«╳» Highland Academy «╳» A School For the Supernatural


✗ Name ✗
Avaline 'Avery' Marie Thomas

✗ Gender ✗ Female

✗ Age ✗ 14, but is very mature for her age..... when she wants to be (Not often)

✗ Year ✗ 1

Sexual Orientation ✗ Bisexual and likes both genders equally

✗ Appearance ✗ (Sorry, I couldn't find a pic) Avery is short standing at 5'2. She weighs 92 pounds and has a somewhat athletic body shape. Her cheek bones are a bit higher than average. She has a small nose and normal, if not a bit full, lips. Her ears are slightly pointed and she has her ears pierced two times on each ear. Her skin is a bit pale, but not vampire pale. Avery has Heterochromia. Both her eyes used to be a shining silver until a childhood accident happened, resulting in her right eye turning gold and her left eye staying silver. Though her eyes may be strange, Avaline's hair is the biggest mystery. You see, it changes colours in accordance to her moods. No one knows why and Avery is determined to find out. When emotionless, Avery's hair is white. She also has large, 15-foot, black wings sprouting from her back. Thank goodness she can tuck them in. When Avery was 11, someone tried to cut her wings off. This resulted in 2 scars on Avery's back, for police found the man just before her wings were cut off. She hasn't flown since. In school Avaline wears a blue ruffle tank top, jean shorts, grey toms, the occasional sunglasses and her long waist-length hair in a french braid pulled to the side. She is often seen with her white and blue headphones around her neck

✗ Basic Personality ✗


  • She is very loyal
  • Is kind...... most of the time
  • She is somewhat smart
  • She's a bit of a maniac and is very mischievous


  • Avery can be a bit cold toward strangers and people she doesn't know well.
  • She tends to have a temper if someone really pisses her off
  • Avery can be a bit sarcastic
  • She can be a tad blunt at times

✗ Supernatural Species ✗ Well, no one really knows. Avery can read minds, see auras and take on other appearances

✗ Likes ✗ Cats (She LOVES cats), singing, playing piano, having only a few close friends, her favorite place to eat is Chick-fil-A, her favorite colour is purple, music

✗ Dislikes ✗ Thunderstorms (She's terrified of them and will break down.), annoying people, braggers, tight places, people that mock her, bullies

Backstory ✗ Not much to say (Magnus Bane)

✗ Crush / Partner ✗ N/A

I might make other characters later.
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? Name ?Celia Bowen

? Gender ?female

? Age ?17

? Year ?3

? Sexual Orientation ? pansexual

? Appearance ?

? Basic Personality ? Positive: she is charming, cunning, and can on occasion be friendly. Negative : She has a short temper, and her magic tends to get out of control when she feels strong emotions, and she does not always understand modern technology ( Will be explained in bio)

? Supernatural Species ?This isn't really a supernatural species but it is the only term I can use to truly explain what she is : Magician

? Likes ?Reading, Kittens, Old-Fashioned clothing, Doves, and Ravens

? Dislikes ? What's left of her father, fire, good weather, and Tarot card readers

? Backstory ?In the 18th century a circus arose from nowhere, this circus was called, Les cirque des reves, ( The circus of dreams) it was an odd circus especially since the performers and those who had helped the dream of a circus, become reality, one particular performer in the circus was Miss Bowen, the illusionist, whose tricks were more than just slight of hand, and the shadow of her father, also a magician whose last trick failed miserably, to train her and critique her every flaw, although the circus is still running Celia decided she needed to leave, but not knowing of the modern world or technology she was left clueless and confused until she found Highland Academy

? Crush / Partner ?N\A

Other : She has a scar on her ringfinger, which she covers with a ring given to her by a friend in the circus
( @frankieromustdie Sorry if the form is a bit different. This is one of my characters from a different roleplay.)

Appearance (Preferably Anime):


Additional Appearance:
Due to her beatings, Evangline has various scars all over her stomach and back. She also has a tattoo she was born with on her wrist.


Since she has this tattoo, all sorts of land animals are attracted to her. They think of her as a safe haven and that she will protect them. She often finds animals on her shoulders and near her feet, especially birds.

Name: Evangline 'Eve' 'Evie' 'Eva' Thompson

Gender: Female

Age: Barely 15

Year: 1

Height: 5'8

Sexuality: Straight

Earth and rock nymph

Powers / Abilities:

  • Earth manipulation
  • Rock manipulation
  • Animal control. (From tattoo)
  • Animal attraction (From tattoo)

Personality: Evangline is a very shy girl due to past experiences. She flinches or jumps back when someone tries to touch her and tries to avoid most communication all together. She doesn't open up to anyone and if people try and pry information out of her she just glares at them. Sometimes she can be so quiet people believe she's mute. Though she is shy, she radiates a aura of royalty, as she was once a princess, and when she does happen to speak, she is not a force to be reckoned with. In her past, Eva was once a cheerful and kind girl, now she has the eyes of someone who has seen too much. Only a handful of people are able to break down her walls and become friends with her. If you do manage it, though, she is very loyal and kind in a quiet sort of way. (Later on her personality might change as she finds friends and such.)


  • Storms
  • Though she is fast, she is fragile. If a strong person were to catch her, she would snap like a twig
  • Fire manipulators


  • Storms. She can, and most likely will break down
  • People touching her


  • Animals
  • Music

Bio: Evangline was born to King Maxon Thompson and Queen Elliana Thompson of Idrilia, and true to her name, was very good news. The Queen and King had been trying to have a child for years after multiple doctors told them it was impossible. So when little Eve was born, it truly was a miracle. But after that things slowly began to go downhill. When Evie was 3, her mother was attending a ladies only party along with other queens. Unfortunately, the building was purposely set on fire. When the King heard that his wife was dead, he was so upset that he turned to drugs and gambling. In one gambling match, he was actually gambling his 9-year-old daughter. He lost that round and Evangline was sold to a man. After finding out that he had sold his daughter, that and his wifes death was just to much, so he attempted suicide and was successful. Due to the kings death and the princesses departure, the kingdom was burnt to the ground. For the next 5 years Evangline was sold as a slave and abused both mentally and sexually. When she was 14, she escaped and made her way out onto the streets. She was in the middle of no where. Suddenly, she came across a school. Eva was found on the school grounds and because the headmaster pitied her, she was allowed to stay as one of the students.

Additional Info:

Favorite color:

Favorite food: Fruits

Theme song: Down by Jason Walker
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? Name ?
Aakil Wilson

? Gender ?Male

? Age ?17

? Year ?4

? Sexual Orientation ?Straight

? Basic Personality ? Aakil is a very gentle, kind and rather naive person. He isn't a man of many words because he's quite shy but he never speaks ill of people, even if they are deserving of it. He tries to see the good in all things. He's nothing but a kind boy wishing the best for everyone in life and does what he can to point them to the right path. Aakil is found constantly smiling to himself and others and for no appearant reason it seems. Although he could be considered a bit distant from people at first.

? Supernatural Species ?White stag (messenger of the underworld according to celtic myth) He has the power of purification, controlling elements of nature and plant life, can feel other's emotions and intermost thoughts/desires.

? Likes ? Strawberries, playing the piano and violin, philosophy, everything about nature.

? Dislikes ?Chocolate, most canned and boxed foods, energy drinks, and plastic bags.

? Backstory ?White stags are a male only species and he's going to take over his father's position as messenger of the underworld according to celtic myth. However he must be properly educated about the world before that time comes. He has a human mother as all white stags do and has a human little 5 year old sister who he cherishes with all his being.

? Crush / Partner ?None at the moment

? Name ?

Hartley Young


? Gender ?


? Age ?


? Year ?


? Sexual Orientation ?


? Basic Personality ?

+ Kind

+ Gentle

+ Curious

+ Reliable

- Sensitive

- Self-Concsious

- No Filter


? Supernatural Species ?


- Enhanced agility/combat

- Duplication

- Invisibility

? Likes ?

- Cooking

- Games

- The color orange

- Food

? Dislikes ?

- Cruelty to animals

- Looking down on half breeds

- Rudeness/Unkindness

- Insensitivity

? Backstory ?

Hartley has a horrible memory. Sometimes she remembers things and sometimes she tends to mix up her stories. She might tell you a story about how she found a dollar one day and how she spent it on a slice of pie and the next tell you she gave it away and the next that it wasn't one dollar but one hundred dollars. She does however, remember her time with her recent "family". They kept her more as a pet after her mother grew ill and died. They had been wealthy neighbors and promised to take care of her but only mistreated her.

? Crush / Partner ?

(Last ones @frankieromustdie )

? Name ?
Axel Stillwell

? Gender ? Male

? Age ? 17

? Year ? 4

? Sexual Orientation ? Straight (Hetrosexual)

? Appearance ?



? Basic Personality ?

Axel is a very quiet man. He behaves very well and is exceptionally intelligent. He is very well trained. He knows 4 languages and loves reading and learning.

Negative: He hates sports. Axel doesn't really do people. He would rather be alone and is quite antisocial If it wasn't for his brother, he wouldn't talk at all. He loves dogs, but doesn't like other animals.

? Supernatural Species ? The Grim Reaper, originally a wolf shifter

? Likes ?

  • Darkness
  • His scythe
  • His brother
  • Learning

? Dislikes ?

  • Killing the innocent
  • Hurting his brother
  • Making people cry
  • Being social

? Backstory ? W.I.P. (I'll do it later)


Other: Scythe:



? Name ? Maxwell 'Max' Stillwell

? Gender ? Male

? Age ? Barely 14, but can be mature if he wants to

? Year ? 1

? Sexual Orientation ? Gay (Homosexual)

? Appearance ?


Extra: Has a wolf tail, ears, and claws (retractable). 5'4

? Basic Personality ?

Max is often cheerful and always trying to make people happier. He doesn't like when people are upset. He is somewhat smart. Max is very fast and is quite acrobatic

Negative: He has a bit of a temper. Max likes for things to go his way and be really annoying if they don't.

? Supernatural Species ? Wolf shifter

? Likes ?

  • Wolves
  • His brother
  • His friends

? Dislikes ?

  • Not getting his way
  • Cats
  • People that tease him
  • People that brag

? Backstory ? W.I.P.

? Crush / Partner ?
✗ Name ✗ Jason (doesn’t have a last name, if that’s okay)

✗ Gender ✗ Non-binary

✗ Age ✗ 17

✗ Year ✗ 4

✗ Sexual Orientation ✗ Asexual

✗ Appearance ✗


✗ Basic Personality ✗ Jason is very observant, and is good at figuring out things about people. He tries to be kind to (most) people, and spends a lot of time in the library, reading about history. As much as he is good at knowing about people, he isn’t that good at understanding them, and makes a lot of mistakes. He’s bad at showing his emotions, and is viewed as uncaring by some people with his apathy to traumatized people, injured people, etc. etc.

✗ Supernatural Species ✗ Used to be an angel, but was banished from heaven. He lost his ability to fly, along with most of his other powers.

✗ Likes ✗ He likes take-out Chinese food, American football, going on hot-air balloons, and skydiving, because it reminds him of flying.

✗ Dislikes ✗ People with authority, enclosed spaces, being underwater, and people who pretend to be prophets.

✗ Backstory ✗ He was banished from heaven for saving a human from being killed, and somehow, ended up in the body of a human teenager. He decided to take on the name Jason, after a Greek hero that he met in heaven.

✗ Crush / Partner ✗ None.
✗ Name ✗ Blake Song

✗ Gender ✗Female

✗ Age ✗ 17

✗ Year ✗ 3rd

✗Sexual Orientation ✗ bisexual but prefers boys by a little bitty bit.

✗ Appearance ✗
Her hair is a dark green that almost borders on black with dark gray eyes. She almost always looks emotionless or angry.

✗ Basic Personality ✗








-Occasionally snarky and rude

✗ Supernatural Species ✗ She’s honestly not sure but thinks she’s some sort of darkness elemental. Her powers all revolve around darkness and shadows. If there are no shadows or too much light she’s powerless or extremely weakened. It also gets stronger with negative emotions causing her to act very deadpan to keep them in check.

- Darkness manipulation

- Darkness solidification

- Shadow mimicry

✗ Likes ✗


Rain storms

People actually talking to her


✗ Dislikes ✗

Being alone

The dark (kinda cruel irony)

People being mean to Wynn

Being told to smile more


(WIP) But She and Wynn are adopted siblings.

✗ Crush / Partner ✗

None yet

✗ Name ✗ Wynn Song

✗ Gender ✗Male

✗ Age ✗16

✗ Year ✗ 2nd

✗Sexual Orientation ✗Pansexual

✗ Appearance ✗
He has black hair and dark brown eyes, and unfortunately looks a little creepy with his unsettling smile and sleepless look due to insomnia. But he really is a nice guy.

✗ Basic Personality ✗






-Extremely quiet (has trouble speaking above a whisper)



✗ Supernatural Species ✗ Similar to Blake but instead of being shadows it’s light for him. He has to “recharge” for certain amounts of time in sunlight or else his powers won’t work.

-Can create bright flashes of light

-turn into light and teleport through it

-Light solidification

✗ Likes ✗



any small fluffy animal


✗ Dislikes ✗

Being indoors

When Blake gets mad

Looking creepy

Not being able to sleep

Backstory(wip) But he and Blake are adopted siblings.

✗ Crush / Partner ✗None yet

? Name ?

"Ari ."

Aria Winters.

? Gender ?

"Take a wild guess."


? Age ?

"Why do you care?"

Ari is 17 years old.

? Year ?

"Year 3."

? Sexual Orientation ?

"Love is love."



Noticeably pink hair, blue eyes. Aria usually wears dark clothing and has her hair up most of the time.

? Basic Personality ?

"Better than yours."

Aria is very sassy and sarcastic. Sometimes she can be a bit rude without realizing it. But, once you get to know her Ari is a great friend, she is funny, will always have your back. And she doesn't tolerate people picking on her friends.

? Supernatural Species ?

"I'm an elemental."

She can control the four elements.

? Likes ?

"Music, internet, friends. Etcetera."

? Dislikes

"Don't even get me started. Open doors, heights, and uh loss."

? Backstory ?

"I don't talk about it."


"I barely know these people!"

My apologies if they're are any spelling errors, I'm on mobile haha.


[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]

? Name ?

"Ari ."

Aria Winters.

? Gender ?

"Take a wild guess."


? Age ?

"Why do you care?"

Ari is 17 years old.

? Year ?

"Year 3."

? Sexual Orientation ?

"Love is love."



Noticeably pink hair, blue eyes. Aria usually wears dark clothing and has her hair up most of the time.

? Basic Personality ?

"Better than yours."

Aria is very sassy and sarcastic. Sometimes she can be a bit rude without realizing it. But, once you get to know her Ari is a great friend, she is funny, will always have your back. And she doesn't tolerate people picking on her friends.

? Supernatural Species ?

"I'm an elemental."

She can control the four elements.

? Likes ?

"Music, internet, friends. Etcetera."

? Dislikes

"Don't even get me started. Open doors, heights, and uh loss."

? Backstory ?

"I don't talk about it."


"I barely know these people!"

My apologies if they're are any spelling errors, I'm on mobile haha.

Oh, and my favorite fictional character is Dean Winchester :P
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.1725be8c60544676b3c71e32435a928c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51079" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.1725be8c60544676b3c71e32435a928c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.937d8921a8e8e733579251383600b2bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51080" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.937d8921a8e8e733579251383600b2bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

✗ Name ✗

Sebastian Mau

✗ Gender ✗


✗ Age ✗


✗ Year ✗


Sexual Orientation ✗



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.625687430854b63dc55677fd255d77f3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.625687430854b63dc55677fd255d77f3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

✗ Appearance ✗

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e4c16495db0e045767e12d67ea6aa05f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51093" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e4c16495db0e045767e12d67ea6aa05f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.cb2550318bf3a9a006ccfb7d53455955.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51092" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.cb2550318bf3a9a006ccfb7d53455955.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 6'3"

Hair color: Dark brownish-black

Eye color: Soft mint​


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.9102507f92f993157b816f87d17c12f3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51083" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.9102507f92f993157b816f87d17c12f3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

✗ Basic Personality ✗




+nice (in his own way.)



-subconsciously aggressive


-conceals sensitivity



✗ Supernatural Species ✗


Humans, or Humanoids, whose blood is capable of adapting to another species' blood. This allows for the blighted to take on attributes and use the powers of other species for a short period of time through the consumption of their blood. It can be either permanent or temporary depending on how it enters the body;though, they can only hold a low amount of permanent mixed blood in their system, and temporary blood can cause side effects that differ for each species.

✗ Likes ✗






✗ Dislikes ✗

•the cold

•loud people


•repeating himself

•snobby people


To be revealed if it progresses.

^^ Izaya Orihara^^

✗ Crush / Partner ✗




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Whack said:
View attachment 117457

View attachment 117458

✗ Name ✗

Sebastian Mau

✗ Gender ✗


✗ Age ✗


✗ Year ✗


Sexual Orientation ✗



View attachment 117463

✗ Appearance ✗

View attachment 117478

View attachment 117477

Height: 6'3"

Hair color: Dark brownish-black

Eye color: Soft mint​


View attachment 117465

✗ Basic Personality ✗




+nice (in his own way.)



-subconsciously aggressive


-conceals sensitivity



✗ Supernatural Species ✗


Humans, or Humanoids, whose blood is capable of adapting to another species' blood. This allows for the blighted to take on attributes and use the powers of other species for a short period of time through the consumption of their blood. It can be either permanent or temporary depending on how it enters the body;though, they can only hold a low amount of permanent mixed blood in their system, and temporary blood can cause side effects that differ for each species.

✗ Likes ✗






✗ Dislikes ✗

•the cold

•loud people


•repeating himself

•snobby people


To be revealed if it progresses.

^^ Izaya Orihara^^

✗ Crush / Partner ✗


His last name. . . All I can think of is Sadao Mao haha.
[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]His last name. . . All I can think of is Sadao Mao haha.

Sadao Maou xD funny


? Name ?

Madora Nicole Ballato.

? Gender ?


? Age ?

14, turning 15.

? Year ?

First year/Freshman.

? Sexual Orientation ?

Demiromantic Heterosexual.

? Basic Personality ?

+ Funny.

+ Friendly.

+ Innocent.

+ Soft-spoken.

+ Careful.

- Clumsy.

- Anti-Social.

- Odd.

- Naive.

- Gulliable.


? Supernatural Species ?


? Likes ?

+ Candy.

+ Sugar.

+ Her brother Gerard.

+ Nice people.

+ Being successful.

? Dislikes ?

- Jerks.

- Bullies.

- Scary people.

- Scary movies.

- Blood.

- Gore.

- Her demon form.

- Bitter food.

(Sorry for the vagueness. Her bio will be revealed in the RP)

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