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Fandom Hogwarts // CS Thread


welcome everyone to the CS thread for Hogwarts! Below you'll find some premade forms! You are welcome to use a code for your form(s) if you would like but it's not required at all!

Image Goes Here
Full Name

Do They Play Quidditch?
If Yes, What Quidditch Position Do They Have?
What Hogwarts House Are They In?
What Year Are They In?
Blood Status

Personality (traits or paragraphs)
Backstory/History : optional!

Special Abilities
Least Favorite Class
Most Favorite Class
Are They in any Clubs?
Role (example would be them being a prefect)

Sexuality Orientation
Romantic Orientation
Relationships - Relationships with OCs go here
Headcanons / Fun Facts


Image Goes Here
Full Name

Wand Type
Do They Sponsor Any Clubs?
Are They a Head of House
Blood Status

Personality (traits or paragraphs)
Backstory/History : optional!

Special Abilities
What Do They Teach?
What Hogwarts House Were They In?

Sexuality Orientation
Romantic Orientation
Relationships - relationships with OCs go here
Headcanons / Fun Facts
  • cersei sówka
    ❛ head girl ❜
    never love an anchor
    the crane wives
    i am all the things they might have said to you.
    code by opaline
    it would have buried you
    • i.
      cersei marguerite sówka.

      ✷ circe / a common nickname that is used a lot more than her actual name. there is something comforting about being referred to this; it’s as if people actually care about her enough to shorten her name to say it faster. It’s not true, she knows. but still, it feels nice.
      ✷ ce / sei / pronounced as sea. less common than the others, but still it’s here. her mother is the one that used this name the most. as beautiful and dangerous as the sea, her mother used to say. perhaps that is why circe finds it uncomfortable.
      eighteen. december 14th.
      transfeminine / non-binary.
      ✷ mainly uses she/her, but doesn’t mind they/them or various of other pronouns including neopronouns. she is much like her father in this regard; the way people perceive her is amusing and people can use just about anything for her and it won’t rattle her one bit. and if anyone doesn’t like how she expresses herself when it comes to gender, well, just like her namesake, she is very fond of turning people into animals with the spells has learned over the years.

      ✷ above all, circe is a women even if she doesn’t fully view herself as human/mortal. pronouns don’t equal gender and that’s especially true for circe. it doesn’t matter what pronoun she uses in the moment, she is always going to be a woman.

      ✷ circe may not be experienced in the arts of romance, but she is far from naive. she finds herself suspicious of others flirting with her, much less actually taking an interest in her, and that makes her wary when it comes to romance. she is convinced that most people want something from her; the thought that someone can be genuinely fond of her, much less fond enough of her to want to hold her hand or kiss her or actually be with her, doesn’t even pass her mind. any romance with her would be a slow-burn. oblivious to love, not because she is unaware, but because she refuses to admit that she isn’t as above it as she thought she was.
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Full Name: Theo Avery
Nicknames: Dop (short for "doppelganger" for their tendency to copy others instead of retain a form of their own), Theodore/Theophany (Mostly from their siblings who didn't really "get" the idea that they weren't just "pretending to be another gender" when using their abilities and were applying social pressure to force them to conform)
Age: 11
Gender: Fluid
Pronouns: They/Them
FaceClaim: Ron Howard, if I have to have one. Most of the time though they're just going be making it up on the spot or stealing someone else's appearance.

Do They Play Quidditch?: No
If Yes, What Quidditch Position Do They Have?: N/a
What Hogwarts House Are They In?: Hufflepuff
What Year Are They In?: First
Patronus: Jellyfish
Amortentia: Hasn't developed yet
Boggart: A swarm of people ignoring them, reminding them that nobody actually cares about them or loves them.
Blood Status: Pureblood

Personality: They have serious issues around self esteem and desperately want to be liked, though even being hated is better than being forgotten or ignored. They love their ability to become someone or something else because they feel like who they are isn't good enough for anyone. The only upside is that there is no need to be perfect in them like exists in some of their siblings. They don't give up when they fail, instead accepting that it is indeed proof that they aren't good enough yet, but growth has taught them they can improve. They might not be good enough today, or tomorrow, or in 50 years, but everyday they can improve and get closer to being good enough. Maybe, someday, when they're good enough someone will love them.

To avoid others feeling like they do, they try to make them happy and be thoughtful. A task made easier by their ability to pick out thoughts in their head and subtly adjust themselves. They're the sort of person who brings you your favorite treat when your craving it, because they know you're craving it. They take on a face they know is pleasing to you because it's pleasing to you. The problem is, that they end up burying themselves behind the masks as they do this, afraid that if they ever actually ask for what they want, they'll be rejected and reminded that others only care about what they can offer.

Backstory/History : They grew up on their family's estate, having no cause to deal with most people outside of it. The house elves ran the errands and took care of many of the chores. Their was a life of ease and privilege. Their father was skilled with potions and his mother was a master wandmaker. The problem came in the fact that they were expected to live up to nearly impossible standards. While underage wizardry was prohibited, they were taught the basics of spellcraft, potioncraft, magical history, how to fly, etc. from a young age. Their siblings were miles ahead of their classmates when they went to school and got tutors. Meanwhile, they were "playing with" their shapeshifting abilities and trying to control their ability to pick up things from others. They had little interest in spells and history when they had so much to explore within themselves and the minds of others.

The thing was that his parents knew how to help their other kids and nurture their interests. They didn't know how to help Theo in ways that didn't feel like they were either helping teach a sideshow trick or giving them body issues. How do you help someone with their shapeshifting form without criticizing their body and picking apart their features? So, they largely left Theo to their own devices which meant less time spent bonding. It wasn't an intentional thing on their part, but they ended up caring for them less than their other children and feeling less proud and invested in their success. Theo had become the black sheep in the family without any ill intent.

Pet(s): None
Wand: A specially developed composite, nine inches
Special Abilities: metamorphmagus and natural legilimens
Least Favorite Class: Any of the non-magical ones honestly
Most Favorite Class: Potions and Ligilimency (when it's taught)
Are They in any Clubs?: Shapeshifter club

Sexuality Orientation: Pan
Romantic Orientation: Pan
Relationships - Budding big sibling relationship with Ambrosia?
Headcanons / Fun Facts

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Professor Rutland Worley
52 - Male (He/Him) - FC (Nicol Williamson) - Bi[sexual/romantic]
Patronus ~ Shoebill
Wand Specifities ~ Dragon Heartstring / Mangrove / 11"
Boggart ~ A walking corpse, riddled with chemicals and poisons.
Status ~ Half-Blood
Amortentia ~ Smoked Leather

Personality ~
An inquisitive man. Talks at a tone that rarely changes and is often collected. Innovation and the ways of the world are topics that interest him and thus are included in his teachings.
Teaches ~ Muggle Studies
Former House ~ Ravenclaw
massive work in progress ^^

hufflepuff perfect.
xiao yingsu — ambrosia.
basics & visage
birth name:
xiao yingsu
present name:

cherry, cherry blossom + early morning, dawn

july 7th

masculine & feminine



"may you touch dragonflies and stars, dance with fairies and talk to the moon."


a warm mocha-hue, but wears contacts that are a soft jeweled pink
silky blond locks that stop a little past his knees

smooth milky white skin

chinese (grew up in greece)

plum blossoms, ylang ylang (a sweet delicate floral honey-like aroma with fruity undertones - almost like a rich honey perfume)

distinguishing feature:
delicate, otherwordly frame - feminine yet masculine.

visible gash from the lower left hip which curls upward diagonally to his back, roughly stops at his third rib
flowers are woven into blond locks (mostly flowers in season - tendency to wear large peony blooms, body chains, delicate-looking chokers
a large tattoo covers the entirety of his back that he keeps covered

sensitivity to light, anxiety

his tone is honeyed with a silvery tinge, allowing for an orotund pitch—ethereal, yet softly spoken like a soft melody (ambrosia's speech is an old victorian style, often communicating in riddles)

blond versions of neo huo & deng wei
deng youxi
persona & attributes
quiet, open-minded, ruthless, imaginative, overly idealistic, empathetic, compassionate, sensitive, daydreamer, kind, generous, passionate, self-isolating, self-critical, reserved, loyal, meticulous, devoted, reserved, observed, analytic, self-reliant, clever, hardworking, protective, curious, creative, sentimental, helpful, ambivert, self-confident, intellectual, warm, cold, aloof, withdrawn, reactive, steady, motherly

neutral good

ambrosia is a whimsical, soft-spoken individual with a compassionate, kind soul. he is a hopeless romantic filled with silly dreams and fairy tale endings. despite his whimsical disposition, ambrosia is a critical thinker who employs logic and offers blunt words of wisdom delivered with a soft, melodic resonance.

he doesn’t seek to take charge or follow others mindlessly, particularly when their morals or ideals don’t align with his. ambrosia is a grounding presence—unwavering in troubling times, providing soothing touches and soft-spoken reassurances. he desires to be a protective, unmovable figure, like an older brother to whom others can look for support and connection. he is a steady flame offering advice to the mundane and the troubled, soft but firm in his words and stance. some may consider him a mother hen—a statement he neither confirms nor denies.

as an observant individual, he notices the smallest details and uses them to his advantage, whether to guide others toward self-care or other arcane methods. he is ruthless, albeit elegantly, when his family and friends are at the devil’s gate. ambrosia tends to latch onto people’s negativity and internalize it, becoming reactive and brash in contrast to his soft, crinkled smiles and warm pink irises. he also possesses a gift for understanding silence, seemingly knowing what to say or do to comfort a grieving heart in turmoil.

despite his warm yet ruthless nature, ambrosia is quite reserved. he enjoys his privacy and secrets, preferring to sit in solitude, sipping a warm cup of tea in the garden, or listening to someone ramble. he can easily manipulate his emotions, maintaining a calm and stable demeanor in stressful times.

love language:
physical touch

analytical, original, open-minded, curious, honest, logical, abstract thinker, agility, photographic memory, flexibility, slow to anger, calm under pressure, grounded presence
disconnected, overthinking, impatient, self-doubt, insensitive, expressing emotions, revenge-driven, physical strength, close combat, latching onto negative emotions, sweeping his trauma under the rug

shaking his head, sighing, tutting, humming, smiling with crinkled eyes, temple/forehead kisses, physical contact
braiding hair, making flower crowns, writing, reading classical literature, gardening, brewing teas/potions, spending time at the library, walking barefoot, knitting

potions, music, solitude, fantasy romance, moonlight/sunlight, ancient architecture, hopeless romance, tragedies, stargazing, full moons, sunrises, storytelling, braiding flowers in people's hair, autumn, spending time in his animagus form
bitter foods, illness, unnecessary force, unreasonable rules, close-mindedness, entitled purebloods, disobeying direct orders, targeting family/friends, extremely hot weather, dark arts, physical sports

losing stability/support/guidance, feeling unwanted/unloved
creating a family, stay-at-home mama, traveling the world, historian, possible teaching/creative writing degree, living off-grid in a cottage home

least favorite class:
most favorite class:
herbology, astronomy

are they in any clubs:
book club
lore & backstory

blood status:
pureblood (raised by muggles)

special ability:
an animagus that turns into a lilac smoke albino aegean mix

an english oak wand with a chimera scale fragment core 11 1/2" and flexible
the loss of a loved one, dying a brutal, slow death
rich honey, new parchment, nature, fallen rain, sunlight against bare skin, peonies

do they play quidditch:

a black barn owl named makarios

odyssey, pens, lip balm, non-scented hand lotion, small leather-bound notebook, sunglasses, new parchment, quills, rosewater, hair ties, comb, pride & prejudice

"she preferred most of all to live with flowers and music and to have a book, in quiet solitude."

lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. adipiscing euismod leo posuere vulputate accumsan libero congue fermentum nisl. montes morbi ad habitant laoreet posuere nisl eget elit. eleifend efficitur aenean hendrerit sagittis risus sociosqu lectus. ex morbi proin dapibus ultrices congue malesuada consequat torquent nulla. praesent ornare blandit sagittis feugiat ridiculus dapibus magnis dictum. mollis at felis elit justo cras ridiculus purus massa volutpat.

phasellus sagittis accumsan primis facilisi malesuada ultrices. etiam platea tincidunt habitasse sem aptent suscipit quisque. dictum ac facilisis ornare potenti leo. magna tortor ex curae dolor maecenas natoque. parturient porta lectus adipiscing senectus turpis est nunc odio. mus laoreet faucibus venenatis maximus lacus. orci odio pellentesque conubia tristique tincidunt orci posuere tempus. cursus sit senectus nascetur congue volutpat sit. porta porttitor fringilla gravida porta parturient id.

dictum montes amet facilisi odio nulla laoreet montes. sapien pellentesque habitant tempus; faucibus facilisis mollis quis aliquam eu. praesent elit donec convallis ante suspendisse tortor non. porttitor lectus sagittis dictumst nullam pretium consequat. non ultricies justo donec efficitur nullam. venenatis mus ut habitasse aliquam potenti malesuada neque posuere per. lorem lobortis luctus venenatis, a tortor dapibus posuere. nibh felis quisque diam lacinia, condimentum mauris tellus aenean mollis. potenti elementum mollis curae lacinia sit ultricies proin ex nunc.
connections & misc
known affiliates:

→ biological parents
nibh felis quisque diam lacinia, condimentum mauris tellus aenean mollis. potenti elementum mollis curae lacinia sit ultricies proin ex nunc.
→ adoptive grandmother
felis quisque diam lacinia, condimentum mauris tellus aenean mollis. potenti elementum mollis curae lacinia sit ultricies proin ex nunc.
→ younger sister
quisque diam lacinia, condimentum mauris tellus aenean mollis. potenti elementum mollis curae lacinia sit ultricies proin ex nunc.
→ deceased boyfriend
quisque diam lacinia, condimentum mauris tellus aenean mollis. potenti elementum mollis curae lacinia sit ultricies proin ex nunc.


→ theo avery
a potential older brother / little sibling dynamic where amb offers advice and soft-lipped words of encouragement and protection against anywho who may hurt them.
→ oc name 2
→ oc name 3

click here
click here

fun facts

— language of flowers
— tends to be more sentimental/nostalgic, especially toward the various knick-knacks and memorabilia he possesses
— curious about the depths of nature and how we think/behave as individuals/society
— exquisitely attuned to his thoughts and feelings
— enjoys people watching and with closest friends, ambrosia tends to ramble about what he’s noticed with several theories
— honored to listen to others and be of assistance, especially those who confide/trust him
— despite his well-worn mask, ambrosia internalizes people’s negativity, becoming vulnerable to depressive moods
— hopeless romantic
— ambrosia tries to remain optimistic, logically, he understands that life is not always seen through rose-colored glasses and happy endings. life is cruel. the strong survive and the weak perish. those who panic are bound to make careless mistakes. lessons well-learned
— although warm-natured, ambrosia can be perceived as cold/aloof, especially when he has difficulty expressing internal emotions
— strives for stability and peace of mind
— if his bottomless mind leads him astray, ambrosia becomes withdrawn and reactive, unable to communicate as his anxieties run wild
— thinks using logic, opting to use blunt words, but sometimes a situation may require a delicate touch
— soft around children (extremely protective of kits)
— it may take him longer than normal to realize someone is flirting or using romantic advances
— tries to be a grounded/stable figure in dire times with soft smiles and crinkled hues
— total mother hen and will manipulate others into doing self-care whether that’s helping them with cleaning, or making sure they’re eating/drinking
— ambrosia remains calm and level-headed during heated arguments since one cannot reason with stupidity

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The Nice Girl, 17, SHE/HER, Cutie​

Full Name : Cassandra 'Samantha' Jones
Nicknames : CJ, Cass, Cas, Sandra, Sam, Sammy, Andra
Age : 17yrs
Gender : Female
Pronouns : She/Her
FaceClaim : Camila Mendes

Do They Play Quidditch? No
If Yes, What Quidditch Position Do They Have? N/A
What Hogwarts House Are They In? Gryffindor
What Year Are They In? 3rd Year
Patronus : A deer
Amortentia : vanilla, strawberry icecream
Boggart : her friends and boyfriend dead bodies
Blood Status : Half-Born

Personality : Cassandra is a brave, nice and intelligent girl. She would always be there to help you out and comfort when needed. When your sad, SHE'S YOUR GIRL
Backstory/History : N/A For Now

Pet(s) : A kitten
Wand : Hermione's Wand, basically
Special Abilities : She's an Animagus and turns into a cute white kitten, ironic right?
Least Favorite Class : Herbology
Most Favorite Class : Transfiguration
Are They in any Clubs? Nope
Role (example would be them being a prefect) N/A

Sexuality Orientation : Heterosexuality
Romantic Orientation : Straight
Relationships - Relationships with OCs go here : N/A for now
Headcanons / Fun Factscm.gif

Full Name - Madame Venoire Spindleweave
Nicknames - Silken Shadowseer; Madame Spinneret; Dusk Widow Weaver; Cobwebs (affectionately); Legs
Age - 51
Gender - Cis Female
Pronouns - She/Her
FaceClaim - Witches of Google (names not provided by Google)

Patronus - Spider/Vulture (pls help me decide xwx)
Wand Type - English Oak wood with a unicorn hair core, 14 ½ and slightly springy flexibility
Do They Sponsor Any Clubs? - Knitting & Crochet Club (get it? because she spins webs)
Are They a Head of House - No
Boggart - "Infinity... Eternity... The unknowable unknown... Could it be, she fears naught but God itself?"
Blood Status - Pureblood
Pet(s) - All over the place! Don't worry though, they won't harm students.
Amortentia - "Insects, the things she feeds to her many spiders. She spends hours outside collecting them."

Personality (traits or paragraphs) - While she puts off a serious and creepy air to others, she is actually quite anxious on the inside, her mind on many things at once. This often makes her look a bit scatterbrained, but still pretty creepy. She even shows a soft, if adoring side to her legion of arachnids that scurry about the classroom. They seem to move at her beck and command when they're not roaming free, like an orchestral mass flowing to every swish of a conductor's baton. Don't underestimate her. When she's scorned, she will eat a whole man for breakfast, as does the black widow. And don't even think about stepping on one of her precious spiders!

Special Abilities - Full and partial spider transformation; controlling spiders; predicting and seeing future possibilities (the future is always changing); eavesdropping; venom injection (through fangs); hanging from ceilings; changing her clothes; full magical knowledge and skills yet unknown
What Do They Teach? - Divination
What Hogwarts House Were They In? - Ravenclaw

Sexuality Orientation - Homosexual
Romantic Orientation - Homoromantic
Relationships - TBA
Headcanons / Fun Facts - "Some say they've seen her eat bugs... is it really true? She doesn't normally eat with people around..."
- "The scariest part about her? She does this thing where she transforms halfway. Half lady, half spider. I don't know why. Maybe she just likes to mess with us. But she sure looks freaky, with those eight legs, and her gross body, and her... webbing."
- "Nobody knows if she's actually eaten somebody before... rumors are rumors, but she won't tell. Still... she does lick her lips a lot when she looks at us..."
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