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Realistic or Modern Highschool RP

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was Acexcross
Just send me your character info and we'll start when there are 4 people :tongue:






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Zack Swift






  • Dark looking
  • Kind when you get to know him
  • Funny
  • Stands up for what he thinks is right
  • Very determined




When his parents died, he started doing drugs and self-harm cuts. Very popular.
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Name: Jenna Archer

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Jenna is quiet and reserved... or at least that is when she's at school. After school or when she's with only friends, she's outgoing, loud, and loves to laugh. She is stubborn and not likely to quickly forget. Jenna is protective of her friends and will not hesitate to defend them against anything.


Name: Ray Conners

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Mysterious, sly, sarcastic, bored



Extra: Abandoned and raised as an orphan, doesn't trust anyone, keeps to herself, weak against dominant guys
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Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Rebellious, daredevil, funny, sarcastic, talented


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.8e94cd90eb5c76ec8d5b038774be0e28.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30858" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.8e94cd90eb5c76ec8d5b038774be0e28.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra: She plays the guitar and she sings



  • image.jpg
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We will start this RP in 5 minutes. Please be ready everyone. Others who wish to join but didn't get the chance to sign in, please go to the character sign-up tab thingie. 
Lets begin. Um can someone start me off cuz I'm new to this.. :sweat:
(Eh ok..)

Ray is walking to school with her headphones on, completely ignoring everyone's presence around her. She rounds a corner and sat down under a tree listening to music as she tries to pass the first level of Flappy Bird
Elizabeth got inside her car and drove towards the school. She turned on the radio and smiled when she started to hear her favourite song. She arrived to the school and parked her car, she took a deep breath and entered the building
Zack hopped onto his motorbike, cigarette in mouth and zoomed off into the school parking lot. He winked at a few girls who were checking him out. He parked his bike and picked up his bag, exhaling some smoke. He made his way to the basketball court and took a ball out from the rack. He threw his bag on the floor and took off his shirt, revealing his 6 pack. Zack started bouncing the ball around.

(Changed character, I am now the school bully! Can't reply until the morning)

Ray stood up and gathers up her belongings but hadn't realized she dropped her notebook. The most precious thing to her. It had her journal entrees, songs, and was like a diary to her
Elizabeth grabbed her bag and got out of her car. She noticed a few guys checking her out and she rolled her eyes. She looked at them with an angry face "What?" She said while the guys walked away with confused faces. Clearly they were not used to rejection buy Elizabeth hated that kind of people. "Great start Lizzy... Great start " it was her first year in the school and she really wanted the year to end
John stepped out of his car and looked at the school. He grabbed his backpack and started walking towards the school. He saw a few girld check him out, but most people just looked at him strangely. He thought to himself, "Yep, stare all you want. Doesn't bother me one bit." He walked into school.
Waking up nearly an hour late for school should have been Jenna's first clue that today was not going to be a good day. Her second clue should have been missing the bus. Anyone else would have called it a day and went back home to sleep, but Jenna wouldn't allow for that. Which is why she was now stuck marching up to the school, hungry, tired, and just all around ''pissy''. She nudged the door open with her shoulder and yawned into her sweater sleeve. 'It's official: Mondays suck.' Jenna reached her locker and held back another yawn. She spun the combination into the lock and pulled, but the door stayed shut. "What? Oh, come on!" She complained as she tried the lock again for the second time. Once again the lock stuck. Jenna groaned loudly and let her head fall against her locker, most ungracefully. 'Is it too late to just go home and give up on today?' She thought with a scowl.
When Zack heard the bell, he flung his shirt back on, picked up his bag and made his way to the lockers. 'Great, someones beat me too it...' He thought, as he saw someone next to his own locker, struggling to open it her own. Zack walked over to her said kindly, "Here, I used to have this one," He said, bashing his shoulder into it and telling her to try again.



Personality:Snow Alice is shy but only at home once she's at school she a rebel. She will do anything she wants and will date any girl there. Yeah that's right you heard me Snow-Alice is a lesbian and if any teases her for it she will take care of it.

Appearance:Black Hair, Blue eyes, about 5'7",and weighs about 115 pounds

Extra: She sings, loves cigarettes, drinks, and does drugs.
Ethan woke up, his head spinning. He looked down at his sketchbook and the blunts laying around his room, sighing heavily at the psychedelic drawings scrawled across the pages. He showers, dresses and runs out the door. He grabs a a cigarette and, lighting it, takes a deep pull and hurries towards the subway.
Ray walked to class, head still down. She sat herself in the farthest corner near the window and started playing games on her phone again
Ethan strode into class, shooting angry glares at his classmates and flopping down on his chair.
Finally after getting past 2 levels of a game she was playing, Ray got bored. Before she set down her phone, she saw a guy shoot her an angry glare. Scratch that, he shot everyone an angry glare. "Idiot," she thought rolling her eyes and went back to daydreaming out of boredom
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Ethan began to draw, sketching demons and monsters. He wished he had another smoke. He leaned over and whispered to the daydreaming girl. "Hey Ray" he grinned roguishly, blue eyes sparkling.
Sabrina slowly made her way to class. She tripped as she entered dropping her books. She hit the floor with a yelp. Scrambling to get up and collect her things

Without pain...we cannot love
Without turning to look at who spoke to her, she flipped the person off and snorted. People are so annoying these days

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