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Fandom High School DXD Next Generation(CS)

I was going to offer that you can have your character know mine and then give him off to another Fallen Angel or something but if your got it covered, then it's all good.
Speaking of fallen angels you could do a female half fallen and have something else's, also thanks for making the interaction between our chars fun.

Name: Kuro K. Yami

Alias(es): The Fallen Crow

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Half- Human, Half- Fallen Angel

Rank\Position: Not Known

Affiliations: Grigori, Gremory Household.

*Personality: Kuro is a very silent person, who is very careless about everyone's opinion, except. He follows whatever he wants to do, unless he is ordered to do something by someone he truly respects. He despises social interaction with strangers, and often wants to be alone or with one other person. He rarely cares about being a good or bad person, because he knows he is both at heart. Even thought Kuro is a very harsh and rude person, he cares emotionally for the people he respects and would even give up his life those people. Kuro giving respect to a person is how he shows affection, because he never understood the idea of love and never why people loved each other. He often tries to help people emotionally, but comes up to short due to his lack of knowledge of emotion. In the end, Kuro is a very harsh person to meet, but after some time he begins to show his true side and how nice he could be.

Backstory\History: Kuro worked in the faction of the Fallen Angels, since he became one. He often just did missions by himself, and was very mysterious among the whole faction. They didn't really know when he joined or how he joined, but only two people knew who he was. Akeno Himejima and her father, Baraqiel. Kuro only respected those two, and only talked to those two only. With Akeno not really visiting, he mostly talked to Baraqiel, and got to know him a lot more. He gave more respect to him, and treated him like a somewhat father. Kuro's past was very vague to him, so he asked Baraqiel if he knew, and this was Kuro's past.

Kuro was a very pure and kind hearted angel, who used to work among all the other angels. It was like he was a different person from how he was now. He was the complete opposite. While Kuro was very pure hearted, he was pretty dumb when not knowing certain things. As he was doing missions, he was stopped by a girl that was the same age as he was. She was clearly in need of some help, so Kuro being the kind hearted person, helped the poor girl. As Kuro helped her with her need, the two began to grow a bond, and they would often talk each and everyday. This caused the two to fall in love with each other, which ended up with them doing the thang, and caused Kuro to become what he has become today. He hated the girl for this, and blamed her all of this, which caused him to become his quiet, careless self. He separated from the girl and all other people that wanted to socialize with him, until he met Baraqiel. Kuro knew he was an angel from the Fifth Heaven, and he began contemplating if he would want to talk to him. Kuro was contemplating on meeting him, until one of his higher ups, Aramiel wanted him to come over to talk about something. Kuro came over to his location, where he met Baraqiel and talked about a mission. Kuro was very happy to meet Baraqiel, and thanked Aramiel, causing him to respect Aramiel as a friend. As Kuro got to talk with Baraqiel, he got to meet his daughter, Akeno. He already respected Baraqiel, and soon began to become friendly with Akeno. As he socialized with those three, he began to know what he wanted to do. He want to devote his life doing missions and protecting the ones he respects.

Kuro was very surprised hearing his history, and thanked Baraqiel for the story. A few years later, he was called over by Akeno for some help. Kuro heard what had happened, and he wanted to help. So now Kuro helps find what happened to Issei.

Light Manipulation - Kuro is able to make a spear and a sword of light in order to fight. Although, it's a bit different for him. If given some time, Kuro is able to make one of the two stronger than usual, and can summon a lot more than usual.

Flight - Kuro is able to fly with his pitch black wings.

Elemental Magic - Kuro has been learning a bit from Akeno in how to control natural elements. Although he can do only little, he is still learning and is learning pretty well.


- Kuro has a really bad anger issue, so he often either loses focus or loses what he was doing.
- Kuro doesn't really work good with others, so that often gets him mad when he is getting told to do something or get in someone's way.
- Kuro is still new to being a fallen angel and is still weak, meaning that he can't really do much after a while.
- Kuro can't stand fighting against people who cry or bring themselves down. It makes him feel bad, because it is what he used to do.

As for your character intro it's gonna have to wait till I tag you, so just read up what has happened so far in the IC so you kind of understand what we're doing at the moment.
Alright! I was already reading it. I just noticed they were going to sleep in the Hyoudou (I think that's how you spell it) residence.
you know guys since were up onto this bios i might make a Character that is a stalker ahahahahahahha... maybe

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