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Me need nap
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
So this is a bit of an odd nibbling that’s been creaking my skull lately, but I’ve been musing on the worldbuilding possibilities of modern comic book powers in a fantasy setting. That person isn’t a fire wizard, they just have pyrokinetic superpowers, for example. Take a character, or at least their powers, and transport them into a fantasy setting. Scrub off all modern comic book context, let loose the shenanigans!

For the sake of example, because for some reason Wolverine and X-23 refuse to leave my thought process lately, someone with the Wolverine’s variety of animalistic powers, claws, and healing factor, might be thought to be a strange kind of werewolf. Perhaps the adamantine-coated skeleton might be the result of interference from someone trying to cure or assist this werewolf? “If I cannot slay you, I can at least stop you from hurting others” and casting them into a molten crucible of adamantium metal, only for them to climb out as their healing factor regrows muscle over the now reinforced bone?

Or maybe take a different character from a different universe? Maybe Poison Ivy’s powers are straight up just being a dryad or dryad-adjacent? Maybe this other guy isn’t actually a magician specializing in shadow magics, he’s got the Darkness from Dark Horse comics.

Rules and Factoids:
  • Adults only: I'm 22 myself, and as I partially described above when considering certain power origins, this can be a pretty violent and gory ordeal, and I refuse to be held responsible for an unsupervised child engaging things they shouldn't. If you're 17 or younger this isn't for you.
  • Communication is non-negotiable. I'm not psychic, I won't pretend to be. If you have a problem, you need to use your words and tell me what the problem is so we can talk it out and come to a solution, whatever it may be. If I have a problem, then I will come to you about it.
  • I work at a gas station closing shift. 12 PM to 10 PM EST I'm generally unavailable for writing or discussion. or if I am it's sporadic quick posts that will likely be out of character or crack skits. I'm usually available between 10 and midnight for full on writing, and on my days off, all day, but beyond that, activity is limited by free time.
  • I consider myself literate to advanced. I write in 3rd person, past tense, with a minimum of a full paragraph per post. 3rd person past tense means using "She/he/they" for all characters, not "I, me, my," and referring to actions as having already happened. "The turtle fell over" not "The turtle falls over." I expect this in turn, I can't even express how frustrating it is to write out multiple paragraphs and get a 1-liner in turn. I can, and enjoy, writing Novella style long posts, but I won't do so if it won't be reciprocated, multi-paragraph is my minimum.
If this interests you, my PM's are open! Shoot me a message, let's chat!
Beep beep I'm still open! No one gets replaced I've just got lots of ideas
As long as this post is up, the prompt is open for new applicants.

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