Minority of One
This character was created for a realistic supers roleplay, so the layout and verbiage were catered towards the GM's taste.
Feedback welcome.
Kai Geoffrey Ramal
Age: 25
Birthday: 10/4/1990
Previous Occupation: Biology student, thief
Hometown/Country: Port of Spain, Trinidad // later Brooklyn, NY
Relationship Status: Single
First Impression: It's impossible not to notice his self-absorption. When surrounded by people Kai has judged unimportant, he is constantly caught in a cloud of his own curiosity, schemes, and power plays. But when the young man is meeting with someone "valuable" he takes on the social presence of a fox: calculating, manipulative, competitive, and when pushed—threatening.
Personality: There is still a candle sized flame of morality flickering inside the depth of his heart. It's a relic from Kai's childhood; from the only time in his life that he felt safe. But now it only serves to haunt him. In order to grow and thrive in a neglectful and dishonest world he traded his empathy for conviction, honor for power, and mercy for brutality. To date he believes the trades have paid off.
Whenever he lets his guard down and drops his criminal persona he can surprise folks with his sense of humor, his pseudo-intellectual ramblings, and his childlike enthusiasm for garish antiques. There's no one who would consider themselves Kai's friend anymore; he only maintains acquaintances. It helps to keep him focused.
Everything good, everything wholesome in his life, was squeezed into his first nine years. That's when his family was still intact. He came from wealthy parents; their house was the envy of their affluent neighborhood. Kai preferred outdoor adventures over the stuffiness of his elegantly decorated home. Most days he played shirtless under the warm Trinidad sun. He climbed high into the grapefruit trees to search for the neon green caterpillars that crawled up their branches.
Back then his parents were busy: his father with work and his mother with her social clubs and luncheons. But they were happy enough. They had their faults as parents but Kai was too young notice. He rarely looks back to those days anymore, they practically vanished overnight.
His father, Rafael Ramal, was arrested and sentenced to seventy five years inside a Trinidad jail. The pyramid scheme that he was running, that he had plundered for decades, had finally collapsed. They took the house, the money, the cars, and the jewelry. The only thing Kai's mother was left with was an unbearable amount of disgrace. Without any other option, she packed up her son and moved to Brooklyn to be near her brother-in-law.
Kai was torn apart. His father and his birth island were ripped out of his life in one tragic swipe. He grew up bitter, confused, and guilt ridden. His shame and fear increased when he started to hear the whispers of flies, when the fluttering moths began to dance to his every thought. He couldn't tell anyone, not even his mother. She was already struggling with depression.
Kai found his calling as a teenager. His uncle Eugene owned a nightclub in Brooklyn named Hot Iguana. He and his cousin, Trevor, use to hangout in the club's office every weekend. They met a lot of interesting people at the club, including some hard-hitting drug dealers—Nick and Salvatore—who had mob connections. Kai was seduced by the underworld, by the power and influence it bought. His romance with crime started before he was nineteen.
In order to get acknowledged by the mob, he informed Nick that a crew of Jamaicans were also peddling drugs inside the Iguana. When Kai was asked how he uncovered the 'unauthorized' dealers, he told them he had: "a fly on the bathroom wall." Nick and Salvatore called in a few of their friends, and they investigated the matter. It turns out Kai was right, and the Jamaicans were asked to not come back.
After a few more favors Kai earned the affections of several made soldiers inside one of the city's mafia crime families. Eventually, he brokered a meeting between the mob and an unknown dark pretern: an unsettling masked individual who went by the name Hive. He was a man with talents that were effective, frightening, and largely untraceable. Hive has now become the mob's favorite weapon.
But Kai has bigger plans for Hive; the mob alliance he solidified is just a stepping stone along his rise to power. The swarm, the micro-army that he commands—won't be stopped, it won't even give ground. An infestation is coming.
Passions: Natural sciences, phobias, antique collecting, wilderness expeditions, judo, tall women, nefarious schemes
Relationships: He keeps tabs on his mother whenever he can. Their relationship rotted soon after his father's arrest, but she's still his biggest concern. They hardly ever speak, instead he watches over her like a benevolent ghost.
Kai's uncle Eugene and his cousins are the closest thing he has to a normal family. They know him better than anybody, but that's not saying much. And he'll grudgingly admit that he enjoys their time together. They're a flawed bunch, but who is he to judge? At least they make him laugh.
Length of Time in Rebellion Group: He's watched the rebellion since its inception, but mostly stayed uninvolved. Two months ago that changed—he decided to introduced his Hive persona to the underground group. He told them he's willing to help, but he's actually only interested in pursuing his own agenda. Hive hopes to recruit his own criminal faction out of the rebellion's ranks. It's the perfect opportunity to meet powerful, yet disenfranchised people. All he needs is a few bad eggs to hatch.
Current Living Situation: Kai managed to pick up an abandoned auto-repair shop in Brooklyn for a shockingly low price. Apparently the seller had trouble ridding the building of a biblical-scale hornet infestation. Kai didn't seem particularly worried about the issue before he paid cash for the property. It now serves as his home as well as his base of operations.
Power: [impact] Insect/Arthropod Control
New York Occupation: Mob associate
Theme Song
Feedback welcome.
Kai Geoffrey Ramal
Age: 25
Birthday: 10/4/1990
Previous Occupation: Biology student, thief
Hometown/Country: Port of Spain, Trinidad // later Brooklyn, NY
Relationship Status: Single
First Impression: It's impossible not to notice his self-absorption. When surrounded by people Kai has judged unimportant, he is constantly caught in a cloud of his own curiosity, schemes, and power plays. But when the young man is meeting with someone "valuable" he takes on the social presence of a fox: calculating, manipulative, competitive, and when pushed—threatening.
Personality: There is still a candle sized flame of morality flickering inside the depth of his heart. It's a relic from Kai's childhood; from the only time in his life that he felt safe. But now it only serves to haunt him. In order to grow and thrive in a neglectful and dishonest world he traded his empathy for conviction, honor for power, and mercy for brutality. To date he believes the trades have paid off.
Whenever he lets his guard down and drops his criminal persona he can surprise folks with his sense of humor, his pseudo-intellectual ramblings, and his childlike enthusiasm for garish antiques. There's no one who would consider themselves Kai's friend anymore; he only maintains acquaintances. It helps to keep him focused.
Everything good, everything wholesome in his life, was squeezed into his first nine years. That's when his family was still intact. He came from wealthy parents; their house was the envy of their affluent neighborhood. Kai preferred outdoor adventures over the stuffiness of his elegantly decorated home. Most days he played shirtless under the warm Trinidad sun. He climbed high into the grapefruit trees to search for the neon green caterpillars that crawled up their branches.
Back then his parents were busy: his father with work and his mother with her social clubs and luncheons. But they were happy enough. They had their faults as parents but Kai was too young notice. He rarely looks back to those days anymore, they practically vanished overnight.
His father, Rafael Ramal, was arrested and sentenced to seventy five years inside a Trinidad jail. The pyramid scheme that he was running, that he had plundered for decades, had finally collapsed. They took the house, the money, the cars, and the jewelry. The only thing Kai's mother was left with was an unbearable amount of disgrace. Without any other option, she packed up her son and moved to Brooklyn to be near her brother-in-law.
Kai was torn apart. His father and his birth island were ripped out of his life in one tragic swipe. He grew up bitter, confused, and guilt ridden. His shame and fear increased when he started to hear the whispers of flies, when the fluttering moths began to dance to his every thought. He couldn't tell anyone, not even his mother. She was already struggling with depression.
Kai found his calling as a teenager. His uncle Eugene owned a nightclub in Brooklyn named Hot Iguana. He and his cousin, Trevor, use to hangout in the club's office every weekend. They met a lot of interesting people at the club, including some hard-hitting drug dealers—Nick and Salvatore—who had mob connections. Kai was seduced by the underworld, by the power and influence it bought. His romance with crime started before he was nineteen.
In order to get acknowledged by the mob, he informed Nick that a crew of Jamaicans were also peddling drugs inside the Iguana. When Kai was asked how he uncovered the 'unauthorized' dealers, he told them he had: "a fly on the bathroom wall." Nick and Salvatore called in a few of their friends, and they investigated the matter. It turns out Kai was right, and the Jamaicans were asked to not come back.
After a few more favors Kai earned the affections of several made soldiers inside one of the city's mafia crime families. Eventually, he brokered a meeting between the mob and an unknown dark pretern: an unsettling masked individual who went by the name Hive. He was a man with talents that were effective, frightening, and largely untraceable. Hive has now become the mob's favorite weapon.
But Kai has bigger plans for Hive; the mob alliance he solidified is just a stepping stone along his rise to power. The swarm, the micro-army that he commands—won't be stopped, it won't even give ground. An infestation is coming.
Passions: Natural sciences, phobias, antique collecting, wilderness expeditions, judo, tall women, nefarious schemes
Relationships: He keeps tabs on his mother whenever he can. Their relationship rotted soon after his father's arrest, but she's still his biggest concern. They hardly ever speak, instead he watches over her like a benevolent ghost.
Kai's uncle Eugene and his cousins are the closest thing he has to a normal family. They know him better than anybody, but that's not saying much. And he'll grudgingly admit that he enjoys their time together. They're a flawed bunch, but who is he to judge? At least they make him laugh.
Length of Time in Rebellion Group: He's watched the rebellion since its inception, but mostly stayed uninvolved. Two months ago that changed—he decided to introduced his Hive persona to the underground group. He told them he's willing to help, but he's actually only interested in pursuing his own agenda. Hive hopes to recruit his own criminal faction out of the rebellion's ranks. It's the perfect opportunity to meet powerful, yet disenfranchised people. All he needs is a few bad eggs to hatch.
Current Living Situation: Kai managed to pick up an abandoned auto-repair shop in Brooklyn for a shockingly low price. Apparently the seller had trouble ridding the building of a biblical-scale hornet infestation. Kai didn't seem particularly worried about the issue before he paid cash for the property. It now serves as his home as well as his base of operations.
Power: [impact] Insect/Arthropod Control
New York Occupation: Mob associate
Theme Song