Hidden Secrets [Inactive]

Aria wakes up from her deep slumber to the shining sun. The light reflects across her mostly turquois bedroom. She sits up on her lavish canopy bead, rubbing here eyes as they adjust to the light. She looks over at the calendar. Today is her first day of school. She walks past her rack of swords and bows hanging on the wall to her closet. She picks out her uniform and goes to take a shower before heading down to breakfast. Today was the start of her new life.
It had been a long time since he'd been to a public school. Finnian smoothed down his blazer, looking at himself in the mirror. He had started school during his freshman year, and now it was his Junior year. Like usual, he was still alone. With his ear buds in and his music on, he smoothed down his messy hair. A short sigh escaped his lips, traveling around his bedroom with a small echo. Finnian looked down at his wrist, gritting his teeth. It was the stressful moment of getting to school. He threw his bag over his shoulder, leaving the house quickly.
As the alarm clock went off a groggy sigh began to escape Fredrick's lips as he slowly crawled out of his bed and turned the alarm off. As he cleared his throat and walked over to the mirror to see how much damage sleeping had done to his hair he let a soft smile appear on his face seeing that his hair was still in good condition. As he opens up his closet and grabs his uniform, putting it on slowly. He checked the clocked and let out another sigh as the door closed behind him.
Phoebe slowly emerged from under the mass of blankets she had managed to pile on top her of herself the night before. As she blinked the sleep from her eyes she looked to the small clock on her desk and it quickly came to mind that today was her first day of school. She hadn't been to a real school in a while due to her health, but since she had been showing signs of improvement her parents had allowed her to go. She got out of bed and slipped her slippers on, shuffling to her closet to grab her uniform and head to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Tying a black ribbon in her hair as she hopped downstairs two at a time, she couldn't help but notice that the uniform was a little big on her, but she always was a small girl so she didn't let it bother her. She ate breakfast with her mother, all the while talking about how excited she was about her first day. After eating and making sure she had all her things in her bag, she hugged her mom and left the house, slowly making her way to school.
Aria ate her breakfast alone in a huge dining hall, servants passing though every once and a while. She sighed as she prepared to walk to school. "Mistress," one of the servants questioned," Are you not taking your car?"

"No, I want to appear normal," she replied. 'Maybe this way people won't hate me' she thought. She opened the door and the usual " Have a good day mistress" resounded behind her. She leaves the luxurious mansion, hoping no one from her school happens to pass by. She watches carefully from the gate for people passing by. To anyone other than herself she seemed like a lunatic. She sees that the cost is clear and quickly opens the gate, almost shutting it on her jacket, and runs down the way, trying to avoid anyone seeing her within a 100 ft. radius of that place. On her hasty way out, she ends up smashing into someone and falling backwards, her golden brown locks fluttering in front of her as her golden eyes spot someone with gray hair and blue eyes.
A light breeze fluttered lightly through the air. White hair flew around his pale face, dancing in his vision. Every situation ran through his mind, every thought drove him even more on the edge. Shaking hands went to his face, moving the hair away. Why not turn back now? Why not just go home and listen to music? He grit his teeth once again, turning the volume of his music higher. Maybe this would drown out his idiotic thoughts. Finnian watched as cars, bikes, and people passed. No one seemed to even notice him. It was his lack of attention that caused him to nearly trip over his own two feet. Embarrassment made his cheeks hot, hopefully no one had seen him. What a foolish move. Soon enough the boy came closer to the school, moving across the street carefully. He had pulled open the fence, walking into the court yard. People buzzed happily, all moving inside. Finnian followed silently, moving inside
Izumo woke up with the sound of her alarm clock and the bright light of the sun shinning on her face. With a groan, she sat on the bed and rubbed her eyes. Today was the first day of school and she didn't want to be late. She got up and went to her closet, took off her uniform and dressed herself up. As she got out of her room she realized her sister was still asleep. She knocked on the door next to her room and yelled.

"Wake up if you don't want to be late!" and with that she went to the kitchen, ate breakfast and knocked loudly one more time to make her sister wake up. Then she got out of the small building. As she walked down the streets, she couldn't help but feel a little worried about her sister.
As Kayden awoke to the sound of his alarm he noticed he was late, again. He went to the bathroom picking up the clothes on the counter and putting them one. He didn't dare mess with his hair, because it was his usual hairstyle. Kayden grabbed and apple and headed out the door. Jumping on his motorcycle and drove to school. He did his usual routine, waving and winking at girls. Then said hey to his friends before walking to class calmly. Kayden didn't care if he was late; he gets detention all the time. Usually, he would meet up with his friends there and sweet talk to the cheerleaders. Kayden loved his life, but he always had a feeling that he actually wanted someone to be there for him. A girlfriend.
Mirai wakes up and looks at her sister '' Let me sleep ! ''. She turns around, but only two seconds after, she opens her eyes wild open and gets up quickly. SHe dresses the school uniform that was laying on her bed, grabs the phone and the backpack and runs to the kitchen. She grabs a toast and runs to her sister. ''Wait up !!! '', she screamed, as she reached her sister with toast in her mouth. She puts on her glasses and fixes her shoe. ''Ok, let's go ! ''
Izumo looked behind her as she heard her sister and stoped, waiting for her. As they started walking again, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen, but she ignored it. They finally reached the school and walked inside.
After getting slightly off track on her walk, mainly due to getting lost, Phoebe finally made it to school with some time to spare. As she shuffled across the school yard she slowly looked around at all the students already gathered, especially all the ones hanging out in groups. She was very nervous as she wasn't used to being around large groups of people even fidgeting with her bow as she walked, but she really hoped that she could end up with friends, at least one, cause school can be kinda scary and sad when someone is all alone at least that is what she believed. She pushed the door open and walked inside figuring there wasn't any point of her standing outside by herself looking silly.
Once class was over he told his friends he'd be in the hallway in a few minutes, so he leaned on a tree in the school yard waiting for new girls or confused ones. Until, he found one girl just standing by herself looking lost. So, he walked over to her, arms crossed and a smirk on his face. "You lost, sweety?" (Btw Chibi-Hotaru my character is tlking to u n case u didn't know)
{@Oreo Panda: Yeah I kinda had a feeling he was going towards Phoebe, but thank you for the heads up.} Phoebe jumped slightly when she heard someone talking in her direction and turned towards the voice, a bit of surprise washed over her as she stared at the boy. Shaking out of her stupor her face lightly flushed, she looked down at her feet and nodded a bit. "Um y-yes I am a bit lost.. I'm not quite used to being back in an actual school and I'm still trying to get my bearings. A-also I have um.. a k-kinda bad sense of direction.." she stuttered out softly.
Kayden chuckled and stuffed his hands in his pockets loosely. "Nervous, huh? No need to be. I was too, not anymore though." Kayden ran a hand through his hair. "So whats your schedule? Maybe if we have the same classes I could help you out."
Phoebe slowly looked up as she listened to him, then went into her bag to pull out her schedule. She held it out to him with a small smile on her face. "I hope we have at least one class together, I could really use the help. I'm not really used to big groups of people and I was too shy to just walk up to someone and ask if they could help me get around." she said with a small frown on her face.
Kayden chuckled and took the schedule from your hand, reading it. He mumbled some parts. "2nd math, 1st geometry..... 3rd lunch.... 4th history." He laughed a little and smiled. "Seems to me we have almost the same schedule, except I have 4th history."
The man stares at her, his eyes cold. Scared by his glare, Aria runs for the hills, afraid for her life. ' I hope not everyone's like that...' she wonders. Running until she's out of breath, she hurries to school. She barley makes it time for the bell. Aria sighs as she enters another year of school, or as most say, unnecessary torture. She goes to pick up her schedule and head to homeroom. 'Here we go...' she thinks, hoping she won't screw this year up to.
Finn slammed his locker shut after getting everything out of it. His first class was a free block so there wasn't really much to do. The boy's icy glare surfed over the many faces he saw, all of which were familiar to him. Once caught his eyes, a girl. He shook his head and continued to make his way to the music room. The large black grand piano sat in the middle of the room, glistening like a star. He moved closer to it, running his hand over the smooth painted wood. The bend creaked softly when he sat, long fingers resting on the black and white keys. In one swift motion, he was playing a soft and mellow tune.
Izumo somehow lost her sister while walking to their classes. She looked at her schedule and saw that her fisrt calss was litrature. She walked to her class and sat on the second row. Taking of the books and looking around she waited for her sister to come by the door
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As Fredric made it to the school building he had realized that his first class was a free period and he was quite angry with himself for not know his schedule. He mutters. " Really!?" As he leans against the wall he starts to see all the other people arriving for class and he wonders what he is supposed to do. So he just stands there wondering if he's not going to draw that much attention to himself
Aria rounds the corner, passing the music room. As she passes, she hears a soft melody coming from the room. She slides the door open quietly to reveal a guy playing the piano. She quietly enters and shuts the door. She sits on the floor and enjoys the music for a while. Since she had singed up for free first period, planning on spending her time in the music room, she just sits and listens.
The sound of the door opening didn't distract him from the larger piano in front of him. Finnian sucked in a silent breath as the song twinkled to an end. For a moment he sat, keeping his hands on the keys. It wasn't long before he turned, his icy blue gaze landing on a girl. He studied her for a moment before looking away. Finnian stood, making way back to his bag, taking out a folder of music. It'd be best if he mind his own business, besides she was probably just waiting for a teacher. Then again, it would seem rude to just ignore her. A sigh of frustration escaped him as he sat down, turning towards her once again. "Hello."
"H-hello." Aria stammers. She was not used to conversing with people. She slowly stood from her position to lean against the door.
A shy but pushed smile was offered to the girl. He set the folder down on the bench next to him, chewing the inside of his cheek. "Do you play?" Finnian gestured to the grand piano behind him. Small talk was going to be the death of him.

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