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Fantasy High School for special kids

Name: Lux Carbourne

Age: 16

Race: Elf

Appearance: half a foot tall, red haired, caucasian, black overcoat, white t shirt, blue jeans, green crocs

Power: Speed, Fitting through small places, shrinking to an inch tall

Bio: Born to the tree elf family, Lux Carbourne has always had a fascination with women. However, for a member of the most sensual species, he's always been a bit awkward. Overly flirtatious, obnoxious, and perverted, Lux doesn't get very many courtships. In fact, he gets none. But, he tries and tries and tries again. And one day, he will get some.

Sexuallity: Hetrosexual

Likes: Women/Girls,

Dislikes: Other Boys, Animals,

Crush: Depends

1 Fun fact!: Lux is an early bloomer,
Ammy said:

Name: Augustus G. Parris

Age: Seventeen

Race: Gifted Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual




+ As his power would imply, Augustus is fond of electronics in all forms and is frequently attempting to find ways to "improve" upon them, though the degree of success he achieves is based heavily on one's personal viewpoint due to the weird directions he tends to take things.

+ Going back to his love of improving upon designs others have created, he has developed a great deal of skill in sketching over the years as he's scribbled down his ideas. While this is mostly done in the name of progress he does show his more artistic side now and then, putting the paper the more abstract things his imagination may come up with or even people and places that have he claims have "inspired" him.

+ Winter. The feeling of cold air surrounding him and snow hiding much of his environment had always made him feel that it was a good time for new beginnings.


- Violence. Above all else, Augustus prides himself in his ability to negotiate himself into advantageous positions. Because of this in spite of his past actions and abilities he has very rarely been trapped in a situation where he was forced to fight. When faced with direct combat as an absolute last resort he is much more likely to lock up in fear rather than emerge victorious.

- Confined areas. While not enough to induce him into a panic, he does become extremely uncomfortable when in small areas, feeling the need to have the nearest door at least slightly ajar at all times.

- Card games. Being the kind of person whose feelings can be immediately read through his body language and actions Augustus is the absolutely last person you would want to cheer for in a poker game. Being the kind of person who aspires to not only succeed but clearly rise above others in any field he feels compelled to pursue, his pride has taken quite a hit after losing several dozens of various different games. Referring to it as "beneath him", he tends to stay away from them and any kind of deception driven challenge.


Technology Manipulation; Augustus has the ability to affect machinery and electronics within several square miles of his physical location.


+ The most common use for this power is the ability to will an object into malfunctioning. In a battle guns will suddenly lock up, becoming unable to fire. Computers containing sensitive information will inexplicably have their hard drives wiped clean. Transportation will shut down during an attempted escape. In a world largely owned by humans reliant on such means it proves itself quite useful.

+ The other use his power can provide is that of manipulation. Any password locked terminal or service will immediately open itself upon his touch. Vehicles become hilariously easy to start regardless of the objects on his person. When faced with an object that is operated remotely he is able to impose his will onto it so that it can share it's findings directly to him with any need for a monitoring system.


- While this power does offer a great deal of utility it does not add much in the way of offense. In combat Augustus is much better suited to a supporting role as he is unable to deal much damage beyond that of a normal human.

- The level of control over his power is still being developed. Under normal circumstances he is able to accurately target a single device, but when placed under a severe amount of mental or emotional stress it tends to either cease functioning or short out every object within range. The outcome of which can be as minor as bricking every single student's phone on school grounds to causing catastrophic injury depending on his surroundings.

- When controlling objects remotely, this is done by placing a very basic digital copy of his personality and desire to act as an artificial intelligence. While effective this can also end up being rather revealing as to his character, his targets occasionally acting upon his subconscious to carry out completely different (and often embarrassing) tasks.


Raised in a single parent household, Augustus, his mother Amelia, and his sister Lydia all had fairly quiet and peaceful lives. Unfortunately once he turned ten things began to change. Devices such as his friends video games and televisions began to shut down and refuse to power back on whenever he was nearby. Though initially dismissed as just a series of odd events, it very quickly became clear to everyone that this was his fault. Rumors spread across his school of the "cursed kid" and he soon found himself alone.

Through a series of trials and errors he slowly began to develop control over his new found power. He began to withdraw into his own devices, tinkering with whatever captured his interest to learn more about it. Before long he learned that he was able to directly manipulate objects beyond causing them to power on and off, practicing this on an old remote control car.

At the age of thirteen tragedy struck the family when his mother suddenly passed away from a rare heart condition. Lydia, now away at college, quickly decided to return home to help provide for her brother. Due to her hard work they were able to continue on as a family, though with the discovery of his powers Augustus began to question exactly why they should be left wanting for anything. So he did what any person his age would do in this position; abuse his power for monetary gain.

It began with smaller tasks such as forcing ATM machines to dispense large amounts of cash, but as his abilities grew he had his eyes on larger prizes. After a short period he now found himself breaking into banks after they closed, remotely shutting off all security and retreating with a large chunk of their cash. Aware of what was going on, Lydia wasn't entirely comfortable with her brother's actions but reluctantly accepted, happy to have the additional income even if it did come through questionable actions.

While his heists had gone smooth for a while eventually his luck had to run out. Approached by a group claiming to be seeking what they referred to as "irregulars" they confronted Augustus over his actions and threatened to turn him in. Rather than immediately act upon this though, they decided to offer him an alternative. They would pay for his family's expenses in full so long as he attended a unique school and continued to strengthen his power.

While he questioned exactly what their motives were he wasn't about to call their bluff. With that, he and his sister relocated to nearby the location in question. Now surrounded by other-worldly beings, demons, and passing rumors of an incoming conflict various criminal associations, Augustus is trying his hardest to find his place among all the chaos.


One Fun Fact!: For his soft-spoken nature he is actually a huge closet fan of musicals. When he believes himself to be alone he can be caught singing cheerfully.​
TacoBadgers said:
Name: Lux Carbourne
Age: 16

Race: Elf

Appearance: half a foot tall, red haired, caucasian, black overcoat, white t shirt, blue jeans, green crocs

Power: Speed, Fitting through small places, shrinking to an inch tall

Bio: Born to the tree elf family, Lux Carbourne has always had a fascination with women. However, for a member of the most sensual species, he's always been a bit awkward. Overly flirtatious, obnoxious, and perverted, Lux doesn't get very many courtships. In fact, he gets none. But, he tries and tries and tries again. And one day, he will get some.

Sexuallity: Hetrosexual

Likes: Women/Girls,

Dislikes: Other Boys, Animals,

Crush: Depends

1 Fun fact!: Lux is an early bloomer,
Accepted :)
TacoBadgers said:
Name: Lux Carbourne
Age: 16

Race: Elf

Appearance: half a foot tall, red haired, caucasian, black overcoat, white t shirt, blue jeans, green crocs

Power: Speed, Fitting through small places, shrinking to an inch tall

Bio: Born to the tree elf family, Lux Carbourne has always had a fascination with women. However, for a member of the most sensual species, he's always been a bit awkward. Overly flirtatious, obnoxious, and perverted, Lux doesn't get very many courtships. In fact, he gets none. But, he tries and tries and tries again. And one day, he will get some.

Sexuallity: Hetrosexual

Likes: Women/Girls,

Dislikes: Other Boys, Animals,

Crush: Depends

1 Fun fact!: Lux is an early bloomer,
Aren't elves supposed to be tall? I forget
Name: Aurath

Age: 17

Race: Venenji

Apperence: Long silver hair, a scar that stretches acrost the left eye from eyebrow to jawline, silver eyes with red pupils. 6 foot tall with silver bladed wings. (wings only out when needed)

Powers: Vanenji ability and controll over madness.

Bio: Proud and honorable, but verry unperdictable Comonly found in the strangest places, such as napping in the rafters of a building. Comes from a Long Royal bloodline of Venenji, A race that is a branch of of genji.

Sexuallity: Prefers female gender

Likes: Books, Music, Honorable people, Insanity

Dislikes: Dishonorable people, Fighting without a reason

Crush: none currently

1 FunFact: Takes Many forms thanks to venenji powers And has a called Moonfang that he has never unsheathed
[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood]Name: Aurath
Age: 17

Race: Venenji

Apperence: Long silver hair, a scar that stretches acrost the left eye from eyebrow to jawline, silver eyes with red pupils. 6 foot tall with silver bladed wings. (wings only out when needed)

Powers: Vanenji ability and controll over madness.

Bio: Proud and honorable, but verry unperdictable Comonly found in the strangest places, such as napping in the rafters of a building. Comes from a Long Royal bloodline of Venenji, A race that is a branch of of genji.

Sexuallity: Prefers female gender

Likes: Books, Music, Honorable people, Insanity

Dislikes: Dishonorable people, Fighting without a reason

Crush: none currently

1 FunFact: Takes Many forms thanks to venenji powers And has a called Moonfang that he has never unsheathed

Accepted :)
((Apologies for the unique formatting. Repurposing this character from a Persona roleplay that died off, thought it'd be fun to bring her back.))



  • image.gif






    Enhanced Human / Parasite Host


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Ammy said:
((Apologies for the unique formatting. Repurposing this character from a Persona roleplay that died off, thought it'd be fun to bring her back.))



  • image.gif






    Enhanced Human / Parasite Host



  • Accepted :)
Name: Sylv Windy

Age: 7

Race: Banshee



Power: Super marksman

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Doesn't have kind emotions


The forsaky, her people


The living

Arth, the Lich Boy

Crush: None

1 Fun fact!: Is the leader of the Forsaky


Name: Illi Stormie

Age: 9

Race: Night Elf



Power: Ability to see through walls, lies and invisibility

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Straight



Crush: Tyra

1 Fun fact!: Is part demon but hunts demons


Name: Arth, the Lich Boy

Age: 6

Race: Undead Human



Power: Ability to summon the dead

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Straight

Likes: The undead




The living

Crush: Sylv

1 Fun fact!: Is slightly corrupted


Name: Che the Stout

Age: 8

Race: Pandaren



Power: Kung-fu!

Bio: TBR

Sexuality: Straight


Peace, family, training


Destruction, D-Wing

Crush: Tyra

1 Fun fact!: Loves to drink tea


Name: D-Wing

Age: 4

Race: Dragon Aspect



Power: Flight, ability to breath fire

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Straight


Flying, metal, fire



Crush: None

1 Fun fact!: Hates the colour blue for an unknown reason


Name: Tyra Whisper

Age: 9

Race: Night Elf



Power: Can heal her friends

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Straight


Boys, Looking good


Volj, Ugliness

Crush: Vari

1 Fun fact!: Takes 2 hours to do her hair


Name: Murl Murl

Age: 2

Race: Murloc



Power: Undiscovered

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Undecided.




Being alone, being helpless

Crush: None. Too young.

1 Fun fact!: Can't speak proper english


Name: Vari Wyn

Age: 11

Race: Human



Power: Super sword fighting

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Straight


Fighting, people, girls


Vari, Muri

Crush: None. Just likes hanging out with girls

1 Fun fact!: The sword he uses was once his father's


Name: Volj

Age: 11

Race: Troll



Power: Voo-doo

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Straight


Skulls, trolls, fighting




Crush: Tyra

1 Fun fact!: He is very tall<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-9_17-55-47.jpeg.869ddfdedce2e4dec7feb7d67894ed48.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-9_17-55-47.jpeg.869ddfdedce2e4dec7feb7d67894ed48.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-9_17-57-37.jpeg.c44abf61a5eec8e662ec6c6590e1c750.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-9_17-57-37.jpeg.c44abf61a5eec8e662ec6c6590e1c750.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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NightCasterZ said:
Name: Sylv Windy
Age: 7

Race: Banshee



Power: Super marksman

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Doesn't have kind emotions


The forsaky, her people


The living

Arth, the Lich Boy

Crush: None

1 Fun fact!: Is the leader of the Forsaky


Name: Illi Stormie

Age: 9

Race: Night Elf



Power: Ability to see through walls, lies and invisibility

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Straight



Crush: Tyra

1 Fun fact!: Is part demon but hunts demons


Name: Arth, the Lich Boy

Age: 6

Race: Undead Human



Power: Ability to summon the dead

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Straight

Likes: The undead




The living

Crush: Sylv

1 Fun fact!: Is slightly corrupted


Name: Che the Stout

Age: 8

Race: Pandaren



Power: Kung-fu!

Bio: TBR

Sexuality: Straight


Peace, family, training


Destruction, D-Wing

Crush: Tyra

1 Fun fact!: Loves to drink tea


Name: D-Wing

Age: 4

Race: Dragon Aspect



Power: Flight, ability to breath fire

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Straight


Flying, metal, fire



Crush: None

1 Fun fact!: Hates the colour blue for an unknown reason


Name: Tyra Whisper

Age: 9

Race: Night Elf



Power: Can heal her friends

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Straight


Boys, Looking good


Volj, Ugliness

Crush: Vari

1 Fun fact!: Takes 2 hours to do her hair


Name: Murl Murl

Age: 2

Race: Murloc



Power: Undiscovered

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Undecided.




Being alone, being helpless

Crush: None. Too young.

1 Fun fact!: Can't speak proper english


Name: Vari Wyn

Age: 11

Race: Human



Power: Super sword fighting

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Straight


Fighting, people, girls


Vari, Muri

Crush: None. Just likes hanging out with girls

1 Fun fact!: The sword he uses was once his father's


Name: Volj

Age: 11

Race: Troll



Power: Voo-doo

Bio: TBR

Sexuallity: Straight


Skulls, trolls, fighting




Crush: Tyra

1 Fun fact!: He is very tall
That was many characters :o the limit is 2 O.o and they are all very young
I would be interested in joining, but I'm not quite sure what the is happening in the IC at the moment, making it a little hard to jump in. The last three or so pages have been a 1x1 conversation for the most part so I'm lost haha.
name: Maximus Void

Race: satan's son

bio: when he was 5 yrs old his adoptive mother (Which he did not know about ) Died from a mysterious cause. alone in the world he was encounter by a mysterious man In which case he called himself Tom of whome he descibed to himself was a friend of his father's and asked if he would like to encompany Maximus . 10 yrs later of training from Tom supervision tom is murdered bye an angel wrapped in white silk he looked at the stanger with hate but found out it was a woman by the face subscribtion and maximus decided to fight for the first time in his training and the stranger stabbed him in the stomache but strangely healed and beat the stranger almost to death until finally deciding to stop the woman injected him with a fluid and he fell unconsious he then found himself in a dimly lit room and the woman had to discover that maximus was his son by the sign of the anti-christ burnet into him Maximus did not believe his mother and decided to break free and it worked he broke right through the chains and this time killed her and he fell unconcious again and found himself in an alley with a glass of vodka in his hand who is then encountered

by Tom but horribly disfigured and told tom an ugly truth that it was tom that killed his adoptive mother and he is his younger brother Gale and this whole time he was waiting just the right time to murder maximus but he was sent back to hell and return but he was not all the way complete and Gale grabbed a blade from his back was made from flames on the blade and dark ebony for the hilt and then he went after maximus but maximus encountered the attack and took the blade all of a sudden the blades flame burst into a million and Maximus grew all the power of he ever dreamed of and killed gale but this time gale transformed in a puff of smoke and a book was left. he used the phrase COOLI-BOONIS-AUGHT-LUNG and he fell into a dark abise and actually met his father SATAN and maximus void was hired as SATAN's loyal assassin but maximus instead stole a blade from the room of satan and stabbed him in the back maximus has stolen SoulBane


Likes:the thrill of meeting knew people

Dislikes:people that pushes his limits,ColeSlaw

Crush: only if they ask (;

Weapon: SoulBane(on his back)

He's a natural born assassin and kills for the fun of it

Abilities: Regeneration, Teleportation, Summons Undead and Demons, His limit is going into complete rage which makes him 5x stronger

He enjoyes eating sandwiches

oh he wears a black trench coat( made from demon flesh) black jeans(from walmart) black boots ( he found him)

has crazy sandy blond hair and long sideburns
Bobbles said:
name: Maximus Void
Race: satan's son

bio: when he was 5 yrs old his adoptive mother (Which he did not know about ) Died from a mysterious cause. alone in the world he was encounter by a mysterious man In which case he called himself Tom of whome he descibed to himself was a friend of his father's and asked if he would like to encompany Maximus . 10 yrs later of training from Tom supervision tom is murdered bye an angel wrapped in white silk he looked at the stanger with hate but found out it was a woman by the face subscribtion and maximus decided to fight for the first time in his training and the stranger stabbed him in the stomache but strangely healed and beat the stranger almost to death until finally deciding to stop the woman injected him with a fluid and he fell unconsious he then found himself in a dimly lit room and the woman had to discover that maximus was his son by the sign of the anti-christ burnet into him Maximus did not believe his mother and decided to break free and it worked he broke right through the chains and this time killed her and he fell unconcious again and found himself in an alley with a glass of vodka in his hand who is then encountered

by Tom but horribly disfigured and told tom an ugly truth that it was tom that killed his adoptive mother and he is his younger brother Gale and this whole time he was waiting just the right time to murder maximus but he was sent back to hell and return but he was not all the way complete and Gale grabbed a blade from his back was made from flames on the blade and dark ebony for the hilt and then he went after maximus but maximus encountered the attack and took the blade all of a sudden the blades flame burst into a million and Maximus grew all the power of he ever dreamed of and killed gale but this time gale transformed in a puff of smoke and a book was left. he used the phrase COOLI-BOONIS-AUGHT-LUNG and he fell into a dark abise and actually met his father SATAN and maximus void was hired as SATAN's loyal assassin but maximus instead stole a blade from the room of satan and stabbed him in the back maximus has stolen SoulBane


Likes:the thrill of meeting knew people

Dislikes:people that pushes his limits,ColeSlaw

Crush: only if they ask (;

Weapon: SoulBane(on his back)

He's a natural born assassin and kills for the fun of it

Abilities: Regeneration, Teleportation, Summons Undead and Demons, His limit is going into complete rage which makes him 5x stronger

He enjoyes eating sandwiches

oh he wears a black trench coat( made from demon flesh) black jeans(from walmart) black boots ( he found him)

has crazy sandy blond hair and long sideburns
Wait wtf. Who accepted you?


Bobbles said:
name: Maximus Void
Race: satan's son

bio: when he was 5 yrs old his adoptive mother (Which he did not know about ) Died from a mysterious cause. alone in the world he was encounter by a mysterious man In which case he called himself Tom of whome he descibed to himself was a friend of his father's and asked if he would like to encompany Maximus . 10 yrs later of training from Tom supervision tom is murdered bye an angel wrapped in white silk he looked at the stanger with hate but found out it was a woman by the face subscribtion and maximus decided to fight for the first time in his training and the stranger stabbed him in the stomache but strangely healed and beat the stranger almost to death until finally deciding to stop the woman injected him with a fluid and he fell unconsious he then found himself in a dimly lit room and the woman had to discover that maximus was his son by the sign of the anti-christ burnet into him Maximus did not believe his mother and decided to break free and it worked he broke right through the chains and this time killed her and he fell unconcious again and found himself in an alley with a glass of vodka in his hand who is then encountered

by Tom but horribly disfigured and told tom an ugly truth that it was tom that killed his adoptive mother and he is his younger brother Gale and this whole time he was waiting just the right time to murder maximus but he was sent back to hell and return but he was not all the way complete and Gale grabbed a blade from his back was made from flames on the blade and dark ebony for the hilt and then he went after maximus but maximus encountered the attack and took the blade all of a sudden the blades flame burst into a million and Maximus grew all the power of he ever dreamed of and killed gale but this time gale transformed in a puff of smoke and a book was left. he used the phrase COOLI-BOONIS-AUGHT-LUNG and he fell into a dark abise and actually met his father SATAN and maximus void was hired as SATAN's loyal assassin but maximus instead stole a blade from the room of satan and stabbed him in the back maximus has stolen SoulBane


Likes:the thrill of meeting knew people

Dislikes:people that pushes his limits,ColeSlaw

Crush: only if they ask (;

Weapon: SoulBane(on his back)

He's a natural born assassin and kills for the fun of it

Abilities: Regeneration, Teleportation, Summons Undead and Demons, His limit is going into complete rage which makes him 5x stronger

He enjoyes eating sandwiches

oh he wears a black trench coat( made from demon flesh) black jeans(from walmart) black boots ( he found him)

has crazy sandy blond hair and long sideburns
Limitations of his regeneration, undead summoning, and Teleportation?
Olissa said:
I would be interested in joining, but I'm not quite sure what the is happening in the IC at the moment, making it a little hard to jump in. The last three or so pages have been a 1x1 conversation for the most part so I'm lost haha.
We are just trolling in the waiting for others ;) so jump in whenever and we come to you ;)


Bobbles said:
name: Maximus Void
Race: satan's son

bio: when he was 5 yrs old his adoptive mother (Which he did not know about ) Died from a mysterious cause. alone in the world he was encounter by a mysterious man In which case he called himself Tom of whome he descibed to himself was a friend of his father's and asked if he would like to encompany Maximus . 10 yrs later of training from Tom supervision tom is murdered bye an angel wrapped in white silk he looked at the stanger with hate but found out it was a woman by the face subscribtion and maximus decided to fight for the first time in his training and the stranger stabbed him in the stomache but strangely healed and beat the stranger almost to death until finally deciding to stop the woman injected him with a fluid and he fell unconsious he then found himself in a dimly lit room and the woman had to discover that maximus was his son by the sign of the anti-christ burnet into him Maximus did not believe his mother and decided to break free and it worked he broke right through the chains and this time killed her and he fell unconcious again and found himself in an alley with a glass of vodka in his hand who is then encountered

by Tom but horribly disfigured and told tom an ugly truth that it was tom that killed his adoptive mother and he is his younger brother Gale and this whole time he was waiting just the right time to murder maximus but he was sent back to hell and return but he was not all the way complete and Gale grabbed a blade from his back was made from flames on the blade and dark ebony for the hilt and then he went after maximus but maximus encountered the attack and took the blade all of a sudden the blades flame burst into a million and Maximus grew all the power of he ever dreamed of and killed gale but this time gale transformed in a puff of smoke and a book was left. he used the phrase COOLI-BOONIS-AUGHT-LUNG and he fell into a dark abise and actually met his father SATAN and maximus void was hired as SATAN's loyal assassin but maximus instead stole a blade from the room of satan and stabbed him in the back maximus has stolen SoulBane


Likes:the thrill of meeting knew people

Dislikes:people that pushes his limits,ColeSlaw

Crush: only if they ask (;

Weapon: SoulBane(on his back)

He's a natural born assassin and kills for the fun of it

Abilities: Regeneration, Teleportation, Summons Undead and Demons, His limit is going into complete rage which makes him 5x stronger

He enjoyes eating sandwiches

oh he wears a black trench coat( made from demon flesh) black jeans(from walmart) black boots ( he found him)

has crazy sandy blond hair and long sideburns
I need to know how old he is. And explain regeneration a little more :)


Bobbles said:
name: Maximus Void
Race: satan's son

bio: when he was 5 yrs old his adoptive mother (Which he did not know about ) Died from a mysterious cause. alone in the world he was encounter by a mysterious man In which case he called himself Tom of whome he descibed to himself was a friend of his father's and asked if he would like to encompany Maximus . 10 yrs later of training from Tom supervision tom is murdered bye an angel wrapped in white silk he looked at the stanger with hate but found out it was a woman by the face subscribtion and maximus decided to fight for the first time in his training and the stranger stabbed him in the stomache but strangely healed and beat the stranger almost to death until finally deciding to stop the woman injected him with a fluid and he fell unconsious he then found himself in a dimly lit room and the woman had to discover that maximus was his son by the sign of the anti-christ burnet into him Maximus did not believe his mother and decided to break free and it worked he broke right through the chains and this time killed her and he fell unconcious again and found himself in an alley with a glass of vodka in his hand who is then encountered

by Tom but horribly disfigured and told tom an ugly truth that it was tom that killed his adoptive mother and he is his younger brother Gale and this whole time he was waiting just the right time to murder maximus but he was sent back to hell and return but he was not all the way complete and Gale grabbed a blade from his back was made from flames on the blade and dark ebony for the hilt and then he went after maximus but maximus encountered the attack and took the blade all of a sudden the blades flame burst into a million and Maximus grew all the power of he ever dreamed of and killed gale but this time gale transformed in a puff of smoke and a book was left. he used the phrase COOLI-BOONIS-AUGHT-LUNG and he fell into a dark abise and actually met his father SATAN and maximus void was hired as SATAN's loyal assassin but maximus instead stole a blade from the room of satan and stabbed him in the back maximus has stolen SoulBane


Likes:the thrill of meeting knew people

Dislikes:people that pushes his limits,ColeSlaw

Crush: only if they ask (;

Weapon: SoulBane(on his back)

He's a natural born assassin and kills for the fun of it

Abilities: Regeneration, Teleportation, Summons Undead and Demons, His limit is going into complete rage which makes him 5x stronger

He enjoyes eating sandwiches

oh he wears a black trench coat( made from demon flesh) black jeans(from walmart) black boots ( he found him)

has crazy sandy blond hair and long sideburns
We do like this, you are accepted, but play gently on your regenerate and other powers :)
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" I'm Gray..." as he sighs in trying to keep calm

"I'm Gracie..." as She sighs in boredom


"We're the same age...so why the hell would you ask both that?" Gray says angrily

"We're 18 in human years. " Gracie mumbles rolling her eyes


"We're special...I guess. We have three different sides. " Gray mumbles looking away

" We are Neko, Demon, and.." Gracie says trying to think about the last one

" We're Angels....Fallen...fallen angels" Gray says


" We are Bisexual " They said together



When their demon side is in control:


When their neko side is in control:

The eye patches hide their red demon eyes as they are neko demon wolf


Their fallen angel side is identical to their demon side except that wings appears:



"I like to protect people. Draw and read. Oh and sing with my sister" Gray says rolling his eyes "I'm actually the calm one if I want to be"

"I also like to protect people. I like to sing and draw. Oh and I like to prank" Gracie says smirking "I'm the troublemaker"


"People touching us. People talking about us. Or just people in general" Gray mumbles

"Scienctists and then I'm the same as my brother, people" Gracie says

"Oh we forgot! We also hate labs and Gray hates scientists also. " They says


"I can mess with time. I can make it freeze or go back. Never forward. Tried that once. Didn't end well. That's my fallen power. Then my demon power is reading minds but that has some restrictions as well. Finally my neko power is earth. I can control earth. This is the only one of my powers with little restrictions. " Gray says

"I can produce energy. I can give off to an person to hurt them or to help them. That is my fallen power. My demon power is changing one appearance. I can change my hair to different colors or my eyes. I can change my whole body to an different person or the same. My neko power is simple. Water. I can control water." Gracie says


"I can freeze time to change how people died or live or how they meet someone they be with someone. I can go back in time. I can see what happens if I touch them and transfer some of my energy into them and go into their memories. Which is an combined thing with my mind reading and time power. My mind reading is the strongest actually. I can see into your mind and see what you are thinking. Then earth....what is the pro of that....hmmm..everything I suppose" Gray says

"My brother has some high usages of energy and I give mine to him because it won't hurt me unless I tap into my personal energy. Life energy which I have only did once. Ummm when an person has too much power energy they are overrun with the power and turns to ashes. With my changing appearance I can hide or make an surprise attack multiple times. I can also change an other appearance. to protect them. Water is an pro in everything" Gracie says


"With my time power. I can only used this power three times an month. Anymore then that. I would pass out from the power and my demon would take control. And I can never go foward. Going foward is into the unknown. If I don't know, then how do I go through time? My mind reading, I can't mind read if the person has an block up. My earth power...hmmm I can go low on energy when I use my earth power for long periods of time which is the same for all my powers. Which is why my sister and I has to be together all the time. " Gray explains.

"With my energy power. I have no way of turning it off meaning I can't be touch except my my brother. I produce energy as all times and its all around my body. I can't be touch because I could hurt someone. With changing my appearance. I can only hold this for two hours maybe three tops. It drains too much of my energy and my energy power is only good to people. It's hurtful to me. Water is one of my low energy powers so it has no problems unless I'm using for like an half of day." Gracie explains.


Gracie and Gray sighs and says "We were born in an lab. Test tube babies. Which is why we are made of three different species. We are hybrids. They tortured us and made us kill thousand of people when we were only 12. We had no control over our powers. They made an whole army of us until we broke out of there and set fire to the building letting our kind out and leaving the scientist in there. We didn't care they tortured us. Beaten us. Did things to us. WE HATE THEM! When we escape. we were 16 and on the streets and we stayed there until you guys found us and took us here.



One Fun Fact!:

"We each have an hellhound. They are the ones who helped us escaped the lab and our kinds are best friends. Each hybrid that escaped that day got an hellhound. We are bounded to our hellhound with our soul. They get hurt. We get hurt." They says

"My hellhound name is Night and he shifts into an black wolf so people won't be looking at him strange." Gray says

"Mine is Light and he shifts into an white wolf" Gracie says smiling

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I think I'm going to have to opt out of this for a little while, I'll keep an eye on it and when I have some more time I'll make sure to drop by again.
Name:Kazuichi Senji



Apperence:minus the headphones and he has bags under both eyes.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/cebd8e8df674c506084f8e886ad1d5f7.jpeg.86a741206d2936a480885f500a925478.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73831" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/cebd8e8df674c506084f8e886ad1d5f7.jpeg.86a741206d2936a480885f500a925478.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Power:Can take damage done to him and add it to his own strength and eat and absorb any type of energy.

Bio:Kazuichi was a common punk living on the streets when he was 9 he ran into a woman who took him in and taught him everything she knew he quickly gave his own spin on it and created the Lazy Fist which is his take on the drunken fist. While doing some errands he was killed by some assassin who were after his master. God thing a god of death crow was watching and took a liking to Kazuichi giving him his life back and some new powers. When he gkt back and told his master she wasn't too surprised she saw something special in Kazuichi which was why she trained him. She sent him to this school because she figured it'd be safer.


Likes:Sleeping, fighting, beating up punks,

Dislikes:Loud things, pricks, guns, cheaters

Crush:none yet

1 Fun fact!:Kazuichi let's people beat on him just to get an extra power boost.



  • cebd8e8df674c506084f8e886ad1d5f7.jpeg
    6.7 KB · Views: 26

LiaDreamer said:


" I'm Gray..." as he sighs in trying to keep calm

"I'm Gracie..." as She sighs in boredom


"We're the same age...so why the hell would you ask both that?" Gray says angrily

"We're 18 in human years. " Gracie mumbles rolling her eyes


"We're special...I guess. We have three different sides. " Gray mumbles looking away

" We are Neko, Demon, and.." Gracie says trying to think about the last one

" We're Angels....Fallen...fallen angels" Gray says


" We are Bisexual " They said together



When their demon side is in control:


When their neko side is in control:

The eye patches hide their red demon eyes as they are neko demon wolf


Their fallen angel side is identical to their demon side except that wings appears:



"I like to protect people. Draw and read. Oh and sing with my sister" Gray says rolling his eyes "I'm actually the calm one if I want to be"

"I also like to protect people. I like to sing and draw. Oh and I like to prank" Gracie says smirking "I'm the troublemaker"


"People touching us. People talking about us. Or just people in general" Gray mumbles

"Scienctists and then I'm the same as my brother, people" Gracie says

"Oh we forgot! We also hate labs and Gray hates scientists also. " They says


"I can mess with time. I can make it freeze or go back. Never forward. Tried that once. Didn't end well. That's my fallen power. Then my demon power is reading minds but that has some restrictions as well. Finally my neko power is earth. I can control earth. This is the only one of my powers with little restrictions. " Gray says

"I can produce energy. I can give off to an person to hurt them or to help them. That is my fallen power. My demon power is changing one appearance. I can change my hair to different colors or my eyes. I can change my whole body to an different person or the same. My neko power is simple. Water. I can control water." Gracie says


"I can freeze time to change how people died or live or how they meet someone they be with someone. I can go back in time. I can see what happens if I touch them and transfer some of my energy into them and go into their memories. Which is an combined thing with my mind reading and time power. My mind reading is the strongest actually. I can see into your mind and see what you are thinking. Then earth....what is the pro of that....hmmm..everything I suppose" Gray says

"My brother has some high usages of energy and I give mine to him because it won't hurt me unless I tap into my personal energy. Life energy which I have only did once. Ummm when an person has too much power energy they are overrun with the power and turns to ashes. With my changing appearance I can hide or make an surprise attack multiple times. I can also change an other appearance. to protect them. Water is an pro in everything" Gracie says


"With my time power. I can only used this power three times an month. Anymore then that. I would pass out from the power and my demon would take control. And I can never go foward. Going foward is into the unknown. If I don't know, then how do I go through time? My mind reading, I can't mind read if the person has an block up. My earth power...hmmm I can go low on energy when I use my earth power for long periods of time which is the same for all my powers. Which is why my sister and I has to be together all the time. " Gray explains.

"With my energy power. I have no way of turning it off meaning I can't be touch except my my brother. I produce energy as all times and its all around my body. I can't be touch because I could hurt someone. With changing my appearance. I can only hold this for two hours maybe three tops. It drains too much of my energy and my energy power is only good to people. It's hurtful to me. Water is one of my low energy powers so it has no problems unless I'm using for like an half of day." Gracie explains.


Gracie and Gray sighs and says "We were born in an lab. Test tube babies. Which is why we are made of three different species. We are hybrids. They tortured us and made us kill thousand of people when we were only 12. We had no control over our powers. They made an whole army of us until we broke out of there and set fire to the building letting our kind out and leaving the scientist in there. We didn't care they tortured us. Beaten us. Did things to us. WE HATE THEM! When we escape. we were 16 and on the streets and we stayed there until you guys found us and took us here.



One Fun Fact!:

"We each have an hellhound. They are the ones who helped us escaped the lab and our kinds are best friends. Each hybrid that escaped that day got an hellhound. We are bounded to our hellhound with our soul. They get hurt. We get hurt." They says

"My hellhound name is Night and he shifts into an black wolf so people won't be looking at him strange." Gray says

"Mine is Light and he shifts into an white wolf" Gracie says smiling

accepted! :)


[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Name:Kazuichi Senji


Apperence:minus the headphones and he has bags under both eyes.View attachment 165941

Power:Can take damage done to him and add it to his own strength and eat and absorb any type of energy.

Bio:Kazuichi was a common punk living on the streets when he was 9 he ran into a woman who took him in and taught him everything she knew he quickly gave his own spin on it and created the Lazy Fist which is his take on the drunken fist. While doing some errands he was killed by some assassin who were after his master. God thing a god of death crow was watching and took a liking to Kazuichi giving him his life back and some new powers. When he gkt back and told his master she wasn't too surprised she saw something special in Kazuichi which was why she trained him. She sent him to this school because she figured it'd be safer.


Likes:Sleeping, fighting, beating up punks,

Dislikes:Loud things, pricks, guns, cheaters

Crush:none yet

1 Fun fact!:Kazuichi let's people beat on him just to get an extra power boost.

accepted! :)
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in my bio I stated that I was 15 and my regeneration depends on my wounds (say you stab me with a kitchen knife I will easilly regen but a nuclear warhead will be a 98% percent cchance I will die(depending on the warhead)

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