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Realistic or Modern High School Never Ends


Lore Hoarder
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Being the punctual person she is, Bridgett had awoken that morning with time reassuring her, she wanted to arrive at least a few minutes early to Cal's place, for a reason not even she knew. Her day started of normally, hitting the reset button of her alarm before getting up, dressing herself having a quick breakfast and picking up suitcase she had chosen to take with her before leaving the comfort of her house.

The meeting place wasn't exactly far from her home, so seeing it fitting Bridgett decided to walk to Cal's, she had time to spare and this morning simply couldn't be denied the attention it was so desperately looking for, she just had to admire it while walking towards her destination. That half hour she spent admiring the morning sky while walking was over relatively quickly as she soon reached the prestigious house they'd all be spending the summer in. Bridgett slowly crept up to the door pushed her finger against the little doorbell, she could only hope she wasn't too early.
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The days were getting noticeably warmer, and as a hot breeze of wind carrying the fresh, salty scent of the ocean flew by the brown haired boy, he couldn't help but smile softly to himself. He had shed his winter coat just a week prior, after many a jab from his friends about him insisting on needing it far into the month of June, but he hadn't cared much. He hated being cold with a passion, and not even the taunts made by his friends could make him face the chill of the early springtime months.

Well, not early, Danny admitted silently to himself as he stepped around the corner, thin, sweater clad shoulders drawing up just a little as the warm breeze of air stopped, but it was still cold back then. Now, it was much more bearable.

It had, admittedly, been quite a surprise to find Cali's email waiting for him on the orphanage's worn out computer after he had gotten home from the library a week prior, the same week he had decided to switch out his normal thick clothing for the lighter, more appropriate summer attires. If anything, he hadn't been expected to be invited to her family's home for the summer. It was still quite new to him, this whole friendship thing, and even though he had known these people for a good amount of the last school semester, small doubts of their sincerity still lingered in his mind. He usually cast those aside, though, because no matter if their desire to befriend him had been genuine or not, the fact of the matter was that they had still done it, still accepted him into their group.

And that, in Danny's mind, accounted for something.

The small teen turned another corner, the roof tiles of his friends home now coming into view, partially shielded by the teens own hand, raised it to cover his eyes from the strong sunlight now blasting down on him from over the roofops. He had arranged to be dropped off a little ways from the Banness residence. It had been quite nice of the janitor to agree to do so, in Danny's opinion. But then again, the teen was quite baffled every time someone offered to do something nice for him in the first place.

What had been a challenge, though, was getting the Sisters at the orphanage to let him go at all. Danny's light brown brows furrowed together in thought as he remembered how that had gone down. It hadn't been pretty, and it had ended up with a rather tense atmosphere between the teen and the nuns. Danny sped up a little as he neared the front door, his worn sneakers thumping lightly against the cemented driveway as his hand lifted almost automatically to give a cheery wave to the people already there. At least he would be out of the orphanage by next year. All he had to do was wait.
Summer, at last, out of all the four seasons, this definitely had to be his favorite, the heat, the late night fireflies and even those pesky mosquitos seemed to be pleasing to him, the only down side to it was his inevitable departure from all the schoolwork he had to put on hold before leaving, however he figured he'd eventually finish it one way or another.

He had assumed that he'd been the first out of the bunch to read Carlina's e-mail since he had stayed back at school to "finish a project" which just so happened to be related to downloading some episodes of his favorite series onto his laptop. To be fair Jack probably would have missed it had it not been for his habit of checking his email every time he finished used a computer. At first he was a little confused, while he did hang around the group of friends he didn't expect an invitation to any of their events, and this brought upon him another question: Should he go?, as hard as that question may have seemed at first he didn't have much trouble answering it when he put some thought into it, it was either his parents constantly on his back or spending a summer with people he could stand and...admitting it only to himself enjoyed the company of.

So that day he return to his home to inform his parents of the invitation he had received, they seemed quite content he had plans for the summer involving socializing, even if just a small bit and allowed him to go.

And that is how he had ended up here, stepping down from a bus approaching the house he'd been invited to. For this occasion Jack bought with himself a backpack with enough things to last the whole summer, clothes, his laptop, books and bug spray...yeah bug spray, as much as he romanticized the idea of summer, mosquitos were one thing he didn't think anybody enjoyed, no matter how big their love for the season was.

Finally some steps away from house he couldn't seem to bring himself to keep walking, his head seemed to be questioning, better said overanalyzing things again, he closed his eyes, taking deep breathes he assured himself he was going to spend a nice time here, nobody was going to take that away from him, not his parents, not his teachers, not even himself. Snapping out of this own monologue he took a step forward and with each new step he took, confidence grew inside him, when reaching the front door, he pulled his hand up and knocked on the door before awaiting it to be opened.
A dreadful feeling of anxiety has been tormenting Shizu the moment she woke up this morning...Attending some get together that full of people she has never held a conversation with...only person she will know there is a Kai who was been assisting her in getting acquainted in America...thoughts of how she will be treated rush though her mind, feeding into her anxiety more every second...Will they think she is a weirdo? a freak? a easy target to bully? Who knows...she tries to think of every scenario thats most likely to happen...She hardly has any social skills, she can't tell jokes, good compliments, good insults...she was a hermit basically....

Riding in the backseat of a car she was constantly feeding this anxiety...She was given a brief moment of clarity when the Driver spoke up.."Shizu..You alright? you been..Well you are always quiet but you seem...worried..You alright?" The driver was her cousin, Avio...a older man with black hair and a goatee, wearing a tattered black vest over his causal attire

"I'm fine.." Shizu replied whispering

"Well...Its like 72 degrees out..Maybe you should take your jacket off....Last thing we want is you being killed by heat stroke 10 minutes after i drop you off.."

"i said I'm fine!..."

Alright...Alright...Just..looking out for you...And i know you don't really want to do this...But..your Mother thought you needed to get out of the house for a bit..you go to school then come home and stay in your room all day..you need to Socialize more...I think this will be good for you too...I mean theses Americans are not the best company to have in a conversation in my honest opinion but...Ok i can't really think of a plus side...I mean we are not into the talking business anyway...ok im rambling...But im sure you got aplenty of friends already attending this also!'

"Only person i know there is Kai..."

"Ah Yes Kai...that kid...I be careful around him..I don't trust him..."

"He is a loyal friend and seems to be trustwo-"

"Never...trust someone outside our Clan Shizu...No matter how much they come off as a "Loyal friend"..Check your history...it was Lagant Yaken who said "Loyalty is just a mask anyone can wear to hide darker intentions.." He may seem like someone you can depend on..but that just so he can get closer to stab you...You can be friends with people outside the clan..eat, play, laugh...but never..trust any of them..."

Shizu looked down as she is told that...She does not want to see Kai as some wolf in sheep clothing...But she is devoted to her clan's teachings...Ancestors far wiser than her left theses quotes and lessons so that the next generation and the generation after them can learn from the wisest and aim to surpass them using the knowledge passed down and leave their own teachings....Perhaps Avio is right...who is she to question Lagant Yaken...the 8th High Elder in her clan's history...He received the scars of trusting outsiders...

The remainder of the car ride was silent...eventually the 2 make their way to the destination.

"Ok So..you got your inhalers..clothing..phone..meds..all that stuff right?"


"Well ok then...i hope you end up having fun..and if anyone fucks with you...just call me..and il "Deal" with them"

"I prefer if you would not ki-"

"Hey i did not say kill...we don't have those kinds of connections yet in America were we can clean that sorta stuff up...Yet..Working on it..But..Don't let anyone walk over you..Il make sure they leave you alo-...I'm sorry I'm treating you like a child..i know you hate that..i just...Want to enjoy your time here...Just...Try for me, please?"

"I'll try..."

"That is all i ask...Now..Stop being so anti-social and get out there!"

Shizu carefully got out of the car with her bag at her side..she made her way to the front of the house and looked around at the other attendees...she tries to avoid them..she feels more anxiety watching her cousin leave...
Summer. While for others it may have brought a sensation of relaxation and joy, for Ashley it brought suffering, or at least it would for today when she had been rudely awoken by her parents at ten in the morning "Ashley, honey wake up, you have get dressed to get to your friends house on time" her mother sang, in an almost taunting manner, Ashley knew perfectly well what this was due to; when she was little, she would always wake her mother up in early hours of the morning, asking her mother to help her get ready for her soccer games which she attended every Saturday. She guessed this brought a wicked sense of revenge to her mother, however she was right, if she wanted to stay at Cali's for the summer she'd have to get moving. It had only been a few days ago she had received the e-mail inviting her to spend the summer in there and this became an opportunity she did not plan on letting pass by.

Having gotten dressed in a matter of seconds, she grabbed her backpack and swung it over her shoulders before exiting her room and running down the stairs, being greeted by her father "Morning Ashy" his father had always called her that since she was small "Hey pops" she returned the warm greeting. Both knowing what they had to do, they headed outside and got in the family's car, everything was set up for this being the start of a good season.

"Hey dad wanna hear a joke?" Ashley asked, leaning on her dad who was driving "I doubt I have a choice Ashy" he forced himself to give out a small chuckle as he really didn't want to hear any of her jokes this early in the morning "Did you hear about the italian chef?" the girl said, trying to hold in her giggles as best she could. Due to her fathers silence she decided to take the inactive "He pasta way" having finished her pun her face lit up with excitement awaiting her father's reaction, sadly there came none and instead, a new conversation topic arose "So who's gonna be attending the um...vacation?" her dad asked, who had been lacking in any sort of information of her daughters future whereabouts "Oh well you know Danny, Kai, Bridgett, Amelia and a bunch of other people, it'll be alright dad, don't worry."

Before long they had already arrived at Cali's place, leaving them only to say their goodbyes for what would be a whole summer "Take care dad, enjoy yourselves, yeah?" Ashley said, as she leaned in for a hug from her father, who after, reassured her they would and asked her to do the same. After getting out of the car with her backpack behind her she waited for it to be out of sight before turning around and beginning to look for her friends, she soon spotted some familia and new faces, walking up to these she could only imagine what a great time they'd all have this summer. Ah summer!
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"Mmmm... Chocolate," Alicia mumbled, picking a round looking chocolate blueberry off the broad chocolate tree. She was in absolute awe, everything was made out of chocolate--the trees, the chairs, even the animals. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate... Was she in heaven? If so, she was glad she had been a good child on Earth. Her eyes zeroed in on something amazing. Something beautiful. Something absolutely awe inspiring. A chocolate fountain. Not just any chocolate fountain, a magical, never ending chocolate fountain. She watched as the creamy dark chocolate cascaded down the first tier onto the second, turning into milk chcoolate, and she watched the milk chocolate flow down to the last level, pooling into white chocolate. The fountain was a lot bigger than she expected, as she dived in and splashed around, a giant grin spread on her face. Throwing herself in a giant puddle, she made chocolate angels, rolling over to admire her work--bang!

"Ow..." She muttered softly, wincing. Looking around, she sighed disappointedly. This definitely wasn't her chocolate wonderland, it was her room. Her dirty, clothes-strewn-everywhere, dish stacked, dark room. Maybe it was time to clean her room... Tomorrow. Picking herself off the floor and dusting her butt off, she dragged herself to the bathroom, opening the water for a shower.


"Singing in the shoooower, dancing in the mirrrorrrr... Ladadi ladada..." She sang loudly in the comfort of the warm shower, having no one at home to tell her to knock it off or shut up. Her mom had gone to work an hour prior to her crashing down onto the floor, around 8:00am.


She was now squeaky clean albeit a tad bit cold. Alicia was super excited. Although she loved and would miss her mom, she was overjoyed at the fact she would be staying over at Cali's house for the summer, parent-free. Pausing, she stared at her closet nervously. She realized she knew Callie, and she got along with Callie rather well, but what about Callie's friends? She hardly knew any of them. Oh well, she hoped they were as cool as Callie was.

Spending the next hour and a half packing, she threw herself onto the bed, swearing never to last minute pack or procrastinate anything again. A promise she'd break time and time again...

"Toothbrush, check. Face wash, check. Clothes, underwear, swimsuit, check. Phew, I think I've got everything..." Alicia muttered, doing a once over of her open panda suitcase. Closing it with a shove, she dragged her suitcase down the stairs, throwing everything in the back of her red Mini Cooper.

Half an hour later, finally arriving at Callie's doorstep, she smoothed out her pastel blue sundress and ran her fingers through her hair. She was somewhat nervous to meet everyone, but excited nonetheless. Doing a final look over of herself in the reflection of the window, she rang the doorbell, ready to completely knock Callie over in a giant bear hug.
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Danny turned his head as he heard someone approaching, the strap of the heavy bag slung carelessly over his shoulders digging rather painfully into his left one as he did so. With a small wince he re-adjusted it, trying to get it to sit better. It was a challenging task, as it had been a long time since bag had been in any good condition. But, Danny relented as he gave up on the task, it was still good enough to do what it was supposed to do. Mainly, keep everything he needed secure, things like clothing, books and other miscellaneous items he had thought he might need on this... expedition.

Really, Danny had been quite unsure of what to bring, the teen having never been to one of these events in the past. In truth, this would be his first time ever spending more then three nights away from the orphanage ever since he arrived there. And while that concept did seem a little alarming, he was quite sure anything would be a positive change from his small room. Truly, the orphanage's old building and structure sort of paled in comparison to the Banness family home, and he had yet to see the inside.

As his intense green eyes rose to study the person approaching, a small smile began to tug at the corners of his lips when they instantly recognized the tall, slender brunette. One hand lifted in another small wave of greeting, his lips parting in a silent laugh of excitement. It had been quite a while since he had seen any of his friends, and in particular Ashley. The atmosphere between them all had seemed tense at best the last time they had all been together, and even though Danny didn't know why, it had worried him a little.

Ever since he had first met Ashley and the group, he had found the company of the others to be positively refreshing. Even Kai, with his loud nature and spontaneous ideas had grown on him a bit. Used to being by himself most of the time, the group had come as a right shock to the young teen, but what had seemed even more shocking, and possibly a little surreal, was that he hadn't minded it one bit. Cherished it, in fact.

And the taller brunette girl was the one he had to thank for that.

So, with a slight stumble in his step, he made his way over to meet her half way down the driveway, his fingers automatically reaching up to push his thick, brown fringe out of his face. A useless feat, it would seem, as the stubborn locks of light brown hair only fell straight back down, guided partially by the still light breeze blowing in from the seaside. It was a habit, he was sure, but he didn't mind it much.

"Hey Ash," He greeted softly as he got close enough for her to hear, "Seems nearly everybody got invited, huh? How's your summer been so far?"

Travis Prescott/Butterball Travis didn't have much to do this morning. Since he lived right next door to Callie, it didn't take much convincing for him to pester his neighbor for 6 years to just let him ride over with her and her cousin the night before to the house with all his stuff so he didn't have to ride out in the morning, seeing as he could have easily caughten a ride with those two; which he did.

The only major issue he had had while preparing for the summer vacation in the Banness' house was convincing his parents to let himself do so. Living next to the Banness family meant that Travis and Callie's parents were just as close as the two teenagers were, which sucked badly after what happened at the end of the school year. Even though there was no solid evidence besides the printless evidence in each of the teens' lockers, Tyler had still found himself grounded till the last day of school, and almost for the majority of the summer. Callie had apparently had a much worse fate but had the blow lessened thanks to her cousin vouching for her.

After many days of slaving through housework and much pleading, he convinced them that there would be no law-breaking, he'd keep in contact with them at least 3 times a week, and if there did happen to be law-breaking, even if not by him, that was found out about, he would be liable and pay the consequences.

So now, here he was, walking back to the house from the beach hoping that his friends would not do anything that would give his parents a reason to knock him out of the ballpark. Travis slowed down at the sight of the others, giving a wide smile as he greeted them ."Hey guys, I'm surprised to see so many of you here already."

Let's see...
Travis scanned the group pairing names with faces to see who all was it that was here. Ashley, and isn't that girls name Shizu? I think she's a friend of Kai's; but isn't everyone a friend of Kai's? Oh well... Bridge is here. Danny boy, and... Hey-o Jack-o. He counted up how many people there was.

One two... Five. That's a pretty impressive number.

Tyler added a plus one when a brunette headed girl in an unfamiliar red cooper pulled into the driveway and headed towards the front door. She must be a new friend of Callie's that she forgot to mention... Again.

@Danyhamy @Fendisteel @Janesomnia @Cryobionic @Dlabell9

Carlina & Ethan Banness "I still think it was a ridiculously bad idea for me come here for the summer," Ethan stated bluntly, picking up a cupcake and inspecting it before brandishing it to his cousin with blatant disapproval. "Did you seriously buy a whole bunch of dollar store snacks? Honestly, if you're going to feed your friends and your cousin junk food, you should at least get the grocery store goodies because these things are crappy." Calli didn't bother to reply immediately to her cousin but instead chose to turn off the television that had been blasting clean-up music since last night and very early this morning.

At least there was a decent amount of distant between them and any grouchy neighbours they may or may not have to lessen the chance of potential conflict. Carlina let out a loud scoff she turned around to find the primadonna who had just been dissing her snacks stuffing his face full of a chocolate cupcake with another still in his hand. "I don't care what you think E, it was the best idea ever for you to come here for the summer because, without you, my parents wouldn't have even given this summer vacay a moment of their time; not after what happened at the end of the school year."

He shrugged in response making a quick move to take another cupcake, but Calli was faster as she slapped his hand away with a pointed look to back off. "Don't shrug at me, mister. I still find you awesome, whether the others think so or not." She lightly scolded her cousin, nodding in approval when he gave her a light smile and set the second cupcake back down. "Awe, I always knew you loved me, Carlie. Now I've finally gotten you to admit it." He's back to teasing; that's good.

"What have I told you about calling me, Carlie?" He laughed at her instead of replying. "No seriously, what- Actually, nevermind, just shut up and get the soda from the fridge."

Ethan saluted her. "Ay ay, captain." "And while you do that, I'm going to let these strangers inside before they break the door, or worse..." She turned and gave Ethan a mock horrified look. "The doorbell!" "Oh no! Not the doorbell!" He exclaimed dramatically as he exited the room. Callie giggled lightly, walking towards the door with bubbling excitement, but right before she opened the door, she couldn't help but feel a little doubt.

What if this summer sucks because of this, what if they think I'm trying to show off... But we've been hanging out here since we were in middle school, Callie. It's nothing different than back then. You're just older...

She nodded slowly to herself and flung open the door with a huge grin. "Hey, you hooligans! I'm so glad you're here!"

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For Adara, summer had always been spent with parents and manager planning the next few events of her career. Concerts, fan events, even expanding into other areas like modeling. It had gotten worse each and every time. But this year, she wouldn't have to be around. She had another place she could spend her summer at except it was with people she considered mostly strangers. It only made her question the reason why she had been invited. She'd transferred over just recently and only worked with some of them once or twice. The email had been read right before her parents told her their own summer plans and it had spurred her to go. Now as she stepped out of her car and came face to face with the house, she could only help but wonder if she'd made a bad decision in the heat of the moment. Something that she'd regret. Precisely why the car had been driven over. Should anything go wrong she would be able to make a quick and easy escape. As she approached the group gathered at the front of the house she could only hope she wouldn't need to. And it seemed she could not have arrived at a better time as the sender of the invite, Callie opened the front door. Or at least she believed she was. She hadn't bothered to match any names to any faces other than that of teachers. The stay at the house would force her to. Heaving a sigh, she walked over to join the group and enter the house.
Haruhi was in a deep sleep dreaming. She didn't realize that her alarm had been going off for the last 10 mins. Then suddenly she sat up with arms straight out front of her and looked at the time. Her eyes widen. "I'm late!!!!!" She jumped out of bed, and ran to the bathroom. After she was washed she ran out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped around her and headed back to her room and put her clothes. Then she grabbed her purse and ran down stairs heading to the car until suddenly she felt someone grab her by the back color of her shirt. She blinked. "Huh?" She turned her head to see her mother. "Where do you think you are going?" Her mother asked. "To my friend's house mom! Remember? I was going to be staying there for the summer and I promised my self that I would not be the last one there." She said trying to fight her grasp. "Not until you eat all of your breakfast." She dragged her to the table and sat her down. "But mom I can eat there." Her mother just sat down calmly. "You are going to eat here, you may leave when all your food is gone from your plate." Haruhi breathed in and ate as fast as she could.

Which was pretty fast. Then she showed her mom her empty plate. "You may go." Haruhi speed to the car and Tom was already waiting for her. "Ready go?" Haruhi just hugged him. "Morning Tom and yes! Come on lets go go go!" Her mother came to the door before he could pull away. "Tom! Don't drive to fast!" She yelled out then she went back int the house. Tom started driving but it was really slow. "Tom what are you doing?! xD Your driving to slow! You know I don't want to be the last to arrive! xD " Tom kept driving at the same speed. "Haruhi I have to make sure your safe at all times don't worry we'll get there." he smiled. "No we won't give me the wheel!" She reached over the wheel trying to drive and Tom was trying to push hero out of the way. The car was going all over the place. It was amazing they weren't crashing.
Having studied all of the faces currently awaiting for the door to be opened she knew exact who she planned on greeting first. This person would, of course, be Danny, who seemed to be having a little trouble keeping his hair in place. Ashley was happy to finally be able to see Danny again, since it had been quite the while before this arrangement came to be. She was also worried for the fact that some parts of the group wouldn't be able to come due to what had occurred at the end of the school year, however seeing as there were a lot of people who had already arrived, she felt a little calmer knowing the others had probably gotten permission to come as well.

Ashley finally came to a stop just some inches away from the blonde "Danny!" she didn't quite know wether it would be alright for her to hand out a hug to her friend and she didn't want to make things awkward, she didn't think it was possible since he already knew her really well, which made sense considering that since they had met, they'd both developed a close relationship with one another, to the point where Ashley considered themselves to be siblings, still, she wasn't sure if he'd be alright with getting as physical as she was, so for now she just lifted her right hand and waved it to the side a bit. Hearing the shorter boy mention the guests, she began to wonder wether or not the person who had caused such commotion in the first place had also gotten invited to this little get-away "Yeah I think so, although some are probably going to get here a little bit later." And then the topic of their summers had come into play, Ashley replayed all the days of her summer up until now, and as embarrassed as she was to admit this, she hadn't done much but sleep, eat and watch some tv from time to time, but considering how much exercise she did when at school she guessed she could give herself a pass on this one "Well mostly sit-ups, five of them each morning to be precise, and hey, I know it may not sound like much but there's so many times you can hit the snooze button" she stopped for a while and gave a smug grin to Danny, puns and horrible horrible jokes would definitely not be missing this summer "how bout you?" she returned the question.

In a matter of minutes, an approaching person got a hold of Ashley's eyes, upon further inspection and some more steps from this person, she figured out who it was "Hey Travis" she said, a bit too loudly, she looked over to Danny and moved her head, motioning for them to go and greet the people there, which now included an arriving Adara, if she remembered her name correctly . "Hey people, how's it going?" Arriving with the others Ashley looked over to the front door of the house, where she spotted a face she had definitely not seen before, she instantly assumed it was a new addition to the group, who else would it be?

Only a few moments later the door was at last opened to them by Cali herself, shed gave a relived look and gave out a small greeting while awaiting everyone else to enter the house, being the last person to come in she closed the door after herself, hoping the others wouldn't take too long to get here.

@Cryobionic @Fendisteel @Janesomnia @Dlabell9 @Xeyran @TheWeirdPhilosopher
Danny smiled softly as she began telling him about her summer, even resisting the urge to roll his eyes at her awful attempt at a joke. He would be lying if he said he didn't like being back with his friends, though. The days spent alone, while refreshing, had been awfully boring and dull. Especially now that he had gotten used to the company of the group.

The teen then contemplated her retort question, mulling it over in his head for a few seconds. He hadn't been up to much this summer, really. In truth, he hadn't even been outside as much as he probably needed to. Aside from a small camping trip arranged by the sisters of the orphanage for the smaller kids, one that he had been forced to attend as an extra pair of eyes, he couldn't say he had been outside at all, much preferring to sit inside with a book. Speaking of which...

"Well, not much, really. But I've only just started reading this brilliant-" Danny's mouth snapped shut as his conversational partners head turned to look in another direction, seemingly loosing interest in their conversation. As Danny turned to look at what it was that had stolen her attention, he could understand why. More people had arrived, and Cali herself had even made an appearance in the doorway. Briefly, his hand twitched next to his hip, as he contemplated giving her another wave in greeting. Danny decided against it in the next second, however. She wasn't looking his way anyway, her brown eyes quickly jumping from person to person, as if counting them.

The smaller teen turned and flashed a small smile at the general direction of the rest of the approaching group, his eyes trailing over their faces, the familiarity of their features bringing some sort of comfort. At least he knew everyone here somewhat. Well, nearly everyone. There was a brunette towards the back which he hadn't seen before.

Though, Danny didn't get much of a chance to study the new girl, before he was ushered inside along with everyone else. As he passed through the fancy doorway and into the hall, he gave a quiet 'Hullo' to their host, along with a faint, but genuine smile. The house looked... well, it looked prestigious. There wasn't really another way Danny could think of to describe the place accurately. He had thought it looked amazing from the outside, it's brick foundation bringing forth a sense of elegance to the building, but the inside was just as ,if not more, elegant than that.

And the shiny hardwood flooring suddenly made Danny painfully aware of how dirty the soles of his shoes probably were.
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Isabelle overslept, again. It was turning out to be a normal thing for her in America. She was constantly late to school and other activities. After she had hit the snooze button half a dozen times, she finally realized that she was going to miss the thing she had been waiting for a soon as she received the email. She quickly showered, and was grateful that she had planned ahead and packed her things the night before. She checked to make sure she had everything she needed, then ran downstairs to where her foster family was eating breakfast.

"Hello Isabelle," Sarah, her foster mother greeted. "I thought you were going to miss your ride. Eat real quick and Harold with drop you off on his way to work."

"Grazie, Mrs. Sarah," Isabelle wolfed down a stack of pancakes and waited for her foster father Harold to come down after getting ready for his work. After a couple of moments, but it felt like forever to Isabelle, Harold came down the stairs dressed in a button down shirt and tie, as usual.

"Are you ready Isabelle?"

"Sì!" She climbed into the man's Honda and fastened her seat belt. Before they reached Callie's house, Isabelle started to get nervous. She had never really hung out with very many of Callie's other friends, just her and Jack really. She didn't know if they would except her. She was still learning English, and often botched up her sentences, plus she was a weird and slightly annoying person overall.

Harold stopped in front of Callie's house, a place Isabelle had only been a couple of time before. It was just as grand as she remembered it. She quickly walked up the front sidewalk, dragging her suitcase behind her, and rang the door bell.
The Living Room

Travis gave a light wave to Ashley as he made his way up the steps to follow the others into the house. "So we're hooligans, Calli? Shouldn't you be keeping us out of the lobby then?" Carlina shook her head, ignoring Tyler's bad reference to the Suite Life of Zack and Cody (his way of easing the nerves showing so clearly on her face) and gave a smile to Danny seeing his discomfort.

See, I knew this would be too much...

"Stop worrying so much," Travis gave a pointed look towards her hands that were wringing the blood circulation out of each other. "Most of us have known each other for at least a couple of years; Haruhi, Kai, you, Ethan, and I have known each other since we were kids. One bad situation doesn't compare or change the other stuff that we've all been through together." Travis stepped away, giving her a moment to collect her thoughts, and headed towards the conjoined room where a table with snacks sat taking a cupcake and nibbling on it happily.

"Hey guys, sooo you can just sit your stuff down for now so that we can have some fun and get back into the swing of hanging out here like some of us used to do when we hung out here as kids, and then after that we'll make pairings or whatever and make room arrangements." She turned on the television above the fireplace checking to make sure that the XBox and Kinect were plugged in and pushed the coffee out from the center of the room so that there was a play space for anyone who wanted to play a Kinect Game. "We have some games like Fruit Ninja, Gunslinger, Dance Central 2 & 3- "If you're wondering why we don't have the first one, it's because the graphics suck too much for me to handle!" Ethan proclaimed making his entrance into the room, before heading out just as fast into the other room to set the sodas down. "Ignore him, please." Callie stated, dismissing Ethan's random comments. "We also have Kinect Sports, Kinect Adventures, and one of the Just Dance's, although I can't remember which..."

Ethan strolled in with his arm slung around Travis' (who had icing smeared all over his face for some reason) shoulder smiling like a proud toddler. "I recommend playing Kinect Party and Rabbids Alive and Kicking because those are those are the most fun games out of those by far." Even with his air of confidence, Ethan was unwilling to meet his cousin's friends' eyes just in case one of them still resented him for what happened at the end of the school year.

"Oooh! Did I hear a knock at the door?" Ethan looked around confused. "Wha- I didn't hear anyone knock."

"Well, maybe you should listen closer!" Callie retorted smugly heading towards the door and opening it to reveal her friend Isabelle.

"Oh, a newbie!" Ethan crooned in amusement. Travis tugged desperately at Ethan's arm, but couldn't get the older guy off him. He looked around and made eye contact with Ashley, pleading silently for her to help him.

"Help" He mouthed.

@Ilani the Archer @Danyhamy
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"Callie, caro!" Isabelle crowed in delight as the door opened. "It has been too long!" She hugged Callie and stood on her toes to look over the other girl's shoulder at Ethan. "Is that your cugino, I'm sorry, cousin, that I've heard so much about?"

Isabelle was nervous, so that meant that her mouth disconnected from her brain and then ran a marathon.

"I have heard about what happened, well everybody at school has, and I'm really sorry. Signora Sarah almost wouldn't let me come, but I was able to convince her that no illegal activities would take place. No activities like that will take place, right? Mia madre would kill me if we got into trouble." She took a deep breath to continue.

While waiting for Callie to open the door, Alicia realized a lot of Callie's friends had shown up too. She scanned the crowd, with no luck. No familiar faces except for a few here and there that she had seen around school. She realized she was hopefully going to make a lot of new friends, as the only apparent person that she knew would be Callie. As Callie's friends exchanged summer greetings and whatnot, Alicia stood to the side awkwardly, not wanting to intrude on their little reunion. Nevertheless, she still politely smiled at anyone who happened to meet her gaze.

As Callie finally opened the doors of the damn castle, Alicia completely forgot about the big bear hug she was going to give Callie. Instead, she stumbled in, completely mezmerized by her surroundings. There were at least four different games she heard Callie mention, and a gazillion other things. Her eyes wandered from place to place, trying to take in this glamorous new surrounding. Now if only her house was this nice. Everywhere she looked, there was something to impress her--a fireplace, which she didn't happen to have in her own little two-room apartment, a big flat screen TV, and a living room bigger than the size of her entire house.

Finally, as the surroundings caught up to her and she was brought from cloud nine back to the mighty green Earth, she looked around for Callie. Alicia decided now would be a good time to give Callie the biggest hug she had ever given anyone, thank her for an opportunity for this friendship, and grovel at her feet for... Eh, I'd say at least 3 million dollars. Sounds good.

Alicia found Callie by the door, opening the door for yet another unfamiliar face. Not wanting to be rude, she waited for Callie to greet the newcomer before jumping onto her, legs wrapped around her waist and knocking her to the floor. "I-love-you-so-much-thank-you-for-being-my-friend-you're-almost-as-sweet-as-chocolate-can-i-have-three-million-dollars-did-i-mention-that-i-absolutely-adore-you?" Alicia said in a single breath, her sentences completely connected.

Upon entering the house, Ashley was directed to the living room, along with the others; after being told the program by Cali, she instantly let her backpack slide down from her shoulders and crash into the ground, she didn't remember packing anything that might break so she had no particular reason to be careful with her luggage. While she did want to return to just hanging out it was a little difficult to do that with Ethan in the same house, she was still having a hard time coming to terms on how she should feel about him and what he did, and having him around Ashley while she was thinking on that subject made it hard to come to a conclusion, still she couldn't seem to stop the topic from poping up into her mind constantly.

Taking a deep breath as the television was turned on she decided to focus more on the video game at hand and deal with her thoughts later. Just as she selection of games was being read the devil himself had come into the room, quickly leaving and returning again, this time with Travis who resembled a kid at an ice cream parlor, at this Ashley couldn't help but to let out a small chuckle, the girl then turned to Ethan, who seemed to be avoiding looking at the newly arrived people, Ashley knew most people didn't care for what he had done, so she couldn't understand why he still seemed like a puppy who had just gotten yelled at.

Before long there came another knock on the door which Cali went to answer, while looking at Cali heading towards the door she spotted Travis who seemed to be asking her for help getting Ethan to let go of him, Ashley rolled her eyes playfully as she stood up "Hey Travis, you up for a round of dance central 2? I bet I can easily beat you" Ashley gave a cocky grin, arms crossed awaiting for her challenge to be accepted

(little late on my reply sorry)

Shizu was the last of the group to enter the home...sticking far away from everyone else not wanting to be noticed, just to avoid getting someones attention and bothering them with her presence, she wanted to get though with this without making any enemies. While she would not mind making some friends she fear conversation would run the risk of turning them into enemies, but the whole point her Mother made her go to this is to get out of the house and socialize, but this...goal of socializing is a uphill battle for Shizu, something that could prove deadly if tackled head on, baby steps are needed to insure you take the fight without tiring yourself out "I'll just..hang out in the area everyone is, and pick my moments on when trying to talk to someone" Shizu thought trying to work out a plan

Just look for people that are not n a conversation already and engage with them, don't but in on this group conversation with people that have know each other longer than Shizu has attend their School. Don't pull any jokes, just small talk to break the ice, just talk to someone and she would had accomplished a objective. Noticed majority of the kids were making their way towards a den, "Well this is where they seem to be meeting up, just find a corner and relax there and scan the crowrd for people not in a conversation, can't be too hard!" Shizu continuing her plan in her head, growing a bit more confident in this plan, she might actually accomplish this mission and make a new friend if she plays her cards right and is careful.

She took a corner and listens to the conversations happening on the other side of the room...Going though video games they have and how we could enjoy them, Shizu actually has some found interest in video games, but sadly all of the ones listed seem like games that would stir her asthma up, the thought of that happen in front of theses people sounds to be soul crushing embarrassing , again feeding into her anxiety and killing that confidence she just earned from working on a not half bad plan...Plus she was never really into Xbox..More of a Song fan, in fact she brought a PSP..Not a Vita, the first kind..

She scanned the room, majority of them she has never spoken too or met, how ever she did recognize a kid named "Danny" who would be sort of a study friend with her, most of the times would sit at the same table int he library and exchange a few words..most of the time was quiet but only becasue Shizu gave quick and short answers to Danny's attempts at conversations, maybe she has been to hard on him..maybe she had tried more to talk to me, maybe this is a chance for redemption.


(Also i was super fucking high when making this post so im sorry if its shit"
"Mmm..." "Mmmm..." Lana said as she was kissing the french man under the beautiful chandelier in the middle of the ballroom. Everything seemed right until she heard a bark come out of the french mans mouth. Lanas eyes opened quickly, noticing Mango, one of her German Shepherds, giving her kisses, "Mango... Get off!" Lana said as she gave Mango a kiss and moved him from the bed.

Lana looked around the room and found her phone at the end of her bed and checked the time, "Oh its just 10:00 am... I have time... Wait... No! I'm late!" Lana quickly got out of bed and ran towards her messy walk in closet and got a random suit case that was half empty. Lana shook out the clothes that were in the suitcase onto her floor and through the suitcase on her bed. From her closet full of clothes she found the ones that were the most summer looking and threw them in her suitcase with a few pairs of sandals, converse and flip-flops. Lana then took her blanket she had since she was a baby and hid it in a safe place in her suitcase, "Just for a slice of home... If I could I would pack up my three dogs." Lana laughed to herself thinking about how that would of worked. Lana went towards her bathroom and started the shower. Lana had to shoo out Kermit, Mango, and Daisy, they just wouldn't leave her alone... Wow I wonder how they are gonna deal when I'm gone for a whole summer.

Lana quickly undressed herself from her cozy light-weight pjs and hopped into the shower. Lana let the warmth of the water trickle down her spine. Lana could have gotten lost in that shower due to the nice warmth, feeling, noise, the shampoo smells. It was all perfect, a nice calming little place... Until Lanas dad had to interrupt it. "Lana!" Her dad said as he banged on the bathroom door, "I made breakfast! Come on your going to be late for that sleepover thingy!"

"Well, shit, dad!" Lana yelled out from the shower, "You could have, I don't know, woken me up 3 hours ago to tell me to start getting ready!" Lana

could almost imagine the dramatic roll of the eyes that her dad was doing probably right this second, "Language, Lana!" She heard dad say as he stomped off.

Lana quickly finished up her shower and got on a black moon crop top with dark denim high waisted shorts and a pair of the traditional converse.

Lana raced downstairs and took a quick bite of bacon, "Okay dad, I'm ready!"

"You didn't even eat, Lana!" Her dad yelled at her.

"I'm not hungry." Lana said stubbornly as she took her suitcase and started to walk out to the car, "Please meet me outside dad, I need you to drive me!" Lana walked outside and sat in the car for a moment then Lanas dad came into the car and began to drive to Carlina's house.

"Remember honey, make sure to wear sunscreen at all times, I don't need you to turn into a piece of burnt bacon, make sure to wear bug spray, don't come home and be like 'lol, guess what daddy, I'm pregnant!', and keep on the diet we planned for you." Lanas dad said very seriously.

Lana rolled her eyes and sighed, showing she really didn't give a shit, "Don't worry dad..." Lana knows her dad just wants to make sure she's safe, but he just aggravates Lana telling her all these things, heck, she didn't even wanna be on the diet!

"I know I won't have to worry about you dear, you always follow my rules." Lana could see her dad smile from the mirror and she'd fake a smile back.

Once they get to the front of Carlina's house she step out of the car with her suitcase and waved goodbye to her dad as he drives off.

The way Lana knows everyone is from Amelia, Lana sort of became okay friends with Amelia, but she really clicked with Carlina, and from there Lana tried to meet all their friends, tried to get to know them, but Lana feels like she doesn't know them as well as she wants to. Lana just hopes this is not going to be as awkward as she think its going to be.

Lana takes a deep breathe and knocks on the door.

(I'm not a very good editor with this kind of thing and I'm not the best at grammar *don't judge*. So sorry if theres a lot of mistakes! I tried. xc)
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The Living Room & Foyer Callie laughed lightly as Isabelle gave her a hug, making sure to express her concern about any illegal activities that may or may not be taking place this summer. "No, no, we won't be doing illegal." She glanced back at the same time that Ethan waved at Isabelle with an amused smile on his face. "Travis' parents had the exact same conversation with him, and mine almost didn't let me do this, so you're not alone."

Carlina's mind began to wander for a moment to some of her other friends that she hadn't been in contact with for a number of reasons. She actually wished that some of them were there to make her feel a little more at ease. But her new friends were just as great; just because she hasn't known them as long doesn't mean that they are any less her friends.

Callie had only just pulled away from Isabelle's hug when someone tackled hugged her from behind almost knocking her to the floor. She let out a snort of laughter at Alicia's ramblings. "Did the I love you come before or after the 3 million dollars?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Carlina looked between the two fast talkers on either side of her and laughed, choosing to introduce the two. No doubt, if those two started a conversation she would not be able to keep up for anything. "Isabelle, meet Alicia. Alicia, Isabelle."

Ethan could feel Ashley's gaze on him when she walked into the house. He had not doubt in his mind that she was just as conflicted about his being here as he was. Even though most of Callie's friends either didn't know all of what happened this year, didn't care, didn't know he was involved or just wasn't there for it, he still felt like it was wrong for him to be amongst his cousin's friends; not that he'd ever show it. He gave her a light smile, but it soon turned into a pout when she called Travis over to play Dance Central with her, freeing his prisoner.

Travis smiled, his eyes twinkling in excitement as he bounded over next to Ashley. He almost knocked over a lamp (almost) but he had been keeping an eye out to ensure that he didn't knock anything over like he was prone to doing constantly. "Oh, you're on, Ash." He proclaimed, smearing the icing on either sides of his cheeks like war paint.

The was a light knock on the door and Ethan jogged over to get it announcing, "I've got it!" He opened the door smiling at a girl that he couldn't recall seeing around with Carlina's usual group of friends. "Hi, I'm Carlina's older cousin, Ethan. Come on in." He held the door open giving a light bow as if he were a butler.

@XxKaraxX @Danyhamy @Ilani the Archer @princxss
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Danny looked around the living room as he entered, walking slowly behind the others just to be able to stay out of the way for a little bit. His fingers curled themselves around the strap of his bag in a nervous gesture of anxiety, but his face was bright and there was a smile on his face regardless. At Callie's suggestion, he let his bag slip from his shoulder as he distractedly looked around the grand living room, intending on having it hit the floor like he had seen the others do before him.

However, he misjudged the length of the strap, and because of the sudden, unexpected weight caused by his bag not hitting the floor, it ended up pulling the teen down as well. Danny let out a startled yelp as he was tugged to the side, lost his balance and landed with a soft thump on top of his bag. Despite the bag being filled with clothing and books, making the fall a soft one, it didn't stop the teens cheeks from tinting with red. A small groan of embarrassment escaped his lips as he tentatively glanced up through his lashes, to take in the damage.

Nobody had seemed to notice. Or if they had, they certainly didn't look that way, as most of them seemed occupied with either talking to eachother, or greeting the newcomers. Didn't make his pride feel any less hurt, though. With a small huff, the brown haired boy scrambled up from his awkward position on the floor, and dusted himself off the best he could. His head was held ducked, and he was sure this was one of the few times having an unmanageable fringe could come in handy. It hid the redness that had spread over his face. Been here not five minutes, he thought indignantly to himself, and already making a fool of yourself. Great going, Frost.

Looking for something to do to distract himself, he bent down and began rummaging through his bag, emerging a few seconds later with a random book. He didn't much care what kind of book it was at this point. Having his face shoved into it's pages would be a great way to make sure nobody commented on his impressive... display of grace.
Lana saw the door open and she quickly tried to make herself look confident and not some nervous little child. Once the door opened she saw a man who looked a tiny bit older then the group of friends that were invited. Then he introduced himself with a bow and it... Sort of made sense why he was here?

Lana couldn't help but laugh at the silly bow Ethan did, so, Lana decided to play along, "Hello, sir, I'm Lana." She said with a little glint of silliness in her eyes as Lana curtsied in front of Ethan, "Very nice to meet you." A smile spread across Lana's face, "May I come in?

Lana could see from behind the Ethan that the view of Carlinas house was just amazing, nicely sculptured and just beautiful. Back in England Lanas parents lived in a house that was very elegant, almost like this house, but a little old fashioned. Thinking about it now Lana missed England, it was where all her family was.

Lana ignored the depressing thought and went back to the introduction she was having with Ethan.

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Pulling herself off the floor, she pondered on Callie's question. Finally, coming up with a somewhat evasive answer, she replies, "All that matters is that I love you?" Grinning, she gave Callie one last bear hug and a kiss on the cheek before looking over at Isabelle, whom Callie had just introduced. Alicia extended a hand out, greeting Isabelle with a smile. "Hi Isabelle, I'm Alicia. I mean, that's what Callie just said, but I thought I'd just reintroduce myself. Y'know, since I'm a big girl and I can do things myself," Alicia rambled on and on, finally covering her mouth, "Oops, sorry, I'm rambling." Alicia looked to the side bashfully, embarrassed since she clearly didn't know when to shut up.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a blonde who was clearly unsteady and teetering from the weight of his bag. Alicia knew it was only a matter of time before the bag dropped, the items fell out of the bag, he fell over, or all three. Her prediction was right. As he tried to set the bag down, it hadn't hit the floor and the unexpected weight dragged him down with it. She giggled to herself quietly, not wanting to embarrass him. Looks like she wouldn't be the only clumsy one under this room this summer. Was it a blessing, or a blessing in disguise? Two clusmy people under one roof? I sure hope there aren't any antiques in this house...

Alicia leaned against Callie as if Callie was a support beam or a pole. "So about that three millions dollars..." Alicia flashed her biggest conman--or con woman if you will--smile that she could, batting her eyelashes, "I take cash, check, and even gift cards." She paused, waiting for Callie to magically conjure up three million dollars from thin air. "I mean, I guess I'll accept three million hugs if worse comes to worst and I can't get that three million dollars..." Alicia mumbled softly, pouting and pretending to tear up.

@TheWeirdPhilosopher @Cryobionic @Ilani the Archer
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Bridgett had seen how everyone, little by little had started showing up to the house, she recognized most of them except for two or three people, but she didn't mind as this was going to prove to be the time to change that, to open herself up a little and try to make more bonds. However no amour of socializing could change her shy nature, thus while Cali opened the door for them, she patiently awaited, while she saw many others began conversations among themselves. She hadn't particularly caught sight of anyone she trusted, so for the time begin, she decided to pass some time by opening her suitcase, reveling a sketchbook, closing her suitcase and laying it on the ground, this would be her temporary seat. She was quick to turn the sketchbook to a clear page, and decide to draw the current scenery, while a lot of people were moving she could still manage to draw them fine. Each time a new person arrived she made sure

She was about halfway done with her little sketch when she heard the door open up from behind her, it was Cali, allowing them to come right in, Bridgett stood up with her sketchbook on one hand and hauled her suitcase with the other, this proved to be quite a difficult task as she appeared to have brought more items than she really needed, or at least it's what she now believed upon seeing others only come with a backpack. She tried to wave at Cali with the hand which held her sketchbook but it she couldn't fully do it due to the book almost slipping out from her hand. Once inside the house she left her suitcase in the far corner of the room making sure nobody would accidentally trip on it, and proceeded to look around, still not seeing anyone she was close with she decided it would be the right time to start up a chat with someone new, she turned to a dark haired girl, Bridgett recalled she was close to Kai, and if she were to believe Kai then her name was Shizu, the two would probably get along well. Bridgett moved a little closer to the girl who seemed to be lost in thought and began to speak "Hello um my name's Bridgett and if i'm coronet your name is Shizu, right?" she thought that was good enough for a talk opener. While all this was going on, new people were entering the house or talking among themselves, she tried to keep track of everything going on while still looking directly at the person she was talking to, but at one point she lost track of who came in and decided to leave it there.


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