the most part. Their left arm having been caught in the blast. As they rolled out of the way, panic began to set in for them. Could they feel their arm? Was it too badly injured? Please- As they looked down, only the cloth of their tournament cloak had been burned and turned to ash in certain places, the skin of their arm blistered underneath where the fabric had disintegrated. They still had all their fingers and could move their hand and arm. They’d be fine. They had so, so much worse happen before. It would leave some nasty scars, but with some help from Madam Pompfrey, they’d be right as rain afterwards. She always took such good care of her students..
After a few moments of collecting themself, Cas rolled away once again as the dragon continued its pursuit. Sending more countless fireballs in Cas’s direction. They peered over the other side of the stone and grinned, looking back, Cas was immediately greeted by the Chinese Fireballl as it enclosed them once again. Without hesitation, Cas bolted in the opposite direction, using a slanted piece of stone to launch themself just in time to grab onto their broom they had summoned for. And now, it was a test of pure speed and outsmarting a dragon. A god damn dragon, that was all. The crowd cheered and applauded for the quick thinking, and watched as the dragon snorted angrily. The thick metal chain that had been keeping it within the arena easily broke as the dragon used enough strength. Pulling itself free.
The crowd watched as Cas grinned, “Let’s see how fast you can really go, huh?” they called out, and Cas had taken off on their broom away from the arena. With the dragon following suit. It was now a pure test of brains, flight, and speed. If Cas was careless, or the dragon was just fast enough, Cas could be knocked from their broom and fall to their fate below. How grim.
Acting quickly, Cas had been able to lead the dragon far from the arena, all the way back to the castle. All the while, the dragon had been swift and fast, Cas had one thing it didn’t. The ability to get into smaller spaces than it ever could. Cas knew that if they were able to hide away somewhere, where the dragon couldn’t find them, or at least be distracted long enough, they’d be able to fly back and retrieve the egg.
Which is what led Cas to hiding in a hollowed out part of the cliff’s edge that the castle was built over. They waited as they could hear the dragon clawing and snapping away at the entrance. And continued to wait as they listened to it eventually lose interest. As Cas crept out, they saw that the dragon was now scouring the castle for its lost prey.
With caution, Cas had gotten back onto their broom, and with a distracted dragon, they flew back to the arena. As Cas enclosed on the egg, they dismounted from their broom and scooped up the golden egg. Making sure to avoid damaging any of the actual Chinese FireBall dragon eggs within the nest. Then they would have a real problem on their hands, and no one needed a very pissed off mama Chinese Fire-Ball Dragon mourning the loss of her eggs.
As the crowd cheered, Cas gave a small bow of their head, gave a small wave of their hand ,and held the egg up in the air with their other hand. Looking up into the seating where the other Champions were, Cas gave a few familiar faces a small wink, before they made their way into the Champions tent.
Haylen wore a large cheeky grin as he greeted Cas as they walked into the tent. He had already made their way down to greet his twin after their flawless victory. “I knew you’d do it!” Haylen cheered, wrapping Cas in a hug.
“Easy there, bud.” Cas said with a groan, “Arm got a bit messed up out there.” they relented, taking a look at their still burned arm. “Gonna leave a nasty mark, eh?”
Haylen gave a soft chuckle, “Yeah, but you outsmarted a dragon, Cas!” Haylen continued, “I knew there was nothing to worry about-” another sound of a cannon went off.
“Well, there is now.” Cas grinned, taking a few steps towards the staircase, “Goodluck, brother.” they gave an honest smile, before they made their way up with the others.
Haylen took a deep, nervous breath. “I got this…” he said with a gulp, before stepping out into the arena. Haylen paused at what laid before him. The arena was now in the form of a giant lake, with a medium sized platform for him to stand on. Rocks poked out from the water’s surface. But not much else could be seen. “Are…Are they allowed to do this?” Haylen exclaimed, a sense of anxiety was evident in his tone.
The crowd let out a few chuckles and laughs, but some continued to cheer Haylen on. They looked back around, “I just don’t know where it is-” before he could even finish their sentence something had hit the platform from underneath. Knocking Haylen off of his balance and into the dark water below.
The water was cold, all too cold for Haylen’s liking. If it wasn’t already for the general anxiety and panic that had set in, the water only seemed to worsen his condition. Thankfully Haylen had taken a deep breath before they had been knocked into the murky depths below. The words of his cousin and sibling rang through his mind. How had he nearly forgotten? With a deep exhale, bubbles escaped out in front of Haylen, as a large mass suddenly swam around them. Clinging to the darkness that surrounded Haylen. He had to focus, he had to focus or Haylen would drown here and now. They’d be taken down to the murky depths of the lake. Or so the old stories of the Kelpie that his mother and father used to read to the children came to mind. Haylen never like those stories, the darkness of water petrified him. And yet, here they were. Haylen had found himself floating in the darkness, out of all places. Alone. By himself. Underwater. What a cruel fate this must have been…
Focus, Hayl. Focus. They reminded themself once more, they could feel the slight pain begin to creep up their shoulders and neck, all the way into their head, and the tingling sensation in their arms and legs. Slowly opening their eyes, vision became clearer, Haylen could smell better than they did only moments ago. And they could breathe. Breathe underwater? It was rare that Haylen forced most of his body to change like this, so much so that Hayl tended to forget they could even do this. Looking down, their fingers were webbed, as were their feet, the top of their arms were now a grey-blue tone. Rough to the touch, Haylen knew a wrong move could cause cuts. It really was like sandpaper, they thought.
Focusing on the form he had taken, as well as the area of where he found himself now, Haylen finally began to push himself through the water. Whatever they had to look for would be easier now, just other than the fact that there was a large predator in the water with them. Something Haylen had nearly forgotten about in his excitement.
Pushing through the water, Haylen kept his eyes for anything to pop out at them at any moment, Haylen knew if the Kelpie had gotten a surprise on them, they would infact be doomed. This was the creature’s turf, after all. He was nothing more than a visitor. As they swam, Haylen could feel the sensation of being watched. From something, something all too large. With every passing moment it caused anxiety and dread to spread throughout their body. Which made focusing on keeping the form they had taken on, that much harder.
There was something that caught Haylen’s eye, causing them to pause. Something seemed to twinkle and sparkle at the bottom. They just had to swim closer to get a better look .Maybeit was what he was after? As Haylen got closer, the feeling of being watched grew closer and closer. That was when Haylen finally looked over their shoulder, just in time as something swam up beside him, and dragged him down by the cuff of their shirt.
The light from above only became more and more faded the further Haylen was dragged down. Haylen attempted to fight off the creature that had a hold of them, but they weren’t able to break free. The Kelpie had too tight of a hold on him with its large fangs. A kelpie having fangs…that wasn’t a visual Haylen ever wanted to see. Fumbling for their wand that was strapped to his leg, Haylen managed to mumble out,“Relashio!” a simple releasing spell. And luckily, it worked. The beast forcibly let go of its prey. Haylen attempted to swim further away from the creature, but it managed to grab him by the leg once more, attempting to pull Haylen down once more. Without thinking, Haylen aimed their wand at the Kelpie once more and uttered “Incarcerous!” various ropes formed out of Haylen’s wand, wrapping themselves around the Kelpie. Temporarily stabilizing the creature. Haylen knew they didn’t have much time left. The creature was strong, and they knew that spell would only last so long.
Haylen took once last look in the direction of where they had seen whatever object it was that caught their attention the first time. Aiming their wand, “Accio!” they called out. Within moments, a sparkling, shining object was in their hands. Haylen didn’t bother to look if it was what he needed or not, and turned tail to force himself back up and out of the water. They didn’t want to be here any longer.
Within moments, Haylen came bursting out of the surface of the water, and landing on the platform above. It was an odd sight initially. Haylen’s form had taken on partial aspects of a Salmon Shark. Slowly Haylen’s arms and legs, and face began to reform back into that of his normal form. Haylen shivered and coughed up water that they had managed to swallow back on his panicked retreat to the surface. Something silver still clutched in their hand as they laid there on the platform. Haylen took a few deep breaths, before slowly sitting up, looking at what was held in their hand. It appeared to be an old necklace of some sort.
A loud applause filled the stands once more, as it was finally declared that Haylen had also passed his own First Task. The sound of the cannon being the final confirmation. Haylen scrambled to their feet, awkwardly letting out a chuckle, before a proud grin formed on their face. Haylen looked off into the Gryffindor stand and grinned before finally making his way into the Champions tent once more. He needed to rest now..
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