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Realistic or Modern High school -Teen Rp


//I love you, don’t you mind?//
High school can be seen as the best years of your life or the most troublesome. How you see them,is up to you. Hang out with the jocks and cheerleaders or the band geeks,the skaters, the fandom obsessed, or the goth/emos. Were all labeled here,so pick a group and stick by them.
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"Wake up lazy bones. It's your first day of school!" I heard someone say,my body being too asleep to recognize the voice. Slowly my eyes opened to a bright light shining in my eyes. My attention fell on my mother standing in the middle of my room. "I'm not going to say it again. Wake up Carter...or I'll get the bucket." She said in a threatening way. I shot out of bed and glared at her. "You wouldn't." I said,staring at her like I was staring in her soul. "Oh,but I would." She told me smirking,and I knew she wasn't kidding. Groaning,I climbed on out of bed and walked into my connected bathroom. "I'll go make you some pancakes and bacon. They'll be done by the time your done." Mother told me and I nodded and mumbled a thanks before stripping down and hopping into the shower.

After the relaxing half hour of showering,I got out and wrapped my hair up in my towel and walked towards my closet. Once inside,I looked around for a decent outfit for my first day at a new school. *Ah,perfect* I thought to myself as I pulled out a black shirt that said "I want you" in red and white print,along with a pair of black shorts with galaxy colors. I slipped them on and walked back to my bathroom and decided what to so with my hair. Why not curl the ends? So I did just that. After I finished,I pulled out a makeup bag from a drawer and put on some light foundation,blush,bright red lipstick,winged eyeliner,some smoky eyeshadow,and mascara that made my bright blue eyes pop. I was proud of my makeup,as I looked attractive. Walking back into my room,I decided to wear a beanie as well. I grabbed the black hat from my dresser top and fitted it on then walked downstairs to see some beautiful pancakes sitting there,just waiting for me to devour them.

After I finished the delicious breakfast,I walked to the front doors where my shoes sat. Converse,vans,combat boots,basically any shoe besides heels. Although I did have a pair somewhere in my room. I picked up my galaxy converse and slipped them on and walked to my mother. "Goodbye mom. I'll see you after school. I'll text you..sometime." I mumbled the last part. She nodded and kissed my cheek and said goodbye before I ran out of the door,tie dye penny board in hand,along with my iPhone. Let's gets this day started.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.91e36314fc0082faba40dc16b1d979cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62065" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.91e36314fc0082faba40dc16b1d979cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



What a beautiful day to be alive. The sun was shining brightly and the birds were chirping. I was in my car,a bright cobalt blue and white Mustang g6 Cobra. I had woken up at 6:24 AM,a lot earlier than I usually did. School didn't start until 8:30,and it was only 7:18. I got to the school grounds and quickly walked to the bathroom to make sure I had made myself presentable this morning. I walked in and looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a simple white and black jumper,black leggings,brown combat boots,and a feather necklace. My makeup was simple,powder,lip gloss,mascara,eyeliner with light eyeshadow. I never wore blush,as I would always get in some incident throughout the day to make me naturally blush. My wavy hair was put up in a neat,messy bun with some strands hanging out near my face. I reached into my book bag and pulled out a notebook filled with art. Nature to be more exact. There was something about the way the Earth looked. It intrigued me. Smiling softly,I walked out of the bathroom and walked towards the art room. People came in there before school started to do all sorts of things,wether it be just to hang out,or to catch up on a project die the next day. Our art teacher,Mr. Nikels,didn't care what we done. I walked into the class,seeing few people scattered about the room. Finding myself a corner,I sat down and pulled out a vape pen. It was an escape when I drew,made me think of things I normally wouldn't. I loved it.

(exclude scarf and bag)

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I wake up at the shrill of my alarm clock screaming that I'm late to school. I throw it against the wall and haul myself out of bed. I look around at what to wear in my wardrobe and pick out my favourite pastel hippie clothes. My little sister Mimi storms into the room yelling at me to get changed quickly. I throw myself into my clothes grab my bag and leave the house ready for high school. I just remembered i forgot to eat. "Oh well,Better get to starbucks and see Evangeline" I run there to see Evangeline sitting at a table outside.She yells "Echo! Whats up?" I just reply "Tired,School,Starbucks,Late" She immediately gets it and we buy our coffees and leave. I make my way to school and split up with Evangeline (Elle for short) I make my way to the bathroom to see loads of girls staring me in the eyes shocked at my hair. But I don't care.Its pink and I loves it just the pastel way. I put on some black volume mascara,pale pink lipstick,glimmer lipgloss and some nude foundation.I walk to my class.Time to make an entrance..<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c359ec68b_download(1).jpeg.688d07ef44607c8306c96b39e0051806.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62186" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c359ec68b_download(1).jpeg.688d07ef44607c8306c96b39e0051806.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/download.jpeg.0489c761ec4b4ff985f9712844fad1cb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62187" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/download.jpeg.0489c761ec4b4ff985f9712844fad1cb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c359f2f00_images(2).jpeg.4d2331f865cf1ae09d9ba5a43d676e16.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c359f2f00_images(2).jpeg.4d2331f865cf1ae09d9ba5a43d676e16.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/images.jpeg.78db3ca01a4c5d742ac711be39d32d93.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62189" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/images.jpeg.78db3ca01a4c5d742ac711be39d32d93.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Dalia wakes up to Milky lying on her face. She gently picks him up, earning a scratch on her lip as the kitten struggled to find a stronghold on her face, she nuzzled her as she swung her legs over the side of the bed, the kitten squirmed before breaking free. Dalia yawned and stretched as she slid off her bed and shuffled to the dresser, pulling out her grey Batman shirt, she pulled the shirt she had slept in last night off and put the new one on she picked a pair of jeans off of the top of the dresser and wiggled into them. Dalia danced across the room humming Rat a Tat as she crashed into the chest at the foot of her bed falling backwards and laughing as she hit the ground , she crawled back over to the chest, pulled out a pair of socks, her silver beanie, her combat boots, and a few bracelets. She closed the chest and sat on it, she put on her socks, then tugged on the combat boots, and laced them up, she pulled the beanie on over her bed head, which she hadn't bothered to brush, and slid on her bracelets. she grabbed her phone, earbuds still attached, put in the earbuds and pressed play before slipping her phone into her pocket, she ran to the bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth, then ran into the kitchen to grab her backpack and headed out of the house to begin the trek to school.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-15_22-32-48.jpeg.b3a9a9452cdda59357e539ee91937047.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62313" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-15_22-32-48.jpeg.b3a9a9452cdda59357e539ee91937047.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Fun fact : I have the backpack. Wasn't really a fun fact, just random tidbit of information)



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As soon as sunlight breaches my curtain and shines into my eyes I get up."What time is it?" The clock reads 5:00am. "Ugh I wish I could sleep till my alarm rings but no I am too excited for today." Going to my bathroom, I turn on some music from my phone. While humming and dancing I don't notice my little sister walk into my room until I look at my self in the mirror. " What are you doing in my room Tori. . . get out!" Ummm, don't you remember since you got your license you have to drive me to school, and if you don't hurry up i'm going to be late. Braiding my hair in a messy fishtail and throwing on the clothes I had already laid out weeks before, I grabbed my keys and rushed my sister to her school. Taking a deep breath and relaxing I begin driving myself to school. The first thing I do when entering is rush to bathroom, hopefully I don't look terrible for my first day of school.

Brooks woke up to the sound of his favorite song, turning over and turning his alarm off. He sighed softly and threw the covers off his body, sitting up and running a hand through his messy, light brown hair. Brooks stood up and stretched, his bones popping. He dragged himself to the bathroom across the hall, shutting the door and stripping of his clothes and turning on the hot water. 10 minutes later, he jumped out the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist and rushed back into his room and getting dressed. Brooks grabbed his bag and slipped into his shoes, grabbing his car keys and rushing downstairs, out the door.

(Couldn't find anything that fit his personality in clothing, so yeah.)

Dalia arrived at school, and sat next to the door drumming her fingers along with the beat of the song she was listening to, and waited for people to start showing up, she leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes, becoming fully absorbed in her music as she waited.

I finally got to school and I walked inside slowly. There were very few people around the hallways,but there were more climbing off the buses outside,and walking up to school. I walked to my locker,#214,and put my things inside,including my board. Thankfully,we had full lockers and not just half ones.

After I finished up at my locker, I continued on my way towards my first class,English,even though the bell hadn't rung yet. Our teacher,Mrs. James,was usually in the teachers lounge getting coffee at this time,so I took it to my advantage.

I peeked into the room before walking to the board and drawing several dicks all over the whiteboard and "Mrs. James sucks" right in the middle. I finished my work and smirked then heard the first bell. I walked over to the seat in the middle row,main back and sat down.
Brooks walked to his locker, #172, and grabbed his books for his first 2 classes, shutting it and quickly rushing off to his first class, English. As kids filed in, he quickly took a seat in the last row and pulling out his phone along with his book. Brooks has a sort of good/bad reputation in school and in town. He's an ass but a sweetheart at the same time. He's actually pretty smart and wants to get through this hell hole they call a school. He's an honor student but no one really knows that and Brooks would like to keep it at that.

I had no time to stop and check out where my locker was at this year, or who it was by since I spent most of the morning in the bathroom. Rushing I power walked to my first class. I usually sit in the front row of every class I am in, and this year is no difference. While waiting on the teacher I decided to jot down some memos and put my schedule in my planner.

The teacher walked into the room,gasping when she seen my work on the board. "Carter! I know you did this. Office. Now!" She said and I just kicked my feet up on the chair in front of me and shrugged. "I'd rather stay here,Mrs. J. Be terrible to get detention on my first day." I said back smirking.

She gave me a warning glare and I winked at her and yawned.
"Okay,Carter. Why don't you go first in telling us about yourself?"

I walked to the front of the class and stood looking at everyone. "My name is Carter..I skate..I like food..I like art..and Mrs. James is an asshole." I told the class and crossed my arms and looked over at her,her face red,from either anger or embarrassment. Probably both. "Office carter,or I'll have to send someone to escort you down." She said in a threatening way. "As I said,I'd rather just stay here."
Max takes a huge leap over a puddle imagining it as a pool of water leading into the underworld. She giggles to herself smiling at her accomplishment. She then slowly looks up, moving her curls out of her eyes and taking notice of her surroundings, straightening up. "New School, new me" she thinks. "No more Mad Max. I'm not crazy, and this school will never think such things of me because they'll just see Max this time."

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