Hogwarts- A New Rise [Inactive]

As Lux, a fourth year, sat at a table with a group of friends admiring the ceremony of the Sorting hat, he noticed a couple of students making haste out of the great hall; one following the other. As the younger, a first year slytherin stepped out, Lux notice the older student cast the cloaking charm that transformed him into an odd mist, or so it seemed. Oh, a Ravenclaw. Lux thought to himself, struggling to put a name to the face he had seen moments before he had been cloaked. Lux, too, felt the need to investigate.

"I just need to run to the bathroom. I'll be back in a few." Lux announced to a group of friends before getting up and leaving the Hall himself. Upon slipping outside Lux only witnessed the two take off on their brooms, the older Ravenclaw undetected by the younger Slytherin. Lux didn't have a broom himself, so he decided to stick around until they decided to come back.
Sidara put down the spoon of mashed potatoes when she heard the impending questions Irvin asked her. Before answering him, she raised an eyebrow and looked at him questionably before it all clicked. "Ah, you're a Muggle-born student, aren't you? A Slytherin Muggle-born at that." She said with a slight smirk, finding it slightly ironic given the history of her house. "There's a lot you'll need to be filled in on, then." She reasoned, knowing how confusing it can be for first year students who never heard the word magic in plausible context.

She sighed in preparation to answer his questions, propping her elbow on the table and turning in his direction.
"Well, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is a joke shop in Diagon Alley. I'll assume you've been to Diagon Alley considering you're wearing robes from Madam Malkin's." She remarked with reason, letting her eyes flicker to his new robes and shrugging her shoulders. "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is a brilliant place really. Don't let the ban stop you from buying their productgs. I'm sure you can find many things there that will suit your fancy... like dunno, a Love Potion or a Puking Pastel." Ara suggested, raising an eyebrow once again in uncertainly, as did not know what type of student Irvin would be.

"As far as the Whomping Willow, I would steer clear of that thing if you want to keep your face in tact." Sidara said somewhat dramatically, knowing the habits of the Willow. "It's this large and expensive magical plant on the Hogwarts grounds that has a mind of its own really." She continued to clear up any confusion that might have occurred in the situation. "You'll know it from a distance because it tends to move a lot and has a very thick trunk." She added afterwards. "I don't remember exactly why it's there, but I think it has something to do with some people who went to Hogwarts many years ago." She shrugged, staring off into the distance and trying to remember the history she has read.

When she came to his question of Voldemort, she glanced both ways and looked up and down the table. "As for You-Know-Who...also called Voldemort in his time, he was a very dark wizard. They called him Tom Riddle and he used to go to Hogwarts before he went bad." She whispered, rolling her eyes and taking this opportunity to finish the mashed potatoes that were on her spoon. "Just when everyone thought he was dead, thanks to Mr. Harry Potter, he came back with his bloody Death Eaters and terrorized everything, especially Muggle-borns. Anyway, during the Second Battle of Hogwarts, he was defeated by Mr. Harry Potter, and all has been well since." She continued while she ate more potatoes, slightly thinking in the back of her mind that she was sounding like an edition of Hogwarts: A History.
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"Yeah, I'm muggle-born..." Irvin nodded, his face still red. By now, of course, he knew what a muggle was. The person that came to his family when he was given his acceptance letter had used that word, and at their confusion gave a quick explanation of that among other things.

Irvin listened quietly for the rest of Sidara's explanation, nodding in affirmation when she mentioned Diagon Alley.

The color was slowly going from his face as he got over a little bit of his embarrassment from earlier, as listening was a lot easier than talking.

Irvin knew what a love potion was, and he was glad he didn't have to ask about that too. They were in lots of stories and he didn't think it was possible for someone to not know what a love potion was. Though, although he could take what he thought was a good guess he wasn't completely sure about a Puking Pastel, he figured it wasn't important.

His eyes widened a little at the description of the Whomping Willow. It sounded amazing- a plant with its own mind? and very dangerous at the same time. They had something like that at a school, too, which was a surprise. Couldn't that be harmful to students? And they were holding a memorial near it....

Irvin blinked at the explanation of Voldemort. Even if it was one hundred years ago, some wizards turned evil and there was a battle at Hogwarts? Irvin had assumed that, with learning he could use magic, everything was going to be exciting and wonderful and overall like a fairytale, but he supposed now that had been stupid to assume. It looked like the wizards had similar problems as the muggles in regards to bad things happening, but it was a century ago, so Irvin hoped that nothing like that would happen in their time here.

Sidara had gone back to eating, and Irvin did too, but after munching on his food, thinking over her answers for awhile, and watching three people run after each other out of the Great Hall, he came up with one last question, though he hoped he wasn't bothering her too much.

"Thank you, um, are there any books on these sorts of things?" It would be a lot easier to read a few books than be stuck asking questions all the time, and he would much rather do that than embarrass himself all the time. Usually he didn't like non-fiction, but this was pretty much the stuff of fiction.
Jasper Montacute was, by no means, your average Slytherin. Really, he wasn't an average person, period. He was an immensely talented wizard, far beyond most in his year, and held in high regard as the next to hold the title of "greatest wizard of his time", just as others, including the great Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, had before him. If he so desired, he could become a professional Quidditch star right out of Hogwarts, due in large part to his prodigious chasing. Most expected him to follow in his father's illustrious career path, becoming an auror, then the Head Auror, and finally the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement or the Department of Mysteries. Even the position of Minister of Magic was not at all an unreachable aspiration. There was only one little problem: Jasper, himself, didn't want any of that.

The real reason Jasper still even came to Hogwarts was the pomp and the ambiance of it all. To him, despite having attended the school for five going on six years, everything about this magical castle was incredible and awe-inspiring. Classes were a slight inconvenience to Jasper, who thought they weren't really worth all the hassle and endless hours other students spent studying and cramming. Of course, his friends jokingly informed him that he was really quite lucky that he didn't have to devote one iota of time to cramming his head inside textbooks to maintain his top ranking in the year. He usually replied with a smirk and a lazy wave of his had, returning to one of his favorite past times: lounging around. Past years had found him practicing nonverbal and wandless magic, self-teaching apparition, or even dabbling in alchemy. This year, however, he had a new challenge he was tackling: the Animagus transformation. Only his close circle of friends knew he was attempting, and even they thought it a bad idea, which of course only served to increase Jasper's determination.

Still, if there was anything that truly excited Jasper, it was Quidditch. When he was young, there were no chances to play. He was much too busy being groomed to be a pureblood of the highest order. This meant that, although he had flown a broom, he'd never really flown a broom, at least not in the way the he thought it should be flown. By that, he was referring to, of course, his highly risky, very speedy, and rather flashy style of play, although it did serve to get him on the team in only his first few years, ascending the ranks to becoming the highest scorer on his House's team. If he and his mates got started on it, they could most likely talk the day away, debating the merits of Quidditch strategies and comparing players from the different houses. Really, they were almost a band of brothers, his friends and him. They did almost everything together: ditch class, wreak havoc on the school, duel other students, etc., not to mention playing catch with girls' hearts. Yet, most people could tell that there was something slightly off about the ridiculously talented, charming, handsome facade, although Jasper tried his utmost to maintain it.

Currently, however, Jasper realized that all of this was a moot point if he didn't get into the school quickly. For some reason, on the Hogwarts Express, his friends had thought it funny to trick Jasper by having him hide in the Forbidden Forest for a supposed prank, and then leave him there. It was just Jasper's luck that at that time, the resident groundskeeper had seen fit to release the fire salamanders that very day. With a slight hitch in his breath from having run the entire length of the grounds to the Entrance Hall, he slowly trudged up the grand steps. Withdrawing his wand from his holster, he took a moment to appreciate it for the umpteenth time. The white yew wood contrasted brilliantly with the darker, grey elder wood as they spiraled together, as if made from two twisted pieces of twine.

With a slight flick of his wand, Jasper opened the enormous doors to the Great Hall, cringing as it creaked open slowly. From the wall of sounds he was suddenly enveloped in, the feast had started. Of course, with the opening of the doors, the hall grew silent, and all heads turned to see him standing in the doorway. He distinctly heard a few snickers and guffaws from the Slytherins, no doubt his so-called "friends". 'I swear, this time, I'm going to bloody murder them.' he thought. Flicking his wand a second time, he was satisfied to hear the laughter cut off by the sound of metal food trays hitting heads and chicken drumsticks magically whacking them. Still, he couldn't help but think of how amazing awkward he looked. Here he was, late to the first feast of the year, tie ripped in half, robe still slightly smoldering, and missing a shoe. Of course, years of experience had endowed Jasper with an incredible ability to brush anything off.

"Sorry, Headmaster. There was a slight... problem in the Forbidden Forest. You see, there were these fire salamanders..." As he spoke, he slowly edged his way around the Great Hall, approaching his table. "The groundskeeper needed some help, but most of the students had already come up to the castle. Of course, you know me, always ready to be a good samaritan. So, I gave him a hand, although it took a little longer than I expected." By this time, he was standing at the Slytherin table. However, if the teachers' stares were anything to go by, they didn't buy his story one bit. 'Well, this is ironic. I fib all year and get out of detention half the time. The one time I tell the truth... POOF! Instant suspicious. The truth shall set you free... what bollocks!' he thought. Then, suddenly rummaging through his robes, he pulled out his prefects badge and pinned it to his tattered robes. "Oh! And, being the prefect that I am, I knew I was obligated to help. Although, forgive me professors, but I think you might have owled this to the wrong student."

Now, the teachers simply looked amused. Deciding not to test his luck much further on the very first night, Jasper sat down right where he was, next to a girl called Sidara, as the rest of the hall got back to their food. "Hey, Sidara. Long time no see, eh? What's it been, a whole summer?" he commented wryly as he piled his plat high with food, clearly employing some spell to keep it from toppling. Sidara was, like Jasper, and chaser on the Slytherin team, and Jasper regarded her as one of their more competent players. "You ready for tryouts this year? Let me show you a secret." He lent in conspiratorially and pulled out yet another shiny badge from his pocket: the Slytherin Quidditch Captain's badge. "Surprised? You and me both, I'm tellin' ya. What in the name of Merlin's bloody boxers were they thinking giving me two positions of power? Right mistake on their part, yeah? Still, I think it'll be fun. You lookin' forward to this year?" he spoke as he devoured his plate.
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Throughout the meal, Sidara continued to eat her meal pleasantly, glad to be at Hogwarts where the food was delicious and kept coming until the feast was over. When she was digging her way through her chicken, the auburn-haired Slytherin looked over at Irvin in hearing him ask her a question. She pondered it for a few moments, trying to pinpoint exactly where the best books would be. "I would suggest visiting the Library on the third floor of the castle. They've got loads of books in there, of course, you'll need a special pass if you want anything out of the Restricted Section. There's an entire section of the Library dedicated to history of our world." She smirked and shrugged, continuing to eat the piece of chicken. "Hmm, I'd start with Hogwarts: A History and A History of Magic. Plus, you're bound to learn more in your History of Magic classes this year."

Sidara continued to eat, though she kept an ear alert in case the first year had more questions. Though she could normally be considered reclusive at times, the sixth year felt in the giving mood to share the knowledge she had. Plus, she thought it was pathetic to see first years wandering around the castle without a clue as to where they were supposed to be.

When the doors to the Great Hall opened and Jasper Montacute swaggered toward the Slytherin table, Sidara could not help but snort like some of her fellow housemates at his attire.
Oh bloody hell. She thought to herself, shaking her head, as he walked in with a ripped tie, smoldered robe, and missing a shoe. After what seemed like an outrageous explanation, she raised an eyebrow, wondering if she would be able to get away with that sort of thing. Often not one to follow the rules, she often tried to charm or calculate her way out of compromising situations.

"You look like a bloody mess." Sidara said bluntly when Jasper sat down beside her, moving slightly to make sure none of his muck got on her freshly pressed robes. "I believe it has been an entire summer, though frankly, I'm not sure if that was long enough." She shrugged, finishing off her chicken and shaking her head softly. "Of course, I'm trying out this year for the House Team. There is no way I'm letting an incompetent imbecile take my spot and ruin our chances of taking the Cup. I hope you've been practicing this summer. We need to be magnificent." She said earnestly, as it was a dream of hers to achieve it this year. Eyeing his Quidditch Captain badge with envy, she pursed her lips for a moment. "As much as I'm jealous that you were chosen as Captain, you're probably less likely to drive us all mad." She chuckled reasonably.

After her last statement, she gave him a smirk and ran a hand through her auburn hair before looking to where Irvin was sitting not too far away.
"Oh, right, Montacute, this is Irvin Thornton joining us." She remarked, looking between the two boys. "Muggle-born." She added quickly, as this factor was almost too intriguing not to divulge given the history of Slytherin House. "Thornton, this is his highness, Jasper Montacute. Sixth Year like I am." She continued with slightly mockery in her voice.
Midnight had rushed out of the castle and straight into the forbidden forest. upon reaching the inside he let a small smirk cross his lips. "Psh, forbidden forest. Look at this place! Theres nothing out here that looks creepy at all, for god sakes. To me it looks like a plain old forest." The boy laughed and grinned letting himself weave in and out of the trees, he was new to the school but not new to the talent of broom riding. He rode his broom around his home multiple times before he even made it to school. His grin would soon fade as a giant made a loud roar noise and swung his club nearly hitting Midnight and only smacking a tree. "Oh shi-!" He took a hard left and began rushing even faster through the forest with the giant behind him crushing trees in his path.
I listen to conversations around me until the food is on the table. Some first year named Irvin sat with Sidara infront of me. I listen to their conversations as I eat my food. Then Jasper walks in looking like a complete idiot. I chuckle slightly to myself and continue to eat my food as Jasper sits next to Sidara. Sidara introduces the first year to Jasper. I almost choke when I hear her announce the kids blood status. I finally decide to but in.

"He's a muggle born?!" I ask almost to loudly as I snort with amusement at the thought of a muggle born Slytherin. Aren't I charming? 'That came out meaner than I thought it would.' I think to myself as I imediatly feel guilty.
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"Thanks, again." A large library? Or, Sidara made it seem rather large. Irvin hoped it was large.

He committed the two titles of the books, Hogwarts: A History, and A History of Magic to memory, planning on finding them as soon as possible so he wouldn't have to embarrass himself any more than necessary, and went on eating.

Irvin, like everyone else, was distracted by the obvious entrance of an older-looking boy who's clothes seemed to be in distress.

As a few of his house-members snickered before their platters clanged into their faces and Irvin reactively glanced towards the sources of the sounds. It seemed a little unnecessary to squash food into people's faces, but they had laughed at new person and Irvin smiled a little at that before looking back at the new person who was giving a loud and ridiculous-sounding excuse as to why he was late and looking that way. Or, it would seem a lot more ridiculous if his clothing didn't seem like evidence to support the story.

As the new boy sat next to Sidara, Irvin wrinkled up his nose at the smell of burnt clothing and was squished a little as Sidara scooted in the only direction that was away from the smell- Irvin's direction.

When they started talking, Irvin looked politely back down at his food to resume eating, though he ended up half-listening to their friendly banter anyways.

He was beginning to become lost in his thoughts about how he hoped Sidara would forget about what he thought had been a mortifying exchange, and how he really wanted to see the library if just the dining hall looked so grand, and how he still couldn't wait for classes to begin, when he heard his name being mentioned.

He quickly looked up, and nodded when Sidara added that he was muggle-born, though he wondered why that mattered and if that was a good or bad thing, but frowned unhappily and felt his face start to turn red again as the person sitting across from him snorted and blurted, "He's a muggle born?!"

Irvin glowered at her, but didn't say anything.

He supposed it was a bad thing.

"Nice to meet you, Montacute." He tried to smile, but after the previous unthoughtful remark it didn't really work. If it were a slightly different situation, he might've gone along with the "his highness" thing, but he wasn't feeling up to it now. Somehow, within an hour of arriving, his day was starting to become ruined...
Jasper couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Sidara's comments. It seemed the summer, which was apparently not long enough, had not dulled her silver tongue at all. "Thanks, Sidara. Occasionally, it's nice to get the "glass-half-empty" view on my appearance from a girl." he said, expertly brushing aside her quip with a flash of his abundant ego. "Look on the bright side. Once we finish seventh year, you'll have years to forget about me, although I've been told I'm unforgettable." Somehow stuffing his face with a piece of roast chicken and a boiled potato, he continued. "Anyway, don't worry about the Quidditch Cup this year. The only reason we lost my first few years is because our keeper was bloody awful, and the other captains had to deal with you. We've won it the past two years, thanks to me... and you, of course. Now that I'm captain, there's pretty much no way to lose. I mean, look at us. Mr. School's-Highest-Scorer and Mrs. School's-Most-Viscious-Chaser. Anyone who thinks they have a chance agains us is either new to the school or daft. Most likely, they're a little of both." He smiled widely at his chosen titles for the two of them; they had a good ring to them.

When Sidara introduced the rather timid boy, Jasper rotated in his seat to face him. Holding out a hand, he reintroduced himself. "Hello! Like she said, I'm Jasper Montacute, a sixth year Slytherin. Don't worry, though. I'm not really royalty. I just happen to be extraordinarily good at pretty much everything I try without really putting in any effort." Pausing slightly, he tilted his head, as if in thought. "You know what, scratch that. Really, all you need to know is Hogwarts is all about having fun. Unfortunately, I was made a prefect." he said, as he pointed to the shiny badge on his chest with mock disgust. "Basically, I have to enforce all the rules of this place. For once, I have to be the the end of the party, not the life of the party." As he spoke, he registered that Sidara had mentioned that the boy was muggle born. 'Interesting. A muggle-born in Slytherin. I mean, it's increasingly common since old Voldy's defeat, but still... interesting.' he thought.

He almost stopped thinking about it, until he heard a girl, some fourth year as he recalled, react rather unneccessarily incredulously to the boy's blood status. "Oi! He's a muggle-born. What of it? I'll bet you a hundred galleons he'll be a great wizard. I would make an Unbreakable Vow, but that's tricky business, yeah?" Normally, Jasper wouldn't care very much. However, currently, seeing as he had nothing better to do, why not do his good turn... of the year. Turning back to the boy, Irvin, he supplied, "Don't worry about that. There used to be a big to-do over who your parents were. That's not really the case nowadays." Suddenly pointing to the plates, which had just vanished dinner and replaced it with dessert, he exclaimed, "Hey! I'm telling you, mate. These treacle tarts are to die for! Here, try one." He placed one onto Irvin's plate, piling a few onto his own. Jasper hoped to elicit a positive emotion from the kid; even just a smile would do.
I listen to them talk more as I look down at my plate feeling rude. I speak again, "Jasper, I wasn't trying to mean it that way. I just found it odd to have a muggle born in Slytherin. I guess all these old tales from Harry and Voldemort got me going with the blood status." I turn to Irvin. "Hey kid, I'm Nicole Wift. Sorry about earlier, I tend to not think about what I say." I hold out my hand.
(First post, woop! Just a warning, Daniel is kind of like fred and George in the act that he teleports quite often.)

Daniel had been strolling through the dark Forrest as he always did around this time. He knew almost every single path, tree, pebble and stone through the incredible forest as he had made it his personal sanctuary. He was leaning against a tree, eating an apple, when a boy bolted past him. Shortly after the disruption, a large roar erupted from down the treeline. Just a simple troll, he said to himself before deciding to go after the boy. When he finally pinpointed his location, Daniel flew through the tree's branch to branch, shortcut to shortcut until he found himself directly in front of the boy. The boy smashed into his broad and muscular chest before falling to the ground. Daniel stood there, above the boy, looking off into the distance at the troll. "Hello," Dan said smiling at the boy.
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"I'm not sure if your comment of 'from a girl' is supposed to be offense or just plain rude." Sidara stated, finishing off the rest of her meal and waiting for the delicious Hogwarts dessert to appear on the table. For all she knew, it could have been a compliment, though the auburn haired girl was not one to take these very lightly from anyone. Either way, she let the comment slide for the moment, as her thoughts shifted to the tarts that would appear at any moment. "And I see your ego has inflated even more over the summer. It's a pity really. Some of us are tired of having to give you the royal treatment" She continued, tapping her foot against the stone floor and smirking lightly.

Mrs. School's-Most-Vicious-Chaser, yeah? It had a certain ring to it that Sidara enjoyed, though it also implied that she was ruthless on the Quidditch field. Many girls would not like this association, however, it was one she found tasteful in wanting to instill fear and victory with her legacy at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "The other captains might have had to deal with me, though perhaps we'll actually make some progress this year. Besides, they have been a bit daft at times in the past." She reasoned with a small smile and a shrug, determined to win as ever, considering they were getting closer to their last days at the wizarding school.

Sidara rolled her eyes at the mention of Muggle-borns, seeing as she brought it to mind in the first place.
"I don't see what the bloody deal is except the fact that it's very interesting." She voiced freely, sitting down and waiting for the dessert to show soon afterwards. The Sixth year looked across the table at Nicole, eyeing her carefully, yet she chuckled when she mentioned that she often spoke without thinking. "You can join the club on that one." She smirked shortly, her eyes lighting up with delight when she saw dessert appear in front of her. Brilliant.
Nicole sat at the table when her food disappeared, and the dessert appeared. Nicole never really cared for desserts and sat quietly still silently chastising herself for her rude comment. She looked around the great hall at all the tables. She noticed a cute boy who appeared to be a 4th year at the hufflepuff table. He looked lonely. Nicole shakes her head clear. It's the first day and she's already looking at boys. Nicole turns her attention back to the conversations infront of her between Sadara, Jasper, and the kid. She was determined to make it up to the kid for her rude behavioir. Now if she could just catch his name...
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(Sorry about bein gone and all... Here is my long owed post...)

Seeing the boy shoot out of the hall and into the night Ikomo slowly moved around at his typical speed of slightly faster than breakneck, and saw him barely avoid a Giant and the whomping willow which did seem to be implausible but those Slytheryn would do anything... He slowly made up his mind wether to approach him or not and chose approaching. Speeding up to right along side he looked at the boy. He asked maybe three years founder than he was.

"Who are you and why are you out here?" He barked in a authoritarian manor. If he was going to catch this kid he would have to find ou who he was first...
((Sorry the post is so short even though it took me a long time to get around to it. I did write the reply earlier, but for some reason when I posted it, it didn't appear on the thread???))

Irvin was a little surprised but thankful when Jasper and Sidara defended him and told off the girl.

He watched Jasper then put a treacle tart on his plate, wondering what it was. Never before had he seen a treacle tart, and he wondered what sort of stuff was in it. He held it up a little hesitantly, but trusting that they were "to die for" he took a bite. Finding that it was really good, he proceeded to take a few more and put them on the plate, giving Jasper a small smile.

"Thanks... they are really good," not sure what else to say he pointed to some of the other desserts. "What about this other stuff?" He asked.

The girl apologized just then, and currently having his mouth once again filled with tart Irvin couldn't really answer. Instead, he gave Nicole an irremissive expression.
Seeing the unforgiving look on the kids face, Nicole drops her arm and brings it to her side. She let's out a sigh and presses her lips together. Trying to makeore conversation, Nicole asks, "So any clue why the old sack of dust put you in Slytherin?"
Irvin shrugged, and swallowing the last of the tart replied, "Well, I don't know, because the house suits me?"

Wasn't that how they were sorted? Whichever house they were best suited to? Irvin didn't know why being muggle-born made a difference, especially if they were sorted based off of personality. The environment one grows up in does influence their personality, but did not being from a wizarding family really change someone's personality enough that he'd be sorted into a different house? Irvin didn't think so, but he wasn't one hundred percent sure. After all, he didn't know a whole lot about this.
"We'll let me explain it kid. There's Ravenclaw, the smart ones. Hufflepuff, the... Well what are they? Most people say they take whoever a left, other people say they take the true blue people who will always be there for you. You decide whatcha wanna think about them. Any way, the there's Gryffindor, the brave. People say that to get put into Gryffindor, you have to ask, because to ask, you have to be brave. And last but defiantly not least is Slytherin. Slytherin's have multiple personality traits, sneaky, cunning, and more. The sorting hat said that he put me in Slytherin because I was sneaky and well... A tad bit rude. Years ago only, about the only kinda wizard that got put in Slytherin was Pure-bloods." Nikki explains to the kid.
"Like I said, because my personality fit, I guess?" Irvin didn't really want to talk to Nicole, and he was hoping she'd stop asking. First impressions were pretty important for the process of deciding whether or not to like someone, and the impression Nicole had given was not a great one.

However, Irvin couldn't find it in himself do anything else to end the conversation, because he just couldn't not be polite.
Nikki hears the aggravation in the kids voice and decides to shut up. She sits quietly and looks at all the food on the table but ignores it. She sighs and looks around at all the people in the great hall.
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