• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy `βœ¦Λ‘ | π™π™žπ™§π™–π™šπ™©π™ π™€π™€π™˜

I put up a place hodler for my application. I have the info ready, im jus trying to figgure out this code as BBC Code isn't my speciality πŸ˜…
I put up a place hodler for my application. I have the info ready, im jus trying to figgure out this code as BBC Code isn't my speciality πŸ˜…

Woohoo! I'm happy to hear you finished it. Comfy posted the thing you need to divide paragraphs somewhere in the OOC.
Just popping in here to say that I am adoring all the apps so far :D

I'm about halfway done with mine, and I hope to finish in the next day or so. (My responses are a bit long, so hopefully that's alright).
I've barely even started reading some of these characters and I'm already loving them-

Also hello peoples!
Hello~! Hope everyone is well this fine Tuesday! I just wanted to remind everyone to double-check the 'Counter' portion on the application thread main coding! I put that up to help everyone see the number of specialty/dragon types I'll be accepting.
Top11 Top11 Hey dragging you into this thread because I wanna keep the app thread clean! If you're asking about the pre-established roles, yes they are both still open.
Alright! CS application is finished. I definitely might add or tweak things as I think of them, but for now it's done :D
i know this is a bit of a silly first question BUT- is it santorum or sanctorum? in the code template, it's written as the latter but everywhere else its the former, so i figure santorum, but i wanted to check!
i know this is a bit of a silly first question BUT- is it santorum or sanctorum? in the code template, it's written as the latter but everywhere else its the former, so i figure santorum, but i wanted to check!

Valid question! Ty for pointing that out, I'll fix it in a min! But it's Santorum!
β€Žβ€§β‚ŠΛšβœ§ {Hello! I'll be dming and sending out discord links tonight or tomorrow! I did go ahead and delete the unfinished applications, please feel free to repost after I reopen the applications!} βœ§Λšβ‚Šβ€§
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comfortable comfortable Hey! I hate to bug you, but I just wanted to check and see if discord links or officially acceptances have gone out yet? If not that's totally fine, but I've seen things have started to be updated and I want to make sure I'm not missing anything.

As I said, totally fine if not, just wanting to make sure <3
comfortable comfortable Hey! I hate to bug you, but I just wanted to check and see if discord links or officially acceptances have gone out yet? If not that's totally fine, but I've seen things have started to be updated and I want to make sure I'm not missing anything.

As I said, totally fine if not, just wanting to make sure <3

omg I totally thought I sent you everything! Sorry my brain is fried! I'll send you that stuff right away.

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