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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter



"Of course, but..." she paused.

A devious grin threatening to break through.

"Only if you go swimming with me in the black lake." She challenged

Excitement building up inside her.

"Of course we're friends Cece." She teased.

Rolling her eyes at his brother and tilting his chin where she actually was in a 'can you believe this guy?' Way.​

Jórik Aríelsson After checking out the dining room he'd continue to traverse the hallways late at night like he usually did when he was unable to sleep. Nidhogg firmly clung to his back as he eventually ran into Marcelle (Where ever they are) and Cecil. Walking up to them, "I know it's not exactly the best time to talk to you, especially after the fight and what not... But is it okay if I follow you guys, I won't get in the way... I just don't want to go back to the Ravenclaw Common room with your twin harassing me"

@BlackSheep @JustLadThings

|| The Riddle Twins - Slytherin / Hufflepuff - Sixth Year ||

Fraser chuckled as he felt Marcelle's fingers on his face, blinking a few times in hopes that his vision would come back and he'd be able to see her. But it didn't work.

Cecil looked up as another boy appeared, standing up in case he needed to defend his twin against him. But he didn't seem like much of a threat.
"Uh... You can tag along I guess..." He glanced over at Marcelle questioningly, as she clearly knew the boy.

"Marcelle what house are you in?" Fraser apparently wasn't paying attention to the newcomer. Of course he grew some balls once going blind, thought Cecil as he ruffled his twin's hair, but he was smiling nonetheless as at least Fray hadn't lost his sense of humour.

@Runakei @BlackSwan
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Marcy lost her teasing smile slowly disappeared. And she scoffed.

"Right, like my brother would waste time with the likes of you." She snarked

"And if you have to ask then you already know the answer. " she snickered, before turning her attention back to the blind boy.

"Well if you could see, you'd know I look great in green."

She teased lightly, pulling on her silver and Green tie and striking a pose, with a playful smile on her cherry lips.​


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|| The Riddle Twins - Sixth Year - Slytherin / Hufflepuff ||

Fraser ignored the boy who seemed to be here now, squinting his eyes slightly at where Marcelle was. He realised he could see, but not very much. Some brown and grey blurs among the black.
"Gues I'll just have to see you again when I can."

Cecil gave a laugh, nudging his brother. Maybe Marcy wasn't so bad... But when did Fray get the balls for this? He looked back to the other boy, Ravenclaw by his robes.
"Oh, uh. Slytherin. And I have..."

Cecil opened his robes and fished in one of the inside pockets, pulling out a very small owl who fit in the palm of his hand. He was sleepy but slowly rousing.
"This is Arlo, my owl."

@BlackSwan @Runakei
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Marcy let out a small laugh at that.

"And what if you stay permanently blind? "

Her grin returned full force as well as the mischievous glint in her green orbs.

A fox does love to play after all.

Noticing Cecil take his owl out, a devious and slightly cruel prank popped into her head.

Silently she summoned Daemonessa, a 6 foot snake with gorgeous scales slithered to her Mistress.

"What could you possssibly want now?"

Her snake hissed.

Marcy not being a parseltongue but getting the vibe that her familiar was annoyed with her, she held a finger to her lips in a shush motion, and pointed to the temporary blind boy.



|| The Riddle Twins - Sixth Year - Slytherin / Hufflepuff ||

Fraser chuckled a bit at Marcelle's comment, but as he kept blinking, his sight was already starting to come back. Right now his vision was about as good as a bat in broad daylight, but he could see colours now. Hardly.
"Eh, it takes more than a forbidden curse for me to get hurt."

"Fray, please... Just stop reminding me that happened,"
Cecil sighed, not bothering to look back at his twin as he pet Arlo's little head. Not that Fray knew if he was looking at him or not anyways. Cecil instead looked to the Ravenclaw boy. "No, I don't think I do. I've never really had a cause to summon one."

"Probably a mouse,"
said Fray teasingly, unaware of the nearby snake.

"You're a mouse," retorted Cecil dully, rolling his eyes but not turning around, cupping Arlo in his hands and gently petting his mini wings.

@BlackSwan @Runakei
Jórik Aríelsson he placed the tip of his finger against his own lip as he thought silently, "If he can figure out what his spirit animal is, he can bind his soul with it and see through its eyes rather than now being able to see through his own..." After finishing his explanation, Nidhogg peaked his head from the collar of his shirt and looked at the boy, "Or... Perhaps we can try Pheonix Tears... Though, I'm unsure if Hogwarts has a supply of those anymore after Professor Dumbledore's death and all..."




Daemonessa slowly and stealthily slithered onto the bed, her dangerous eyes locked onto the blind boy.

Marcy grinned with barley concealed glee.

she struggled to contain her laughter as her beloved Nessa made like she was poised to strike.'then letting out a vicious hiss, she bared her fangs and teeth at the unsuspecting boy and lunged.

only to stop centimeters from his face and...cry above his eyes.

"there. problem solved" she laughed, enjoying the looks on their face.​



|| The Riddle Twins - Sixth Year - Hufflepuff/Slytherin ||

The world suddenly came back into view for Fraser, and the first thing he actually saw was... A snake?

"What—!" He tried to shuffle back, pressed against the wall behind the bed with fear in his eyes. It was then that Cecil turned around, originally confused by what this Ravenclaw boy was saying to him, and he jumped up, putting Arlo on his shoulder and bringing out his wand.

"Get away from him!" he said to the snake as if it could understand him, wand poised.

"Wait! No," said Fray, holding out a hand towards his brother in a 'stop' sort of way, looking at the snake, breathing heavily. The Hufflepuff stared at the serpent, then slowly a smile came onto his lips, and tentatively he reached out and gently pet its head. "Thank you."

"Thank you!?"
said Cecil in disbelief, but his brother looked at him then, and Cecil understood. He could see again. "Wait... It did that?" He looked at Marcelle, disbelief in his eyes as he pointed at the snake. "Did it do that?"

@BlackSwan @Runakei
[Fieldset=Lorem Ipsum]Raven[/Fieldset]

Raven walked down the path of his Cave Base. He snapped his fingers. "Terrence, possible candidates list?." Terrence flew low handing him a short Parchment. He continued down the long path, having the bats hand him more papers and such. He shoved the oak doors to the conference room open and walked across the table to his throne. He tossed the papers aside and Terrence swooped and grabbed them. He waved his wand and an odd window appeared. He sat on the chair in the darkness and simply stared at the window.
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Autumn Thatcher

The fire was warm, the copper planters and copper brasswork giving the common room a homey and welcoming feeling. She thought that she could enjoy living and sleeping here for the next seven years if the people of her house were as welcoming as the common room seemed to be. The eleven-year-old girl sagged back into the cushion backing of the armchair she was sitting in, waiting for the Hufflepuff House Head to enter the common room, many of the first years having tired looks upon their faces. The day had been long and they were ready for bed.

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Marcy shrugged. hiding her grin behind her fingerless gloved hand.

"i dunno...Did it?"

she replied sarcastically, barley containing her giggles.

Nessa snorted in annoyance.

"your welcome i sssuppossse. And don't 'Pat' me."

she hissed.

The vibrantly colored serpent slithered from the bed and back to her mistress; twining her long body around her waiste and up to her shoulders.

Marcy smirked.

"problem solved." she said in a very self satisfied manner​




|| The Riddle Twins - Sixth Year - Hufflepuff / Slytherin - Location: Infirmary ||

Fraser watched the snake as it curled around the girl at the end of his bed, mystified by the creature. But soon enough it was the Slytherin girl herself who his eyes focused on, and Cecil tried not to laugh asa blush spread on his brother's face. Classic. Now that he could see the pretty girl, all that confidence of his was draining.
"You... You really do look good in green."

Cecil snickered, looking back to the Ravenclaw boy with a slight smirk on his lips. So maybe Fray actually could talk to her without panicking too much.
"So what were you saying? About binding and... Seeing through Arlo's eyes was it?" he asked, looking up at his little bird and petting its chest with one finger. "Would that hurt him any?"

|| Corvus Leviathan Pendragon - Seventh Year - Gryffindor - Location: Somewhere he shouldn't be ||

Corvus didn't know why, but he'd known following that bird would bring him where he needed to be. Call it a feeling. He came out from where he'd been hiding with his wand in hand, the hood of his cloak up.

When he entered the cave a small sense of fear flickered within him, but it soon vanished into the feeling of adrenaline rushing theough his veins. He walked down some sort of path, muttering 'Lumos' under his breath so he could see. As he came to the end there were doors, so he paused, looking up at them. Slowly he lowered his hood, revealing his pale skin, green eyes and his tied-back platinum hair. Doubt filled his mind, but at the same moment, Lilith appeared as if from nowhere. She hovered a moment, then flew through the keyhole of the door. So Corvus went in.

"I..." he began, seeing a figure at the end of the table that greeted him. He bowed in respect, glancing up halfway. "Pardon my rude intrusion. I followed your bird here... I simply knew no other way to find you."
Jórik Aríelsson He chuckled and looked at the male who questioned his statement, "Now in the least... Soul-binding is a very old, but very legal style of magic... ME and Nidhogg here are soul-bound... I can see, feel, and hear everything he can and vice versa... We literally share the same soul through two bodies." he ran his finger over the scaled body of his dragon as he sat on Jórik's shoulder watching the two boys and the girl.



Neville Longbottom

When Anubis didn't respond or make any move to enter the Herbology Professor's Office, Neville went to the door and opened it to see not only his colleague, the DADA Professor standing there but also..."Albus? What are you doing out here this late at night?" As it was dark out, the professor couldn't tell what house his godson had been sorted into, though that didn't matter to Neville. Albus would be a credit to whatever house he was in, just like Harry had been when Neville and Harry were first years.

Albus Severus Potter

As the door opened, Albus looked up to see his godfather, a towel in his hands that was slightly wet with water. "Hi Terra," said Albus, using his nickname for his godfather. Worry made him bite his lip as he wondered what his godfather would say upon finding out Albus had been sorted into the house of snakes instead of Gryffindor like his parents and grandparents had been. "I wanted to come see and Professor...Professor..." he frowned, realizing he hadn't gotten the professor's name, instead asking questions of the teacher. "The Professor showed me to your office when I asked if he knew where your office was."

Neville Longbottom

As Albus explained that he had asked to see him, Neville moved his gaze from his godson to Professor Orpheus-Wilheim. "Thank you Professor for bringing my godson to me. Albus why not go inside and have a seat and I'll be with you shortly." As his godson moved past him into the Greenhouse, Neville waited until he was out of sight before stepping outside and closing the door behind him. "Okay, what happened? I know you have Ravenclaw duties to attend to so it had to be something important," Neville said as he looked at Anubis.

Albus Severus Potter

The door closed behind Albus shortly after he had entered the greenhouse that was his godfather's residence here at Hogwarts and the eleven-year-old Slytherin couldn't help but think it suited his godfather perfectly, given his position at Hogwarts and his love for plants and gardening. He wasn't sure if the Greenhouse was larger than the others that students used when attending lessons, or if it were the same size. He saw a desk and two chairs, one behind the desk and one in front of the desk. Plants were positioned against the glass windows for sunlight, including a small grey cactus root in a pot that appeared to have boils on it. As his trunk and Nox had been transferred to the Slytherin Dorm, he couldn't look up what the plant was that was sitting on a table next to glass wall to his left. There was another room that he could see, that must be where his godfather slept, that unlike the glass walls had a door that stood ajar and seemed to be a room that looked to be stone, a fireplace against one wall that he was surprised to see was also stone, with a fire crackling in the hearth. There was a rug near the hearth, a small table and a few comfortable chairs, likely for if his godfather had other colleagues over. Making his way over to the desk, yet intrigued by both the room and the grey cactus like plant, he sat down in one of the chairs waiting for his godfather to come in.

@Loki Odinson
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Raven (Destarus) Raven looked up at him blankly. He stepped down from the throne and walked across the table to him. He suddenly drew his wand and pointed "Incarcerous!" (Binding spell) He stepped down from the table next to him. "Now tell me, who are you exactly?" He kept it wand on him.


Marcy smirked,

"Grazie" she laughed, the italian rolling off her tongue much smoother than the english.

"this will be my good deed for the month" she teased,

at the topic soul binding her head perked up. she had run across a book about it in Black Rose Manor.

"interesting...is this like being an Animagus?'

and then excitement snapped into her, and Marcy practically bounced off the bed.

"i know! we should all become Animagi! we'll be like, the next generation of maruders" she beamed, her greem orbs alive and dancing.​



|| The Riddle Twins - Sixth Year - Hufflepuff / Slytherin - Location: Infirmary ||

The twins both followed what the Ravenclaw boy said, whose name Fraser knew and Cecil did not, and Marcelle. At the mention of becoming like the next Marauders, Fray lit up, shuffling so he could sit up, looking at the Slytherin girl.

"Could you imagine? What sort of animals do you think we would be?" he said, seemingly completely on board with this scheme. Or perhaps it was only because he was starting to fancy this girl, thought Cecil.

"I think I'd rather do this binding thing," said the Slytherin twin, petting Arlo's head and glaring at Fraser. "You know it's illegal to be an unregistered animagus."

"We're Riddles. Everything we do is illegal whether it actually is or not."
He had a point on that thought Cecil. But either way he wasn't doing anything like it. Besides he had enough to worry about that Fraser wasn't even aware of, such as having to save his arse from evil wizards.

"Would you do it?" Fray asked Jórik, as if they were old friends and he would follow him into whatever he decided on.

@BlackSwan @Runakei

|| Corvus Leviathan Pendragon (Malfoy) - Seventh Year - Slytherin - Location: Raven's Cave Base ||

Corvus didn't panic as the man put a spell on him, simply stood, eyes following him as he moved. He'd give a more lustrous introduction if he weren't forced to be still but it would do.

"My name is Corvus Pendragon. Or Malfoy, if you wish to appropriately identify my lineage," he said, green eyes glittering in the dim lighting. "I came with a proposition, not for any sort of conflict."

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Marcy gave Fraser a megawatt 'Black Family' winning smile .

"We can do both, we'll exceed the previous marauders reputation and besides..."

She grinned at the boys.

"What's wrong with breaking the rules? No one will know, and we'll have the time of our lives."

Marcy swung her legs up into a criss cross position on the bes.

"Think of all the pranks we can pull, all the secrets we'll know"

Her green eyes glowed with ambition and curiosity at the prospect, subconsciously she took hold of Frasers hand in both her fingerless gloved ones.​

@Runakei @JustLadThings
Jórik Aríelsson "It's a bit difficult being an Animagus, especially if you are learning how to shift your body into the animagus form... It takes a lot of concentration for people who are new to the technique." he ran his finger over Nidhogg's head and smiled, "But having a group of people who are taking on the technique would be fun... I am a registered Animagus by the way... Mine is a fox, believe it or not."



|| The Riddle Twins - Sixth Year - Hufflepuff / Slytherin - Location: Infirmary ||

Fraser was seemingly lost as he watched Marcelle, his eyes trained on her, cheeks pink when she held his hand. Cecil got up off the side of the bed and began pacing around, looking out the window. He wasn't even surprised that Jórik was already an Animagus, if he were honest.

"Well if foxy's already in so am I," said Fray, smirking at Jórik before looking back at Marcelle. She'd been the one to suggest it of course but yet he still asked. "You and me, yeah?"

@BlackSwan @Runakei


Marcy smirked and let off the bed.

"Of course. I'll bet ten gallions that we'll finish this by sixth or seventh year."

She grinned,

"Now...to the lichalberry " (no I did not mispell that she's still learning english)​

@JustLadThings @Runakei

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