Hit on the user above you with your best pick-up lines

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((((You don't even want to know what pops up onto mine constantly

I've watched very few of these like wtf youtube I'm supposed to be a dark viber but I guess not and apparently I have the high ground but in a mall is a thing))))
((((Yes, indeed. I grew up with classic rock, and some other good rock so uhh yeah. AlSo MiChAeL jAcKsOn. Oh and btw Fungus I listened to all of that music thing it was actually pretty good ngl))))
((((Yes, indeed. I grew up with classic rock, and some other good rock so uhh yeah. AlSo MiChAeL jAcKsOn. Oh and btw Fungus I listened to all of that music thing it was actually pretty good ngl))))
((Congratulations, you just listened to melodic black metal star, Lindsay Schoolcraft [an absolute hottie btw]))
((okay, guys, so a thing about the interest check; it will be up sooner today. But here is a link to another website where i made a group about this and this is where i rp greatly at. if ya’ll want, ya’ll can choose here or the group, ik it’s been confusing but i have it now c: cookie if staying here, or love for the website))
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