Hogwarts- A New Rise


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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Below is a list of required information for your character to be accepted.

Feel free to add information and put this in any format you wish.

There is no minimum or maximum that you need to include.

Please indicate if your profile is incomplete in some way and keep this updated as needed.

Student skelly:






[Appearance] (if it's an image spoiler it or have a link, written descriptions or a combo of the two are a-okay)

[Race] (since there's giants, werewolves, etc.)


[blood Status] (pureblood, half-blood, etc. so we have an idea of your character's background)



Teacher/Staff Member skelly:





[Appearance] (if it's an image spoiler it or have a link, written descriptions or a combo of the two are a-okay)

[Race] (since there's giants, werewolves, etc.)


[blood Status] (pureblood, half-blood, etc. so we have an idea of your character's background)

[Class Teaching] (if not teaching a class, like if they're just gamekeeper, caretaker, or Headmaster indicate that here)



If I don't think your character follows the rules, I'll ask you to change what's wrong, but I doubt that that will happen.
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Kiro Akira







[Appearance] (if it's an image spoiler it or have a link, written descriptions or a combo of the two are a-okay)


[Race] (since there's giants, werewolves, etc.)



Kiro is a rather calm user, he would rather just read a book rather then fight in a battle or something of that sort. He's also in love with Quidditch and plays on the team. He keeps quiet when alone and reads and when around friends he tries his best to have fun and enjoy his time with them hoping to learn a few new things.

[blood Status] (pureblood, half-blood, etc. so we have an idea of your character's background)

Pure Blood


Gained the ability to skip through my spooky @Ghost y.


Plays Quidditch

His wand is made with Aspen wood. It's pure white and the handle is wrapped with a black lace.

His broom is a Silver Arrow. (Ask if you want me to provide more)

He has a pet raven that much like the owls delivers his mail.

He has a fascination for snakes and keeps a second pet this one being the snake.

His snake is a Florida King snake. It's a sand color with a few darker spots across his back (Actually have a picture of this if anyone needs it.)

Kiro has a disorder with his magic that causes his eyes to blur and hurt when he uses it for to long or uses a strong powerful spell.
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[Name] Blake Lively

[Age] 16

[Gender] Male

[Year] 6th

[House] Slytherin

[Race] Human

[Personality] Around people, Blake is very friendly and caring. Living up to his house name though, he's actually sly and cunning. He doesn't have actual friends, though they may call themselves that. He has a reason for keeping those whom he befriends, as it benefits him. As soon as they cease to, he cuts them out of his life.

[blood Status] Pureblood

[bio] Blake had a normal pureblood childhood. His parents were over the moon when they heard what his house was, as they were both Slytherins as well. He was taught that being pureblood, he was better than others. He was also taught that to win a battle, you fought in the shadows, which is why he is so sneaky. Blake has his own secret though. He met the love of his life in his 4th year. He couldn't tell his family though, as she was a Gryffindor. He plans to take this secret to the grave, for how could she ever noetic a Slytherin...

[Misc.] Typically excels at Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Also loves art.

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Irvin Thornton










Light blue eyes, and short bleached light hair. About average height. I'll draw a picture later.




On the outside he's a quiet, but not unfriendly person. He might not talk to anyone unless he's approached, but that's just because he's not very good at making conversation. He's a little eccentric though, and when he was in muggle school some kids thought he was weird, so he's a little self-conscious. He'll try to act fairly normal, but if someone who he thought wouldn't care became friends with him, he'd probably let go and act without too much thought of what they'd think, but it would still be something nagging at the back of his mind. He's generally friendly to everyone that talks to him, mostly because he almost can't not be. This caused some problems with people he didn't particularly like thinking they were friends with him, and he didn't have the heart to tell them that he didn't care for them and he was annoyed frequently, though he felt a little bad about it. Luckily, he'll have a new start at this wizard school, and get away from those people!

He doesn't like homework and tends to procrastinate a little, and would probably have done better in school if he didn't. In fact, he doesn't like work much at all, unless he's working at something he really likes. And if he likes something, he really likes it. It's almost all or nothing or totally neutral with him, with almost everything. Including people. He tends to either really dislike someone (but won't act on it most of the time), doesn't care about them at all, or in rare cases just clicks with people and really likes them. He likes animals a lot, animals of any kind, though some more than others. He's asked his parents for all kinds of pets, though he hasn't had any yet. He likes art and books too, particularly the fantasy kind, and had always dreamed of going on adventures. As such, he was very glad and excited to learn that he was a wizard.

Since he did very well in his muggle school, and was called smart and talented by teachers and parents alike, he was proud of being good at most of the things he tried, and he was teased when he did worse than most people on things like tests and quizzes, which of course made him feel horrible and hate being less than average and want to be really good at anything he did that mattered to him. He also sort of began to get the idea that he was better than his classmates, and recently had began to become a little arrogant. He's also frustrated when people can't get the same things he can at the same speed, but if he doesn't understand something, he'd be too embarrassed to ask for help and would rather try to figure things out on his own.

He has a short temper and gets upset/hurt fairly easily but tends to bottle up his feelings and hold a grudge, never really forgiving anyone that hurts him but never really acting on his feelings, since there wasn't really any way for him to. Maybe if there was a way for him to, he might've.... If someone or something continually angers or upsets him, he won't be able to contain his feelings forever, and they all might explode at once.

If he meets someone he likes and who is friendly back, or they become good friends, he'll be very loyal to them and want to be with them a lot.

[blood Status]



He grew up in America and moved to London around the age of 10. His mother was American but his dad British, and he had wanted to move closer to his ailing mother to be with her. All of them were confused at the occasional unexplainable occurrences that happened around him, that were eventually explained by the wizard who had brought his acceptance letter. Generic muggle-born background.


His wand is made out of silver lime wood, has a dragon heartstring core, is 12 1/4 inches, and slightly springy.
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[Name] Ikomo Kakasheki (yup thats right!)

[Age] 14

[Gender] Male

[Year] 4th

[House] Ravenclaw

[Appearance] Ikomo has deep black hair that is somewhat Curley and he keeps longer than average for a boy. He has defined face with a fair complexion. He typically wears a black sweater and red pants, and rarely eve takes house pride outside of Quidditch, which explains his lack of badge even though it is rather obvious he is in Ravenclaw.

[Race] Human (Animargis: Canary)

[Personality] Ikomo is a quite lad at times but isn't afraid to voice his opinions. He can't be set off very easily but when he does he enters a state of fiery rage that can consume him almost entirely. Because of this he tends to push people to the point of giving up before stopping his activity. He hates to be outdone but will not play unfairly to gain back his control. His heritage has taught him of a time long past of a warrior culture from his homeland of Japan where your honor was all you had. He will protect it to the grave if he has to. He feels obligated to those he cares for and those he doesn't dislike to help them when needed. His English isn't bad he just does not have a complex vocabulary. He also really freaks out when he does something wrong. People seem to see him a the sort of pet person despite his strong moral code he tends to crack jokes a little to much for his own good. At times his clueless self take hold and he just goes into a state of "Why you do this? Why you do that?" Making him a a little socially awkward.

[blood Status] Pureblood

[bio] Ikomo was raised at a age befor he could remember in the last magical society in all of Japan. The village elders would choose one of every 100 children every five years to become a Animargais and Ikomo was selected. At the time his village was under public attack from a ant-wizard society who sought to destroy the village. During a raid on the village the elders took Ikomo and in a hasty ritual made him a Animargis so the village could live on. Hey gave him the power of the canary, and told him to fly to a island on the other side of the world. He flew for twenty days and twenty nights until he was so exhaust gates he fell to the earth and slowly turned back I to his human form and landed in a channel in London. He awoke the next day in a white room with people standing over him. Speaking in a weird language he muddled his way through that week until he got transferred to a orphanage. The next few years he slowly learned English and kept his abilities a hidden secret, practicing every night. Then one fateful day he got a letter and there his journey began. At Hogwarts he became fascinated by Quidditch and tried out when he first got the chance. In his second year he got on the team as a chaser and he was satisfied wih that. He found the classes always very easy and pulled of every charm spell and curse with ease.

[Misc.] Favorite food: "The flakey bun" (Sweet roll), His Patronous is a swallow

Wand is 9 2/3 cherry, with dragon heartstring
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Sadie Wiblin














She is hard-working and stubborn, and has friends across all four houses. She loves to study and has a thirst for knowledge, leading some to believe she was incorrectly housed. She doesn't think so though, as she thinks fairness and equality are both just as important as learning. She loves to listen, and finds incomparable happiness when helping others, but sometimes her kindness goes too far, which lands her in trouble.

She is as curious as a cat, and she loves to wonder and find things in Hogwarts, but will never stay out after curfew, or break the rules without a good reason. She hardly ever gets annoyed or angry, which means people will often treat her horribly without expecting repercussions.

She doesn't like to talk about herself, and doesn't always value honesty. She is a strong believer of what-you-don't-know-can't-hurt-you. She will bottle up her emotions and never let them out. One day though, when she gets pushed too far, she might just become a molotov cocktail.

Her first impressions always stick, even when she is proven wrong, time and time again.

She has a bad habit of acting sweet and kind towards everyone, but underneath the surface she is mistrustful.

But most of all she is loyal, fiercely loyal. She will never, ever break a promise, and will always be there when you ask. She will blindly follow you in the name of friendship.

Her patronus is a gecko, and her boggart is herself. Her favourite class is transfiguration and in her spare time she likes to read and doodle or stare out the window.

[blood Status]



She lived in a middle-class home, with one brother who was much older than she, a little sister, and her parents. Both of her parents had decent jobs. Her father was a banker, and her mother worked in event planning. Her brother has grown up and working in the Ministry by the time she left for Hogwarts. Her little sister is starting her first year this year.

Her mother and father tried to teach her all they could about magic before her eleventh birthday, in hopes of getting her into Hogwarts. Her mother was a witch and her dad a half-blood, but with no magic. Though they tried their best, her mother had dropped out of school in her 4th year, as her family had run out of money, to help run her parent's shop.

Her father tried his hardest, but he knew not much about magic. He took her too the wizarding world's library and helped her read up on spells and ways.

Their work did pay off however, and she was accepted at age 11 to Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

She didn't have a hard or tragic life, but found herself doubting her worth or purpose in life. She put all her energy into helping everyone else, but never made any true friends in her first years. She tried her hardest to just fit in, but she could never go half way, she always went all in or all out. She struggled in most of the practical classes, and spent most of her time trying not to stand out in theory work. The added struggle of wrestling with her sexuality, gender, and wanting a place in life, didn't help her in the slightest.

It's only been in recent years that she's started to take time out for herself, even if she still has the same feelings about it.


Her favourite colour is blue!
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[Name] Chishiri Tikano

[Age] 14

[Gender] Female

[Year] 4th

[House] Gryffindor


[Race] Human

[Personality] Bright and vivacious, Chishiri likes to stay on the move. She prefers to spend her time with friends, but needs a break from social situations after a few hours. Her activeness begins and ends at the outdoors- she isn't into sports, and lets face it- the Quidditch games are just too loud. Silence is a welcoming noise, anything repetitive or over bearing can be too much. She uses her solitary time to finish classwork; she'd rather spend the rest of the day doing something else, like spending time in the yard or sneaking into the kitchen for pastries. When it comes to grades, she excels at her favorite subjects (Transfiguration and Potions), and scores average on the rest. If it doesn't interest her, she won't put as much effort into it.

[blood Status] Pure Blood

[bio] Family wise, she is an only child with loving parents who send frequent care packages and letters. Mom always sends sweets, which Chishiri happily hoards under her bed.

[Misc.] Shoe lifts. Standing at 5 foot in stocking feet, Chishiri wears shoe lifts in a desperate attempt to be as big as she feels.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.e033d0e8a473a26291876f5eb0919d91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.e033d0e8a473a26291876f5eb0919d91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sidara Henderson

[Age] 16

[Year] 6th year

[blood Status] Half-Blood

[House] Slytherin


Sidara has dark auburn hair with strokes of dark red, an easy identifier in a crowded corridor at the Hogwarts castle. It flows past her shoulders down to the middle of her back in soft waves. She has brown eyes, resembling an appealing flavor of dark chocolate. Ara is slim, having decent cheek bones, lightly visible collar bones, and a splash of freckles on her face. She is 5'5" in height, weighing 120 pounds. Sidara is often seen wearing her traditional Hogwarts uniform during classes, consisting of a plain white blouse, a green and silver Slytherin House tie, a charcoal grey knitted V-neck jumper, a skirt slightly above the knee, and her sensible black shoes. On the weekends and when the students are not in class, she prefers to wear one of her various jumpers, a pair of Muggle skinny jeans and boots to complete her outfit.


Sidara is similar to the Slytherins who had come before her, though believing less in blood purity and not having a shrew attitude about everything that does not work out in her favor. A strong-headed girl, Ara always speaks her mind and establishes her position early on in a situation. She can often be blunt, telling others exactly what she thinks despite the consequences or crushed hearts that are created with her words. In this way, she believes it is better to tell the truth rather than goading someone along and continuing lying right to their face. Unlike some of those in her house, Ara is not hesitant in her actions, as she usually knows what she wants and will accomplish her task one way or another.

On a typical day, Sidara is very outgoing in nature, engaging in various conversations and debates both in class and in the corridors. Despite her passionate mind, she is energetic toward strangers she meets, letting them know that she is unique and spirited right off the bat. Even around boys, she shows her confident attitude, though a bit more reserved in the hopes of not scaring them away. Though she can often fade to the background and access a situation, this does not stop Ara from jumping into the action and participating moments later. When she gets angry, she can hold a grudge, even when it is her fault, as she is stubborn to admit that she was wrong. This is why she dislikes things that she is not good at, as though she continually tries, Sidara sometimes gets frustrated when she cannot complete a task easily.

As she is a Half-Blood, blood purity was never established in her home, which contains a mixture of Pure-Bloods and Half-Bloods. Some of her housemates think she does not belong; however, Sidara proves them wrong with cunning nature that is always three steps ahead in her planning, a valued trait among Slytherins. Sidara does not find herself interested in the Dark Arts, seeing as she might go overboard with it if she got involved. There was nothing worse than having the Ministry of Magic chasing your tail every day for something like that. Though some of her housemates find this a prestigious area of magic, she tends to float in the other direction to Defense magic against the Dark Arts.


Until the beginning of her schooling at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Sidara spent most of her days at home with her brothers, quickly learning the art of Quidditch and how to survive their gender torments by developing a sharp tongue.Along with her Quidditch antics and mischievous pranks she pulled on her brother, Sidara experienced many trips to Diagon Alley, her eyes practically glued to the shop window of Quality Quidditch Supplies almost every time. Her parents thought it wise not to send her to Muggle primary school, as she displayed her first sign of magic at age six where her hair turned blond mysteriously without the use of dye or a wand. It would have been hard to explain strange phenomenons, such as her tendency to magically appear at large heights to her classmates and teacher.

Growing up, Sidara always worried about her father when he went on missions for an extended period of time. She often saw her mother's distraught nature, waiting for her husband to return safely while caring for their three children. Despite thinking that one nasty curse, such as the Killing Curse, could suddenly end his life, Ara admired his courage and skill to pursue this profession for various years. Though unsure if she wanted to be an Auror one day, the young auburn hair girl was determined to inspire others with the choices she makes and protect others from harm.

Sidara was very pleased when she received her letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as she yearned to go to the institution since Brandon began attending years prior. Arriving at Platform 9 and Third Quarters on the first of September, Ara looked forward to her education of Hogwarts, determined to make her family proud. Being sorted into Slytherin the same night, Sidara has learned to make the most out of what is given to her, always pursuing challenges and scheming to make sure she is awarded for her attempts.


Her wand is made of Willow, is10 3/4 inches, and has Unicorn Hair. Her strengths include Defense Against the Dark Arts, Summoning Charms, and Potions. Sidara's weaknesses are Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, and the Freezing Charm (Immobulus). In addition, she plays at Chaser for Slytherin House Quidditch Team.



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[Name] Gilbert Alexander Fry. Please call him Fry unless you are looking for a death wish.

[Age] 11

[Gender] Male

[Year] 1

[House] Gryffindor

[Appearance] Fry has a mop of auburn colored hair atop his head, which is always messy. The last time he was measured, the mark on the wall said 5’10”, he is very tall for his age, but very lanky. Emerald green eyes are surrounded by dark colored eyelashes and they are almost always formed into an angry scowl.

[Race] The letter received from the headmaster said he was not a muggle, but a "Wizard."

[Personality] Fry is what most people would classify as a “hot head.” He does not make friends very easily and he is known to get angry at the drop of a hat. Underneath his hard exterior, Fry is just a lonely boy with a lot of questions. He is very insecure, especially being at the age he is, and he has a hard time trying to live up to his parent’s expectations. He absolutely loathes the name Gilbert. He gets very frustrated when others call him by it. He is a troublemaker at heart, but he is not rude unless he has to be.

[blood Status] Pureblood, borderline boiling.

[bio] Fry was born into a long line of talented wizards, and every single one of them had been placed into the green and silver house, Slytherin. His parents had even gotten him Slytherin robes to change into when he got on the train, confident their youngest born would be in the same house as well. When Fry snaps at the Sorting Hat, correcting it to call him Fry, the tattered hat saw more bravery than stubbornness, and placed him in Gryffindor despite his fears.

[Misc.] He is mostly interested in potions and he is very nervous about taking Defense of the Dark Arts, for being afraid he would not be as good as his father.

Axon Lawrence Moggrean








Axon is a tall, thin man with long black hair framing his strong and weathered face.

His hands are large and long. He stands at 6,4 and is of Stocky build.

His clothing is a beautiful acid green robes with black over tones.




Axon is kind and collected. He is very intellectual and has a firm grasp on the ways of magic.

He was once the teacher of Defense against the dark arts and was appointed headmaster for his years of service

to the school. He is very odd at times and can seem like he is lost in thought but don't be fooled. He is always a

step ahead of most in the school.

[blood Status]


[Class Teaching]



Axon was born to a long line of pure bloods from America. Being that it was his life's dream his parents moved to England so he could attend

Hogwarts. He was top of his class and a first class Quidditch player. After he left Hogwarts he studied the monsters and races of the world. He learned how to defend and expel against many creatures and was put in the magical history books for discovering the medical use of vampires blood.

As he grew older he was offered the position to teach Defense against the dark arts and took it without hesitation. He thought till he turned forty and was offered the position of headmaster due to unforeseen events with the death of both the headmaster and the vice-headmaster. For the last seven years Hogwarts has been flourishing as a Wizardring school under Axon's guidance.


His wand is 17in's even and made of Mahogany and contains a core of dragon heart string and unicorn horn
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Name: Jacqueline Jones

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Year: 5


Apperance: Look at the pic

Race: Human

Personality: quiet, smart, punk, rule breaker, has no friends

Blood: Muggle Born

Bio: In the 1st year she got her letter and joined the Quiddach team and met no friends unlike all the other witches. In the 3rd year she almost died. She still has no friends and she broke her leg (is in crutches) over the summer.

Misc: She is a Quiddach 5x Champ
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Ghost remember these two? >D


Night Misuki











Left is Midnight, (In sheet below this one) Right is Night.

[Race] (since there's giants, werewolves, etc.)


To my understanding, a Veela is a cross between a Siren and Succubus. And they are amazing in the harry potter universe.

Succubus- A succubus is able to entrance a male or female (Depending on the gender of the succubus) and make them do nearly anything they wish.

Siren- Depending on where you look at this at, a siren is able to sing at high pitched sounds to disrupt anyone who hears it and leave them defenseless. It has been known sirens can sing loud enough to bust ear drums and some times organs.

Another form of a siren, is someone who can sing beautifully and entrance the target. almost the exact same as a succubus but the difference is that the siren, when angered. Will transform into a half human half bird like creature. This is what I'll be using but half breed will put in some error with this.

Being only half, he lost the ability to transform but his voice when he sings is still able to entrance the females. But Night doesn't care for this and simply pushes the power aside.


Night is a calm individual, he enjoys learning things and loves the ability to learn new spells when he can he will be in the library reading a book or training out in a field working on his spells. Night enjoys swimming and simply using a broom just to go for a ride around the castle.

[blood Status] (pureblood, half-blood, etc. so we have an idea of your character's background)

Half-Blood (Half magical human half Veela)


@Ghost looooveee youuuu :3


Has a twin brother

Has a Nimbus 2000 for a broom

His wand is of Hazel wood

Pet snake, Leucistic Texas Rat Snake (White)



Midnight Misuki









[Appearance] (if it's an image spoiler it or have a link, written descriptions or a combo of the two are a-okay)

In the sheet above this one.

[Race] (since there's giants, werewolves, etc.)

Half Veela (Magical human and Veela)


Midnight is a rough type of person. He doesn't get along with people well and despises being in large groups. He's the one who would rather watch you cry then make you stop crying. When he's not working on upsetting people he's doing is best to perfect his magic hoping to become a master at it. While everyone else fears the past he thinks it's interesting and enjoys learning about the courageous attempts to destroy the school nearly 100 years ago.

[blood Status] (pureblood, half-blood, etc. so we have an idea of your character's background)

Half blood



Has a pet Eastern Indigo Snake. It's solid black unlike his brothers pure white snake.

His wand is a Hawthorn wand.

Twin brother

Nimbus 2001 for a broom.
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Uh- Hi! Am I too late to join?

Name: Elspeth (El) Caraci (Not my real name)





[Appearance] Tall and pale with grey eyes and long black wavy hair which she usually just lets hang loose. She has a small scar going over her left eyelid, left by one of her mothers partners. She has mastered the art of faking smiles and grins and always has one on.

[Race] Human.

[Personality] She is generally very happy and friendly, although she is quick to anger and when she gets angry she is very loud and mean. She will always protect the people she cares about and will happily hurt someone who hurts them. She will go to great lengths to make sure that everyone close to her, even going as far as to pretend that she is happy when she isn't and lie about her past and her life so that they don't have to worry about her. Half of her smiles are fake.

[blood Status] Half blood.

[bio] If asked she will tell a vague story about how "She was born into a well off family, not wealthy but they were comfortable. She went to a public muggle school until her letter came from hogwarts." Which is very different than the real story. She was born into a poor family who barely had enough to eat. Her father left when she was five, and most of her mothers other partners were abusive drunks. she was home-schooled by her mother until the age of nine, when her mother met a reasonably wealthy man who took them in and took care of them. He was very nice, except when he drank... When her letter to Hogwarts came she was overjoyed to finally leave.


Her wand is ash and phoenix feather. ( It was the first thing I thought of.)

She is an avid reader and is very interested in animals of all sorts, she has a grey cat named Karkitty.

She flys a nimbus 2000 and yeah thats about it.
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[Harlow Richards]






Race] Human: Animagus - Fennec Fox

Personality] Harlow is both painfully shy, and too worried about fitting in. This makes him an introvert at the best of times, while a puddle of shivering anxiety at the worst. He is a kind, gentle spirit regardless of his inability to communicate properly with people. While being sorted into Hufflepuff for his softness, Harlow is brilliant and it was a hard choice between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Being blessed with an eidetic memory, also know as a photographic memory making the absorption of knowledge a piece of cake. Unfortunately the physical, and most practical application of magic does not come as easily.

Harlow is desperately lonely most of the time, having a stutter and being as shy as he is makes it very hard for him to make any friends. Despite not having contact with other students, Harlow believes he would be fiercely loyal, and protective of any friends he would make. Although he would never be protective in the way he imagines as he is also has a terrible fear of pain. He is often times compelled to teach or help people, which is very frustrating for him when he is compelled but can't speak.

Blood Status] Pure-blood

Bio] Harlow is not a special snow flake when it comes to his background. He was raised by two loving parents, and has one much older sibling who has graduated from Hogwarts also being sorted into Hufflepuff. His Mother and Father are both Wizards, although his mother now works as a muggle kindergarten teacher, his father works for the ministry of magic. When Harlow was eleven he received his invitation to study at Hogwarts, he enthusiastically agreed to attend.

Before Harlow set off for school his parents took him shopping where he picked up a sweet little Calico kitten he promptly named Hecate, his staple wardrobe of black pants, white button downs, vests, and a black cape. The last place was of course to be chosen by a wand, and it just so happens that a perticularily rare one chose Harlow. When he arrived he was sorted into Hufflepuff although because of his brilliant mind it was a hard decision to place him in Hufflepuff instead of Ravenclaw. Eventually his soft nature won out, happily he wore the yellow and black house colour. In his second year he accidentally set a girl's hair on fire, because of his rather temperamental wand. The last year has a rather lonely history.


Harlow's wand is a 14' Acacia wood wand with a Pheonix Feather core.

He is an animagus that takes the form of a small Fennec fox.

His familiar is a Calico cat named Hecate after the Goddess of the Moon.

His parents send him letters by burrowing owl named Marlborough.

Harlow has the potential to be an amazing wizard, but physical application of spells seems to always go awry for him. Despite having a ridiculously rare wand.

His Patronus is a Chinchilla.
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Maxium Zexly

A.K.A Mist








Maxium is average height and very strong in appearance. His face is strong and his expression is uselessly calm and collected.

His eyes are a dual grey and resemble a thick misty night. Maxium wears light blue robes with over tones of ashy grey. His clothing complements his over all appearance very well. Notable things about his appearance are that his hands are always gloved, his dusty blond hair is always tied in a warriors brad. On his neck he has a scar that seems to continue on down to his chest.

When he appears as Mist, he wears a plane white mask with silted eyes. Along with this his head is covered by a cowl and his cloak is a dark grey color. His hands show scars in the form of swirls that seem to be cut deep into his skin. As his name sake he is always accompanied by a thick mist that no magic can cut through




Maxium is well mannered and takes no favors when it comes to students. He is calm and is collected and keeps a straight face.

He is very kind but gets antsy around those he knows are muggle born.

He is the opptume of rage and anger toward the muggle born. He despises all blood traitors and is a ruthless killer but he is also a crafty diplomatic master. He is very sly and can convince people with his silver tongue.

[blood Status]


[Class Teaching]



Maxium was born into a poor family, he was raised on hand me downs and as a child was well mannered and kind.He received his letter and was over joyed and prepared for his journey into his first steps of being a full fledged wizard.When he was put into the Slytherin house he was overly exited and his family rejoiced as they were purist.His first year he was exposed too the meaning of hate and himself became hateful toward half-bloods. He went through his last five years studding lord Voldemort in secret. He learned things about magic that most would cringed at but it empowered him.

After leaving Hogwarts he set out too become a master of the dark arts and stumbled across an artifact that gave him powers he had never known. A simple mask made of white oak would start a myth of a mist bound wizard bent on purifying the wizard race in the worst way. A wizard with magics like the world had not seen since Voldemort.

The last few years he took it upon himself to shape the minds of young wizards. With a mysterious leather bound book in hand he became the charms teacher.


Maxium has a wand of elder oak and has a core of dragon heart string 15" even.

Rosa blood wood: core of phoenix feather 16" even. The wand looks old and has the same markings as on his arm.
Primary Character:

[Name] Keira Romain

[Age] 11

[Gender] Female

[Year] 1st

[House] Hufflepuff

[Appearance] http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/3/77/426/77426243_1314170589_7k.jpg

[Race] Human

[Personality] Keira is a bit of a spit-fire. Unlike her bother who tends to be whoever is easier to get along with she is very strongly rooted in being herself. She loves to laugh and doesn't always realize when the joke is on her, but even when she does she doesn't mind all that much. She's pretty spunky and her determination to achieve her goals almost had her in Slytherin.... but then she's also brave of heart and intelligent... just not enough of the extremes to have her in any house other then Hufflepuff. She wonders why it's almost an insult to end up in Hufflepuff and is ready to work hard and show that her house isn't one to be laughed at. She doesn't really care much how she looks as long as she's expressing herself which means she tends to dress a bit like what she thinks a pilot would look like (you know, when she doesn't have to wear robes...). She's kind of obsessed with flight and didn't want to go to Hogwarts to begin with because she wanted to study planes... but her parents didn't give her the choice so she's trying to make the best of her situation.

[blood Status] Mixed-Blood

[bio] Keira grew up in a house that had both magic and muggle items. Up until receiving the letter for Hogwarts she and her older brother Simon were homeschooled, her father being a stay at home dad to take care of them while her mother, a Historian for the Wizarding World, paid the majority of the bills. Both parents were extremely supportive in her and her brother's upbringing and pushed them to try both Muggle and Wizarding sports as well as them trying out band and other activities.

Her family lives in a Muggle Neighborhood which means her family is limited in using a lot of magic unless they go out to one of the more wizarding safe areas. Now that She and Simon are both in Hogwarts their father has begun job hunting for something ministry of Magic related.

Keira and Simon had had a pretty good relationship for the most part- considering that Simon usually behaved however wanted him to. She felt kind of bad about this... she kind of just wanted him to be himself around her and that he really never was kind of bothered her. It was Simon who got Keira so fascinated with planes after showing her a documentary about them. Ever since then Keira has wanted to be a pilot or well something mechanical related but being accepted into the world of magic meant tweaking her dreams. She doesn't really know what classes she'll excel in at this point but even though she doesn't really want to be here... magic fascinates her and she wants to get the most out of being at Hogwarts.


Wand: Rosewood, Kelpie Hair, Flexible, 12''

Pet: Cat- Mixed breed, Male, Proud and Spunky, Named Nikki

Nikki's Appearance: http://www.centredemichamps.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/black-cat-pictures-10.jpg

Secondary Character:

[Name] Simon Romain

[Age] 15

[Gender] Male

[Year] 5th

[House] Ravenclaw

[Appearance] http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/041/d/8/cute_anime_boy_x3_by_mika_uk-d4pa6mi.jpg

[Race] Human

[Personality] Simon is pretty laid-back and easy going, matching his personality to those who are around him. Doing so makes it so that a lot of people enjoy having him around but none of them really get to know him because he's never really being himself... Either way he's extremely friendly and more often then not will submit before causing conflict. He prefers to avoid problems instead of facing them and spends a good deal of his time reading to forget about reality. Fashion is important to Simon and it's very rare he would ever be caught in sweats or anything less then nice clothing in public.

[blood Status] Mixed-Blood (Both of his parents are wizards but his mother's parents are muggles and his father's grandfather was a muggle as well)

[bio] See Keira's Bio.


Wand: Willow, Unicorn Hair, Sturdy, 13''

Pet: Owl- Greater Sooty Owl, Male, Loyal and Dependable, Named Drake

Drake's Appearance: http://www.owlpages.com/pictures/species-Tyto-tenebricosa-1.jpg

Classes he Excels in: Charms, Herbology

Classes he has trouble with: Transfiguration, Astronomy

Lux MCallister










Hair: Dark Brown (Rockabilly Pompadour)

Eyes: Dark blue

Height: 6'4"

Build: Tone




Outgoing and always full of desire to meet new people. Lux always takes advantage of the opportunity to speak to someone new. Lux is a hopeless romantic with a troubled past before Hogwarts. Lux is a different person now, since he's been at Hogwarts and has associated with better people.

Lux likes to believe he is rather eclectic and an intellectual with a deep spirit.

[blood Status]

Half Blood

Father - Slytherin Mother - Muggle


Lux was raised in a small home in a small town by his father, an abusive Slytherin, and his mother, a defenseless muggle. Lux grew up with bruises on his arms and a constant stomach-ache and office trips when he'd get into figths at school, but that isn't where the bruises come from. When Lux received the letter for Hogwarts, his parents were more than prepared to dump him off and let him do his own shopping for his own books. Lux was given no wizarding currency or otherwise to make any purchases.

Lux was stuck in Diagon Alley with no hope, when a wizarding family noticed him, helpless, in the street and figured they'd help a stranger out. Lux had all of his school expenses paid for in full by the family of his now best friend Nicholas. Lux learned to have compassion for his pseudo-family, and in turn learned compassion for others by their influence. In his 3+ years at Hogwarts he's learned plenty and is destined to learn much, much more.


Lux's wand is 15 in. made of Rowan with a Phoenix feather core.

[Name] Jasper Montacute

[Age] 16

[Gender] Male

[Year] 6th Year

[House] Slytherin

[Race] Wizard


Like most of the males in his family, Jasper's ancestry shows in his appearance. Physically, he is 6'3" with a lean, athletic build from years of Quidditch. He has smooth, flowing locks of hair, thin, arched eyebrows, pointed, yet full lips, sharp cheek bones, and a pronouned jaw line, all of which give hime the regal appearance so characteristic of the Black family. Unlike the Blacks, his hair is a messy golden, brown. However, the feature that is most striking are his eyes; they are a pale grey, seeming to be sightless yet soul-piercing at once. Combined, these comprise the "great good looks" of the Blacks, so it is no wonder that Jasper gets his fair share of attention from the fairer sex. However, he prefers to graciously dissuade most advances.

In terms of clothing, Jasper wears the standard school robes, although neither his tie is never fully tightened, nor his shirt every fully buttoned. Although he has absolutely no idea what the teachers, or indeed, Axon, was thinking when they made the decision, Jasper was given a position as a prefect, so he feels obligated to wear the badge. When out of class on a day off, or perhaps when he simply skips a class he deems boring, he can be seen lounging around in Oxford shirts with the sleeves rolled up, a comfortable pair of jeans or chinos, and simple leather loafers.


(I don't like to include character personalities in my characters' skeletons because I think it affects how characters interact when one person knows how another's character will react. If you really need a set personality, however, I'll be obliged to supply you with one.)

[blood Status]

The House of Montacute is a pureblood family, through and through. Although it is not officially listed as a member family of the so-called "Sacred Twenty-Eight", its ties to the Gaunts, the Peverells, and Most Noble and Ancient House of Black has given it the same prestige in the pureblood community.


(Once again, I don't like to reveal too many details about my characters' lives so as to keep an air of mystery as well as a topic of conversation open in the RP. However, I will provide some basic information that is common knowledge amongst the Hogwarts student population.)

Jasper had the perfect childhood for a pureblood. His kind and loving mother, Elizabeth, nurtured him, while his protective and knowledgable father, Claude, raised him. His mother acts as the main social organizer for many pureblood families, holding many of the year's largest galas and soirees. Meanwhile, his father, who was previously employed as an Auror, then the Head of the Auror Office, and then the Head of Magical Law Enforcement, has been transferred to the Head position at the Department of Mysteries. As a child, Jasper showed a high affinity for magic and magical theory, for which he recieved private tutoring from an extraordinarily young age, and his father has opted to teach him the finer points of dueling and magical combat so that he may become an Auror just like his father.

By the time his Hogwarts letter had arrived, Jasper was already a well-known magical prodigy in the pureblood circles. When he arrived at school, he displayed his great potential, mastering spells and fiddling with nonverbal and wandless magic before his third year was out. It wasn't long before he was being compared to the great wizards of the past, being called the greatest to walk the school's hallowed halls since the likes of Axon Moggrean, Tom Riddle, and Albus Dumbledore, although he somewhat despises the comparisons, finding them to be unneccessary burdens to have to live up to.

Interestingly, he also discovered a passion of his in the sport of Quidditch. Despite never having flown a broom competitively, never mind having formal lessons, he became a reserve chaser for the Slytherin House Quidditch Team in his first year, and then replaced a graduating chaser to become the team's highest scorer in his second year. However, it is not his prodigious talent with a wand or on a broomstick that he is known for; mostly, he is known for his abnormal disregard for the rules. Indeed, he makes a point to be as disruptive as possible, or so it seems to the teachers. For him, it is just another way to stave off the boredom that comes with not needing to devote all his time and/or attention to studying. Yet, even though it seems that he has all the world going for him, he can still be caught sulking, looking tired and defeated, not unlike a man who has lost his way...


Jasper's wand is, just like his owner, unique. Unlike nearly the entire student body, Jasper did not recieve his wand from a reputed wandmaker, such as Ollivander. Instead, his mother and father, as was tradition in their family, visited a local wandmaker in the small, unknown town where the family had originated. There, he was given a wand unlike any other. While it was true that wandmakers had experimented with dual core wands, using different wand woods was a bold decision. And so, Jasper came to be the proud owner of a elder-and-yew composite wand with a core of thestral tail hair and dragon heartstring. It is 14 1/2" in length and can be described as unyielding, just like its master's will, which makes it perfectly suited to dueling and explains why Jasper has an unnatural affinity to dueling, such that he regularly provokes multiple students at once to relieve his boredom. In addition to his prized wand, which he stores in a hip holser, Jasper is also the proud owner of a Plasmabolt, the world's current fastest model of sporting broomstick. Also, in terms of school performance, he is consistently the top of his class, having received twelve O.W.L.s, yet he also holds the unoffical record for most detentions.

(And please, have no fear, the flaws are present, abundant, and very much afflicting. However, I'd rather reveal them over the course of the RP as despite the fact that this perfect outward mien is not his "true self", as it were, this is most likely the reputation he has in most student's minds.)
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[Name] Jay Rosier

[Age] 23

[Gender] Female

[House] Ravenclaw

[Appearance] Short at about 5', Dark black hair that's shorter in back than front, and has bangs that hang on the sides of her face and in the center, pale skin, wears plain teacher's robes. Looks very young and is often mistaken for student, and occasionally a first year.

[Race] Human

[Personality] She's a quiet person
and doesn't usually start conversations for just because, though if approached by one of her colleagues she'll usually be friendly enough (though this can depend on who they are) and she respects those who earn it. Jay is a lot more talkative around her friends and is very loyal to them. She enjoys puns, and will occasionally make them, but not to students. She's a no-nonsense teacher and expects her students to do well in class, though she attempts to make the class a good one, and knows that generally people will learn better when it's enjoyable. Jay is intelligent and tends to be very good at what she does and doesn't boast about her magical abilities, but her social skills are a little lacking.

[blood Status] Pureblood

[Class Teaching] Defense Against the Dark Arts

[bio] The first seven years of her life were spent with her criminal father, and she doesn't know what happened to her mother. After he was killed by aurors she lived and grew up in an orphanage, and started attending Hogwarts at age 11. She hadn't learned any morals and would've gotten in trouble quite a bit if she didn't manage to get away with a lot of what she did during her first years there. She didn't make a lot of friends, and only had a few good ones. She has incredible magical skill and graduated top of her class, trained to be an auror, and succeeded in becoming one. She worked as an auror for the next two and a half years, until Hogwarts needed a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and Axon, her former teacher and then Headmaster, asked her to become a teacher for at least a year until they found a more permanent teacher. She hesitantly accepted.

[Misc.] She was a hat-staller, and the Sorting Hat had a hard time deciding if she should've been in Slytherin or Ravenclaw. This is her first year teaching.

[Name] Orion Blackburne

[Age] 24

[Gender] Male

[House] Slytherin

[Appearance] 5'8''. Short, messy, orangish-pinkish (dyed, of course) hair.
Fairly healthy, but not very muscular. He has fair, usually clear skin. Orion's grey eyes (which can sometimes look light blue, depending on the light) usually have a far-off look to them, like he's distracted and thinking about something. Which, he usually is. His face is not very angular, but instead soft, and he doesn't have any facial hair. His teacher's robes are a magenta color that is just close enough to almost match with his hair that it can't be a purposeful attempt to contrast with it, but is off enough that its looks weird. It has a horrible affect.

[Race] Human

[Personality]Orion has a one-track mind and his thoughts are usually preoccupied with one subject or interest, whether it be what the person he's having a conversation with is talking about, or some made-up scenario in his head. If he's focused thinking about something, and someone tried to talk to him about something, he might not hear them the first time. This and just genetics leads to the often distant/dreamy look on his face. He's fairly laid-back and relaxed, accepting when it comes to his friends though pretty judgmental about people he doesn't like. He's clever and inventive, and a lot of this clever and inventiveness mixes with his eccentricity and he can be described as quite an oddball. Many do when he makes up wild stories whenever he thinks of them. Orion isn't serious about any of them, and thinks of them as humorous. Sometimes, however, he will act completely serious about them to mess with people that believe he's serious, and add an extra level of hilarity. He tends to do that with new students. One of his favorite things is when people go along with it, whether they realize it's a joke or not. He has a bit of a hero complex when it comes to his friends and people in general, and if they are suffering in any way or has a problem he'll do whatever it takes to help them, and he feels a compulsion to. As a teacher, students tend to view him as either very fun or very annoying and not serious enough about his work. His class tends to be talked about a lot.

[blood Status] Muggle-born

[Class Teaching] Transfiguration

[bio] He came from an upper-class muggle family and attended a wizarding school in America. He had a very close, good sized group of friends that got into a lot of shenanigans together. He came to Britain looking for work at the famous Hogwarts, and has had his job for six years.

[Misc.] His favorite activity is dueling.

[Name] Kaz (Short for Kasimir) Mabarr

(The students should use her full name, if they don't use her last name)

[Age] 26

[Gender] Female

[House] Gryffindor

[Appearance] 5'9'', bright orange hair that's usually kept in a braid on each side of her head. The top layer of her hair is short, so it looks like she has short hair other than the braids. Bright green eyes. Red teacher's robes.

[Race] Human

[Personality] Kaz is laid back and calm most of the time, but can be whimsical and capricous. She's pretty carefree, and isn't bothered by much. What does bother her is when there's nothing exciting going on, or when people (mostly students) don't pay attention to her. Kouun is a little bit obsessed with luck and gambles or takes bets on things when she has the chance. She'll take risks that normal people might not. She's very friendly and talkative when people talk to her. However, on the inside she doesn't really care about the people around her. She currently has no one that she considers a real friend. Life is kind of like a game to her.

[blood Status] Half-blood

[Class Teaching] Potions

Grew up in a wizard home, attended Hogwarts, became a teacher. Nothing too interesting. Has been teaching for nine years.

[Misc.] Her favorite potion is Felix Felicis. Some people wonder if her reckless behavior and happiness is a result of using it a lot, or if that's just her personality. (It's mostly just her personality.) If it wasn't for the record she had as a student, she probably would've gotten a different job. If given the chance, would probably join Mist without a second thought.

Daniel Gryffin










He is a Metamorphmagus, so he can change his appearance whenever he wishes, but this is his original form,



Metamorphmagus (pl. Metamorphmagi)

(also an animagus)


(*true story actually, well, besides the stuff with magic anyway...* A witch in the house gryffindor he once had the pleasure of meeting really took a shine to him his first year, and he took a shine to her. They would practice magic together after class for the longest time, talking about the stupidest of things. She was muggle born, so everyone picked on her and treated her like dirt, and of course, Daniel protected her the best he could. After a long time of knowing each other, they began to date. The relationship lasted shortly under two years...but it was ended by tragedy.

She was riding home with her muggle parents, returning home from a new years eve party, until a drunk driver in a Red pickup ran them off the road. She would have been saved if she had her wand...but unfortunately, all her stuff remained at the castle. She had to rely on muggle medicines, and they were unable to save her. She died. But on her death bed she said something to Daniel right before she passed. She said, "You are strong, wise, and beautiful...just like a wolf...you will always be my wolf." (A wolf was her favorite animal)

Daniel took those words to heart and took on the task to learn the animagus ability from a Marauder that was touched by his story. He would have used his Metamorphmagus ability, but he wanted something more...personal then that. He wanted an ability where its soul purpose to change into that he came to like. He is devoted to keeping her memory alive through him. Now, he turns into a large and elegant wolf with white fur whenever his heart desires, and he does so in memory of her. She was wrong. He wasn't her wolf, she was his.


He is a proud boy who is quiet and strong. He grew up respecting and loving the stories of harry and voldemort. He is also a descendant of Harry, but he doesn't know it yet. He is a true gryffindor. Not only is he cunning, intelligent and mysterious, but he is also very curious, charming, and wise. He is mysterious when the situation calls for it, but usually, he avoids people.

[blood Status]



To be discovered and developed


Wand is Dragon Heartstring, Yew, 16 3/4 inches, Right Hand, firebolt broomstick, and he has two owls and a cat
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Name: Alexis (Lexi) Wift


Year: 4

Gender: female

House: Slytherin

Appearance: dark brown almost black hair that comes to the top of her shoulders. Emerald green eyes that can make any guy melt. Her skin is tan. She is slim.

Race: human/wizard

Personality: flirty, cheerful, demonic when needed, knows how to take care of herself.

Blood status: pureblood

Bio: she got her hogwarts letter just like every one else there. Her dad had died in a wizard duel when she was 8 and her mom died in her 3rd year from a werewolf attack.

Misc: her wand is made of dark oak and has a handle with swirls through out it that fit perfectly into the creases of her hand. Her wands core is Phoenix feather. Her wand is 10.5 inches. She is very intelligent and thinks she should have been out in ravenclaw. She has made do with her Slytherin house.

She is very interested in potions and defense against the dark arts.
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Name: John Bollinger, Locke (Nickname)

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Year: 2

House: Ravenclaw


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AdventureTimeRP.PNG.4c69207a8e613803014a2525d40a86a1.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20440" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/AdventureTimeRP.PNG.4c69207a8e613803014a2525d40a86a1.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Race: Human

Personality: Likes music, cats, and video games. Almost always has a muggle MP3 with him.

Blood Status: Half-Blood

Bio: John was born into a long line of klutzy wizards, and hopes to change that. He was obsessed with muggle things, like SuperWhoLock, Homestuck, Pokemon and others.

Wand: Ash wood, dragon heartstring, eight inches.

Familiar: Cat named Loki



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[Name] Isabel lehman

[Age] 11

[Gender] with or female

[Year] 1st

[House] gryffindor

[Appearance] Dark curly brown hair and eye's, very tall and well built.

[Race] Human

[Personality] Shy around ner poeple but outgoing around everyone else, prankster, kind, lovable, anti-prejiuced.

[blood Status] pureblood or if it helps more blood-traiter

[bio] She is a pureblood with that has been mesmerised by the story of hary potter for years no matter how much of a legend some people htink it is, she is devoted to finding a way to travel to harry potter's time and meet them, will she succeed? she makes many friends that help her with her goal, who also want to meet harry and his friends, that defeited the powerful voldemort.

[Misc.] wand: phoenix feather 12 inches, oak. Cant wait for DADA, charm and tranfiguration but nervous about potions.

Noah Bluefeather










Noah is a tall student at 6'2" and not scrawny, but not well-built either. He has black hair that is in a state of perpetual messiness. His eyes are a grass green and has a scar on the underside of his right arm. He typically likes to wear robes as they hide the scar. His robes are typically colored in his favorite color, blue.




Noah is someone who strives to be the best, and always craves knowledge. The Ravenclaw rumors of undermining are somewhat true when it comes to Noah. He also has a rather good memory that aids him in his favorite classes such as Potions or Charms. Noah however is not someone who excels in Care of Magical Creatures due to an incident while he was young. Because of this, Noah is awkward and uncomfortable around large creatures that aren't human. Noah is also not a very physical person. He isn't a good flyer, and commonly uses magic in confrontations (like most wizards/witches) and certainly most fail should he have to resort to using muscle.

[blood Status]



The parents of Noah were both wizards and graduates from Hogwarts from Ravenclaw. Noah's father was a potion brewer and often let Noah help in the brewing of potions. Unfortunately, a Doxy had found its way into the brewing lab where Noah and his father where working. The annoying pest had bitten his father while brewing a potion causing more reagent that required to be added. The result was an explosion that left a scar on Noah's arm as he held it up to shield himself. After recovering from the incident, Noah has had uncomfortable feelings working around most magical creatures, especially Doxy's.


His wand is a 12 and 1/2" Rowan wood wand that is slightly springy. It has a Unicorn Hair core.

Noah's pet is a grey cat with black spots. He enjoys its laid-back company and often relaxes/studies with it.

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