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Fandom π‡π¨π π°πšπ«π­π¬: π“π‘πž π…π¨π«π π¨π­π­πžπ§ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐲 | open


falling for youβ„’
Roleplay Availability
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    created by social

β… .





coded by social (inspo cred. mortemdocs)

Blood traveled slowly across the thick threads of the carpet, extending from outstretched fingers, once raised in an attempt to defend their child. Now limp, they lay in their crimson pool, the smell of iron becoming almost painful to breathe. Ginger hair was matted and soaked with sweat and tears causing it to cling to her skin, dried blood leaving streaks in the long locks. Gentle green eyes once full of life and excitement were dull and empty, no longer the eyes of someone who had lived and loved all her life. Hidden behind ruffled clothes and a soft blue blanket, the form of a child could be seen. His dark hair was slightly damp from the sheer humidity of the room, his small face buried in her chest, fingers curled loosely around her clothing, clinging to her for safety and protection.

But it wasn’t enough. The curse had run through them both, splintering their hearts, and silencing them within moments. There was nothing left but their limp figures and a ghost of a shadow, where once stood a great and powerful dark wizard who had also been killed in the fight. While she had ultimately failed in her goal to save her son, Lily had kept the Dark Lord from continuing with the war, and from killing more people. Peace had been restored to the Wizarding World but at the cost of a family of three that had only a few years together.

Alongside the death of the Potters and the Dark Lord, talented and loved witches and wizards were slain in the cover of darkness by Death Eaters who carried out their master’s will. But not all were killed. Deep in the night, a lone woman with a child held to her chest quietly escaped the empty streets of Scotland, tears staining her face as she did so. A child of prophecy had lived. Hidden by blood magic and muggle disguises, the pair had slipped away and managed to get on a plane, their identities changed and protected, so that they could escape the dangerous world. They just hoped it was enough, Lily’s sacrifice. And it was, for eleven peaceful years, the tragedy of the Potters kept the wizarding world safe.

The world had gone on, Death Eaters seemed to become figments of a scary story, and the Dark Lord was forbidden, forgotten, and written off as a wizard who met his demise at the hands of two very powerful wizards who fought for the future of their world. But this didn’t last. These things never do. Whispers of a coming darkness and the Dark Lord slowly formed like a spark in the night. It only took a matter of time before it caught and spread like wildfire. Uncertainty brewed within the wizarding world, seeping into the hearts of every witch and wizard who heard of this great terror. This fear put pressure on those who had sworn they would prevent this return, who promised they would push him back into darkness if he ever returned.

Albus Dumbledore wasted little time, disappearing from Great Britain and reappearing in the one place he had hoped he wouldn’t need to go to. In a small cottage hidden behind trees and fields of poppies, he found a young child who would be used as a pawn in this new war. The Chosen One. He informed the boy’s mother directly what was to be done and this could no longer be avoided. The Dark Lord was going to return and the only one who had a chance at defeating him was a small eleven-year-old boy who had no idea what his future entailed.

The return of the Dark Lord occurred in June of 1995 when he and his Death Eaters encountered the Chosen One and other students from Hogwarts. This was highly publicized in the media, everyone begging to interview those students who met death face to face. While this would seem to be enough to cause panic within the magical world, it did not. Instead, those students were sneered at and pushed aside as there was no evidence that the Dark Lord had returned. There was no dark mark haunting the skies, nor were there Death Eaters plaguing towns and killing muggle-borns. It was just a bad dream. Maybe it was someone else they saw. But they weren’t wrong. The Dark Lord had returned, he was simply waiting.

Years passed and the influence of Death Eaters slowly infiltrated high positions of power and the Dark Lord’s power grew, causing the wizarding world to be thrown into a massive tailspin as good vs evil became a new daily struggle. This revival of the Dark Lord sent panic throughout the magical world as people tried to understand what was going on. While nobody saw him, they saw his Death Eaters as they spread his message to any who dared look their way. And yet, Albus Dumbledore’s unwavering presence behind the Chosen One and all of Hogwarts pushed this darkness back and kept it at bay. With a firm hand, the great wizard continued to keep Hogwarts together until the time was just right.

Now in their final year, darkness has started to spread across the world as whispers dance in the wind, speaking of a plot to kill the most powerful wizard in the world, Albus Dumbledore. The whole world seemed to take a deep breath as if waiting for the unspeakable to happen. But it has not happened, not yet. War is on the horizon and it is up to those within the walls of Hogwarts, those who have pledged their loyalty to all that is good to hold back the darkness. But are those their true feelings? Where do their loyalties truly lie?

This war is a test of loyalty, strength, and dedication. Only they can turn the tide, and it is apparent that the weight rests heavily upon each of their shoulders.

Death Eaters.
Death Eaters are Lord Voldemort's most devoted followers and have been eagerly awaiting his return and rise to power. Mostly consisting of radical purists, some half-bloods find a place among the ranks of these witches and wizards. After the defeat of the Dark Lord, many went into hiding or were imprisoned in Azkaban for their crimes. But in secret, many have been preparing for his return, silently wishing for it even. They continued to uphold his ideals as the years went by and when signs of his return appeared, they did everything to make sure that he could flawlessly reassume his role as their Dark Lord. Death Eaters carry the Mark, however, some do not due to the positions they hold within the magical world (ie. M.o.M, professors, etc.). Double agents are uncommon but not unheard of and are essential to Lord Voldemort. Death Eaters are highly dangerous and specialize in dark magic, much of which they normally learn as teenagers. It is not uncommon to see young witches and wizards dropping out of Hogwarts to join the ranks of the Death Eaters.

Order of the Phoenix.
Founded by Albus Dumbledore during the First Wizarding War in the 70s, it was the main opposition to the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters. Working hand in hand with the Ministry, they fought the Dark Lord and his army for years, pushing them back and defending the wizarding world. Many brilliant witches and wizards joined the Order and were killed, some families were even wiped out entirely. Iconic members of the Order were James and Lily Potter, the pair that killed the Dark Lord and ultimately ended the war. Their sacrifice and even their son's, are well known in the magical world and many tributes have been made to honor them and the various fallen members of the Order. The Order was officially retired after the war ended, however, it was revived in the summer of 1995 after the Chosen One had a confrontation with the Dark Lord himself. The Order has been preparing for the Second Wizarding War for some time now. Dumbledore still oversees the Order and seeks them out to provide Hogwarts with extra protection.

The First Wizarding War.
The war began in 1970 and did not end until 1981. This was a devastating war that claimed the lives of many witches and wizards on both sides. Lord Voldemort was an extremely powerful wizard who declared that he would rule over the magical world and bring balance it it by eradicating those who were unpure. Even with Albus Dumbledore being a part of this war, it lasted for over a decade, showing just how powerful Voldemort was. But when he heard of a prophecy that spoke of a child that would be able to defeat him, he panicked. Frantic to kill those who could fulfill the prophecy, he hunted them down, one by one, and dispatched them himself. However, he was unable to locate the ones that truly made him experience fear as if he knew they were who the prophecy was referring to. The Potters. He was unable to locate them until he managed to get ahold of their secret keeper and tortured the man until he confessed where they were. That night, on October 31st, 1981, Voldemort entered the Potter's home and fought James and Lily both. James was killed first, but not before seriously wounding Voldemort. As he climbed the stairs and was met with Lily who held her child protectively, and the pair exchanged blows. Unable to defeat Lily, he managed to target a spell at her child which she naturally protected, but the spell still made its mark. What he did not intend was Lily's own wandless magic deflecting half of his spell and sending it back. All three perished, the Dark Lord disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Lily and Harry died in a silent embrace, the child clinging helplessly to his beloved mother. The war was over.

The Marauders.
The Marauders were an iconic group of boys from Gryffindor in the 70s and a core part of the Order during the First Wizarding War. James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew were these four boys, and their friendship and influence are still talked about within Gryffindor. During the war, Peter and James both lost their lives at the hands of Voldemort, a tragic loss for the Order and the group of friends. However, Remus and Sirius are still very much alive and have been living comfortably. For a period of time, Remus Lupin was a professor at Hogwarts but later stepped down in favor of dedicating his time to the Order and preparing for the war. Sirius is also actively involved with the Order, currently using his familial home as a temporary headquarters for the Order.

Elves are incredibly talented magical beings that are very important to the wizarding world. Their natural magical ability allows them to be superb at all manner of things and allows them to work with witches and wizards with ease. Many seek employment among witches and wizards from anything ranging from positions within the Ministry down to working as staff within Hogwarts or other businesses. Elves are also quite important to wealthy magical families as many will hire them as magical tutors who will teach their children magic and how to properly use it. This generally is something that happens before the children attend Hogwarts so that they are a small step above the rest of their peers. Elves range in personality but are said to be very devoted and loving creatures who are loyal to good things and those who are genuinely good souls.

Hobgoblins, often called goblins, are magical beings who are known for their wandless magic and impish personalities. They naturally inhabit households and farms, finding an interest in performing small acts of kindness by completing chores or assisting in various things while the homeowners are sleeping. Quite small, they average at the most, 24 inches in height. This allows them to quietly and seamlessly move about homes and farms to do what they came to do. As per their relationship with homeowners, they are repaid by being gifted various foods and drinks that are left by the hearth before a witch or wizard goes to bed. They are quite kind as well, oftentimes caring for sickly children who struggle during the night, something that is very selfless and generous of them. Despite this, they are quite the pranksters and often will pull pranks on the homeowners just because they find it entertaining. Multiple hobgoblins may inhabit a single dwelling, especially if there are multiple things to look after. If they are not properly compensated for their deeds, they will grow angry and will take it out on the home and may even leave permanently, warning other goblins to stay away from that witch or wizard because they are ungrateful. They are very prideful and it is said if you seek to banish a goblin from your home, all you need to do is leave new clothes by the hearth and they will be gone by dawn.

Wizard Fashion.
While this may not seem important to most, it is to those who have only grown up in the magical world! It is common and almost quietly required for most purebloods and even half-bloods to dress primarily in robes or clothing that looks like it is from an era long since passed. Layered clothing, leather vests, and intricate dresses are all common for witches and wizards to wear, especially when paired with their iconic hats. However, due to the influence of the Muggle world and Muggle-born witches and wizards, many are seeing a shift in fashion. Traditional muggle clothes are becoming slightly more common, though most magical folk still turn their nose up at it.

More lore coming soon...

Welcome to π“π‘πž π…π¨π«π π¨π­π­πžπ§ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐲! Yes, this is my annual Harry Potter AU! I got bitten by the bug a bit early this year so I thought I would toss this back out now that it has been revamped a bit more! This is going to be a very ADVANCED roleplay and needs to be treated as such if you are applying! This is NOT first-come-first-serve, meaning you will be accepted via PM if I feel your character is a good fit. If you do not receive an invite by the time I specify, that means your character has not been accepted. That being said, Discord is required for this roleplay as it will serve as a hub for out-of-character content alongside side plots, and simply keeping up with who is posting and where the main plot is currently. This roleplay also has an 18+ rule as I simply do not feel comfortable with having minors in this roleplay. I will be providing a plot summary and F.A.Q here just in case anyone needs it! The time period for this roleplay will be 1997-1999+. There will be many places for characters to go, side plots, and a main story to follow along with so being active is a MUST.

Frequently Asked Questions.
What year will the students be?
β€’ All students will be in their 7th and final year at Hogwarts! They will be able to complete this year without too many interruptions which means various fun events will take place! It is meant to be pretty light-hearted compared to what is approaching with the war.

Will we be able to play canon characters?
β€’ Yes, you can play a canon character or replace them completely! There will be a list of all available canon characters once the applications are put up.

Do all characters have to be good?
β€’ No, not all characters have to be good. Some of them can be Death Eaters or simply be 'bad'. There will be plots for those characters so they will not be left out at all!

Can you play a non-human character?
β€’ There will be a limited number of non-human characters or ones that differ from the rest. I will not be telling how many are allowed until applications are up and you will have your options presented there.

Can we all be Gryffindor or Slytherin?
β€’ No, there MUST be a balance in all aspects when it comes to characters. This pertains to fem/masc characters and Houses. I will manually even out House numbers if it comes down to it.

How many characters can we have?
β€’ Honestly I don't really care! As long as you can manage them, feel free to make however many you'd like. However, there most likely will be a limit on how many canon characters you can make/replace! I would also encourage killing off characters the more you have.

Will there be a deadline?
β€’ Technically yes. This is going to be rolling admissions meaning that I will leave this roleplay open to the public throughout the course of the roleplay. That also means I will have batches of applications that will open up with varying deadlines. This will be advertised in the interest check.

Can you play professors or other non-student characters?
β€’ Yes you can, however, not right now. The focus will be on the students and once they graduate, you can then create characters from other schools, professors, and various other wizards and witches!

Can all characters be super powerful?
β€’ No! OP characters will not be allowed and if you are applying with only powerful characters, I will not accept you. While many extraordinary witches and wizards are produced in Hogwarts, not all of them have the ability to defeat a Death Eater or go toe-to-toe with Voldemort.

Can my character have the Marauders Map?
β€’ No. This map will most likely either not be available or I will be in charge of it.

Can my character be the Head Boy or Girl?
β€’ This is something that will be determined within the server! Those who have an interest in being Head Girl or Boy will toss their names into the hat and voting will take place in-character. Whoever wins will become the Head Boy or Girl of the House.

Plot Summary.
The Second Wizarding War is on the horizon, with the Dark Lord revealing himself in June of 1995 where he confronted the Chosen One and his friends. This marked the beginning of the end, at least in the eyes of many within the wizarding world. Newspapers have been talking only about the rise of Death Eaters, the return of the Dark Lord, and children that they believe should dispel such darkness. But the war has not yet started, allowing students one last year at Hogwarts. The story begins in 1997, and it is quite obvious things have shifted considerably since the previous year. Tensions between students over blood purity is at an all-time high and it is not uncommon for students to no longer attend Hogwarts due to joining the ranks of the Death Eaters or seeking refuge in another country.

But before the war kicks off, characters will have the opportunity to participate in school events, clubs, and other various activities. The Tri-Wizard Tournament will take place for 7th-year students and it will be changed slightly to allow more Hogwarts students to partake in it! Tensions within the school are held at bay due to Albus Dumbledore being the head of Hogwarts, as he is holding the school together and protecting them from the true evil that waits beyond their protected borders. Students can choose which side they are loyal to as there will be available plots for both sides! This war will be very different from canon and will go for longer and have a much further reach as Voldemort is seeking a utopia where muggles are not allowed to exist. This means that the war will bleed into the muggle world and the characters will go there during points in the war. While the war is in progress, Hogwarts will serve as the headquarters for the Order and will be the largest operating base that they have, meaning that this will be fully available to be explored by any Order member. If you have any questions regarding the plot or lore, please DM me!

Roleplay Rules.
β€£ This roleplay is 18+ meaning I will not be accepting minor users!
β€£ This roleplay with NOT be first come first serve, everyone must apply to be accepted into the roleplay
β€£ Realistic face claims are required! Face claims must be 18+
β€£ There will be an expectation of one in-character post every two weeks for the main plot! Failure to meet this will result in getting kicked from the roleplay unless you have contacted me.
β€£ Ghosting/failure to post in the roleplay will result in getting kicked
β€£ I currently have no limit on characters, HOWEVER, you must make sure to balance them with houses, magic ability, blood status, etc.
β€£ I will allow Professors and other high-ranking characters to be made after the students have graduated and are no longer attending Hogwarts.
β€£ Canon characters will exist in the universe and you can apply for them if you so choose, or you can replace them with your own version. I will list available canon characters when applications are open.
β€£ The Chosen One is already claimed so please do not ask to reserve or claim it!
β€£ If your character is accepted you will receive a PM from me which will invite you to the discord server of this roleplay
β€£ There needs to be a balance between heroes and villains in this roleplay, but know that every character can switch sides if they so choose to
β€£ Character deaths are allowed and encouraged when you have more characters. Please consult me first if you are planning to kill off a character so we can make it work!
β€£ This is an ADVANCED roleplay and needs to be treated as such. I'm expecting at least three paragraphs per in-character response and one in-character post per week unless you have arranged something with me regarding posting.
β€£ The main plot most likely will move slower than side plots, meaning you should try and be active within the roleplay's server so you do not miss out on bonus content
β€£ As this roleplay will be taking place in the mid to late 90s, try to include things from that period (ie. if you are including phones, internet, bands, movies, etc). You do not have to be super accurate but some effort is appreciated!
β€£ There is ZERO tolerance for bullying or harassment within this roleplay and you will be removed if it occurs. This includes bullying people during the application phase!
β€£ All of RPN's rules will apply and be respected!
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Definitely interested! I also got bit by the HP bug so early this year I'm doing a replay of Hogwarts Legacy.
I’m at work so can’t really read it but anything HP, I am down for πŸ₯° consider this my interest haha
Keep track of how many male and female characters there are.
If it's not balanced out by those applying, I will balance it out myself during accepting periods!
Keep that ratio as even as possible, please.
Ive been looking for a really in depth magic RP, and this looks more interesting than most HP ones I have seen. I am excited to join! Do I have to play an CC or may I play a OC
I am looking with both my eyes

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