Hidden Shadows (1x1 with Boomsickle)

Kim wanted to get back to her sister and give her the medicine she received from Garris but she knew she couldn't just leave. She pulled out a coin from the pouch she received and set it on the counter "No need i can pay for my own" She could easily accept his kindness but she didn't want to be in debt to any one if she didn't have to be owing Garris for the medicine was enough for her. She looked at the menu and they served nothing by hard alcohol and ail. "I'll take a water" She said begrudgingly.
Ethan shrugged, taking a long drink when the flagon was put in front of him. "Fair enough." he said, picking up the unused coin and putting it back in the pouch. "So, what do you think of this whole situation? I've barely heard you say two words since the courtyard. I understand you may not talk much, but I'm tryin' to be friendly here." he said, taking another swig. The ale was good, better than most. He let out a satisfied sigh and set the mug down, turning to look at her.
"Still trying to figure it out" Kat looked around an made note of all the other young people scattered about. Eyes peered at them from all direction of the room. It was clear that they were the two odd ones out in the room. It seemed like Ethan was adjusting to the situation better than Kat though that could just be her unnecessarily bad nature of misjudging others. Kat looked down at the glass of water the barkeep had placed in front of her. Examining the contents as closely as possible trying to determine whether it would be safe to drink it or not. In the end the glass ended up sitting there, perspiration dripping from its sides. She understood that Ethan didn't mean harm but this wasn't the time to make friends. She took a seat three paces away from Ethan seeing as he was the only one in the room not out to get him.
Ethan sighed a bit. "Look, if you want to stay all wound up, go ahead. Don't come crying to me if you start getting gray hairs, though." he joked, smirking. It didn't take him long to finish his ale and order another one. "I can understand if you're uneasy about being here. I mean, you're surrounded by pickpockets and murderers." he said, smiling. Any nasty glares he got from that comment he ignored. "But if Garris brings you into something like this, then you can trust that this is one of the safest places to be. Even safer than your own house." he said, shrugging. All he wanted to do was make some conversation, and this girl was making it awfully difficult.
Ethans words hit her like a dull blade. She didn't mean to put herself at odds with him but it's the only way she knew. She figured she should at least play along and offer up some conversation "You seem to be handling this awfully well." than she finally took a small sip from the glass of water in front of her.
"Well, working solo doesn't really pay the bills all that well. Sure, I'll find a pouch of gold, or a few candlesticks that I could sell to my fence... But in the end the take is minimal." he said, sipping his ale. "At least joining up with the Guild I'll have access to much better paying jobs."

Garris returned just then, chuckling. "That you will, Ethan. Speaking of..." the guildmaster said, pulling out a rolled up bit of parchment. "How are your safecracking skills? I have an item that you need to retrieve. It was taken from one of our fallen brothers, and we need it back." he said, handing the scroll over to Ethan. He opened it, reading it over carefully. "I can crack a safe just fine. Where is it located?" he asked, glancing up at Garris. The man chuckled, folding his arms. "You're not going to like this... It's in the town guard barracks a few blocks from here. The safe is on the top floor, so I would suggest going in through the rooftops." he said, as Ethan's face suddenly went pale. "Send me into the lion's den, why don't you..." he mumbled, taking a long drink from his ale.

"As for you, Kim... I have something a bit less dangerous for you." he said, handing her a scroll. "One of the generals for the guard has an appointment with a woman tonight at your brothel. We need you to eavesdrop on them, and report back to us if there's any mention of the Guild or any actions they're planning to take on us." he said, before glancing back over at Ethan. "Now, your equipment is satisfactory, but hardly ideal. Take that passageway there, our armorer will outfit you with better gear."

Ethan nodded and finished off his drink, turning to Kim. "Good luck. At least you got the safer job." he joked, standing. Garris chuckled. "You'll do just fine. Just don't get caught." he offered, watching as Ethan gave them both a wave and headed towards the armorer. "Here, take this key." he said, holding out what looked like a plain skeleton key. "You may not be aware, but there are passages that run through the brothel. It's how we were able to keep tabs on you and your sister." he said, running a hand through his greying hair. "The entrance is in the kitchen, behind the cupboard closest to the door. You'll be able to make your way upstairs through that passage and listen in without being found out. So long as you're quiet, of course." he joked, laughing. "Any questions?"
"Seems to be pretty self explanatory" She retorted. "I think i got the gist of hit" She took the key from Garris. "So is there an easier way out of here?"
Garris nodded. "If you go through that passageway, you'll find a staircase that will lead up to the street. That key I just gave you will unlock the way back in, as I'll assume that you don't want to try to get back in through the way you came." he said, smiling. "Be sure you aren't seen when you enter the passages at the brothel. Once you're in the walls, you'll be fine so long as you walk quietly." he added, taking a step back. "He gets off his shift in an hour. Make sure you're ready for him." the guildmaster added, bowing his head. "Good luck."

Ethan made his way to the armorer, a grizzled old man standing behind a counter. He looked to maybe be in his sixties, with white hair and a missing eye that he didn't really bother to cover up. "What do you want? I don't recognize you." he asked the boy gruffly, leaning on the counter. Ethan tried not to stare at the empty pit where the man's eye used to be, and cleared his throat. "I'm new here. Garris sent me to get better equipment." The old man spat at the ground, grumbling to himself as he went over to the wall. "Armor, weapons, and tools. You don't get any more unless you prove you can use it. I hate seeing my work go to waste." he said gruffly, pulling a set of light leather armor off the wall. He also grabbed a leather pouch, and a pair of daggers before walking back over and slamming them on the counter. "You wreck 'em, you pay for 'em." he added, before turning his attention back to the forge. Ethan nodded and picked up his gear, eyeing it. "You got it." he said, strapping the armor on. It was a leather chest piece and shoulders, a pair of bracers, and a heavy belt to carry the rest of his gear. Surprisingly, it all fit perfectly. "Hey old man, you really know your stuff." he said, smiling a bit. The old man suddenly turned, screaming at him. "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SHOP!"

Ethan didn't need a second warning.

He quickly made his way out into the main area, attaching the last of his gear before pulling out his scroll and reading it. "Alright, I guess this is pretty straight forward. Let's do it." he said, heading out through the passageway that Garris had pointed out to Kim earlier.

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