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Fandom Hogwarts: The New Generation


Sad Boy Status

Age: (11-17)

Bloodline: (Pure Blood, Half Blood, Muggle Born)



Clubs/Sports: (Quidditch, Duelling club etc.)






Appearance: (Written and Picture. NO ANIME)
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Name: Alexander 'Alex' Reeve

Age: 17

Bloodline: Pure Blood

Wand: Redwood, 11 inch, Unicorn hair core

House: Ravenclaw

Clubs/Sports: He is the Ravenclaw Beater and one of the best in Duelling club.

Best subject: Transfiguration

Personality: Alex is very relaxed and chill. He is also sly and cunning. He can seduce and anyone with smooth talking and his deadly smile. He usually get's his own way but won't kick up a fuss if he doesn't. Beneath this he is actually really loving towards people he likes.



Antra Reeve


Andromeda Reeve


Jax Reeve

History: Alex grew up in a rich family. He always showed some sort of magical powers and it came at no surprise when he got his Hogwarts letter. All of his family were in Slytherin but obviously his Intelligence was the dominant factor. His family in the past had been Death Eaters and there are still relatives of his that hate Muggle Borns. Although his family hates Muggle Borns he actually is against them.

Pets: He owns a Hawk owl named Fizz.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a8c7c17_rpnationowl.jpg.5edf4140ce8c977e4908073e7984439f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75725" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a8c7c17_rpnationowl.jpg.5edf4140ce8c977e4908073e7984439f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: His patronus is a lion as is his Animagus.

Appearance: 6'1ft, Muscular build. Striking blue eyes and dark brown hair.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a8c38cb_rpnationcharacter.png.e073d4401dee94dfc3efe209e105d71a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75724" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a8c38cb_rpnationcharacter.png.e073d4401dee94dfc3efe209e105d71a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Melody Malfoy

Age: 17

Bloodline: pure blood

Wand: holly, 10.5 inches, flexible, phoenix feather core

House: Slytherin

Clubs/Sports: One of the best seekers at school

Best subject: Potions

Personality: Melody is what you expect her to be, as she can be mean to people who expect her to be mean and she ignores people who are afraid of her, around her friends she's cheerful and nice, however her mood depends slightly on the weather. She can be quiet on a rainy day and cheerful, or she will at least talk on a sunny day.

Family: Doesn't remember her family, but grew up with the Malfoy's

History: Melody is from a rich family, her family being ex-death eaters, she doesn't really hate muggle borns, but she won't be nice to them if it's not needed, at the age of 5 she had to live at an orphanage for muggles, but was eventually adopted by the Malfoy's. She does remember she's pure blood, but that's about it as there are no records of her at all.

Pets: Black cat named Moon:


Other: Her patronus is a wolf and her eye color depends on her mood

Appearance: Black long hair, grey eyes(normal color), average height, athletic build

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Name: Aaron Marrings

Age: 17

Bloodline: Pure Blood

Wand: Hawthorn Wood, Dragon Heartsring, 12 1/2"

House: Slytherin

Clubs/Sports: Quidditch

Personality:Aaron and his twin brother are similar to the Weasly twins, but not all the way. Aaron is the darker twin, having taking a liking to pranking people on a daily basis. Except his pranks aren't light and funny, like switching the salt for the sugar or replacing someone's shampoo with something else, they're more scary, like hiding in someone's closet with a knife and a ski mask and jumping out in the middle of the night. Aaron almost got suspended for one of his pranks, but his brother managed to talk the head master out of it. But he doesn't only like to prank people, he isn't a Slytherin for nothing. Aaron has a pretty nasty attitude when it comes to certain things. His personality has a bit of a dark side, that only few people know about. He can turn cruel and merciless when he wants, and there's no way to fix it.

Family: Patricia Marrings (Mother), Donald Marrings (Father), Aiden Marrings (Brother, Twin)

History: Aaron grew up with a loving family and- wait no, wrong story. This Aaron grew up with the only person in his life who cared about him, his twin brother. His parents were too busy dealing with their work to pay attention to their two kids. That's how it was for most of Aaron's life, go to school, come home, hang out with his brother, eat dinner made by the maid, and go to sleep. The only time he ever saw his parents, was in the mornings, and even then, they wouldn't acknowledge them. He basically lived life with alone, because his parents didn't show any signs of being good parents. That's when he and his brother received their letters for Hogwarts. It turns out, they were wizards! And they came from a long line of wizards! After a long speech from their parents about their history and what Hogwarts is and what this all meant to them, they finally knew the real truth about their parents, they were wizards also. Except, they didn't want to be wizards. They tried their hardest to have a normal life, without magic and pets and the works. That's why they work so hard. So after a huge debate and a lot of convincing, Aaron's parents finally let him and his twin go to Hogwarts.

Pets: Black and white spotted owl named Coil.


Other: N/A


His eyes are a forest green color. His parents always tell him how they can see the mischief in his eyes. Girls find him attractive, which is something he loves to hear. His skin tone is a tan color, which looks golden from a distance. He stands at about 5'10, weighting 176 lbs. His build is pretty muscular, due to him playing sports, but it isn't over the top as if he's trying to be a body builder.

Name: Aiden Marrings

Age: 17

Bloodline: Pure Blood



Clubs/Sports: Quidditch

Personality: Aiden is the more toned down version of his brother. Although he loves pranks and ruining people's day, he doesn't value it as much as his twin does. He likes to put his focus of mastering the dark arts and becoming a great wizards. He has to admit though, the thought of being an evil wizard does appeal to him, but he doesn't know if that's what he wants with his life. Become a world known wizard for being good or become world known for being the next Voldemort? Either way, his personality is still pretty dark and he does whatever it takes for him to stay on top.


See Aaron

Pets: Black and white spotted cat named Moonshine.



Yew wood, Unicorn Hair, 12"

Patricia Marrings (Mother), Donald Marrings (Father), Aaron Marrings (Brother, Twin)

SomatoToup123 said:

Name: Aaron Marrings

Age: 17

Bloodline: Pure Blood

Wand: Hawthorn Wood, Dragon Heartsring, 12 1/2"

House: Slytherin

Clubs/Sports: Quidditch

Personality:Aaron and his twin brother are similar to the Weasly twins, but not all the way. Aaron is the darker twin, having taking a liking to pranking people on a daily basis. Except his pranks aren't light and funny, like switching the salt for the sugar or replacing someone's shampoo with something else, they're more scary, like hiding in someone's closet with a knife and a ski mask and jumping out in the middle of the night. Aaron almost got suspended for one of his pranks, but his brother managed to talk the head master out of it. But he doesn't only like to prank people, he isn't a Slytherin for nothing. Aaron has a pretty nasty attitude when it comes to certain things. His personality has a bit of a dark side, that only few people know about. He can turn cruel and merciless when he wants, and there's no way to fix it.

Family: Patricia Marrings (Mother), Donald Marrings (Father), Aiden Marrings (Brother, Twin)

History: Aaron grew up with a loving family and- wait no, wrong story. This Aaron grew up with the only person in his life who cared about him, his twin brother. His parents were too busy dealing with their work to pay attention to their two kids. That's how it was for most of Aaron's life, go to school, come home, hang out with his brother, eat dinner made by the maid, and go to sleep. The only time he ever saw his parents, was in the mornings, and even then, they wouldn't acknowledge them. He basically lived life with alone, because his parents didn't show any signs of being good parents. That's when he and his brother received their letters for Hogwarts. It turns out, they were wizards! And they came from a long line of wizards! After a long speech from their parents about their history and what Hogwarts is and what this all meant to them, they finally knew the real truth about their parents, they were wizards also. Except, they didn't want to be wizards. They tried their hardest to have a normal life, without magic and pets and the works. That's why they work so hard. So after a huge debate and a lot of convincing, Aaron's parents finally let him and his twin go to Hogwarts.

Pets: Black and white spotted owl named Coil.


Other: N/A


His eyes are a forest green color. His parents always tell him how they can see the mischief in his eyes. Girls find him attractive, which is something he loves to hear. His skin tone is a tan color, which looks golden from a distance. He stands at about 5'10, weighting 176 lbs. His build is pretty muscular, due to him playing sports, but it isn't over the top as if he's trying to be a body builder.

Name: Aiden Marrings

Age: 17

Bloodline: Pure Blood


Yew wood, Unicorn Hair, 12"

House: Slytherin

Clubs/Sports: Quidditch

Personality: Aiden is the more toned down version of his brother. Although he loves pranks and ruining people's day, he doesn't value it as much as his twin does. He likes to put his focus of mastering the dark arts and becoming a great wizards. He has to admit though, the thought of being an evil wizard does appeal to him, but he doesn't know if that's what he wants with his life. Become a world known wizard for being good or become world known for being the next Voldemort? Either way, his personality is still pretty dark and he does whatever it takes for him to stay on top.


Patricia Marrings (Mother), Donald Marrings (Father), Aaron Marrings (Brother, Twin)

History: See Aaron

Pets: Black and white spotted cat named Moonshine.

Other: N/A


Accepted! @SomatoToup123
Name: Oliver

Age: 16

Bloodline: Half Blood

Wand: Rowan wood, 10 in, phoenix feather

House: Ravenclaw

Clubs/Sports: -none yet-

Personality: Quiet

Family: Mom was a witch, Dad was a muggle.

History: Mom didn't tell dad she was a witch until thy were married, the dad was shocked and left the mom to care for Oliver alone. Mom became very depressed. One day when Oliver came home after school he found his mom dead. Oliver now lives with muggle foster parents.

Pets: Small barn owl called Fredrica

Other: Very smart? Well, he is in Ravenclaw.... He enjoys being alone and studying.

Appearance: Strawberry blonde, short, scruffy hair. Turquoise eyes. Ravenclaw robes. Ehm... Not really much else I can put here.

Is this ok?
@Lara Could you add a picture for your appearance as well? Also give more for your personality. Once these are fixed you will be accepted :)
I don't have any pics of them, I'm sorry... But more personality? Quiet, unsociable, kind once known, ehm... Gets annoyed very easily (especially at stupid people).That good..? Sorry if it's not...
Name: Harley Knight

Age: 16

Bloodline: Pure blood

Wand: 11 inches, Blackthorn wood, dragon heartstring

House: Ravenclaw

Clubs/Sports: None


Harley is a quiet and polite girl who only disrespects others when the other person asks for it. She is incredibly smart and always thinks before acting. She is a bit shy around new people and acts a bit awkward and nervous when someone tries to become her friend for the first time. When sh opens up to someone, she is very friendly, sarcastic and has a slightly dark sense of humor.


Josephine Knight (mother, deceased)

Brighton Knight (father, in Azkaban)

William Knight (older brother, in Azkaban)

Anthony Knight (twin brother)

Cristina Knight (younger sister, Hogwarts, 1st year)


Harley comes from a family of dangerous death eaters. She grew up learning to hate muggles, mudbloods and to think that joining the death eaters was her only option, she absolutely agreed with everything her parents told her and wanted to become a dangerous death eater. After she turned seven years old, her mother became the first traitor from the Knight family and escaped their manor with her three children. William and Harley told their father where her mother had brought them and he killed her. His father was taken to Azkaban a few months later and Harley and Cristina were left with their older brother. He continued practicing the dark arts until Harley was in her first year and he used the killing curse against a muggle born, which led him to Azkaban. Harley and her sister moved in with two muggles and their two sons and she eventually learned to like all creatures and now she despises the idea of joining the death eaters.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-20_16-53-15.png.94fadabdd976bf3fd8d655ba16712a05.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75814" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-20_16-53-15.png.94fadabdd976bf3fd8d655ba16712a05.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

An owl named Oak


Appearance: (Written and Picture. NO ANIME)

Athletic build, 6'0, blonde hair and blue eyes.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-20_16-9-14.png.9ff9eb3b1d7623f89c80203e255b5940.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75805" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-20_16-9-14.png.9ff9eb3b1d7623f89c80203e255b5940.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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thefan1 said:
Name: Harley Knight
Age: 16

Bloodline: Pure blood

Wand: 11 inches, Blackthorn wood, dragon heartstring

House: Ravenclaw

Clubs/Sports: None


Harley is a quiet and polite girl who only disrespects others when the other person asks for it. She is incredibly smart and always thinks before acting. She is a bit shy around new people and acts a bit awkward and nervous when someone tries to become her friend for the first time. When sh opens up to someone, she is very friendly, sarcastic and has a slightly dark sense of humor.


Josephine Knight (mother, deceased)

Brighton Knight (father, in Azkaban)

William Knight (older brother, in Azkaban)

Cristina Knight (younger sister, Hogwarts, 1st year)


Harley comes from a family of dangerous death eaters. She grew up learning to hate muggles, mudbloods and to think that joining the death eaters was her only option, she absolutely agreed with everything her parents told her and wanted to become a dangerous death eater. After she turned seven years old, her mother became the first traitor from the Knight family and escaped their manor with her three children. William and Harley told their father where her mother had brought them and he killed her. His father was taken to Azkaban a few months later and Harley and Cristina were left with their older brother. He continued practicing the dark arts until Harley was in her first year and he used the killing curse against a muggle born, which led him to Azkaban. Harley and her sister moved in with two muggles and their two sons and she eventually learned to like all creatures and now she despises the idea of joining the death eaters.


View attachment 169722

An owl named Oak


Appearance: (Written and Picture. NO ANIME)

Athletic build, 6'0, blonde hair and blue eyes.

View attachment 169704
Accepted @thefan1
Name: Mae Crimson

Age: 17

Bloodline: Pure Blood

Wand: 12 3/4", Walnut wood, Dragon Heartstring

House: Slytherin

Clubs/Sports: Astronomy club

Personality: Mae is quiet and likes to look at things from the outside of a glass window rather than be involved. Her family is known for their bad luck, and she has been cursed with the ill fortune as well. She is wary of everything, people especially, and does not like to go ahead and become friends with someone. At times she appears cold and hostile, but she is sweet and caring on the inside.

Family: Unknown (She was raised in a muggle orphanage until age fifteen, when invited into Hogwarts).

History: She grew up in a muggle orphanage, and she had no memory of life other than there. She knew about her magic though, and only one muggle caretaker knew about it. She woman, whose name was Aris Acacia, taught her about her magic, even though she was a muggle. But she knew about magic, and acted like a mother and mentor to Mae.

At age fifteen Mae was invited into Hogwarts, and she accepted. (That's all I've got... More in RP perhaps).

Pets: A black cat called Melancholy (Mello for short).


Other: Has a habit of insulting people without intending it, which makes her feel bad even though it can't be helped. But she is cunning and slightly devious (Slytherin...)

Appearance: Skinny, bony and slightly weak build, quite short, with black hair and greenish eyes.

kurol said:
Name: Mae Crimson
Age: 17

Bloodline: Pure Blood

Wand: 12 3/4", Walnut wood, Dragon Heartstring

House: Slytherin

Clubs/Sports: Astronomy club

Personality: Mae is quiet and likes to look at things from the outside of a glass window rather than be involved. Her family is known for their bad luck, and she has been cursed with the ill fortune as well. She is wary of everything, people especially, and does not like to go ahead and become friends with someone. At times she appears cold and hostile, but she is sweet and caring on the inside.

Family: Unknown (She was raised in a muggle orphanage until age fifteen, when invited into Hogwarts).

History: She grew up in a muggle orphanage, and she had no memory of life other than there. She knew about her magic though, and only one muggle caretaker knew about it. She woman, whose name was Aris Acacia, taught her about her magic, even though she was a muggle. But she knew about magic, and acted like a mother and mentor to Mae.

At age fifteen Mae was invited into Hogwarts, and she accepted. (That's all I've got... More in RP perhaps).

Pets: A black cat called Melancholy (Mello for short).


Other: Has a habit of insulting people without intending it, which makes her feel bad even though it can't be helped. But she is cunning and slightly devious (Slytherin...)

Appearance: Skinny, bony and slightly weak build, quite short, with black hair and greenish eyes.

Accepted! @kurol
By the way this is the last Slytherin! We need some Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs.
Name: Midnight Ezraian Pyranov

Age: 16

Bloodline: Pure Blood

Wand: 13 in Elder with powdered star fragments and dragon scales for the core

House: Tranfer Student, Not sorted yet (will be a Slytherin)

Year: 6th

Clubs/Sports: Duelling Club, Decent Chaser

Personality: Calm, even temper, inquisitive

Family: Well-known Pure Blood family in Russia,

History: Midnight has had a troubled life, he has been abused and bullied and sine of his curse, he remembers everything. Shortly after his 14 birthday he ran away from his home and transfered to hogwarts, skipping years in his old school places him in sixth year but he has not been sorted as of yet.

Pets: Owl named Evermore


Other:metamorphmagus,has hyperthymesia

Physical Appearance: tall, athletic build, black blue hair, silver eyes

Name: Clara Rivera

Age: (11-17) 16

Bloodline: (Pure Blood, Half Blood, Muggle Born) Half Blood

Wand: 11 3/4 inches, vine wood, phoenix feather, flexible

House: Ravenclaw

Clubs/Sports: (Quidditch, Duelling club etc.) Quidditch

Personality: Clara is relatively introverted and often feels uncomfortable in social situations, meaning she tries to avoid confrontation. She loves Muggle trends as her grandparents on her mothers side were muggles and she grew up with muggle artifacts.

Despite being a Ravenclaw, Clara finds learning difficult as sometimes she will procrastinate to the extreme, to the extent that she'll learn guitar or clean her dorm room to avoid responsibilities such as homework. She often shows Slytherin traits, for example she i s very self-reliant and ambitious.

Family: Mother (Krista Rivera- Healer at St Mungos), Father (Joshua Rivera (deceased)), Older Brother (Sebastian Rivera)

History: Clara grew up knowing about magic, her father died working as an Auror when she was four and since then her family have had money troubles. Despite this Clara has been positive and happy- which she was bullied for in Primary school.

Pets: She has a kitten called Nala<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-30_21-30-47.png.f7d288e33ad24b20dcace2e163386d24.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82880" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-30_21-30-47.png.f7d288e33ad24b20dcace2e163386d24.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: N/A

Appearance: (Written and Picture. NO ANIME<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-30_21-15-16.png.350f3a5035ee3b2ecca26fba6dd8d3b6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82878" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-30_21-15-16.png.350f3a5035ee3b2ecca26fba6dd8d3b6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Clara is about 5'6 and has long, black hair, tan skin and dark hazel eyes.



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