• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern High School Life...



Josh Richard Ruppenthal.


17, nearly 18.






Foreign Exchange Student, Computer Nerd.


He's 6'4, and an avid fan of either looking really good, or like total trash. His style changes constantly, from hoodies to sweaters of the nicer variety. It's hardly to tell what he'll come to school looking like total trash, or like he has enough cash to buy designer. Extremely blue eyes. He's not a twig, but he certainly is skinny.



Josh is by no means the life of the party, generally people tell him he's the exact opposite. He's more likely to sit at home and scan over code for a few hours than visit the nearest booming social hub. Josh isn't the kind of guy that gets drunk at all, he's also beyond sarcastic. He runs his mouth entirely too much his own good. It's a wonder that he's yet to get in a fight. He wouldn't win a fight, most certainly. He's slightly insecure about the fact that he isn't from these parts. He's from Germany, and on account of it, he's got a slight accent. Although he doesn't let his insecurities show. He attempts to act as cool as possible, and his status as the foreign exchange student perhaps boosts this. Although apart from his school personality he's generally not very social, and more likely to let the slightly enthusiastic demeanor fade. He's not the best at some school aspects, and don't even get him started on gym. He's ina few AP classes, but he's not spectacular at math. He avoids the class from time to time, but generally his morals get in his way. Skipping isn't something he can do without feeling spectacularly bad about it.


The basics being he's from Germany originally. Coming here to study was the best course of action for him. He's fluid enough at English, but forgets his words from time to time. Computer code is one language he knows better than any. His parents have a somewhat small sum of money. He's middle class, expenses are almost always on his mind. He's living with a host family, of course. Before coming to the school he wasn't popular in the slightest, and he still isn't. Unless they're seeking him out to talk about his actual home country. (More to come at some point.)


  • He's never smoked or done drugs.
  • Sleep schedules don't mean a thing to him.
  • Enjoys American food.




Declan Joseph Kavinsky




Closeted Bisexual, assumed to be straight.




Hardcore Drug Dealer // Spoiled Kid // Rich Delinquent


Declan is 6'4, and his family hosts Josh's. No piercings, or tattoos for that matter. Just a number of bruises usually. He wears an assortment of rings, and usually dresses rather nicely. Blue eyes, blond hair. A clean enough looking guy, spare the bruises and constant bags under his eyes.



Kavinsky is the kind of guy you go to if you're a fan of the edge of a razor and cars in the night. He's fast paced, perhaps too fast for his own body. It's hard to have a full conversation with him without it going off into every imaginable direction. He's slightly weird, for sure. Insecurities make a large portion of his personality. He's afraid of the thought of others looking down upon him. His family life is overly complicated, and on account of this, he's spoiled in the monetary sense but it's left a rather massive gap where the familial love should be. Kavinsky is an addict, not necessarily drugs or alcohol by any means, but people and things rather. He buys himself expensive cars, certainly. Declan isn't a fan of the scholarly lifestyle, why bother when you can drop cash when needed? His first language English but he can speak fluently enough in Russian. His father runs an impressively large business, and his mother a model at one point, granted her beauty has long since faded. He's the man people go to when searching for something, or looking for someone to hurt them. Kavinsky is most simply put, the kind of guy that people cut themselves on. Everything about him is a warning: If this snake bit you, you had no one to blame but yourself.


Kavinsky is the son of a wealthy Bulgarian business CEO, and a former Miss America model. Childhood was complex, an absentee father, and a mother attempting to keep her looks. His mother did keep her looks, and life was rather simple spare the lack of his father at the home. Until age twelve, things seemed to be normal enough. He'd been in private school a majority of his life, until he landed himself in a minor scuffle. Their no violence policy left him without options. He'd agreed to hit up the public school circuit. He remained in the system, when he hit high school, he fell in line with the wrong crowd. Declan, an impressionable youth, wound up dealing. Soon enough he found money talks. He's certainly not short on cash, and drugs are easy enough to obtain. His mother, declining in beauty as she reached forty, was essentially left in the cold. Declan lives with his mother, and the circumstances regarding his father are left largely open for others to interpret should they so wish. He's spread a number of stories about his old man. Declan was born in America, and Russian is only in his vocabulary on account of his father.


  • He hosts some wicked parties every so often.
  • His mother is an addict.
  • He's spectacular at math despite never using the skill.
  • He enjoys racing and cars.
  • Secret dreams of being a mechanic.
  • He can deal most anything within reason.

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Character Sheet


Isabella lavenza


16 almost 17






Adrenaline junky


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.c56093ff411032e2b429d06b1ba1c8c7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97871" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.c56093ff411032e2b429d06b1ba1c8c7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Fun, outgoing, very flirty, loves to get into trouble

Bio (Optional) being born into a wealthy family she had everything she's ever wanted but always felt something was missing until her fifth birthday when her rich uncle bought her her first dirt bike and sparked her love for motor cross and a good adrenaline rush


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.425711d8a29d2a9a7c1f18ebc18df2e1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97873" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.425711d8a29d2a9a7c1f18ebc18df2e1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Skylar AnnaMaria Kennedy








Rich Kid.



Blonde hair, blue eyes, tongue, nose and navel pierced.





Skylar is isolated. Meaning her music is all she does half the time. She keeps her hood up, her eyes fixed on something else, and her Ipod on full blast all the time.

Skylar hates her stereotype and wishes that she could just be like everything else. But after the crash that killed her mother and Twin sister, she has been different and can't seem to associate with anyone.


Skylar moved from Macasawa Island with her father about a year ago. Before she moved, she was popular, she had friends that loved being around her. She was head cheerleader and things seemed to be looking up for her.

And then there was the car crash. The car crash that left her pancreas broken, her back torn with Scars, and her arms burnt up.

Skylar now has slightly off colored skin on her left arm. She has Scars running up and down her back. And she is now insulin dependant. Yeah that's right. Diabetic.

Ever since the crash, something has felt... different. She can't explain why.



Skylar has a pug puppy named Wrinkles.

An older brother named Patch

Had a twin sister named Taylar

Her instruments include:




Skylar has been known for her mad violin skills.




Jason ( Patch ) Kennedy




"Let's put it this way, I'm straighter than straight, but gaya as fuck"




Metal Head.



Dark hair, light eyes. Much abs.





Patch is screwed in the head. He moved out of the house about two months ago and now he's been getting drunk every night and partying all day. Or sleeping. Depends on the day.

Patch took a big hit when his mother and younger sister died. After that happened, he became over protective of the last piece of his mother that he had. Skylar.

Patch hates to disappoint her, but it seems like that's all he can do. But when he sees that his sister is closing off, something snaps.

Suddenly he wants to show her that the road he's going isn't good. But his ways are hard to change.


Patch comes from a broken home. From what he sees. His father became an alcoholic after his mother died.

Patch tries to shield Skylar from all of this. He tries so hard to make sure that she can come home each day and just find out that her father is at work or asleep. When really he is passes out in the bathtub.

Now that Patch has moved out, he only visits sometimes. And now Skylar is Isolated.

Patch debates whether coming home is a good idea or not.



Tattoos. A lot of them

A crappy apartment on a bad side of town

A younger sister. Skylar.

RandomFoodGirl said:



Skylar AnnaMaria Kennedy








Rich Kid.



Blonde hair, blue eyes, tongue, nose and navel pierced.





Skylar is isolated. Meaning her music is all she does half the time. She keeps her hood up, her eyes fixed on something else, and her Ipod on full blast all the time.

Skylar hates her stereotype and wishes that she could just be like everything else. But after the crash that killed her mother and Twin sister, she has been different and can't seem to associate with anyone.


Skylar moved from Macasawa Island with her father about a year ago. Before she moved, she was popular, she had friends that loved being around her. She was head cheerleader and things seemed to be looking up for her.

And then there was the car crash. The car crash that left her pancreas broken, her back torn with Scars, and her arms burnt up.

Skylar now has slightly off colored skin on her left arm. She has Scars running up and down her back. And she is now insulin dependant. Yeah that's right. Diabetic.

Ever since the crash, something has felt... different. She can't explain why.



Skylar has a pug puppy named Wrinkles.

An older brother named Patch

Had a twin sister named Taylar

Her instruments include:




Skylar has been known for her mad violin skills.




Jason ( Patch ) Kennedy




"Let's put it this way, I'm straighter than straight, but gaya as fuck"




Metal Head.



Dark hair, light eyes. Much abs.





Patch is screwed in the head. He moved out of the house about two months ago and now he's been getting drunk every night and partying all day. Or sleeping. Depends on the day.

Patch took a big hit when his mother and younger sister died. After that happened, he became over protective of the last piece of his mother that he had. Skylar.

Patch hates to disappoint her, but it seems like that's all he can do. But when he sees that his sister is closing off, something snaps.

Suddenly he wants to show her that the road he's going isn't good. But his ways are hard to change.


Patch comes from a broken home. From what he sees. His father became an alcoholic after his mother died.

Patch tries to shield Skylar from all of this. He tries so hard to make sure that she can come home each day and just find out that her father is at work or asleep. When really he is passes out in the bathtub.

Now that Patch has moved out, he only visits sometimes. And now Skylar is Isolated.

Patch debates whether coming home is a good idea or not.



Tattoos. A lot of them

A crappy apartment on a bad side of town

A younger sister. Skylar.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]

Character Sheet


Isabella lavenza


16 almost 17






Adrenaline junky


View attachment 217750


Fun, outgoing, very flirty, loves to get into trouble

Bio (Optional) being born into a wealthy family she had everything she's ever wanted but always felt something was missing until her fifth birthday when her rich uncle bought her her first dirt bike and sparked her love for motor cross and a good adrenaline rush


Both accepted! Jump on in at anytime!
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]@RandomFoodGirl wanna interact concise ring we where both just accepted?

Sure, Skylar is in the office and Patch is in English class.

Name: Diana Lewis

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Grade: 12/Senior

Stereotype: Wallflower



Personality: Most people don't know her personality, and, if asked, would just say "she's quiet, but she seems nice." This is completely true, but that's the very surface. Inside, she's very different, in the way that she's actually loud with people she knows, along with really prone to hugging/cuddling, and cracks a lot of jokes.

Bio: None

Other: She's 5'7", wears a lot of flower crowns, and has a simple tattoo on her collarbone of four completely black birds flying off towards her shoulder. They're symbolizing something, but no one but her knows what.

Dru said:

Name: Diana Lewis

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Grade: 12/Senior

Stereotype: Wallflower



Personality: Most people don't know her personality, and, if asked, would just say "she's quiet, but she seems nice." This is completely true, but that's the very surface. Inside, she's very different, in the way that she's actually loud with people she knows, along with really prone to hugging/cuddling, and cracks a lot of jokes.

Bio: None

Other: She's 5'7", wears a lot of flower crowns, and has a simple tattoo on her collarbone of four completely black birds flying off towards her shoulder. They're symbolizing something, but no one but her knows what.

Amaranthium said:



Josh Richard Ruppenthal.


17, nearly 18.






Foreign Exchange Student, Computer Nerd.


He's 6'4, and an avid fan of either looking really good, or like total trash. His style changes constantly, from hoodies to sweaters of the nicer variety. It's hardly to tell what he'll come to school looking like total trash, or like he has enough cash to buy designer. Extremely blue eyes. He's not a twig, but he certainly is skinny.



Josh is by no means the life of the party, generally people tell him he's the exact opposite. He's more likely to sit at home and scan over code for a few hours than visit the nearest booming social hub. Josh isn't the kind of guy that gets drunk at all, he's also beyond sarcastic. He runs his mouth entirely too much his own good. It's a wonder that he's yet to get in a fight. He wouldn't win a fight, most certainly. He's slightly insecure about the fact that he isn't from these parts. He's from Germany, and on account of it, he's got a slight accent. Although he doesn't let his insecurities show. He attempts to act as cool as possible, and his status as the foreign exchange student perhaps boosts this. Although apart from his school personality he's generally not very social, and more likely to let the slightly enthusiastic demeanor fade. He's not the best at some school aspects, and don't even get him started on gym. He's ina few AP classes, but he's not spectacular at math. He avoids the class from time to time, but generally his morals get in his way. Skipping isn't something he can do without feeling spectacularly bad about it.


The basics being he's from Germany originally. Coming here to study was the best course of action for him. He's fluid enough at English, but forgets his words from time to time. Computer code is one language he knows better than any. His parents have a somewhat small sum of money. He's middle class, expenses are almost always on his mind. He's living with a host family, of course. Before coming to the school he wasn't popular in the slightest, and he still isn't. Unless they're seeking him out to talk about his actual home country. (More to come at some point.)


  • He's never smoked or done drugs.
  • Sleep schedules don't mean a thing to him.
  • Enjoys American food.




Declan Joseph Kavinsky




Closeted Bisexual, assumed to be straight.




Hardcore Drug Dealer // Spoiled Kid // Rich Delinquent


Declan is 6'4, and his family hosts Josh's. No piercings, or tattoos for that matter. Just a number of bruises usually. He wears an assortment of rings, and usually dresses rather nicely. Blue eyes, blond hair. A clean enough looking guy, spare the bruises and constant bags under his eyes.



Kavinsky is the kind of guy you go to if you're a fan of the edge of a razor and cars in the night. He's fast paced, perhaps too fast for his own body. It's hard to have a full conversation with him without it going off into every imaginable direction. He's slightly weird, for sure. Insecurities make a large portion of his personality. He's afraid of the thought of others looking down upon him. His family life is overly complicated, and on account of this, he's spoiled in the monetary sense but it's left a rather massive gap where the familial love should be. Kavinsky is an addict, not necessarily drugs or alcohol by any means, but people and things rather. He buys himself expensive cars, certainly. Declan isn't a fan of the scholarly lifestyle, why bother when you can drop cash when needed? His first language English but he can speak fluently enough in Russian. His father runs an impressively large business, and his mother a model at one point, granted her beauty has long since faded. He's the man people go to when searching for something, or looking for someone to hurt them. Kavinsky is most simply put, the kind of guy that people cut themselves on. Everything about him is a warning: If this snake bit you, you had no one to blame but yourself.


Kavinsky is the son of a wealthy Bulgarian business CEO, and a former Miss America model. Childhood was complex, an absentee father, and a mother attempting to keep her looks. His mother did keep her looks, and life was rather simple spare the lack of his father at the home. Until age twelve, things seemed to be normal enough. He'd been in private school a majority of his life, until he landed himself in a minor scuffle. Their no violence policy left him without options. He'd agreed to hit up the public school circuit. He remained in the system, when he hit high school, he fell in line with the wrong crowd. Declan, an impressionable youth, wound up dealing. Soon enough he found money talks. He's certainly not short on cash, and drugs are easy enough to obtain. His mother, declining in beauty as she reached forty, was essentially left in the cold. Declan lives with his mother, and the circumstances regarding his father are left largely open for others to interpret should they so wish. He's spread a number of stories about his old man. Declan was born in America, and Russian is only in his vocabulary on account of his father.


  • He hosts some wicked parties every so often.
  • His mother is an addict.
  • He's spectacular at math despite never using the skill.
  • He enjoys racing and cars.
  • Secret dreams of being a mechanic.
  • He can deal most anything within reason.

Completely forgot about yours. Not that yours was bad or anything. I really like the characters, just completely forgot, sorry! But yeah, you're characters are accepted! Jump on in at anytime!

"Music is my life. It makes the disgusting silence leave. It is like another world to me. Sometimes, everything fades but the music."~Amelia Maria Peers


Basic Information



Amelia Maria Peers


If any nickname, Amelia would be like to called Ami, since she finds it sounding cute and innocent.

|Birth Date|










More Privat Information



She has not quite found out her sexuality, but is open to anything. Which means after all she is bisexual.

|Relationship Status|

Amelia had never had a boy- or girlfriend. Until now, nobody was interested in her in that way.




Music, Amelias music is her determination. As visible in the quote, she only feels comfortable when listening to music, composing it, making up texts and/or singing.


Writing, to be more detailled poetry. She loves it nearly as much as music, but it does not have the same effect on her. When she is alone, she will usually sit and write something. That somehow comes togehter with her making up texts usually.

Apperance, looks and other superficiallities



Amelia is a 5,4 feet tall, light brown haired girl. Her haircolor is natural and she is fine with it. She has light blue eyes and weights 110lbs. Amelia is unconfident about her body, still she usually wears only a little makeup. She has light freckles on her face.

|Clothing Style|

Amelia´s wardrobe consits of light colors. She wears dresses, pullovers and jeans, Amelia has a big repertoire of clothes.
"I’d say my fashion sense is a big mash-up of biker, classic, romantic. I think it’s really important to balance out your clothes proportions, as in the right mix of tight and baggy, I definitely prefer baggy!", is what she would say herself about it.

Personality, Habits and similiar informations



Amelia usually hums, as she feels more confident then. Sometimes she looses the reality while doing so, leading her to just walk straight forward until she hits something, is finished with her song or spoken to. That gets her lost more often than you expect. When she is spoken to while humming, she gets embarrassed, leading us to her second habit. Stuttering when embarrased or exited. That usually happens because Amelia has a lot to say in mind and cannot concentrate on what she really is saying currently. She also runs her fingers through her hair often when bored or embarrassed.


Her fourth and last habit is daydreaming. If bored or lonely, Amelia will randomly start to daydream. The subjects of her daydreams are random but oftenly still have something to do with the actual situation she is in.

(A bit like JD´s daydreams in "Scrubs" if that is known around here)


Amelia spends a lot of time with music. Singing, listening to it, making up texts or melodies. Amelia nearly always listens to music. If she is not in her room or eating something, she usually strolls around. This often ends up with her getting lost.





Nature, being outside

Talking to others



People making fun of her parents



Loud and hard music like metal


Amelia is feared of the dark, silence and spiders. So if she finds a spider in a dark room while nobody is around, she will most likely pass out.


Amelia is an extremely quirky girl with a serene disposition and some eccentric beliefs and qualities. She is a complete nonconformist; she lacks self-consciousness and is not afraid to show who she truly is. Amelia is also intelligent and unusually perceptive. Many think Amelia is bizarre.

Her demeanour and voice are often distant and dreamy, and she would drift away from a conversation she did not find interesting; however, whenever someone makes fun of her father, the airy, dreamy quality in her voice will vanish and be replaced by one of steel, and she will immediately becoming very angry. She has an uncanny way of making others uncomfortable by being bluntly honest. She is completely unflappable and rarely seemed anxious or under stress, except she is caught humming. Amelia is very good at comforting others.

Amelia was often the subject of ridicule and had difficulty making friends. Other students gave her the nickname of "Potato" and even stole and hid her things at her old school. She was unfazed by this, though, and instead chose to be nonjudgmental and accepting of the others around her. Amelia was very loyal to the few friends she had.



|Place of Origin|

Amelia is from Newhaven in England.


Amelia was born on 22nd of June 1997 as the only child of Bruno and Amanda Peers. The family was upper middle-class, giving her everything she needed without spoiling her. She was a very social kid from the begining, though she already was a dreamy one. In elementary school, she was often caught looking out of the window dreamingly. She had always loved music and with around 7, she began to often sing whatever came to her mind. That was her first composing. People quickly saw how good the things she made up sounded. Her daydreaming and from time to time loss of reality increased as she grew older, making her look weird to the majority of people. Those who came close enough to her and cope with her particullary strange personality found a good friend in her. Her parents saw how she got bullyied at her old school in Newhaven. They moved away and made her visit another school, hoping she would not have the same fate there. This is where we are now. Her first day in new school...
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Character Sheet

Name:Freddy Roke




Stereotype:Popular but Unusual.

Appearance:6ft tall with an athletic tone.

Personality:Friendly, outgoing, talkative, and helpful.

Bio: N/A

Other: Likes making new friends even if they fit outside his social club, Enjoys roaming the hallways and avoiding class as much as possible, and also a member of the football team but has to drop his bad habits of skipping class If he wants to remain on the team.​
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Name- Bella Bloomet



Grade- 11/

Popular Good Girl


Smart, Pretty, playful, athletic, brave, jokester, kind, friendly

Bio (Optional)- Nah

-Hates it when boys play with her. About 5'8", Always gets A's gets never brags about it. Always tries to help her friends, but sometimes makes it worse.
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Tanner Lucas Bamford










Grease Monkey


Height: 6'3

Weight: 210

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: dark brown kept short and spikes it at the top

Build: Has a muscular build from working kn the cars in his fathers scrap yard and working out.

Tattoos/Peircings: has spacers in his ears, has many different tattoos on his arms, back and one on his chest.


Tanner is an outgoing chatter box, he would keep you until the crows came home. Tanner is more seen as a country boy mainly because he lives on an old hobby farm and works on his fathers scrap yard. Tanner is a good kid who just has bad habits, such as smoking which his father complains about daily. Tanner is quick to judge people and he can come across as cold and very distant at first but once you get to know him you have a friend for life. Also Tanner is bluntly honest so if he doesnt like you he will simply tell you.

Bio (Optional)

Tanner doesn't like to get personal but if a good friend were to ask about his life he would probably and gladly tell them.


Tanner races in motocross, has ever since he was a kid.

His bike.


His truck (He rebuilt it from the scrap yard)


88 Dodge Ram.



Kevin Winters






Junior (11th)


The Military Kid


Thick glasses, black hoodie, jeans, green eyes.


Collected, socially awkward, kind, disciplined, quiet.

Bio (Optional)

Kevin lives in a house divided, his parents constantly fighting but refusing to leave each other, he lives with both parents and a sister who is in middle school. He mostly tries to block out the fighting with music. His family was always moving around because his dad is in the Army, but they finally decide to settle down so that Kevin could finish High School. When he was younger he was unsure of what he wanted to do, but now he's sure that he wants to follow his dad's path in the military. He also has picked up Computer Design as a hobby.

rskde said:



Kevin Winters






Junior (11th)


The Military Kid


Thick glasses, black hoodie, jeans, green eyes.


Collected, socially awkward, kind, disciplined, quiet.

Bio (Optional)

Kevin lives in a house divided, his parents constantly fighting but refusing to leave each other, he lives with both parents and a sister who is in middle school. He mostly tries to block out the fighting with music. His family was always moving around because his dad is in the Army, but they finally decide to settle down so that Kevin could finish High School. When he was younger he was unsure of what he wanted to do, but now he's sure that he wants to follow his dad's path in the military. He also has picked up Computer Design as a hobby.

Boondox said:


Tanner Lucas Bamford










Grease Monkey


Height: 6'3

Weight: 210

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: dark brown kept short and spikes it at the top

Build: Has a muscular build from working kn the cars in his fathers scrap yard and working out.

Tattoos/Peircings: has spacers in his ears, has many different tattoos on his arms, back and one on his chest.


Tanner is an outgoing chatter box, he would keep you until the crows came home. Tanner is more seen as a country boy mainly because he lives on an old hobby farm and works on his fathers scrap yard. Tanner is a good kid who just has bad habits, such as smoking which his father complains about daily. Tanner is quick to judge people and he can come across as cold and very distant at first but once you get to know him you have a friend for life. Also Tanner is bluntly honest so if he doesnt like you he will simply tell you.

Bio (Optional)

Tanner doesn't like to get personal but if a good friend were to ask about his life he would probably and gladly tell them.


Tanner races in motocross, has ever since he was a kid.

His bike.


His truck (He rebuilt it from the scrap yard)


88 Dodge Ram.
[QUOTE="Bella Bloomet]
Name- Bella Bloomet


Grade- 11/

Popular Good Girl


Smart, Pretty, playful, athletic, brave, jokester, kind, friendly

Bio (Optional)- Nah

-Hates it when boys play with her. About 5'8", Always gets A's gets never brags about it. Always tries to help her friends, but sometimes makes it worse.

TrainOfTrance said:


Character Sheet

Name:Freddy Roke




Stereotype:Popular but Unusual.

Appearance:6ft tall with an athletic tone.

Personality:Friendly, outgoing, talkative, and helpful.

Bio: N/A

Other: Likes making new friends even if they fit outside his social club, Enjoys roaming the hallways and avoiding class as much as possible, and also a member of the football team but has to drop his bad habits of skipping class If he wants to remain on the team.​
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]

"Music is my life. It makes the disgusting silence leave. It is like another world to me. Sometimes, everything fades but the music."~Amelia Maria Peers


Basic Information



Amelia Maria Peers


If any nickname, Amelia would be like to called Ami, since she finds it sounding cute and innocent.

|Birth Date|










More Privat Information



She has not quite found out her sexuality, but is open to anything. Which means after all she is bisexual.

|Relationship Status|

Amelia had never had a boy- or girlfriend. Until now, nobody was interested in her in that way.




Music, Amelias music is her determination. As visible in the quote, she only feels comfortable when listening to music, composing it, making up texts and/or singing.


Writing, to be more detailled poetry. She loves it nearly as much as music, but it does not have the same effect on her. When she is alone, she will usually sit and write something. That somehow comes togehter with her making up texts usually.

Apperance, looks and other superficiallities



Amelia is a 5,4 feet tall, light brown haired girl. Her haircolor is natural and she is fine with it. She has light blue eyes and weights 110lbs. Amelia is unconfident about her body, still she usually wears only a little makeup. She has light freckles on her face.

|Clothing Style|

Amelia´s wardrobe consits of light colors. She wears dresses, pullovers and jeans, Amelia has a big repertoire of clothes.
"I’d say my fashion sense is a big mash-up of biker, classic, romantic. I think it’s really important to balance out your clothes proportions, as in the right mix of tight and baggy, I definitely prefer baggy!", is what she would say herself about it.

Personality, Habits and similiar informations



Amelia usually hums, as she feels more confident then. Sometimes she looses the reality while doing so, leading her to just walk straight forward until she hits something, is finished with her song or spoken to. That gets her lost more often than you expect. When she is spoken to while humming, she gets embarrassed, leading us to her second habit. Stuttering when embarrased or exited. That usually happens because Amelia has a lot to say in mind and cannot concentrate on what she really is saying currently. She also runs her fingers through her hair often when bored or embarrassed.


Her fourth and last habit is daydreaming. If bored or lonely, Amelia will randomly start to daydream. The subjects of her daydreams are random but oftenly still have something to do with the actual situation she is in.

(A bit like JD´s daydreams in "Scrubs" if that is known around here)


Amelia spends a lot of time with music. Singing, listening to it, making up texts or melodies. Amelia nearly always listens to music. If she is not in her room or eating something, she usually strolls around. This often ends up with her getting lost.





Nature, being outside

Talking to others



People making fun of her parents



Loud and hard music like metal


Amelia is feared of the dark, silence and spiders. So if she finds a spider in a dark room while nobody is around, she will most likely pass out.


Amelia is an extremely quirky girl with a serene disposition and some eccentric beliefs and qualities. She is a complete nonconformist; she lacks self-consciousness and is not afraid to show who she truly is. Amelia is also intelligent and unusually perceptive. Many think Amelia is bizarre.

Her demeanour and voice are often distant and dreamy, and she would drift away from a conversation she did not find interesting; however, whenever someone makes fun of her father, the airy, dreamy quality in her voice will vanish and be replaced by one of steel, and she will immediately becoming very angry. She has an uncanny way of making others uncomfortable by being bluntly honest. She is completely unflappable and rarely seemed anxious or under stress, except she is caught humming. Amelia is very good at comforting others.

Amelia was often the subject of ridicule and had difficulty making friends. Other students gave her the nickname of "Potato" and even stole and hid her things at her old school. She was unfazed by this, though, and instead chose to be nonjudgmental and accepting of the others around her. Amelia was very loyal to the few friends she had.



|Place of Origin|

Amelia is from Newhaven in England.


Amelia was born on 22nd of June 1997 as the only child of Bruno and Amanda Peers. The family was upper middle-class, giving her everything she needed without spoiling her. She was a very social kid from the begining, though she already was a dreamy one. In elementary school, she was often caught looking out of the window dreamingly. She had always loved music and with around 7, she began to often sing whatever came to her mind. That was her first composing. People quickly saw how good the things she made up sounded. Her daydreaming and from time to time loss of reality increased as she grew older, making her look weird to the majority of people. Those who came close enough to her and cope with her particullary strange personality found a good friend in her. Her parents saw how she got bullyied at her old school in Newhaven. They moved away and made her visit another school, hoping she would not have the same fate there. This is where we are now. Her first day in new school...

I would love for all of you to join in but it seems the creator has abandoned this a while ago. So if you don't mind waiting a little longer guys I'm in the middle of trying to get permission to accept people. Im sorry for the inconveinence

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