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Realistic or Modern Historical RPs - Ancient Rome, Greece, and more! (Original/Fandom)


One Time Luck
Greetings! Call me Queenie. I am a 26 year old from the United Kingdom, and am currently craving roleplays in historical settings or historical inspired fantasy - they don’t have to be inherently focused on romance as I love to also focus on family dynamics in particular, but I do expect a level of understanding both the era and mature themes involved with such settings - a character from, say, Ancient Rome, will not have the same sensibilities or understanding of things as someone with a 21st century perspective. It also doesn’t make sense to me, for example, to want to write something where a character you RP is a military commander then get squeamish about blood- just my perspective on things.

I will say, that I often like to write characters who are sick/disabled in some way as I am disabled myself - historical settings with a caretaking relationship, platonic or romantic is what I am particularly wanting to do. It’s what I’m comfortable with as my default, personally. I absolutely can write non-disabled characters, but I would love to indulge in this one. Similarly - if a character has visions or memory loss I do like to up the stakes by making it debilitating.

I would preferably write with users who are 18+ and can write multiple literate paragraphs. You can respond for a request in this thread, and DMs are also permitted to continue brainstorming - I expect a decent level of enthusiasm, especially for world-building and historical reference/some accuracy and detail. I’m a huge History nerd and writing historical settings in different eras gives me the challenge I need to research different topics, read books, articles, watch documentaries - you don’t have to do this just for an RP, of course but I do love when my writing partner is equally as passionate as me about this particular genre.

I am also open to writing RPs set in media with historical settings, including classic novels. I will separate Original ideas and Fandom concepts so you can pick from the roster, including relationship pairings. I hope whatever I have to offer catches your eye, and we can mutually create a fun scenario for ourselves. But I do like my angst 😈

For Romance, I am open primarily to FxM or MxM RPs.

Ancient Rome *
Pompeii *
Ancient Greece *
Ancient Egypt *
Victorian *
Edwardian Era/WWI
Time Travel *

Existing Media (Books, Movies, Tv Shows, Video Games)
Anastasia (Movie/Musical) - really want to roleplay a relationship between Anya and Gleb, especially them being in a long-term established relationship and her memories as Anastasia come back
A Song of Ice and Fire
House of the Dragon/Fire and Blood (would love to do a roleplay during the reign of King Jaehaerys I, am also open to other eras and potential canon divergence).
* Note: I will only ever roleplay existing fandoms if we include Canon characters - I am often asked if I’m willing to roleplay fandom settings with only original characters, but this doesn’t interest me personally. The fun is seeing how an original character changes the story or how they engage with existing characters, or what stays the same.

(This post will be edited with fandoms or settings added onto existing ones/and or removed depending on what interests me at the time).
Hi Queenie! As a foreword I must say that I am unfamiliar with disability, or writing about disabled characters, but I am very much willing to learn and adapt. I hope that's not an issue?

Beyond that, I've been dying to do a caretaker-ish plot set in the Edwardian Era. The main idea I had was that YC, a young noblewoman who is bound to a wheelchair, deeply wishes to travel around (as much as the social standards of the time would allow, anyhow) and her father hires an associate of his from the Army (MC) to "keep an eye on her", as to say, during her trips. I'm thinking it wouldn't be an awfully dark plot (although angst is all too natural) - MC would likely be very exasperated at first particularly with the lack of mobility of YC, while YC would be upset at his somewhat bigoted preconceptions.

If you like what you've read so far, please read my RP preferences sheet here. Hope to hear from you soon!

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