Hogwarts 2015


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if you wish to join pick a character or make your own by filling in the info under new character

known students or professors

Nevile Longbottom-professor of Herbology

Victorie Weasley-4th year (dating Teady Lupin and 1/8th Vela unknown house, likely gryffindor)

Teady Lupin-6th year (dating victorie and a Metamorphmagus unknown house)

James potter: 1st or 2nd year (may not attend Hogwarts until next yea unknown house likely gryffindor)

Fred weasley II (Georges son) 1st-4th year (unknown house likely gryffindor)

Roxanne weasley 1st-3rd year (Fred's younger sister may not attend Hogwarts yet unknown house)

filius flitwick-professor of charms and head of ravenclaw house

Sybill Trelaway divination

New Characters


Year in/ professor of


blood status:

physical description:



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Name: Ella Mirtrov

Professor of: Defense against the Dark Arts

House: Slytherin

Blood Status: Half-Blood




Despite her appearance, Professor Mirtrov is much more respectful and kind than you would think. At times she can be cold and calculating, her students believing that she has no emotions however if you excel in her class you will earn her respect.


Mirtrov grew up in a house where obedience and discipline were valued, her mother and father both held high expectations for her and as a child, Mirtrov had already assured herself a position in the Wizarding world. She studied hard and worked her way to the top, attending Hogwarts through her whole year and leaving to study Muggles only to return for a position in "Defense against the Dark Arts."

Other: Mirtrov has an obsession with ravens.
Name: Dottie Squinter

Year in/ professor of: Herbology

House: Hufflepuff

blood status: Pure blood

physical description:

personality: Very stressed, high strung, and anxious, Dottie enjoys having everything in its place. She gets overwhelmed very easily, but really is a genuinely nice person. Naive and innocent, Dottie assumes that everyone's intentions are good, so she is taken advantage of easily. This includes her own students, being known as the school's biggest pushover. Though as a surprise people see in few and far between break downs, Dottie can have a serious temper to rule them all.

background: Raised by an average wizarding family, Dottie's youger brother and sister had very domineering personalities. Because of this, she was always the peacekeeper, or the third and unbiased point of view.

other: Dottie wears a large pair of glasses, similar to Professor Trelawny's. Student's often take or tamper with them for laughs.
Name: James R Caulfield

Year: 6

House: Hufflepuff

blood status: Pure-blood

physical description:


He is a hard worker when he wants to be but will slack off when he isn't feeling it, yet when he tries he can be a top student. His friends come before any thing and will drop whatever he's doing to help his friends. Struggles with personal problems and takes his stress out through art.

background: James was born into a rich elitist family, however they disowned him once he started voicing his opinions, so during the term holidays he'll stay at Hogwarts and between terms he'll stay with his Grandmother or his friends.

other: James is fascinated with all things muggle
Name: Alistar R. Silverwood

Age: 27

Blood Status: Half Blood

Professor Of: Charms

House: Ravenclaw

Wand: 12' Cypress, Dragon heartstring

Physical Description: Alistar is tall and thin with a muscular build, his eyes a emerald green and hair brown styled short and spiked in the front. He wears a purple long sleeve dress shirt beneath a black vest and long black overcoat, a silver pocket watch worn across his vest pockets, black dress pants and shoes.

Personality: Is a brave and kind, charming man. A strict yet fair individual with a sense of humor. Alistar has always found learning and interest in, the greatest tool to develop a incomparable knowledge and shows the intelligence one would expect from those of Ravenclaw.

Background: Born to Alexa Silverwood a pure blood witch and a unknown muggle father who died before he was born, Alistar is a half blood wizard with a rich family history and standing in the wizarding world. Most of his family having been either Ravenclaws or gryffindors with a few slytherins, Alistar received his letter and attended hogwarts being sorted into Ravenclaw where he achieved top marks throughout school, becoming a once skilled quidditch player and seeker for his house, while becoming a top student in charms and defense against the dark arts with a potential dueling related career for his skills shown during dueling club.

He would later graduate hogwarts and become a trained Auror serving four years as an Auror before being asked to become Professor Flitwicks successor of head of house Ravenclaw and professor of charms. Despite loving his job as an Auror and following in the footsteps of the man he was named after. Alistar accepted the offer and returned to Hogwarts where he now teaches Charms class and oversees house Ravenclaw as house Head.

Other: Alistar though no longer a official Auror, still assists his former office by hunting those of the dark arts outside of the school year and has seen to the capture and defeat of some dark wizards and witches since becoming a professor at hogwarts.

Alistar like his mentor Professor Flitwick at some point became a dueling champion since graduating hogwarts, hinting at a rather busy life and full of various adventures since leaving hogwarts.

Alistar while being a skilled and expert of Charms and Defense against the dark arts as his prior Auror status and success as one would suggest. He is also a capable Occlumens.

Name: Eris Zabini

Year: 2nd

House: Slytherin

blood status: Pure Blood

physical description: See below

personality: Eris is playfully devious, and strives to be a well known wizard, whether it be bad or good. If she's not busy messing with other students, or being devious with her friends, she can be found at the library, studying every book she can her hands on. Her favorite type to read are the biographies and spell books. She claims that nothing scares her, but try finding her outside at night (terrified). She is an intense fan in the Quidditch world, she never misses a match. She stays at the school for all holidays, only returning home during the summer, where is ultimately ignored.

background: Eris' comes from a long line of Gryffindors (until now), and her family has chosen to cut their ties with her and only communicate with her when they wish to get in contact with her younger sister, Grace. The only person that chooses to keep contact with her, is her Aunt Thana, the only other Slytherin in her family. Unfortunately, she has not heard from her aunt in months, and is going to search for her whenever she has the chance.

other: Eris is not evil, but some of the things that are happening in her life, may urge her to the darker side. Deep down, she wishes she reconnect with her sister, a first year, whom was also not put in the Gryffindor. Where her sister is away from the family's strong opinions and Gryffindor.

Name: Grace Zabini

Age: 11

House: Hufflepuff

Blood Status: Pure Blood

Physical: See Below

Personality: Grace is quiet and easily shoved around. She is a slow learner, but determined to be top in her class, even if it means sacrificing a few hours of sleep every night. She is kind to everyone, and sometimes her kindness gets her hurt and betrayed by the ones she trusts the most. If she's not busy studying or sleeping where she was studying, she can be found at the Greenhouses, taking care of her plants. Herbology is the only class that comes to her with ease.

Background: Like her sister, Eris, Grace, is no longer part of her family. She has been abandoned and only welcomed (welcomed used loosely) during the summer months, when they have no option but to allow her into the home. She takes her family's abuse, but envy's her sister's strength to defy them. She wishes to connect with her sister again, and apologize for never being strong enough to stand up for her and with her.






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