Hiya I'm a noob

Hello, welcome to the forums! Don't worry if you're a beginner, you'll be able to expand your skills here. C:
Well first off we have an introduction thread that you've could have used to say hi.
Don't worry. I'll just move the thread for ya. 

So welcome to RPNation!
Hi Welcome to Rpn,

A couple things just to get you started her. First of all you can find all your role-playing needs under the 'role plays' button. Secondly please read the rules, Here. You should also drop by the shout box sometime. Its a pretty rounded place ( And by rounded I literally mean it has no corners) and a lot of people go there just to talk and have fun. You can find it by clicking on the forums button going down under the banner and the recent role plays and it should be right there with Shoutbox written in a black tab button, so come join us, we don't bite, not hard any ways. Also you should vote for VIP, you can find the voting page by clicking on the banner when it says "Vote for VIP" then just read the information on it. When you are a VIP you get a Custom title and a gold name like me. Well that's the run down version of RPN, I hope you have a wonderful time here.

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