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One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)


『 avery | he/him 』

Name Role
Pomona Sprout Headmistress
Neville Longbottom Herbology Professor, Head of Gryffindor
Horace Slughorn Potions Professor, Head of Slytherin
Filius Flitwick Charms Professor, Head of Ravenclaw
Teagan Remmings Transfiguration Professor, Head of Hufflepuff
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  • Full Name: Benjamin Ross Foster

    Nicknames: His friends and teammates call him Ben or Foster. He was usually called Benji as a child, but since starting school at Hogwarts has insisted no one call him that. However, he doesn't mind when Alex uses the nickname.

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

    Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic

    Age: 17

    Day of Birth: January 30th

    Nationality: English

    House: Slytherin

    Wand: His wand is simple yet elegantly carved from spruce, a design that contrasts the flamboyant nature of the wood. It's color is a light brown, length 12 and a half inches, more on the rigid side, and the core is dragon heartstring.

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I really liked your aesthetic board thing, I've never seen them before, but it was really interesting. So I tried to make my own. I much prefer yours, but I think mine's okay for my very first one! Aha. (And I seriously think I'm in love with that guy's hair in your board.)


Basic Information

Full Name: Alexander Timothy Lundread

Nickname(s): Generally goes by Alex to friends, family and classmates, however finds nicknames fun and personal, intimate, almost, and so welcomes most that he is given by others.

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual, and has quite an easily stirred libido.

Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic,

Date of Birth: 06/05/1998 (17)

Nationality: English.

House: Hufflepuff.

Wand: Alex own's a wand made of finely-carved oak, it's length is just short of ten inches and is rather rigid. It has a core of dragon heartstring and the colour is a deep brown with darker etchings, spiraling into an intricate design as it works it's way up to the wand's tip. It




With deep blue eyes, and a hair colour that reminded himself of ebony (Ignore the highlights in photo) admittedly makes him somewhat easy to loose in a crowd, there really isn’t anything that’s too stand-offish about him. His cheekbones are somewhat defined, and he has perpetual smile-lines near the corners of his eyes. His nose is somewhat prominent, and a bit sloped, and he’s pretty conscious about his teeth they’re not crooked so to speak, but they aren’t the most aligned either, but his biggest fear is that he's been given his dad's far too big nose.

Skin Tone: Certainly more pale than tan, but still with a warmth glow to his skin.

Body Type: Alex’s never been the tallest. He was always right in the middle of his class when it came to size. He stands at the 5’10 or so. He always tries to tell people he’s 5’11, for some reason. He’s always been of average weight, and was blessed with an outlandishly high metabolism, making him far too scrawny in his own opinion, it was better than being fat, but he couldn't imagine anyone ever finding the 'almost anorexic' look sexy, if you looked closely, there's nothing near to and, however he does have a somewhat toned torso. You can also find a little muscle on his arms and curves which looked good in his collection of skinny jeans..

Clothing Style: A mixture between preppy and comfy. Skinny jeans mixed with a decent shirt or jumper is a normal outfit for Alex, but he'll gladly wear joggers and the closest top to him if he's feeling lazy. Hoodies, especially if there just slightly too big, are another thing he loves to where, however usually pairs these with boxers and chooses this to be his sleeping outfit.

Accessories: Alex often wears a simple chain necklace around his neck, it was a gift from his grandmother that he was given as he was sent of to hogwarts. It has some magical properties, and enchances the

Other Distinguishing Features:


Alex has most of the general traits of most of the Hufflepuff house, including strong loyalty to friends and loved ones, but also a deep desire to keep others happy. This has become a problem in the past, with him letting others walk over him for a one sided benefit. Alex has always been submissive in nature, happy to ignore his own needs to help others, which was evident to his grandmother when he came home severely beaten up, his only explanation being "I couldn't let Harry be hurt, Gran!" not thinking about his own condition even once. He is eager to make as many friends as possible, and is generally a happy character. He is fiercely supportive of his friends, and will use everything in his power to protect them again bullies, or anything else that could hurt them.

Likes: Fall (The colours, Leaves crunching underneath, cozy cuddling), Books (Escaping to another world, the feel of them, finding out information), Quirkiness, Unexpected events, Practicing spells and potions.

Dislikes: The feeling of floo travel, overconfident people, selfishness, forced to play quidditch with others.

Good at: Reading, inspiring others, supportive magic.

Bad at: Going to bed on time, quidditch, writing neatly when rushed.

Fears: Dissapointing others, Being Ignored, Being Forgotten, (And Old Volde-y)

Ambition: To become a teacher, in order to help others to achieve


Father, Mother and Sibling(s):

He has little knowledge about it, but he has a twin sister named Claire, although all he remembers is that she never returned home after one day when she went to school, he suspects she ran away, but of course was never given any details on the issue. The state of his father is also unknown, and so he lives with his mother, Charlotte, and his grandmother, Linda, who in all honesty, let's him get away with a bit too much, not that he would ever agree with his mother on that point. Whenever he'd return from hanging out with his friends covered in mud as a kid(Perhaps from falling while he's climbing trees, or ignoring his mother's advice from not going into the muddy stream in the nearby woods) it was always his mother who scolded him, his grandmother instead taking the view that he's still a kid, and kids should be allowed to be kids. Now, she still retained that philosophy, and he wouldn't complain, even if he is technically almost an adult now and he only saw them on holidays.

Pet: A two year old puppy with beige fur that is decorated with darker brown splodges on in various areas has been with him since he was a child, and goes by the name of Thomas. Regarding magical pets, an brown farm owl named Octo.

Blood Status: Half Blood, he learnt that his father was a muggle and mother a wizard.

Social Standing: Somewhat decent, most certainty middle class.

Individual Magic

Wand reaction when first held:

His mother. Not the person herself, but what scares him the most of all is the fear of dissapointing loved ones. This means that the Boggart would most likely come in the form of his mother, who he is closest, much like how Hermione's fear of failure and of disappointing those who have placed both their trust and some very high expectations on her by taking the form of McGonagall -- who is certainly not herself all that frightening to Hermione.)

Patronus: The vast majority of witches and wizards are unable to produce any form of Patronus, and unfortunately Alex finds himself within this category. He has mused over multiple times what he presumed what form his Patronus would take, however, could never decide fu

Amortentia: A mix of various things would be the scent of any amortentia potion for Alex. It would most likely include the smells of: New books, the air after rain and the smell of crisp green apples, all reminding him of the early days spent with his grandmother in their large garden, attempting to grow trees.

At Hogwarts

Best Subject:

Favorite Subject: Charms

Worst Subject: Transfiguration

Least Favorite Subject: Defense against the dark arts

Prefers to watch.

Friends: Various people, he finds it rather easy to make friends, although hates a friendship to be forced, or guided by others. His two best friends are from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, Edith is a girl with short black hair and glasses from Ravenclaw and James is his closest friend in Hufflepuff, who shares dorms with him.

Holiday: He returns home every holiday to spend it with his Grandparents, spending almost every evening laughing while sat by the glowing fire until the day turned into night and the sky darkened, signaling it was time to depart for sleep.

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