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Fantasy High school for the angelic, and demonic

"Yeah I guess your right. I would ask Matsu's wife. Shes had 5 and has another on on the way." Says Shield.
Kyra heard something meow outside and Kiri went to get the door. Kyra placed the finished tacos on a tray and went to see who had been on the porch. She looked down and saw a little black cat... But it was talking! "Riku?" Kyra looked at her, a confused look on her face. "Um, yeah sure you can have some tacos. Oh Kiri you don't have to give her yours I made extra." She said, going back inside. Ai flew down to the cat Riku and smiled. "Well that's odd. But I guess you're a cat now!" She said and flew over to get some chip crumbs. Ai looked back at Kyra and smirked, looking at her belly and then at Kiri. Kyra gave her a look that said "what are you doing?"

(Riku's catching on!)
"Really?! Wow, I guess she has her hands full.." Cree says, smiling. "Can you ask Matsu if we can come over to talk?" She asked
"Yeah ill text him now." Says Shield texting Matsuda.

" We kind of have an old friend over." Texts Matsu.

" He says he has an old friend over. " Says Shield.
Saori stares as Daimon enters the room, covering her mouth to fight off tears as Matsu confuses him with Tidis...she stays quiet, reaching her hand out to Matsu, shaking her head from side to side in a way as to say no. @Krillin

Riku almost drools at the Tacos but watches Ai's strange behaviour, she always paid attention to the guardians as she found they looked a lot like cat toys and as much as she tried couldn't not keep her eyes off them, she tilts her head sideways as she tries to follow her eye line, suddenly looking at Kyra's stomach and then at Kiri "huh?" she says quietly to herself, taking a bite of the taco whilst thinking it over, suddenly she froze, sniffing the air, '"i..it couldn't be..." she said staring at Kyra one paw in the air. @Spotine @NightCasterZ

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