

If life is a joke, at least I can love you.

I'd just like to start with the clarification, that while I may be new to this website, Roleplaying is not a new concept to me. I like to consider myself more on the advanced side of the scale, seeing as I've been doing this for a few years.

I typically compose several paragraphs as responses and pride myself on the details I can display within them.

My name is Nikki and I'm really excited to start roleplaying again. It's been a few months since I've done this, but I feel as though I'm ready to dive back in. I'd really love to make a few new friends in the process, too.

If you'd be interested in roleplaying, please don't be shy! I'm open to all sorts of concepts, but I can give you a few things I've had experience with. That list includes, but is certainly not limited to ..:

* Warrior Cats

* Wolves/Canine

* Animes - Naruto/Bleach

* Supernatural/Fantasy

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Hello there and welcome to RPN! :D

Now, I must saw we do share quite a few of the same interests...mmmm, so if you ever are in need of a partner, have a few questions, or just wanna chat, let me know! ^^

(P.S Since you like wolves I'd thought I'd mention a roleplay I currently have running! Casual - Heart of the Forest (Still Accepting!))
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StoneWolf18 said:
Hello there and welcome to RPN! :D
Now, I must saw we do share quite a few of the same interests...mmmm, so if you ever are in need of a partner, have a few questions, or just wanna chat, let me know! ^^
Hello, dearie! Thank you so much for the welcome! I'll definitely have to take you up on that!

I'd love to create a roleplay with you, if you'd be interested. I'm willing to do just about anything, if you had any ideas in mind. I'll check out your thread too!

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Darkwing said:
Hello, dearie! Thank you so much for the welcome! I'll definitely have to take you up on that!
I'd love to create a roleplay with you, if you'd be interested. I'm willing to do just about anything, if you had any ideas in mind.

If you are interested in more of a group setting, check the link in my first post. But if you want somethin' just between me and you, I'd be happy to set something up. ^^
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StoneWolf18 said:
If you are interested in more of a group setting, check the link in my first post. But if you want somethin' just between me and you, I'd be happy to set something up. ^^
Honestly, I do rather prefer a one on one style, if that's alright. Even so, I'd be more than happy to check out the link you've posted as well ^^
Darkwing said:
Honestly, I do rather prefer a one on one style, if that's alright. Even so, I'd be more than happy to check out the link you've posted as well ^^
Lovely! Let me send a PM.
Welcome to the site Nikki. I hope you can have a fun time and rejoice playing with lots and lots of the awesome people of the community in here!

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