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Realistic or Modern High School Never Ends

is caught a little guard at suddenly being approached by a red haired girl, she introduces herself and ask if she is correct with what name she gave her "y-yes...I'm S-S-Shizu Yaken...At your service" Shizu said nervously trying to force out a response to the best of her ability, trying to fight though the fear of speaking, she accomplished speaking to someone but now she has to see if she can maintain the same conversation long enough to get comfortable with it

"It is G-Good to Meet you B-Bridgett..." she extends her hand slowly to offer a hand shake...Normal people do that, right? if Bridgett does accept her hand shake she might be greatly with a slightly sweaty hand, sweaty due to her anxiety of this conversation, fearful of what she wills ay and how, she does not want to come up as a weirdo, she wants to fit in and become normal.

But so far she thinks is doing well enough, she has trouble trying to make eye contact, only looking at her face fora second before directing her eyes somewhere else for a second and back. So far Bridgett seems nice...Not like she has to worry about her picking on her, just have to play it cool and relax, but easier said than done.

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Seeing as her plan had worked, Ashley was now facing off against Travis in a battle of Dance Central, a game she had played before, but not to the point she could consider herself a master, but she wasn't just about to admit that out loud, she was giving it her all, even if she did look like a monkey trying to jam out. Before the game started she could only see how Travis splattered ice cream across his checks, which in response got an odd look out of the girl, Travis certainly was a piece of work, nonetheless Ashley knew she was going to have a blast with someone like him around. "Alright, let's see who can out dance who, shall we?" she quickly inserted the game into the system, and in a matter of minutes the song had been selected and the game was ready to start, Ashley focused on the screen and tried to match the moves that were appearing in it as best she could, however her hand-eye coordination had a tendency to fail her from time to time, so making some mistakes was inevitable, especially with all the chatter going on all around them, she could only hope Travis wasn't good at this game or else she would end up pretty embarrassed.

"And I'm Isabelle," she said, ignoring the hand offered to her and going straight in for a hug, ignoring the girl's rambling. "It is my piacere to meet you." Isabelle released Alicia and turned around as the door was opened again by... Ethan was his name. She didn't recognize the girl on the other side of the door, so Isabelle cast her gaze across the room, looking for someone she did know. She saw Jack in the corner of the room, pretty much hiding from everyone. Isabelle recognized this act and walked over to the nervous boy.

"Ciao, Jack," She smiled at him. "I have not seen you around lately. What have you... been up to? That is the corretto phrase, right?"

They finally reached the house and it was a pretty nice looking house. Haruhi stopped fighting with Tom and looked out the window looking at the house. "Oh not bad I think this house might be even bigger then mines....maybe but anyway!" She smiled and hopped out of the car and ran to the door. While Tom went to the trunk to get her four suitcases. After he got the bas he followed her to the house and struggle with the bags. Haruhi not listening knocked on the door with a big grin on her face. "Hurry up Tom!" "I'm coming I'm coming."

Amelia woke up late, finding that she had slept through all of her alarms. She cursed, rolling out of bed and starting to get ready for school. That is, until she realized it was finally summer. She still had to go to Callie's, but it was nice not having to go to school for once. She pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top on and grabbed her bag that she had packed earlier. Amelia figured that she could go without breakfast (or maybe lunch at this point) and headed out. She took her bike to Callie's house and composed herself before knocking on the door.
"Oooh, that girl, I like her," Alicia confirmed with an arched brow, wrapping her arm around Callie's shoulder with a sly smile. That off guard hug from Isabelle really caught Alicia off guard. Alicia was always the one to give hugs to unsuspecting victims, she had never received a hug with surprise. As Isabelle bounded off to greet Callie's cousin, Ethan, Alicia smiled to herself, telling herself that she would definitely talk more with that girl--Isabelle was it?--later. That girl had piqued her interests, and she hadn't officially decided if for better or worse yet. But so far, she was definitely leaning towards better.

Since Isabelle had seemed to find interest in a new friend, naturally Alicia wouldn't want to be alone. How booooring. And she definitely wouldn't be clinging onto Callie the entire summer... Just most of it anyways. What can she say? She was a clingy person. Deal with it. She scanned the room, quickly running over to Bridgett with a smile. She had wanted to meet everyone since she got here, and it seemed the perfect time to do so. They weren't all gathered in a huge group, and she hoped she wouldn't be interrupting anything.

"Hi, I'm Alicia," She greeted, pulling Bridgett into a hug. Alicia was rather over friendly at times--sorry, excuse me--all the time, and it wasn't always welcomed. However, Alicia never got discouraged, and always gave warm introductions and warm hugs. Pulling away, she noticed the bright red hair that Bridgett had, and couldn't help but stare in wonder. "Your hair... Reminds me of the little mermaid, which coincidentally happens to be my favorite fairy tail of all time," Alicia grinned, completely unaware that she was rambling yet again.

Turning to the shy girl who happened to also be standing to the side next to Bridgett, she smiled, giving her a hug too. "Hi, I'm Alicia, and you're cute!" She joked, laughing to herself. "Sorry, I don't believe those pick-up lines work, or will ever..." Alicia said, still laughing at her own dumb joke "Anyways, I hope I'm not interrupting anything here..." She looked around at the two of them carefully, waiting for them to confirm or deny it.

@Fendisteel @Dlabell9
Adara has avoided any sort of interaction thus far and simply observed from the sidelines. These were the people she was going to have to deal with for the whole of summer over her parents and she had to make sure that they weren't worse than them. If they were there would be no point to her being here. She didn't want to stay longer than necessary and nothing had warranted a warning, yet. Heaving a sigh, she wandered the house and found herself an empty room. The view at least was not terrible and the house nice, very nice. It screamed rich girl at it's owner Callie. Left alone with nothing to do, Adara broke into one of her new songs that was still in the works.
The Living Room "It's nice to meet you too," Ethan replied stepping to the side with a small gasp. "Oh my, a teenage who actually uses "may" instead of "can"! Yes, you may definitely come in, Lana."

Sometimes Ethan was more of a dork than his cousin was, and that side was definitely beginning to show right now. He made a move to close the door after Lana had entered but stopped once he saw a familiar face struggling over with her usual energy and overbearingness. You know what... I'm still closing the door. I need a moment to prepare before an interaction with Haruhi.

There was a series of hurried knocks on the door, and Ethan opened it, sending a small smile to the man holding four suitcases at one time. "Tom, you're amazing, you know that?" Ethan mused taking two of the bags before the man could say anything. "I'd salute you, but I'd probably tip over from this weight I'm carrying.

He left the door open for anyone else that may be coming up and waddled into the living room to set the bags down.

"Hey there, Haruhi."

Travis grinned in silent humor as he waited for the game to start. "Let's see who's a bigger dork." He added on while Ashley looked through the song selection list. When Travis played Dance Central, he would do the dance moves the whole time, but after a little while he would begin exaggerating the dance moves a whole bunch to keep himself entertained about if he would get the points for the dance move or not.

The day had barely begun and her friends were already being weird and huge dorks. She loved it and was enjoying watching the others interact more than she was enjoying joining in. After everyone had settled down she was hoping that maybe all of them or some of them could head out to the coffee shop or cafe to hang out and get a snack before the night settled in. There was still some people who had yet to arrive, but she was in neither or hurry nor was she worried. From the corner of her eye she noticed Adara who had been keeping to herself along the wall for quite some time before finally, just disappearing altogether. Callie followed after he and leaned against the wall looking at her. "Hey, whatcha up to?"

@Danyhamy @animegirl20 @XxKaraxX @Xeyran
Haruhi smiled when she saw Ethan. After he took the bags from Tom she walked in and glanced around then turned to Tom. "Well thanks for dropping me off." She said smiling. As she shut the door Tom started talking. "Don't for get you have to go to...your show tomorrow.....why she shut the door why I was talking?" Tom then chuckled a little to himself and left. Haruhi looked at Ethan as he said hi to her.. She ran up to him giving him a big hug. More like a hug where he probably couldn't breath. She let go and said, "It's been a while. You haven't been in anymore trouble since I've seen you huh?" She said nudging him a little. She then glanced around the room at everyone while waiting for a response.

Lana continued to laugh, "Yeahhhh, I guess thats the just the type of teenager I am." Lana walked through the open door, turned around, waved and smiled at Ethan, "Well, it was nice meeting you, Ethan." Lana then turned back around and walked towards the all the talking she heard.

Once she got their, Lana looked all around. She saw some people that were familiar but she wasn't that close to all of them, Lana sort of felt like the newbie.

Lana walked over to Callie and grinned, "Hey, Callie!" @TheWeirdPhilosopher
Well, this was rather awkward.

Danny bit his lip as he looked about the hallway, his head moving quickly from side to side as he surveyed his options. It would seem he was utterly, and pathetically lost. He must have taken a wrong turn by the strange yellow room with all the pictures when he was getting back from the bathroom, and then he had probably just gotten himself more twisted around when he had tried to find another way back to the others instead of turning back. And the fact that he had wandered up a flight of stairs probably hadn't helped the situation much either.

He nearly cursed out loud. In situations like these, he had a sense of direction which could match that of a crooked paper plane. And it didn't help that Callie's house was the equivalent of a maze, either.

The teen meekly wandered up to one of the rather large windows positioned in the hallway and looked outside, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips when he saw the vast blue ocean over the rooftops just a little ways away from the house. They could probably walk down there from here if they wanted to.

So, letting out a sigh over his own stupidity, Danny sat himself down in the windowsill, deciding he might as well just watch the many boats puffing around the bay until someone else happened to come by him. His thoughts strayed back to the book he had left on the kitchen counter, dearly wishing he had thought to bring it with him as his green eyes settled upon a rather large sailboat.
The sound of Callie's voice had Adara turning her head and stopping her soft humming of the song. "Admiring the view." She answered curtly not bothering to tell her it was to be alone since she had the feeling that Callie wouldn't let her do that. She studied the girl for a moment from where she stood by the window as was about to say something when another girl came in. More company. Of course the hostess was likely to be the most popular person at the party. The house was huge and for someone who'd never been here before, she was going to get lost easily unless she got some direction first. "Do you have a piano here?" Adara asked, ignoring the presence of the unfamiliar girl. She'd met a few of them before but coming here and looking around made her realise just how big the group was and thinking about it made her wonder how a group of this size could stay close and function. There were likely a few introverts and more distant members of the group. If she hadn't seen the way they interacted with each other, she might even have believed that they were all just friends with Callie, simply there to kiss up to the rich girl and tolerate one another. After all it'd happened in her previous school and just about every other one she'd attended.
After the black haired introduced herself, Bridgett noticed the girls hand rising, as if to lead to a handshake, this little gesture amused Bridgett, there wasn't any real need for them to be formal, then again if she hadn't known anyone coming to these vacations she'd probably by as equally nervous "It's nice to meet you too Shizu, I hope we get to know each other a bit more" she muttered while extending her hand up to Shizu's, and shaking it in a gentle gesture. Bridgett was about to speak again when she was caught in a hug. Bridgett rapidly stumbled back a little before re-gaining her balance, the random hug seemed to come from Alicia, which must have arrived when Bridgett stopped counting heads, noticing this, Bridgett's checks turned tomato red as she wasn't used to a lot of physical contact or displays of affection "Hi..." this lead to the new girl to begging talking about Bridgett's hair, only adding color to the girls checks. It wasn't long before began talking to Shizu, in what Bridgett could only make out to be as innocent flirting? She didn't quite know what this girl was doing actually. However she soon turned to both of them, asking what seemed a little obvious, still Bridgett tried to be as polite as possible "Not at all, how have you been?"

@Fendisteel @princxss
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Shizu felt a little bit relieved how she seemed to not make the encounter awkward..Bridgett does not seem uncomfortable and actually seems nice. But she could not help but envy her ability to speak so clearly while Shizu can't help but stutter every time she speaks, does not help that English is her native tongue.

Bridgett's hand had a warm touch that comforted her a bit and relaxed her, but her relaxation was interrupted when Bridgett gets ambushed some other girl filled energy and pep, at a first glance it seemes they knew each other already and were good friends, a feeling well known by her returns once more, envy. this time about wanting a friend that would just ambush you with compassion, someone that just loves to know you.

Then Envy was replaced with discomfort when the girl suddenly calls her Cute, "Is she complimenting with me?...Or is she mocking me?" Shizu thought, "Why would she call me cute? Cute girls wear pretty clothing and reveal more of themselves, Probably does not even know what all my face looks like under this hood or what the rest of my hair looks like....i mean nothing is wrong with my hair i don't think..."

She quickly got disconnected form reality and got lost in her sea of anxiety trying to come to some conclusion on what the meaning was, making a big deal over nothing

@Dlabell9 @princxss
Jack hadn't paid much attention to the people slowly arriving at the house, some new faces here and there and some relatively old friends, however the few people he was close with hadn't arrived yet, causing him to worry himself, just a little with the thought that they might not show up at all, taking into account previous events it wouldn't surprise him, but the most hopeful side of him made up excuses, ranging from it being way to early to a possible side-track.

Despite this he contemplated wether or not he should start chit-chat with someone, after all, these selective individuals he awaited for weren't always going to be by his side, as much as he tried to tell himself otherwise, so making a few bonds wouldn't hurt. Jack looked to his surroundings, analyzing everyone who had arrived so far, there was Bridgett, a soft-spoken girl, the two would probably get along, since he knew she took a liking to drawing, something he had wanted to learn how to do for a while now. Danny, another person who seemed rather shy, Jack didn't know much about him except that he was an avid reader, and while reading wasn't exactly Jack's cup of tea he certainly took interest in a rather small selection of books. They'd get along fine as well. Shizu, yet another shy person who had recently been integrated into the group, however out of all the shy people she seemed to be different, he thought of the dark haired girl as cold and somewhat distant, a little like him in fact, he didn't exactly know if this was a good thing. Then there was Ashley, who seemed to be the exact opposite of the before mentioned people, rambunctious and loud, Jack could only see her as a hot-headed girl, he hadn't had that many interactions with her, but that's how she came off to her, he definitely had to remember to talk to her a little more to form a better opinion on her. Travis, he seemed to be the clown of the group, not that Jack saw anything wrong with that, especially when he recalled the times Travis had gotten a laugh out of him due to his silly behavior, he seemed nice enough.

At this point Jack realized that he barely knew any of these people, trying to talk to them seemed futile for the moment, he rather wait until they were allowed into the house to start stirring up conversations. Arms folded and head tilted to the right he awaited Carlina to open the door for all the people waiting, which seemed to be more by the minute. Upon a few more minutes of waiting the door swung open, reliving the host of the summer get-away Carlina herself, she allowed all of them in and soon they all spread out in different directions of the house. Jack ended up in a far corner of the house, as distanced away from everyone as he could want, surprisingly he didn't want to distance himself this time, he had promised himself he would open himself more and enjoy his time here, but up to this point he seemed to be doing the exact opposite of what he intended to. He took a deep breath and planned an approach in his head. When he finally decided on a decent approach, he himself was approached one of the people he had been waiting for to show up Isabelle, for some reason he just gained more confidence when around her, so seeing her here was a relief "Hi Isabelle" he said, his face lighting up "Yes, that's the correct manner of saying it. I've been...nervous to say the least, I also apologize, it actually has been a while, I forgot to send you an e-mail, but enough about me, how have you been?"

@Ilani the Archer
"I have been good," Isabelle smiled. "I was luckily able to convince Mrs. Sarah to let me come. I have not seen you since school has gotten out, and it is good to see you again. You are the only one I really know besides Callie in this group."

Isabelle was glad that she had found someone she knew that wasn't hounded with people like Callie was. Hopefully soon they would get to do something besides stand around.

Callie didn't miss the way Adara was eyeing her. She was used to that look whenever people saw her regular house; with a follow-up of questions about what her parents did and if it was legal. She'd come to accept the judgement that came along with being privileged when money was involved, but they rarely used the house anyway. Most of the time it was rented to anyone and everyone all year round. Her own house was just a building for her family to sleep and eat in. Besides that, they were almost never there. Instead, Callie would find someone's house to stay over at for the day, go to the park, or just hang out in the teen section of the public library, and her parents would go to charity events or dinner parties day after day. She couldn't stand her house and couldn't stand being alone even more -which is why she was constantly making friends.

"No- Well, I'm not certain. I haven't been here since I was in 6th or 7th grade so I can't be sure." She laughed looking around at the walls awkwardly.

Callie looked around in surprise when a voice broke the silence that had settled between her and Adara. Her gaze landed on her friend Lana and she smile warmly walking over to give her a hug. "Hey, Lana. I'm glad you could make it!" She stopped briefly hearing someone cursing in frustration. "I'll be right back you two." She jogged out of the room and walked around for a little while before finding Danny looking particularly disgruntled as he sat watching the boats leaving the harbour. "Hey, are you alright? She asked in concern trying to mask her amusement at his face. It looked to her like he was lost; he looked adorable, and reminded the girl a bit of her cousin Ethan, when he was frustrated.

@Xeyran @XxKaraxX @Cryobionic

Ethan shook his head at Haruhi in disbelief. "Did you really just shut the door on him when it clearly looked like he had something important to say." His voice was a mixture of teasing and amusement. Ethan was momentarily caught off guard when Haruhi launched herself at him and squeezed his ribs to the point of nearly cutting his oxygen supply off. He gave a pained smile, hugging her back before gently pushing her off. "No, I've been avoiding trouble now that I'm in college. Getting my degree in law is a big deal for me." It was ironic that the guy who had so many troubles with following rules and authoritative figures was majoring in law.

Even though he would never admit to it, the sudden appearance of Callie's voice made him jump slightly, and as Danny looked up, he masked the sudden movement as a shift in position, giving a small, sincere smile at her approach. "I'm fine," He murmured, turning to face her completely, his jean clad legs swinging over the windowsill to rest on the floor instead, the tips of his feet just barely brushing against the hardwood flooring.

Before he had come here, he had eventually given in to his previous thoughts, removing his sneakers on the off chance that there might have been some mud or something on them, and he hardly wanted to mess up the shiny floors. Now he kind of wished that he had left them on, if only so that his feet would have actually reached the floor completely. Though as it were, they were neatly placed next to his treacherous bag, next to the couch on the floor below.

"I kinda... got lost." He admitted lamely, and while his sudden startle had been rather easy to hide, the slight blush that spread over his cheeks at this was not. One hand reached up to scratch the back of his neck nervously as he bit his lip, his green eyes averting for a moment before returning back to look at her. "You've got a big house." The excuse, though lacking, seemed rather appropriate, and the corners of his lips tugged to the sides as a small laugh of self deprecation emerged from his chest, in an attempt to ease the awkwardness he was sure would ensue.


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