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High-Tech [ A 1x1 between me and Azi ]

"what you don't realize is how close to death you were. They are all firing..." Michelle says with a giggle.
Mike stomped away to Kage and sat next to her muttering.. "Shiny..." He said and frowned. "It's okay honey, need your blanket?" She said like a mother and laughed. "HAHA. FUNNY." Mike said.
"playback recording." Says Michelle, then, with makes voice~ "mommy?" Michelle slaps a panel of the vehicle and the weapons stow themselves back into their slots.
Kage laughed hard, wincing as it hurt when she laughed. Mike scoffed. "I am gonna get out for a while. So I won't kill anyone," after Mike swooped out, minutes later, he was covered in blood, to his toes to his chest. "Hey guys!" She said, licking the blood off his hands. Kage almost faints.
Michelle would slide out from under the vehicle. "... I thought you said you were going out so you wouldn't kill anyone. That seems to have backfired on you." She slides back under.
Kage gets up and holds the boy by the collar, "Who did you kill." She stated. "Answer." Mike gulped, he was shaking. He was scared. Scared! Of her! "I-Innocents." He yelped and cringed waiting for himself to get killed. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" She yelled and threw him to the ground. She unsheathed a knife. "You have disobeyed.. What do you have to say for yourself," Mike cringed, "I-I didn't m-mean too!" Kage snarled. Mike grabbed her wrist, he unsheathed his knife. "No! You are not going to take me down!" He shouted but Kage fought back. As Kage got dominance, her knife was about to touch his chest when he said something, "Stop, it was test." Kage looked at him and sheathed her knife. She slapped him VERY hard against his face,
"and now we panic.." sparky comes out, wielding a cleaning cloth. He climbs onto the vehicle and cleans where mike had touched. "you pair may wanna pack stuff real fast."
Mike had fainted. Apparently. Kage shook her head and sat down, getting some blood on her hand.. "Does blood taste that good..?" She asked herself and licked her finger. She made a face and spit it out. "it tastes weird.." She muttered.
The ground would rumble slightly... "okay. We definitly panic. That has happened three times this year. I don't know what causes it, but know it's bad. Very bad. Help me load this." She slides out and the vehicles weapons leave their slots and aim out at all sides. The loading position.
Mike was passed out so he wasn't any help... Kage rolled her eyes and got up. "Um... How do I put all the weapons in place again?" She asked and swayed backs and fourth.
"The rockets slide in. The gatts, you lift this flap-" after grabbing an ammo bag she climbs to one of them and begins loading it quickly. "position the first round, close the flap. The lasers don't have any power sources yet. It's one of the par-" boom. An explosion from next door. Michelles pace quickens. "just hurry. Try not to make to much noise."
Kage nodded and silently tried to do what she was told, when she finished, she looked at her. "Ummm, what we do now??!" She said whispering. She took mike, and hauled him on her back. He was heavy. But she was strong.
"get in." she opens two hatches. "good thing I made passenger seats." another explosion, louder than the first. "hurry." Michelle whispers sharply.
Kage nods and gets in, throwing Mike. But he made a loud thud. "Whoops! Sorry!!" She said and got in. "Jeez... I hope that explosion does not kill us next." She said quietly.
"now just sit tight." there would appear to be no lights of Windows anywhere on the vehicle. Michelle would enter the cockpit. Same situation. Michelle voice would emanate from gel speakers. "winding up." the whole thing would Rumble as the engines started. "aaand we're away. Brace." the cabin would jolt about as the thing went through the wall, at the same time a wall exploded
Kage spotted out curses and she braced herself. Mike just groaned and got up a little. Kage smacked him hard enough again to pass him out. She chuckled a little. "Why is there no windows?!" She said looking around.
"i don't need them. i am currently plugged in to this thing. i see via the many camera. now, there's a guy in armor out there and is trying to board. it's going to get rough." it does indeed get rough.granted, they were still on the ground, but that's better because there are things to hit to try and shake the cling on who is attempting to plant an explosive under the armor plating. "you might want to strap in."
"Erm..." Kage strapped herself in and them put Mike upright and strapped him in too. "This is.. Exciting!" She had a madman grin on and she was bouncing up and down a little.
"let's cheat with this..." she mumbles to herself. after a few moments, she speaks again. "time to fly."there is explosion and the vehicle is thrust upwards. it doesn't go back down again. "well, he's gone. but i think this is just the start. and i thinks it's you he wants."
"..dammit. They are on to us." She muttered and frowned. "I knew they'll come after me one day." She said miserably but shrugged. "But I'll kill whoever is after me."
"hay. I've given myself quite a name too, ya know. Could be me they're after... then again, could be all three of us. Well, at least we're airborne. I hope you pair don't have claustrophobia or... whatever the fear of flight is."
"Well Mike sometimes freaks out and throws up in air. But I just smack him so he could pass out." Kage smiled and nodded. "Dk we have to stick together? We might be more better if we spilt up.."
"a guy in a mech suit just tried to blow us up, one of you is unconscious already and the other made it that way. Also, hoe could you not notice the massive weapons you loaded. Surely you'd feel safer with those hovering over you like flies."
Kage stayed quiet, thinking. Was she going to trust this robot? Pfft. She never trusted anyone else except he fellow assassins and Mike. "Erm." She started to shake Mike. "Mike.. Wake up!" She said and Mike groaned.

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