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Realistic or Modern High School? How about no... {Always Accepting}


You're never gonna love me...so what the use?

Welcome to High School...Woo!

No, just no. It's not exactly where everyone want's to be unless you're

a nerd which in fact is a thing. Well anyways here's a few things you should know that

there are groups and those groups are made up by you and where you belong...

The preps, the emo's, the skaters, the stoners, the Jocks, The Nerds, or the outsiders...

some actually don't have any specifics but some do, well here's a high school for you.

So you'll begin a journey of romance, drama, and heart-break. Learn

to be outside the box and be who you truly are.

Jason stepped out of his sister's car and closed the door. His sister rolled down the window. "Enjoy your first day nerd." she said with a smile. Jason gave her a glare but smiled back. "Thanks mom." he replied mockingly. He put in headphones and turned on some Good Charlotte. He noticed a group of freshman staring at his sister as she drove away. Jason rolled his eyes and continued forward. Junior year. The year of endless possibilities; new friends, schoolwork, possible relationships, the band with his sister. There was a lot to think about this year. So much so the thought alone made Jason a little dizzy. He shook it off and entered the school, tapping his leg with the beat of The Anthem
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Azealia waltzed into school, ready for the day.She was ready for her first day at this new school. New friends, New experiences, New boys.., and a new life. She was shaky about this, but there wasn't any turning back.
Kirai Du

Kirai woke up, naked and not alone. He looked over to see what time it was, "7:00 am... Not late for once." He mumbled and then looked over to his side. Kirai smiled at the sight of a brunette beauty sleeping peacefully beside him. After gawking for a minute he sat up and stretched his small arms into the air, letting out a yawn before standing up. The shuffling woke up the girl beside him and she looked at his bare back with a smile. She followed him into the bathroom where Kirai had a pretty great shower.

It was 7:35 am by the time Kirai was showered, groomed, and dressed. He headed downstairs after pointing toward the drawer full of girl clothing for the brunette. Kirai plopped some bread into the toaster and saw a note on the refrigerator. 'Sorry son but your mom and I have work again. We'll see you next week maybe! ~Dad.' "Yeah right." Kirai mumbled and ripped the note off the fridge then ripped it in half. He threw it into the trash and checked on the toast. Kirai took the time to reflect that he was now a senior. 'Ew responsibility...' He thought knowing he will graduate after this year and will be responsible to get a job and stuff.

By the time the toast was done, the brunette was downstairs, dressed and brushing her long hair. Kirai handed her a piece of toast and lead her outside to his car. The two jumped in and drove to the school. Once they were at the school, Kirai opened the door for the gorl and they walk in together. He walked her to her locker like the "gentleman" he is and gave her a kiss goodbye. Well, it was more of them making out for a bit but who needs details anymore. With a big grin on his face he headed out to his locker.

Jean Blackwood

Jean woke up groggily at 7:10 am when her alarm went off. She turned it off and sat up rubbing her eyes. Once again, she stayed up till 4 watching YouTube and brainstorming ideas. Jean stood up with a groan and made her way to the bathroom. She groomed herself and didn't bother with a shower since she took one last night. Jean dressed up in a green hoodie with a tri-force on it and some grey skinny jeans. She was never a big fan of video games but she did watch YouTubers play games from time to time when bored. The Zelda games being one of her favorites.

It was 7:30 am when Jean made it downstairs and started toasting a bagel. She let out a sigh as she grabbed a carton of orange juice from the fridge and drank it from the carton. It was the start of a brand new school year for Jean and she was going to be a Sophomore. 'Maybe this time I'll get to make friends.' She thought to herself as she put the carton back and checked on her bagel.

When it was done she grabbed it and checked the time. "7:40. I better go." She mumbled and made her way to the door. "MA, DAD! I'M LEAVING!" Jean yelled and her parents came downstairs to send her off. "Bye dear, stay safe!" Her mom said giving Jean a kiss on the forehead. Jean nodded and then waved bye as she walked out the door.

Fortunately, the school wasn't to far from her mansion of a home. By the time she made it, the time was 7:55 and Jean entered the school looking around.
Earlier in the morning. . .

"Micah... You worthless little sh*t. F**k you. Get up."

He was panting. He must've kicked Micah over twenty times.

At this point, his heart was racing.

The boy he thought he loved.

His shoe came towards his face.


Micah woke up screaming.

His gentle hand traced the scars on his right arm.




He was ruined.

All he needed was Evan...

He needed Evan.

And he couldn't wait.

He picked up his phone. 3 am.

A panicked call would get Evan there.

"e-Eva-nn.... I n-need y-you..."

"I'm on my way, baby. It's okay. Shhh... I'll be right there...


He was there in a couple minutes, panting. He must've run at least 2 miles.

'More than my pathetic legs could carry me...' Micah thought.

Evan climbed in the window.

He stroked Micah's hair, and hugged him.




Micah fell asleep.

When he arrived at school...

Evan walked away.

He didn't understand why Evan had to leave.

He hated Evan's parents.

My god, he hated them.

Because Evan was alone when Micah came to him.

Evan couldn't...

He couldn't talk about it.

Thinking about it hurt him.

He had to recover.

It wasn't that often, but Micah's panic attacks were reoccurring.

He didn't know who his friends were anymore, honestly.

High school... No...

It's harder than he thought.

Micah was lost.

But he was still happy.

Smiling in the halls.

It wasn't even fake smiling.

It was normal for him.

Keep smiling.








Evan woke up later than he planned, his mom had to wake him up. He quickly took a shower, got dressed and fixed his hair. He made his way downstairs, his mom had made him breakfast, not wanting to waste it he sat down and ate. Once he was finished her grabbed his book bag and truck keys and drove to school. Once he arrived he sat in his truck for a few minutes, he wasn't too excited but he knew he had no choice but to go in. He slowly walked into the school


Layla made sure to get up early for school, she had an outfit picked out and everything, she was actually really excited. She curled her bright red hair, put her make up on and got changed. She went into the kitchen and made her self a bowl of cereal. Once she was finished she put her heels on and grabbed her bag and keys to her car and walked out. Once she got to the school she got out of her car and walked confidently into the school
Luna pulled up to the school and jumped out of the car. She walked up to the administration to get a schedule. " HELLO?! Anyone here?"
Azealia was eager.

"Zeal.. you piece of sh*t" she mumbled when she realised that hardly anybody was here. she wished for more sleep. Azealia sat outside for awhile waiting for a group to walk with.
The first of School and it was her Junior Year. Shinoa could hardly wait, but it was only way of staying out of the house besides the part time job that she had at a Grocery Store down near her house. Since she got her Driver's License over the summer, that meant that she got to drive her new Sports Car, a Nissan GT-R NISMO, which was a gift from one of her Relatives for passing her driving test in the summer. Sighing, she grabbed her school bag and entered the school quietly. The first place she went to of course was the Cafeteria. As she sat down, she pulled out a book that she started reading over the summer and opened it.
The old lady at the desk finally gave Luna a schedule after 20 minutes. Looking down to find her locker number she notice she was missing her purse " damn..." She turned in her boots and stormed outside to her car.
Luna turned to go back inside and noticed a girl standing alone ' might as well' she walked up to her and smiled. @arbellia "Hey, mind if I stand with you?"


Eve stepped out of her old car and grabbed her coffee. She closed the door and walked over to the other side of the car. Her brother was sitting in the passenger seat asleep, and leaning on the door. She smiled to herself before opening the door and letting him stubble out. "I thought I told you to buckle up?" She smirked at his reaction. "Don't give me that look." She shot at him when he gave her an evil glare. She adjusted her bag and waited for him to get out of the car.

They headed towards the school together. Eve looked over at her brother and sighed quietly. "You need a haircut." She said bluntly. 'Kay, mom.' He replied back she noticed him rolling his eyes. "Girls like guys with shorter hair." She persisted, but after a moment she dropped the subject. "If you need anything text me, but act like you don't know me." Eve laughed at her own words. She didn't want everyone to know that Daniel was her brother if at all possible, but she didn't want to leave him like a fish out of water. It was his first year here after all. "You know where you're going?" He nodded and waved as he walked off, entering the set of double doors. Eve wished he at least said goodbye, but she'd get him back for it later. She walked into school, and headed toward the office to pick up her schedule.
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Luna smiled. "Nice to meet you Zeal, I'm Luna, but you can call me Lulu too. Whatever your comfortable with. So, did you go here last year?" @arbellia
Jason stood around by the main entrance and watched as people went by. He knew most of them, he knew a lot of people at school. He went to a lot of parties but he hardly considered himself popular. More like known. He gave greetings to some friends as they went by but stayed where he was. He liked watching for new faces. He saw a senior that was shorter than him with a brunette girl. He saw a pair of girls standing around. He noticed a redhead whom he didn't know. He thought about introducing himself but decided against it. People had a way of finding him. He saw a girl head for the cafeteria, Shinoa he thought her name was.

While standing around Jason realized that he started strumming slightly with his right hand and his left hand was subtly fingering the chords to the song he was listening to. Anyone with an inkling of musical talent would be able to see he was practicing when he didn't actually have his guitar. Others might just think it's a twitch or not even notice it at all. While Jason was self conscious about someone seeing this he didn't mind that much. Anyone who knew him knew he played any instrument he could get his hands on. So he stood there and played an imaginary guitar next to the main office.
Luna started to subconsciously braid her bright purple hair, " oh cool, it's my first year too, I'm a Junior. And there is nothing wrong with moving, I do it all the time." @arbellia Luna notices a guy standing a bit off, "wow do you see home Zeal?"

Eve was on her way to the office, as she walked she noticed a boy playing an imaginary guitar she laughed a little at the sight and got in line for the main desk. She thought about talking to him, but he didn't look like the type who'd give her the time of day. She was bummed out now so she got out her headphones and put one in her ear, letting the other fall to her side. She put on a random Twenty-One Pilots song and tapped her finger to the beat.

Dani had already gotten his schedule, his mom emailed the superintendent for it a week before school started. He headed towards his first class and sat in the back. It was an advanced english class, the only class he actually cared about. He put both headphones in and let the music wash over him like a flood.​

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" He is the only guy out here for one, and two, he's not too bad looking." She states bluntly. "Oh hey, when does class start? We've been out here for a while"

Jean Blackwood

Jean looked behind her and noticed a guy near the main office strumming on an imaginary guitar. 'He seems like he's having fun. I won't bother him.' She thought and made her way to her locker. Once at her locker Jean grabbed the supplies she needed for the morning. Fortunately, the red head girl went over her schedule a million times last night memorizing all of it. With that said, Jean closed her locker door and made her way to Advance English. There, she saw a dude with headphones already sitting in the back. Jean sat at a window seat and looked out to see the sunrise. She let out a bored sigh and proceeded to get out her laptop.
Micah sat off to the side, watching Evan walk in.

((Free to approach))

Evan was f**ked.

A new year, a new round of people.

He had been going to this school for quite some time now.

Evan had also lived there prior. Actually, since he was born.

Evan's mind wandered as the he walked the halls. They were muggy with people. Luckily, his locker was not surrounded.

Locker 1830 far away from the crowded halls. He had enough time to put a lock on and throw his stuff in.

His eye caught a familiar face or two as they wandered the halls.

Considering his proximity to the office, he saw a new boy, apparently playing air guitar. He could recognize that song anywhere.

Though he enjoyed being a little hipster, he really like that band.

At least, he hoped it was the band he was thinking of.

Well, he didn't want to be another trend.

He suddenly felt like he wasn't wearing enough black.

Evan was still a bit shaken up about Micah, but he couldn't approach the boy. Everyone knew him.

His parents were the town's pride. Why?

Well, they were the best of the best in the police force.

He didn't like violence, partly because of them.

Evan seemed a lot more threatening than he was.

But, of course, that's life.
Luna perks up, " I'll go with you!" She says grinning.

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