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Realistic or Modern High School Never Ends ((Closed))


Lore Hoarder
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Reminder: Check the Overview before making a CS

  • [image of Character Here]



    Age: (Reminder they've just finished their Junior year)

    Age or When They Joined the Friends Group:



    Relationships: (Close friends, not so close friends, crushes)


    Likes: (at least 4)

    Dislikes: (at least 4)

    History: *Required* (Include how they met or joined the friends group)

    Anything Else:

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Name: Effy Alice

Nickname: Eff

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: Effy has medium length brown, wavy hair. She has thin face and body, she's not fit, just thin. The girl has nice pink full lips, and large bright blue eyes. She stands at 5'7" and weighs around 104 pounds.


Likes: Partying, fun times, friends, flirting

Dislikes: Boringness, rude people, her mom's constant boyfriends, school

History: Effy grew up on the rougher side of town, living in a trailer park. She's been living there with her mother ever since her parents divorce. The divorce was hard on her mom, so the woman got into drugs and alcohol, and would often run off for days with one of her boyfriends. Whenever her mom would bring those men home, the men would often yell at Effy or beat her, which often resulted in Efy staying at her friends places for week at a time until her mom would break up with that man. Currently her mom hasn't had a boyfriend in a few days, so Effy is staying at home. The girl had met all of her friends at parties, and was eventually introduced to all of them. They're the only ones who really know her family life, having helped her stay at their houses sometimes.

Anything Else: She's a bit depressed. She believes that highschool never ends
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Name: Amelia Wild

Nickname: Amy

Age: 16

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: 5'3, small frame, and she dyes her hair a lot; it's currently light brown with pink highlights.

Personality: Ask anyone and they'll tell you: Amy is sweet. She goes out of her way to stay on people's good sides, even when she has to pretend to be someone else. She doesn't mind though, it's not like she ever really acts like herself anymore anyways.


Likes: Music, talking, sleeping, and cats

Dislikes: Gossips, exercise, horses, and writing

History: Amy grew up with a pretty solid family life, at least until her mom up and left with no explanation when she was 12. Her dad was crushed, obviously, but he had to get another job to make ends meet. This resulted in Amy pretty much raising herself, but she would never tell anyone any of this; everyone just thinks that her parents divorced. Amy got involved with the friend group the same way she got involved with anyone, by being nice. She found herself genuinely enjoying herself around those people though, and she almost felt like she could tell them her secret. Almost.

Anything Else:

- She has two stray cats that she feeds

- She is nice to everybody and deemed 'popular', but she doesn't open up emotionally to many people

- One of her favorite songs is High School Never Ends by Bowling for Soup
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theatrekidfailure said:
It's okay lol, I added that part :P
There's just one little thing you're missing... *check the overview*
theatrekidfailure said:
is it relationships? I'm not completely sure how to fill that part out..
It's in the overview with the rules. Relationships most likely will not be filled out until after the characters are made.
TheWeirdPhilosopher said:
It's in the overview with the rules. Relationships most likely will not be filled out until after the characters are made.
Okay, I think I got it? My brain doesn't register things sometimes lol
Name: Shizu Yaken

Age: 16

Appearance: 5,6, slim body with long black hair, pale skin and gray eyes


Socially awkward and self loathing

Likes: Learning history, Her jacket, Her family, honor

Dislikes; Herself, yelling, making mistakes, dishonorable actions

Sexuality: Bi sexual

Relationships: Kai Marikit - "Ally"


Shizu was born into a Japanese clan that holds on to old traditions and goals in the modern age...their goals being becoming highly trained mercenaries..warriors that roam free and only trusting one another...They favor strength over anything else.Every child at age 8 is trained for 10 years before they go on their first assignment .Any sign of weakness in a child is frowned upon and is usually greeted with being snuffed out at birth as a "Act of mercy" to end them without any pain rather than having them raised for a career that would exploit their weakness and give them nothing but pain

Shizu was suppose to be snuffed out....She was born with Asthma and the higher up in her clan saw this as a liability that could get in the way of her training when she was old enough and would for sure cost her life if ever out in the field...The mother who was one of the most skilled soldiers in the clan at the time pleaded with the Clan's elders to spare her...and that the asthma might fade away before she is 8..Also her husband died out in the field during her pregnancy...its all she has left from him.After consideration she was granted to let Shizu live in hopes it would get better...

It didn't...It got far worse..more severe and constant...Needing medical attention for simple exercises ..By age 8 she was forbidden from joining her cousins in training as it would end up killing her...She was only allowed to attend classes that taught children the basics of educations..to prevent them from being mindless brutes...Read and write, math, science all that stuff...all of this was done on the families' grounds so she was home schooled for majority of her life..During this she found a love for history..wanting to read all about her Clan's history and learning every detail..but then she became envious of the grand tales of past warriors in her clan and how she could not even be given a chance to fight in glorious combat

But she became a outcast slowly form her cousins...Being called a weakling..not good enough to be a warrior..she became distant and starting agreeing..she was not good enough..she was born with something that made her weak and unable to live up to the status the Clan's elders had for the next generation...She tried to make herself useful around the compound doing chores..but even there she could hardly help...Could not do cleaning because all of the dust would stir up her asthma, ..could not clean weaponry due to her not being taught how to properly handle weaponry...had no skill what so ever in cooking..constantly screwing up instructions and giving other members some sort of illness

She slowly became distant from her other family members..only being comfortable around her mother who took care of her...She became envious seeing family members return home with spoils of battle and being greeted as a champion..how she could never be like that...How she will never build her own fortune like every other member in her family..However with her Mother being a solider, she was called off commonly to take care of a assignment..sometimes she was alone in her home with nobody to talk...She hardly has any real social skills due to her lack of exposure...it was not until she met a fellow black sheep of the clan did she have someone to talk too...a Much older member who is the son of her Father's Brother was one of the only people who would understand her and did not treat her differently due to her asthma..his name is Avio Yaken...He was allowed to train and go to battle..but his Father broke the taboo of marrying and mating with a soldier loyal to a nation...to this Avio was forbidden to marry and have children of his own due to his Father's mistakes....

she started wearing a jacket most of the time..she used it to hide herself from everyone else..as she felt like a burden on everyone..wasting the air around them..She would wear it even in the summer when its blazing hot and would find other means to hide herself if she ever had to take it off...her mother decided that she has grown up in a environment that did not welcome her and that she would be put into a public high school in order to have her socialize with outsiders..people that did not think the same as her clan..Maybe out of Japan entirely...Shizu learned English in her spare time and could do well in America..Shizu, her mother moved to America so Shizu could be in a new and different culture...Avio also came along to take care of Shizu if her mother was out on a operation

How she became apart of this band of friends is fairly noteworthy...a student was assigned to be her "welcoming partner" to make sure she get adjusted to her new lifestyle in public school..this kid name was Kai marikit..He drags Shizu into this little group as he considers Shizu a friend...Shizu trusts only slightly...she hardly can seem to find a way to interact with theses people...Kai is the only one that she has any real connection too in this school

Anything else: while she dislikes high school and misses her home she takes comfort that high school will eventually end after she dies....unless it starts again in the afterlife..then High school really never ends...
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She has short brown hair, brown eyes and she is 5'2".

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/haruhi_suzumiya_render_by_esenciadeiris-d75sb9s.png.b27096576ebb4734e6e002fc449111d9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83582" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/haruhi_suzumiya_render_by_esenciadeiris-d75sb9s.png.b27096576ebb4734e6e002fc449111d9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Effy Alice - She likes her just fine. She is always offer her help to her because of her family life.

Amelia Wild - Finds her to be a little to nice. She wishes for once the girl wouldn't be so worried about staying on someone's good side and just let loose.

Shizu Yaken - she seems to be bit socially awkward so Haruhi always tries to break her out of that.

Jack Fletcher - They tend to annoy each other, though she kind . But at the same time she see's him as a good friend and tends to get in his business but she means well. Does she have crush on him? Hard to say she is pretty oblivious when it comes to love.

Adara Lea Wilson - With them both being in the limelight she finds that they can probably relate though. But Adara is a pop singe while Haruhi is a actor.

Dantalion Frost - Likes to tease since he is a clean freak and hates being touched. But she doesn't do it in a mean way just a playful way.

Kai Marikit - They are a lot alike so she considers him to be her bestfriend.

Isabelle Voroce - She finds her to be a good friend.

Bridgett Jones - Thinks she is sooo pretty and doesn't understand why a girl as pretty as her is so shy. Well weather Bridgett likes it or not Haruhi tends to help her break her shyness.

Ashley Cooper - Finds her a bit to violent when handling problems.....then again she may have point.

Emmett Johnson - Her party pal! Whenever there's a party you will find these to side by side. Though Haurhi doesn't drink....she did once but......well let's just say it was pretty scary O.o Her friends make sure she never touches a drink.

Alexandria Kyleson - Finds to be a really sweet guy.

Carlina Banness - Loves her strangeness and tends join in with her.

Ethan Munroe - They are really a like when comes to putting up a good act as she is a performer as well they get along really well. She gets where he is coming from.

Travis Prescott - Finds him to be a pretty interesting person.


Haruhi's personality is beyond words. She has a very crazy and hyper personality, making her very energetic. Many guys consider her attractive. Though she has her heart in the right place, she's quite oblivious about matters that involve the bigger picture of things and lacking knowledge in some areas, or math to say in the least. Haruhi constantly has a deep sense of right or wrong and will go to extremes to correct situations if they are involving those she is close to. She has a habit of picking up strays. She is also very kind, and will do whatever she can do to help people. She will also go to the full extremes if needed, as that is apart of her personality. She always wakes up late.








Falling from high places




Haruhi was born on December 1st to her birth mother. After her birth, Haruhi's mother abandoned her in a park and Haruhi was found by Misako Tachibana, who adopted her a month later. When she was 10 years old, Harhui was informed about her adoption. Misako also told Haruhi that if she herself became a famous author while Haruhi became a famous actress, Misako could reveal the adoption in her autobiography, thus giving Haruhi the opportunity to meet her birth mother. Haruhi agreed to this, and Misako helped start her acting career by enrolling her in a theatrical company. Now Haruhi is 16 years old, she is quite a figure in entertainment and she has also secured a lead role on a hit TV Variety show called LOL. She attends school while working on her acting career, juggling these two priorities, including time for her friends, can be a struggle for her sometimes. The friends she has now she met them in 7th grade and now she has to make time out to go hang with her friends this summer, which she doesn't mind but her manager tends to go crazy with getting her jobs. So she wonders if she'll even have time.

Anything Else:

Haruhi loves acting and she is now famous enough for her mother to publish her autobiography. Her mother is writing it right now. Once it's finish things are going to get a little bit crazy. Also she speaks English and Japanese.

High School never ends



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Jack Fletcher


Blackjack or simply J






6'2, thin body with short dark brown hair and chestnut eyes


Effy Alice-

Amelia Wild-

Isabelle Voroce-crush-

Shizu Yaken-

Haruhi Tachibana-

Adara Lea Wilson-

Danny Frost- -He used to call him by his full name until he found out he wasn't quite fond of it.

Kai Marikit-

Isabelle Voroce-crush-While they are polar opposites, she was one of the very first people of the group she begun to hang around with, thus he quickly took a liking to her, and developed a crush later on. He's almost certain it'll never happen so for now he's trying to rid himself of his feelings towards her.

Bridgett Jones-

Ashley Cooper-

Emmett Johnson-

Alexandria Kyleson-

Carlina Banness-

Ethan Munroe-

Travis Prescott-


To put it simply Jack isn't the most social person around, for this very reason he doesn't quite know how to deal with people whom he's not close with and resorts to a distant sometimes rude attitude, if he spends enough time with a certain person he ends up warming up to them, that is if he hasn't driven them away yet.


-Old horror movies with awful special effects.

-Black coffee

-Summer rain



-Bad grammer

-People who depend too much on others

-Materialistic people

-Being taken advantage of


While growing up Jack had a pretty good life at home, his parents always seemed to work out any issues they had fine, the problem in the family however came from him, who was never too big on the idea of spending too much time with people, including his parents. Sadly his parents did not see his need for his own personal space and soon began to think something was wrong with him, so from that point on h decided to spend most of his time in school, wether it was in some sort of club or extra assignments, as long as he could get away from home it was fine by him. How Jack got caught up in a large group of friends is actually something he can't understand, he simply began to help his now friends with some assignments, and the group began to hang out with him, at first he was a bit reluctant, but in the end they ended up convincing him, and while he doesn't fully open up to people yet he'd like to think of it as a work in progress.

Anything Else:

Nothing much, but recently he's come to the realization that high school never ends.



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"Do your thing and don't care if they like it."


Adara Lea Wilson











Adara has an oval shaped face with smooth, slightly tan skin that is framed by shoulder length, way, light brown hair. She has a slim figure and fit body with hazel eyes and long eyelashes. Her skin has no major blemishes and she has a youthful look with thin lips, a small pointed nose and white teeth. Adara stands at 5'6" and is not very curvy though she does have a nice figure. Adara dresses very comfortably and simply. Her outfit usually consists of a simple shirt and shorts or a tank top and sometimes with a cap. For work, her outfits are more trendy and stylish, with skirts or dresses and more layers but nothing skimpy since Adara dislikes revealing clothes. Adara has no tattoos or piercings due to her belief that one should not mutilate their body. She does however have some scars from scrapes and wounds she sustained from falls.





Healthy Eating







Old People










Being treated like she's stupid






Junk Food



Vulgar people




Unhygienic places and people

Social Media





Adara hates attention and hates her life as a pop star as much as she enjoys and loves singing. She is a very private person and shuns any unwanted attention, avoiding crowded areas and staying at home. She's an extremely unsociable person and hard to get along with because she's so cold and cautious, not even giving others a chance to get to know her better. However, under that cold and unfriendly front lies a gentle girl. This health nut is easily irked by stupidity and judgements, getting along with only a few kinds of people and being incredibly stubborn which can make her difficult to work with. Once she has made her decision about something, she rarely changes it. Fierce tempered and hard working, Adara is very passionate about singing and takes everything she does seriously, not wanting to waste a single second. A workaholic, she will put on the performance of a lifetime, smile and entertain on stage but off stage that all ends. Her low levels of patience and lack of tolerance for a lot of things has made her very irritable. While unfriendly, impatient and very difficult to get along with, she does have a heart and compassion, willing to help those who need it. Because of her status as an idol and the constant hounding she gets, Adara will often lie to the media and others about certain matters just to get them off her back. She sings for herself and frankly does not care if her career sinks but she does appreciate her fans who enjoy her music. Adara is strong willed and opinionated, being very open about her thoughts and beliefs, not caring for the consequences. She is sensible and careful but sometimes does silly things to relax. Proud as she is, Adara can come off as cocky and snobbish and will often refuse help because of her pride and stubbornness. This is also a result of her highly independent nature that makes her reluctant to rely on others, especially for things she feels she can trust do herself. She has no sympathy for people who brought their problems upon themselves and has no trouble expressing this. She possesses strong morals, values and beliefs that are not easily shaken and guide a lot of her actions. Adara enjoys seeing people work hard for things and having a tough time, revealing a slightly sadistic side to her personality. Considerate of others, Adara keeps her private life and many of her activities a secret so that others around her that she cares about won't get affected by the attention she gets. She is quite a tomboy and doesn't care much about her image, finding it stupid to spend money and go through hell for things that are only temporary like beauty. Adara hates it when people get the wrong idea and can be quite sassy or sarcastic when dealing with people she doesn't like but has to deal with regularly. She's a conservative person and don't ever make the mistake of thinking you can try anything she doesn't like and get away unscathed.


Adara has loved singing since young and was often praised by her parents for her voice. Singing used to be just a simple pleasure until Adara got scouted by an agent when she was still in elementary school and became a pop star. She instantly disliked the loss of privacy she faced and was overwhelmed by the attention which she came to despise. Her parents however, came to adore the money and privileges her singing brought them and were quickly blinded by it. Adara was disgusted by the fact that girls wanted to be her friend and guys wanted to hook up with her even though they knew nothing about her just because she was a pop star leading her to have few friends. She transferred high schools recently and met some members of the group through classes and projects and mingled with the group once or twice. She willingly agreed to join them for the summer in order to get out of the plans her parents and manager were making for the summer regarding her career.

|Anything Else|

Adara sings in the shower, listens to music before a performance and enjoys watching comedy, her favourite being the show High School Never Ends.
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Dantalion Frost

Nickname: Goes by Danny for the most part, as he kind of detests his weird name

Age: 17

Sexuality: Homosexual (closeted)

Appearance: Light brown hair, green eyes and a very small build due to being accidentally malnourished as a child

Relationships: Ashley Cooper was the person who unexpectedly stepped in to defend him from a tormentor much larger than himself, and due to this Danny started taking a liking to the taller girl, not seeming to mind her many bad puns, loud nature or apparent inability to appreciate silence, and after a while, even began looking up to her a little. @Danyhamy

Personality: Danny is a fidgety and awkward teen, more prone to tripping over his own feet and making a fool of himself than he would have liked. He absolutely detests large groups of people, but will be friendly should he be approached by someone. However, due to his lack of social interaction in the past, he's still quite unsure how to actually go about such a thing, leading to many an awkward situation, and misunderstandings.

He is prone to wearing rather thick clothing, as he can't stand being even the tiniest bit cold, speaks with a faint Hampshire dialect, is a clean-freak when it comes to his own personal space, doesn't like to be touched and is rather prone to being a little too naive.

Likes: Quiet spots, scalding hot tea, books, apples and friendly people.

Dislikes: Sarcasm, raised voices, his full first name, being teased and awkward situations.

History: Danny was one of those 'forgotten kids' growing up. In quite the literal sense. His father, which was his only parent to speak of, had a tendency to forget about his son quite often. It wasn't out of spite or cruelty by any means, but alcohol and strong drugs has a way of making people forget essential things in a child's upbringing. Things like cleanliness, love and food. Because of this, it was soon discovered that the boy was much smaller than his peers, wore ragged, unwashed clothing and almost always shied away from any sign of physical affection. Of course the authorities were called, there were no way around it. Danny certainly didn't mind. Much. His father was incarcerated and eventually passed away from an overdose while in prison, leaving Danny and orphan. Due to his undernourishment, Dantalion never really got that growth-spurt the kids around him experienced. While his peers within the orphanage shot up like weeds, he grew at a noticeably more slower pace. He never got very tall, and as of the day he met his friends, he stood a proud 161 cm tall and weighed 43 kg.

Despite Danny really enjoying the company of the group, after being nearly thrown into the life of a person with many friends, due to one of them managing to chase off a bully on his third day at the high school, only for them to then introduce him to their friends and so on, he is still rather shy around them and hasn't let on the fact that he is an orphan as of yet.

Anything Else: Being an avid reader as he is, Danny of course has a favorite book. It is a worn out copy he managed to salvage from the thrash bin at the orphanage at the age of thirteen, and it's pages are yellowed and a little bit torn. On the cover, in curly, elegant letters, the title: 'High School Never Ends' is still as easy to make out as it was on the first day he found it.



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Kai Marikit



Kai Marikit


N/A unless you all can think of something




Bisexual, sort of closeted (he's too clueless to realize his own feelings)


Kai stands at about 5'7", with messy brown hair, brown eyes, and olive-toned skin. He's found, more often than not, with a smile on his face and wearing the same pair of sneakers and some combination of t-shirt and shorts. He'll wear anything though. If you give him a dress and shove him into a bathroom stall, he'll even attempt to put that on.



Kai may turn eighteen in September, but he is still a child at heart and in his actions. The boy, riddled with ADHD, is always bouncing around and talking up a storm. Having fun is his main priority in life and whoever he runs into he drags them along. Kai doesn't think much about people not wanting to go along with him. In fact, he doesn't really think much at all and just goes with the flow. He says whatever comes to mind, though this hardly ever gets him into as much trouble as one might think since all of his thoughts are pretty naive and innocent. Sarcasm is a thing that usually flies right over his head.

Despite his possibly annoying demeanor, his optimistic, clueless, and accepting attitude has brought him a multitude of friends of all kinds. He is often the glue that holds his friends together since they come from so many different and conflicting vantage points.

When it comes to school, Kai is surprisingly academically intelligent. His study methods are rather unconventional, as some of his friends might have found out, but they seem to work quite well for him. Having straight-A's is the one thing steering him towards college besides it being a whole new adventure.


People, all of them pretty much

Optimism and candy

Playing sports/keeping active

Listening to music and watching Youtube videos

Learning different languages and cultures


Lectures and reading

Being sick in any way

Bitter things and fighting

Sitting for long periods of time


Kai has lived in Warwick his entire life, born and raised there by his mother and father, both Filipino immigrants. He's the middle child, having an older brother and sister and two younger sisters. By no means does this mean he was neglected, however. Instead, his family supported him a lot: his older siblings always helping him with school until he could stand on his own, his younger sisters always cheering him on and up, and his parents indulging in his athletic whims. Growing up in this environment made Kai into the happy person he is today, albeit sheltered slightly.

Outside of his home life, school and friends were a whole new ballgame. In elementary school, Kai was actually one of the shy kids, scared of strangers most of the time. He often had difficulty speaking to others with English being his second language after Tagalog. As time went on, a couple of good friends brought him out of his shell, which wasn't that difficult considering each school year was spent with generally the same group of kids, with few additions and losses. Now Kai is deemed the one-man welcoming committee of his friends, as he has been one of the original "group members".

Overall, Kai's struggles seem minuscule in comparison to some of his friends', so he's content with the life he's lived so far. Kai can only hope that things go just as well in the future, despite his increasing amount of responsibilities.

Relationships: PM me!!

Shizu's personal welcoming committee and her closest friend, he'd like to think.

Close friends with Bridgett Jones.

Anything Else:

When he was younger, his brother always blasted "High School Never Ends" and "1985" by Bowling for Soup in their shared room, while his older sister would blast Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson in her room across the hall. Kai thinks this might have been the start of his love for different kinds of music.

Also, Kai speaks Tagalog (the main Filipino language) and English fluently, though he's attempting to learn Spanish currently. He wants to learn an Asian language, like Chinese or Korean, as well.

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Name: Isabelle Voroce

Nickname: Isa

Age: 16

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: 5'2" 140lbs, likes to wear bright colors or t-shirts with indie bands on them. Changes hair color frequently.


Relationships: Crush (Jack Fletcher's maybe? @Janesomnia what do you think about that?)

Personality: Generally out going, talks loudly, isn't shy, likes to express herself through different hair colors/clothing/etc. She doesn't like to talk about her past, but it is the only thing she won't talk about. Make sure to always have ducktape on hand when you're around her, just in case she won't shut up. When she gets into awkward situations, she usually starts babbling to try and make it better but almost always makes the situation worse, and she usually gets into those awkward situations because of something she said in the first place. She is also very intelligent, she skipped a grade back in primary school, and has straight A's. She loves learning about other country's culture, and that's why she became a foreign exchange student. She absolutely can't stand people who are smart but act stupid. And, High school never ends.

Likes: Learning, talking, people, dogs

Dislikes: Intentional stupidity, silence, being alone, cats


Isabelle grew up in Verona, Italy, with her mother and younger sister. After her sophomore year, she signed up to become an exchange student for her junior year. About a month before the American school year started, she moved to Warwick and is staying with a foster family until she goes back to Italy for the school year that starts in January. She was never really popular at the highschool, but it seemed like everyone knew her name. She made a small group of friends, but wouldn't let herself get too close to them, knowing that after she went back home, she would probably never see them again, and their contact would be reduced to social networking and emails.

Other: She gets terribly homesick at times, but doesn't tell anyone. When this happens she ignores everything and goes through pictures she has of her family.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/VGP.png.55c0dc82ef662543f81dac355fcaa674.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83568" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/VGP.png.55c0dc82ef662543f81dac355fcaa674.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Bridgett Jones


Bri, Gidget, and Jet






Bridgett is 5'5 with a thing figure, having little to no curves she still maintains a nice figure at best, long dark brown hair and chocolate eyes.


Kai Marikit~close friend



Bridgett is a very shy, quiet person, while she does very much enjoy the company of other people, she will normally keep her thoughts to herself unless she feels strongly about the topic at hand. She prefers to observe or listen than to talk, for she feels that she could get to know a person better by noticing little things about their behavior and while she is quite she'll never refuse the idea of a conversation. The only point where her shyness truly takes over is when she's forced to speak to a crowd or to people she doesn't know, mostly because of the fear of the things those people think when hearing her. Despite all this she's very useful for listening to a friend in need vent about their problems, even if she has no solution for them.

Likes: (at least 4)

-The beach


-Road trips


Dislikes: (at least 4)

-Loud sounds like fireworks




History: (Include how they met or joined the friends group)

Bridgett has lived most of her life with her aunt, this mostly due to both her parents never being home to due their jobs and while Bridgett understands this (for the most part) she's always been a bit bitter towards them for not checking up on her at all, but other than that she's had a pretty good life, having everything she could need, her life, of course has had it's ups and downs but she's quite happy with that.

Bridgett met most of her friends in coffee shop which she often visited alone, one day the group arrived at the place and she took an interest in them, seeing as they were all having a blast with each other. She wanted to become a part of that and silently crept into the group before introducing herself, ever since then they have been pretty tight.

Anything Else:

She has a painting in with the words "High school never ends"​



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c57a0ce5d_hellothere.jpg.dc14802bf1105284979935108e403bb4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83659" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c57a0ce5d_hellothere.jpg.dc14802bf1105284979935108e403bb4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ashley Cooper

Nickname: Ash and any other people give her.

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Relationships: -

Personality: At heart, Ashely is much more about getting down and dirty then anything else, and it makes sense considering her upbringing, she's also very hot-headed, not being able to hold her emotions or tongue back most of the time. She’s reckless and carefree,very rarely thinking before she acts, this often getting her in trouble. In a friend aspect she normally doesn't care much for drama and gets bored hearing problems that, in her opinion, could be easily solved with talking or a punch to the face, however if she cares for the person she'll hear them out and try to make the person laugh.

Likes: ~sports ~sweaters ~cheesy puns ~thunder

Dislikes: ~spiders ~silence ~closed spaces ~getting caught in rain

History: Ashley's life has never been quite set in only one location, ever since she was little her parents were always moving from place to place, this caused Ashley to feel like she never belonged anywhere, sure, she was raised in a family full of men who kept her company, but she wanted more out of her life, so, one day confronted her parents about this, they eventually listened and finally settled down in one place. With the confort of knowing that she wasn't going anywhere Ashley began befriending people left and right, joining any and all activities she could just to find a clique to fit in, and soon she did. She met all her friends through these various activities.

Anything Else: Since she finally has a place she belongs to she plans on spending her time as best she can, which is why the frase "High school never ends" is one she wishes to be true



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c57cdb092_yaythisguy.gif.9b30aba830a218e2efc1a212e76d709b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83763" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c57cdb092_yaythisguy.gif.9b30aba830a218e2efc1a212e76d709b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Emmett Johnson


Although he doesn't like nicknames his peers call him Emm







Pm me?


Emmett wants to simply enjoy his life to the fullest and this is why he's known as the "party animal" of the group. He loves the cheerful and easygoing atmosphere in the clubs and bars, thus, he also decided to take a part-time job as a barkeeper. Emmett is the type of guy who likes to live in the moment, not caring much for the future. He is a good fiend and will always back up anyone he's close to.

Likes: (at least 4)



*His friends

*Club music






History: *Required* (Include how they met or joined the friends group)

As a small child things were always pretty good for Emmett, or at least in his eyes. His parents (even though they were never married) split up when he was quite young, however this didn't have much of an effect on him since he was too little to even notice.

He ended up living with his dad( along with his two older brothers) who was a hardworking man and did everything he could to keep them living as best they could, and in Emmetts eye's he did a pretty good job, having become the happy person he is today.

Emmett met the group of friends at the club he worked in, he began to bring up conversation to them and by the end of the night they seemed like friends who knew each other since childhood; he ended up drunkenly walking back to his home blasting his stereo to "High school never ends"

Anything Else:



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I'm not shy; I'm just quiet. - Alexander

Alexandria Kyleson


Alex, Xander


17, turning 18


Closeted Homosexual


Alexandria, or Alex as he prefers it, stands at 5'6 and has a very light complexion that could be confused with being pale and sickly. It's uncommon for him to be smiling in most situations, but most can tell how he feels in his bright blue eyes. He doesn't usually like having his hair cut, resulting in the shoulder, length black hair. If it gets too long, he'll tuck most of his hair underneath his beanie until he can get it cut again. He does has a small pair of snake bites.


Relationships: PM me about this

Personality: Alex is more of a quiet boy. He doesn't really enjoy the social scenes, but will go if he's bargained, or forced, well enough, which is really hard to do when he usually has his face in his phone, a book, or in a window. It's hard for him to stay on task because he's an avid daydreamer. Nevertheless, he holds his friends close and will most likely stick around for an annoyingly long time while not having some sort of other event to go to.


of his quiet nature, Alex can be a bit of a clueless and naive person, not to mention that he's not much of the romantic type of guy. In general terms, he's a trusting, quiet guy that likes to have peace most of the time.

Remember, he's not shy, he's just quiet.

Likes: (at least 4)



-Taking long walks

-Icecream (Secret Obsession)

-Listening to people sing


- Empty Libraries

-Good music

Dislikes: (at least 4)

-The fact that High School Never Ends

-Being annoyed on a daily basis

-Having Mushu being mishandled/mistreated (His Siamese kitten)

-Horror Movies of any kind

-Being "outed" in public

-Not having something to keep him occupied

-Being screamed at during a fight or an argument (at some times, he may cry)

-Not having enough reading material

History: After a misreading of an ultrasound, Alex was given a girl's name. When his parents realized that it was too late for them to change his name, Alex was stuck with the feminine name. Born almost three months early, he would grow no taller than 177 cm throughout his life and weigh no more than 50 kg. Alex was always the quietest boy in his class, no surprise there, and it would often result in teasing from the taller and older boys in his classes. After a nasty divorce, Alex got sent to live with his father while his mother needed to get rehab for past drug addictions that started shortly after Alex's birth. During his first year of high school, he got a chance to meet one of the members of the group in the aftermath of a food fight that left him with spaghetti remains in his hair. Ever since then, Alex and the group seem to have stuck together through thick and thin.

Anything Else:

-He has a sever allergy to seafood (He can't eat sushi or any other fish products)

-He has 3 cats (an adult tom, Astro, and two kittens, Mushu and Baymax)
Fendisteel said:
Name: Shizu Yaken
Age: 16

Appearance: 5,6, slim body with long black hair, pale skin and gray eyes


Socially awkward and self loathing

Likes: Learning history, Her jacket, Her family, honor

Dislikes; Herself, yelling, making mistakes, dishonorable actions

Sexuality: Bi sexual

Relationships: Kai Marikit - "Ally"


Shizu was born into a Japanese clan that holds on to old traditions and goals in the modern age...their goals being becoming highly trained mercenaries..warriors that roam free and only trusting one another...They favor strength over anything else.Every child at age 8 is trained for 10 years before they go on their first assignment .Any sign of weakness in a child is frowned upon and is usually greeted with being snuffed out at birth as a "Act of mercy" to end them without any pain rather than having them raised for a career that would exploit their weakness and give them nothing but pain

Shizu was suppose to be snuffed out....She was born with Asthma and the higher up in her clan saw this as a liability that could get in the way of her training when she was old enough and would for sure cost her life if ever out in the field...The mother who was one of the most skilled soldiers in the clan at the time pleaded with the Clan's elders to spare her...and that the asthma might fade away before she is 8..Also her husband died out in the field during her pregnancy...its all she has left from him.After consideration she was granted to let Shizu live in hopes it would get better...

It didn't...It got far worse..more severe and constant...Needing medical attention for simple exercises ..By age 8 she was forbidden from joining her cousins in training as it would end up killing her...She was only allowed to attend classes that taught children the basics of educations..to prevent them from being mindless brutes...Read and write, math, science all that stuff...all of this was done on the families' grounds so she was home schooled for majority of her life..During this she found a love for history..wanting to read all about her Clan's history and learning every detail..but then she became envious of the grand tales of past warriors in her clan and how she could not even be given a chance to fight in glorious combat

But she became a outcast slowly form her cousins...Being called a weakling..not good enough to be a warrior..she became distant and starting agreeing..she was not good enough..she was born with something that made her weak and unable to live up to the status the Clan's elders had for the next generation...She tried to make herself useful around the compound doing chores..but even there she could hardly help...Could not do cleaning because all of the dust would stir up her asthma, ..could not clean weaponry due to her not being taught how to properly handle weaponry...had no skill what so ever in cooking..constantly screwing up instructions and giving other members some sort of illness

She slowly became distant from her other family members..only being comfortable around her mother who took care of her...She became envious seeing family members return home with spoils of battle and being greeted as a champion..how she could never be like that...How she will never build her own fortune like every other member in her family..However with her Mother being a solider, she was called off commonly to take care of a assignment..sometimes she was alone in her home with nobody to talk...She hardly has any real social skills due to her lack of exposure...it was not until she met a fellow black sheep of the clan did she have someone to talk too...a Much older member who is the son of her Father's Brother was one of the only people who would understand her and did not treat her differently due to her asthma..his name is Avio Yaken...He was allowed to train and go to battle..but his Father broke the taboo of marrying and mating with a soldier loyal to a nation...to this Avio was forbidden to marry and have children of his own due to his Father's mistakes....

she started wearing a jacket most of the time..she used it to hide herself from everyone else..as she felt like a burden on everyone..wasting the air around them..She would wear it even in the summer when its blazing hot and would find other means to hide herself if she ever had to take it off...her mother decided that she has grown up in a environment that did not welcome her and that she would be put into a public high school in order to have her socialize with outsiders..people that did not think the same as her clan

How she became apart of this band of friends is fairly noteworthy...a student was assigned to be her "welcomign partner" to make sure she get adjusted to her new lifestyle in public school..this kid name was Kai marikit..He drags Shizu into this little group as he considers Shizu a friend...Shizu trusts only slightly...she hardly can seem to find a way to interact with theses people...Kai is the only one that she has any real connection too in this school
Missing something: Check the overview

The Host



Carlina Banness


Callie/Cal & Carlie/Carli *either spelling is fine*




That's a bit of an awkward question, but I'm pretty Hetero friend.





Up for any suggestions


Callie is a girl who just connects with the people which is how she made so many friends. She's the strange girl who keeps everyone together when they should be falling apart. She's easily convinced or bribed into things and is more excitable than most. Cali finds it a challenge to stay still and is not one for dull moments. Whether it's joining in on a performance with a street mime or asking the hobo in the alley if she can pet his invisible dog, she make sure things stay interesting. Even with her outgoing attitude, sometimes she can get worn out from all the people and activity and will power down in the middle of whatever she was doing and become a bit loopy. She gets sheepish and shy when it comes to compliments and brushes them off with a giggle. Her friends are what keep her up even though they always seem to view it the other way around.



Fun houses


Being around others


Being alone

Not having food


Being stuck inside

History: *Filling in later*

Anything Else

Who's got the money, who gets the honeys Who's kinda cute and who's just a mess

High School never ends ;)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/a1aa76c1b50c0ed9595dee3df13009d6.png.bd380cd8c03e8c5c73186f93a354935a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/a1aa76c1b50c0ed9595dee3df13009d6.png.bd380cd8c03e8c5c73186f93a354935a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ethan Munroe


Butterfl- It's just Ethan




Don't knock it till you've tried them both...



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c59176634_NeedTalkKevinphotocallSxdsmYgG6iml.jpg.e59f710b707ca1c3d5d615ce36482761.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84499" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c59176634_NeedTalkKevinphotocallSxdsmYgG6iml.jpg.e59f710b707ca1c3d5d615ce36482761.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The cousin of Callie and overseer this summer

Message Me


Ethan has always been known as the performer in his family because he can most definitely put on a show. Acting a part is something that comes natural to him, and putting on a role is first nature when entering an unusual environment that he is unsure about or uncomfortable in. He's not a stranger to the majority of Callie's friends (save for the new ones) and actually knows them pretty well, and acts around them like anyone else he knows. Ethan is not the most trusting, but he gives everybody a chance. And if they can tolerate his ring master tendencies and his constant (teasing) flirting then they're in. Simple as that. He has a bad track record with when it comes to Law Enforcement and Authoritative figures in general, and isn't their biggest fan; even going out of his way for sabotage when very much enraged. And yet, he likes to be in charge and take control of the reins. Although, he likes to mess with his cousin and bug her, she's his first priority and he will go above and beyond to protect her.


A performance

Hooking up

Messing with his cousin

Being in charge


Being brushed off

Being called immature

Law Enforcement/Authoritative Figures


History: *Will fill in later*

Anything Else

High school never ends And here we go again​



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/asa-butterfield-profile.jpg.66fd2628e6e31713040d74c69c6cb974.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/asa-butterfield-profile.jpg.66fd2628e6e31713040d74c69c6cb974.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Travis Prescott


Butterball *best not to explain*








Message Me


Travis comes off as a serious, nerd who just so happens to be good looking, but in reality none of those of the case. Okay, 1 out of 3 of those are not true. Travis just puts on a serious face, but in reality he's a TV nerd who can't seem to contentedly sit still without trashing something in his proximity -on accident of course, which is how he earned himself the nickname butterball. He's unwilling to let himself be labeled as a fanboy even though he can gossip and obsess for hours over different TV shows and even list his never-ending list of theories. He is a bit reserved at times, and isn't the most willing to share things about himself with others, but he'll willingly talk about them to get the spotlight off of himself. Travis knows when to be serious and when it's okay to crack a bad joke to lighten the mood, and makes sure not to get the two mixed up -but he does slip up from time to time. Travis is obsessed with soccer and has been playing it since elementary school because it helps keep his overactive, busy-body, theory driven mind focused on something that moves just as quickly as he does. He views himself as a optimistic pessimists that sees the negative outcome of the majority of situations, but presents it in a lighthearted way. He's prone to laughter and cracking jokes that doesn't make the least bit of sense, and is over 9000 on the sarcasm scale. He also likes a party.



Television shows



Bad jokes


Talking about himself

Breakable items



Missing his shows

History: *Required* (Include how they met or joined the friends group)

Anything Else

And you still don't have the right look

And you don't have the right friends

Nothing changes but the faces, the names and the trends

High school never ends

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HIGH SCHOOL NEVER ENDS <3<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.6397573dc74553d9f017a91bc9040aee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84818" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.6397573dc74553d9f017a91bc9040aee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Alicia Madison.






Get creative, I do love some good nicknames.(;






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.acde45e4181ab2d2d3fcc7963283030c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84821" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.acde45e4181ab2d2d3fcc7963283030c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Hm. None yet, message me? Or not, I'm sure we'll become friends soon.(:


Alicia is incredibly brillia--sarcastic. Terribly so. Or maybe wonderfully so. Never a serious or dull moment, Alicia is always grinning, smirking, or laughing. As she likes to say, "laughter makes the world go round." Or at least it makes her world go round. Her tongue is sharp, never afraid to lash a few witty phrases onto an unsuspecting victim. Wrong or right, she's never afraid to argue her point, stubbornly clinging onto her ideas, yet never afraid to admit defeat when the time comes. Alicia has never been and will never be able to just stand to the side and take crap from others, or see others get pushed around--which is why you shouldn't get on her bad side. "Forgive and forget," right? Wrong. There is no "forgetting" with Alicia. Once you make it on her list of wrongdoers, good luck getting yourself off that list! Trust me, you'll need it. Forgive, but never forget is more like it when it comes to Alicia.

Reckless... Wild... Adventurous... Three words that best describe her. Besides stubborn, sarcastic, witty, airheaded... Okay, maybe those were three of many words that could describe Alicia. "YOLO"--what a dumb motto to live by, right? Alicia however, goes strongly by it. Life, as far as we know anyways, only happens once. What's the use staying cooped up in your room or just lounging around when you could be out hiking, partying, or skydiving? There's so many ways to occupy your time. Afraid you'll have some sort of horrible mauling accident with a bear while hiking? YOLO. Oh no, I can't party, it's not in my comfort zone. So? You've been in your comfort zone for far too long anyways. Step outside, breathe in the fresh air. Enjoy something new. SKYDIVING ARE YOU CRAZY YOU COULD DIE? *Deep breath in* SO? YOU'RE GOING TO DIE SOONER OR LATER. MIGHT AS WELL DO SOMETHING MEMORABLE.


To an insanely insane degree: chocolate. Chocolate chocolate chocolate. Just hearing the word chocolate is enough to make her drool. "The quickest way to a girl's heart is through diamonds and flowers." Yeah? Well the quickest way to her heart is through chocolate. Dark chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate... And the list goes on.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.504c2cc01759dfeee2a07dab8f844189.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84827" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.504c2cc01759dfeee2a07dab8f844189.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Puppies. Of course, dogs are also included in this category. But just like how you may like children, babies are always somehow cuter. Puppies are just so adorable. They make you happy when you're sad. They make you happy when you're already happy. Also, I heard being in the presence of puppies makes your life better. It's uh, you know, scientifically proven with science and stuff.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.1605b1b2828b6c41aaa86680122423bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84828" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.1605b1b2828b6c41aaa86680122423bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Going on adventures. Who spends the weekend curled up all day long, doing nothing but eating snacks and watching Netflix? Alicia, duh. But it's always nice to gather a group of friends and just go for a hike, drive aimlessly, and just wander. Close your eyes and point to a place on the map. Plan out a journey to get there, whether it be realistic or completely impossible.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.326fe6f9655c00b73240297ee58d49b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84829" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.326fe6f9655c00b73240297ee58d49b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Someone who can take a joke. Gosh, some people really have a stick up their... You-know-what. Alicia, being the incredibly sarcastic person she is, often comes off as rude or insensitive. Most of the time however, she's just joking. J O K I N G. As in, not serious, not meant to be serious, the complete opposite of serious. Every once in a while, laugh at her jokes. Even if they aren't funny whatsoever.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.1c7af82f30c86f94bd2c4d33b528507c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84830" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.1c7af82f30c86f94bd2c4d33b528507c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kiwis. Oddly enough, she absolutely does not like kiwis. Something everyone seems to like, while she completely despises. I mean, first of all, who the heck makes a fruit hairy? Who does that! Also, if she wanted to eat something that feels like it's actually melting her tongue off, hot sauce, or even acid would be a better candidate. Ugh, get that kiwi away from me.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.6b5cce95c58608553637de33c2c60535.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84831" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.6b5cce95c58608553637de33c2c60535.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Being rejected. Alicia deals with rejection badly. Badly is an understatement. Almost never having been rejected, whether it be for an invitation to hang out, a request for a date, or even to join a sport, Alicia doesn't know how to cope with rejection. Having a naturally social and rather bubbly personality, rejection is not something Alicia is used to facing. It's one of the flaws she copes with, after being so *hair flip* perfect. This would be where you laugh awkwardly at my bad sarcasm.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.c1f3826bd2175f64da7e01cbee56719b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84832" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.c1f3826bd2175f64da7e01cbee56719b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wearing pants to sleep. Wow, this dislikes section has gotten a little wacky. Unless it's winter, and the pants are made from fur (NOT OFF A REAL ANIMAL) that is softer than the softest of animals, there is no way in hell she will willingly wear pants to sleep. It's just not something that she's used to doing. Not to mention, have you tried sleeping without pants? It feels like you're wearing absolutely nothing. Which you are.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.6c8c06a945292ca0ebf274d4ca8f7ac8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.6c8c06a945292ca0ebf274d4ca8f7ac8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Third, fourth, or fifth wheeling. She hates being left out. If you invite her to hang out, but you bring along your significant other, you better be prepared for hell. What is she supposed to do, while you two are snuggling and kissing? I mean, besides throwing up of course. Even if it's in a group scenario, if two or three of you are best friends, inseparable from birth, don't make non-stop inside jokes that she wouldn't be clued in on. Do you enjoy laughing at something while she stares confusedly? Her confused face might be pretty funny, but her angry face is not.


Alicia made her way into the friend group through Callie. They met under normal circumstances, nothing special. They had a total of two classes together: Chemistry and World History. Two classes Alicia hated, but Callie made somehow tolerable. Callie, being someone who brought a smile to Alicia's face with her dumb jokes and goofy grins, captured Alicia's attention immediately. They became friends easily, and got along well. If I can say it Cali, I can spell it Callie. Alicia logic! Did I mention I absoltuely love rolling the "R" in Carlina? It's so fun.

A little bit of family history: Alicia is being raised by a single mother. Almost an orphan at age nine due to a car wreck, Alicia is very close to her mother. Appearing as a spoiled, clingy seventeen year old girl who's still mommy's little girl, Alicia is just in reality afraid of losing her mom again. Although nine is a young age, she still remembers in detail the fear coursing through her tiny body at the thought of losing her mom, right after losing her dad.

Anything Else:

Another picture. \(???)/

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.65e6e9ef83924adfaaabf353316772bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84826" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.65e6e9ef83924adfaaabf353316772bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I hope it's not too late to sign up. I know you've already got it started. Also, I just wanted to say, you guys are all great writers. I just read the few replies already started in the IC role play section, and you have all made me nervous. In a good way. Nervous because you guys are such great writers. I'm slightly rambling oops. Gosh, this little tiny itty bitty paragraph better not be bigger than my IC ones. Oops I've continued to ramble, bye! (:
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