Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony


Bardbarian, the Divine Chordia of Concordia

My friends and I geeked out when it was released back onto the site. <img alt=" xD " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" title=" xD " width="20" /> I'm a Gryffindor, though a lot of my friends say blasphemy. They think I'm more of a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. What about you? Have any of you gone through the sorting ceremony on Pottermore? If so, what house were you sorted into?

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I have gone through the sorting ceremony as have three of my friends lol two guy and then my gal friend and I... One guy got Hufflepuff then the other got Ravenclaw as well as my gal friend. I myself received Gryffindor... I honestly thought as did my friends that I would have been sorted into well lol the House known for snakes lol can't say the name since I'm apparently a Gryff!!!!
I'm a 50/50 between Ravenclaw or Slytherin.

I'd like to say so myself, that I am Ambitious and Cunning with some Intelligence & Wit thrown in to stir the pot.

My friends expected me to get Hufflepuff so they were pretty surprised. XP
I was torn between Slytherin and Ravenclaw too, for the longest time. I cannot even begin to tell you how relieved I was when I realised they brought that baby back. I'll admit I did a best of three with Pottermore and got Slytherin twice and Ravenclaw once, so I guess that settled it!

Though, I can say I got the same wand all three times, and I'm pretty happy with my 13in ebony wood, dragon heartstring! ♥
Lol I've taken it three times because I suck at remembering passwords. I believe I got Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

If we were going with actual factual house.... Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff is more accurate with Hufflepuff most likely being where the hat would actually place me.

Just because I don't really obsess over learning purely for learnings sake but I can be hard work, I like to think reasonably kind, and of course I work within the group.
I've gone through the sorting ceremony thrice actually, and each time gave me a different result :

2011 - Hufflepuff

2014 - Choice between Hufflepuff and Slytherin

2016 - Ravenclaw

I like to think that I'm more of a Slyth though. xD
The sorting ceremony on Pottermore was fun. Much more unique than most tests and quizzes other people make. I was sorted into Ravenclaw. I've taken the quiz four times and each time was the same. I doubt my personality hasn't gone through some drastic changes in the past few years, but I suppose the core values have remained the same. No matter what, I'm quite happy with my sorting! (:
As a lot of people, a tie between Ravenclaw and Slytherin

A year ago Ravenclaw

And now Slytherin.

Both of which were completely expected from me, if I was sorted into Gryffindor I would have been mildly surprised, however, if I was suddenly sorted into Hufflepuff, I would have been shocked, because to be honest, I am a person who tries their best to stay on the winning side

Matches with my Debater persona too
Musician said:
My friends and I geeked out when it was released back onto the site. xD I'm a Gryffindor, though a lot of my friends say blasphemy. They think I'm more of a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.
What about you? Have any of you gone through the sorting ceremony on Pottermore? If so, what house were you sorted into?
I'm a proud Slytherin.

Tried it once and I got sorted into Hufflepuff. Somehow i'm not really sure but I guess it's the closest. I don't really have much in the other areas to really qualify for the other three houses.
I'm a Ravenclaw, and nothing can change that. Although, I do learn slightly towards Slytherin, but mainly Ravenclaw. My little brother and my best friend is a Slytherin, and my other friend is a Hufflepuff. Uh, now that I think about it, non of my friends/family are Gryffindors... Which is good for me, because sometimes I can be quite anti-Gryffindor.
Usually I get Ravenclaw, which I guess makes sense because being introverted and a major bookworm are just my nature.
Musician said:
My friends and I geeked out when it was released back onto the site. xD I'm a Gryffindor, though a lot of my friends say blasphemy. They think I'm more of a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.
What about you? Have any of you gone through the sorting ceremony on Pottermore? If so, what house were you sorted into?
I'm Slytherin. All through. I knew I was even without a Pottermore test. But I'm always Slytherin. (Unless I'm Ravenclaw, which happens sometimes)


Okay, I guess it really depends on my mood. When I went back and retook the tests just a minute ago I got Slytherin first (obviously) and then Gryffindor (WHAT!?) then Hufflepuff (Something's off) and then Ravenclaw (huh!?). But, whatever. I mean, sometimes I can act like a complete Hufflepuff (not usually, but sometimes). It really depends.
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