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Hogwarts Hearts ~ <3


The teacher stepped forward and started class. She gave a brief and cute little speech of muggle history, and compared to wizarding history. Ren was fascinated by it. The muggles were like a whole nother world for her. As the teacher dove right into the first lecture, she made sure take notes so that she would enough into to refer to when the homework assingment would be given. Occasionally she would glance to the side where she would steal a glance of Alec's face. It gave her butterflies in her tummy.


Haggrid stepped forward to him and said, "how was the first meeting for you two", he asked. Krad smiled and leaned in to whisper, "She's a little touchy, and somewhat obsessive", "Well good"~! Haggrid patted his back with a bright prideful smile on his huge giant like face. "It is great that you are getting to know your creatures so well this fast in the game", he added nodding his head some as he did. "Oh no. I meant the girl I am partnered with", "Well I am looking forward to seeing how that is going to play out. Best not to be a shrew too much", he told the boy walking off to other groups.
Alec began to quickly take notes, wanting to get as much info as possible so he could do well in the class. His fringe fell into his eyes but he didn't bother with moving it, it would only happen again.

Alize continued to daydream before returning to reality and resuming work on her homework from Snape, she had to focus for the rest of the day.

She was sitting in class listening to the lecture while taking notes as much as possible. Then came time for the homework assignment, and they were supposed to read up to page 10, and write a summary high lighting the main parts of what was read. "A world and life without any magic what so ever has got to be stressful and frustrating", she said out loud as she started to put her things away. She was looking forward to her free period before lunch. She wondered whether she would take a relaxing fly through the forest on her broom, or talk to her wolf family in on of her animal forms.


Class let out, and he decided that he would be the one to watch over the rats for the first night. He was not very surprised when the girl agreed without any questions or hesitation. She just goggled and watched him walk away with the two rats on his shoulders. He kind of liked the feel of their skirtchy little nails on his skin as they skittered about on his shoulders. They sniffed at his skin, and poked around at his ears and hair. Actually one of them really liked to just nest in his long silky night black hair.
Alec put his stuff away as well, glancing at Ren as he battled with his emotions. He wanted to get closer, and fast, but he didn't want to scare her away. He waited for Ren quietly.

Alize was still in the main hall, working on her assignment and grumbling as shr did so. She liked the class, just not the teacher.

Once all her belongings were put away she looked to Alec with a smile, and then started to leave the room. Her chest was filled excitement for her free period. Of course she was going to head back to her house dorms to put away her class stuff first. Out in the hall she started to head for the moving stairs.


He had to pass through one of the main halls to get to his house dorms. A cage with accessories was all setup and ready for him in his room for his rats. They had only just met, and he couldn't carry them around everywhere he went. That would just be a little weird. He put them in their cage, put a bound spell over them so they couldn't escape, and then grabbed his stuff for his next class. His free period was after lunch.
Alec smiled softly as he walked with Ren, still debating with himself he let out a soft sigh, he had to do it soon, very soon, but when?

Alize sighed quietly and put her stuff away, deciding to head to her next class, she couldn't wait for lunch. She was starving and wished she had food to eat right then and there but she didn't so she settled for that and began walking to her next class.

She got to the moving stairs down the Slytherin wing. When she faced the talking portrait that protects the dorm she uttered the password, and went in. The fire place was toasty warm, and it felt really good on her skin. She slipped into her bedroom, and put most of her stuff down. She picked up a pack that was slung over her shoulders, and then got her broom before going back into the lounge of the dorms.


(Forgot what I was doing with him and have to get going). He walked to his next class with a slight sour face to his features. He hadn't realized how smelly the rats could be, and he smelled ever so faintly of their butts and or poo. It was not a very pleasant thing to behold. When he got to class he sat down and kept to himself.
Alec waited for Ren to come back down, when she did come back, he gently placed a hand on her chin, making so she would be looking at him."Ren, I like you, a lot. I know we just met but I want to start a relationship with you."He said as he lifted her chin up, leaning in, and kissing her gently on the lips.

Alize walked into her class and sat down, sighing softly as she took out her books and ran a hand through her hair quietly.

She was surprised by his warm sincere words, and felt a tingling rush as his lips met hers. She kissed him back shyly with tender warmth. She broke the kiss with a bright smile on her face. "Okay", she told him accepting that he wanted to start a relationship with her. She had never had one before, but she thought it couldn't have really hurt that much could it? Her best philosophy was that nothing worth having was relatively easy, and knew that any relationship was going to take a lot of work. Family and friends a are a lot of work! So being intimately connected with someone is not going to be easy. "How does this work and start"? She asked him taking his hand and holding it.


This was definitely one of his favorite classes. Music. A lot of guys made fun of him for being in choir, but he had a sexy voice, and he enjoyed singing. He was not about to push aside something he liked just to fit in. In fact he often took pride in being himself when most people did whatever it took to stand out. The teacher gave the class intro, sand a little song, and then with the swish of her wand she projected on the big white wall-a musical number of fancy.
Alec shrugged lightly."Well......"He said thinking. He didn't quite know how to explain it. A relationship couldn't really be explained. It varied so much and depended on the people."Well...it just depends on the people involved I guess."He said with a smile as he held her hand.

Alize sighed softly as she took notes and read instructions in the book for her potions class. She sort of liked potions, but then she also didn't.

That wasn't exactly the answer she was looking for, however it was not a bad or wrong one. She wondered what this relationship would turn into, and where they would go. How would their intimacy evolve who they are over time? Do relationships even last long? At the current moment she sure hoped so. "I have a free period right now, and am going on a ride through the forbidden forest if you wanted to join me and had the availability to", she said with a cute and hopeful little smile on her face. She thought it would be a relaxing, and romantic way to get to know each other better.


He was excited that the teacher had chosen a fairly modern musical this time. He liked the classics just as much as the next guy, but the modern ones are usually more realatable. As the musical played he would occasional look down to his notebook, and he would jot down thoughts, feelings, scenes, and stuff to remember. A girl was admiring him from behind, and she leaned on her elbow letting out a swoon from her lips. It irritated him. Not only does he usually not like people to start with, but he hated when someone only took interest based purely off his appearance. There is usually so much to a person then how they look, and too many of them are shallow enough to only want to get to know you based off that. He hated it. However he remained calm and focused on the movie in front of him.
"Sure. Let me go grab my broom. "He said softly as he kissed her hand, then went up to put his stuff away. He ran a hand through his pale, blonde hair as he grabbed his broom, and came back downstairs.

Alize jumped slightly when her potion exploded, she heard quiet laughing and glared as she wiped some of it off. Luckily it wasn't a super dangerous potion.

She was super excited that he was able to go. She thought about what the future would hold for both of them as he was gone. She also might have stared at his butt a little when he left the room. She couldn't really help it. When he returned to her side she leaned up onto the tips of her feet, and kissed his cheek with a perky smile on her face. "Are you ready"? She asked him as her chest and tummy were filled with dancing lady bugs.


The girl that had been sitting behind gave off a very and pathetically fake sneeze in hopes of getting his attention. He caught the whole implication, and with a smile just ignored her. Somehow that bothered her a lot more than if he had just merely insulted her in front of everyone in the room at the moment. When the movie was over everyone decided to discuss it. The notes, the songs, the music, and some even remembered some of the songs well enough to reherse them off their memory of it. Only a small hand full had obsessed over it enough to have the whole memorised. It made him laugh a little on the inside as he enjoyed the talk.
Alec smiled at his kiss."Yes. Let's go."He said with a smile as he took her hand, walking out of the common room anf into the main halls, walking towards the doors.

Alize frowned as she found a small rash on her hands. Great. Now she'd have to cover it up.

When they made it outside she mounted her broom, and lifted into the air. Oh how she loved the feel of being up in the air, and flying on a broom stick. She only hoped that she didn't ridiculous doing it to him. "Can you catch me"? She asked him loudly before zooming off into the air almost as fast as the golden snitch. The wind was whipping in her face, and she rose higher into the air.


Some of the differing opinions for music among the class began to break out in a full argument. It was a fairly amusing debate for awhile until no one had anything new to say and they were all arguing amongst each other bickering like scorned little children who's mommy never picked a side.
Alec smiled as he flee into the air. He leaned close to his broom as he zoomed faster to catch up to her, he was right on her tail."I think so."He called back to her.

Alize sighed softly as she remade her potion, this time, not leaving it alone. It was an easy and fairly quick potion to make.

Crap~! She smiled and giggled to herself liking the thrill of the chase as she sped off a little bit faster into a dive below the brush of some trees. Somehow she imagined a branch blinding his vision after her, and falling. She didn't like that. So she went back up above it all, in the sky, and was soaring. She loved it.


Krad was just sitting back in class now enjoying listening to all the voices that filled the room now.
Alec smiled and easily followed her movements. He was a very good flyer. Hence him being on the team.

Alize sighed softly as she waited for her teacher to grade her potion.

She loved the feel of flying in general, but adding the thrill of the chase from this cute boy made it all the better. When that game was over though she slowed her speed some so they could hear each other talk over the dull roar of the wind in their ears.


The teacher loved having debates about music, but as things progressed away from debates and some students were looking like they might grab their wands and fight; she changed the speed real fast. She let the students perform their feelings in singing at one another instead.
Alec smiled as he flew next to her."Will you be trying out for Quidditch this year?"He asked as he looked over at her with a soft smile.

Alize sighed, wanting this class to be over with. She wanted the day to come to an end so she could take that walk with Krad. She was really looking forward to it.

She thought about his question carefully before answering him, "I don't know. What if I wasn't good at it"? She asked in return to him as they strode through the sky on their brooms.


Krad hadn't forgotten about the walk he agreed to with the cute faced girl. In fact he thought about while he was on break, and sat down in the great hall to eat. He wouldn't be much use to anyone on an empty stomach.
Alec smiled softly."I think you would be really good at it Ren. You should try out."He said as he flew, the wind blowing through his hair.

Alize walked into the great hall and sat down at the table towards the end. She was quite hungry but only put a little bit on her plate to eat.

She had considered his words for a moment, and pictured herself in the sport for a moment as they flew. She hadn't really thought of it. She was raised by gender roll based parents, and something that aggressive and masculine was not something the women traditionally did. Yet she was filled with enough wonder and curiosity that she wanted to at least try. What be the harm in that? "I think I will try", she said with a smile on her face.


He hadn't when someone sat down next to him at the table where he was piling a bunch of food. Mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, ham, a roll filled with a mound of sweet butter, a bowl of home style chicken noddle soup, and a little side dish of fired fish with french fries and ketchup. He of course saved that part for last, for it wouldn't taste well mixing with the rest of his food.
Alec smiled softly."Good. I think you'd be great at it."He said with a smile as he looked over at her, glad that she was willing to try it."It's really fun too. "He said as they flew.

Alize began to quietly eat her food, she still had the rest of the day to go before she could finally meet up with Krad. She was still a bit surprised from when he accepted her offer because she had seen the way he told the other girls off. She was super excited.

"What about the two times you have been in the hospital wing from game injuries"? She asked him in thought about all the possible bad things that come with being involved with the game.


As he was eating his food and thinking about going on a walk with pretty face at the end of the day. It was relaxing for him. The person that had sat next to him had apparently been trying to talk to him when he felt a funny pain in his head. That kind of slap usually only came from one person. "Try to remain in the right world", said the groaning grumpy voice of Snape. Krade just nodded his head, rolled his eyes, and continued to eat as if nothing had happened as the person next to him actually found someone to talk to.

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