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Fantasy Hidden lives of supers:: cs page



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My Interest Check
Heyo thanks for coming, all I need to accept a character is below but you can add more to it if you want. If you're unsure on something, ask me a question cause I'm happy to answer it. Delete anything in brackets if I ask for a change or edit its nothing against you its to do with story or balance. I'll probably post the beginning of a sheet soon after.
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Bari Bari KAmber KAmber
Alias: (a name to conceal your identity should they want to. Heroes are usually given a alias, only the best get to choose their own.)
Age: (18 at the youngest, 50 at the oldest)

Appearance: (Picture and brief description please)

Gear: (costume, gadgets, weapons etc. If they use it consistently in their super career put it here. Pictures would be nice but a lil description works aswell.)

Skills: (be it learned or natural, if they are good at something list it here)

Flaws: (no one is perfect, list something here like a annoying habit, a phobia, some mental or health issue... Note if you make a antisocial edgelord murder hobo, ask why they would go to super support and why they would care enough to follow the plot because of a dead therapist. )

Power: (what this character can do. Be it shoot lasers, be stronger then normal, turn invisible etc etc. Main thing here is you do not make Superman or the flash. To put it simpler if this character can easily solo any threat then the power is to much.)

Origin: (doesn't need to be overly long, you do need to establish how they got the power though. Be it genetics and powers came during puberty or before. Some scientific experiments gone wrong or right. Or some freak accident or magical person/item transferred said power.)

Extra: (just extra info, could list random triva, some achievements or failures in their super lives... List if your character knows another because of ooc plans. Whatever)
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Will finish this soonish

Real name: Lalo Partah
Alias: Smoke-Show
Age: 29
5ft11 black hair brown eyes, well toned physically with attention to the arms in particular. Usually wearing clothes more suited to a teenager. Singlets, hoodie etc.

Protective costume, Bowie knife, extendable bat, handheld taser, 45.handgun with at least three magazines, grenades of varying sorts and blades to throw (if he can afford it)

Skills: practiced super, years of experience.
Combat trained, including firearms melee weapons and cqc.
Accurate, shooting or throwing he usually hits the target.
Stealth, without use of the power of course.
Confidence, in himself, talking to others, in combat doesn't matter.

Power is weak to strong wind.
Night terrors from the "Dreamtime"
Alcoholic/addict from self medication.
Self serving and sadistic against what he coins as "real criminals/scum/tossers."
Cocky thinking he is invulnerable 90% of the time.

Power: Typhokinesis,
The ability to generate and control smoke. The most common use of this power is Lalo temporarily becoming smoke to move through tiny gaps or to avoid damage. Using this power well requires concentration aswell as stamina/energy. Lalo cannot avoid damage on instinct, he would need to anticipate or see the incoming danger.

Origin: Mike grew up in rural Australia living a ordinary life for the most part. That all changed while camping in the bush on his thirteenth birthday, like most Australian youths Mike got drunk. That was kinda normal to be honest, the unbelievable started because he stumbled off into the outback. Alone in the wild drawn towards a glow in the distance, reaching the fire Mike saw a aboriginal elder who spoke of prophecies from the Dreamtime and the foretelling of his arrival. The elder offered a strong liquid and instructed Mike to breathe of the sacred smoke...
Doing so gave Mike a vision, a headache, a unwanted connection to the Dreamtime and a awesome superpower. Waking up in the morning the elder was gone and smoke bellows from the young boy's nose mouth eyes and hands. It wasn't long before the government found out and started grooming Mike to be a hero/weapon. Years past before Mike was transferred to "the big leagues" in America where he became Swish, though it was only three months after his debut Mike was forced to change his identity to Lalo. (to avoid persecution) It was a few more years before Lalo arrived in Bluebay and became known as Smoke-Show.

Mike Kunama Changed his legal name (by illegal means) after getting in shit with the Australian and American governments.

Loves making, buying and throwing boomerangs.

As a Hero starting out he was given the alias "Swish" and often got in trouble for taking the law into his own hands.

After changing his name to Lalo, Mr Partah travelled America doing any well paying odd job his power could get him.

Arriving in Bluebay at the age of 25 Lalo has stayed since, doing vigilante work of his own accord aswell as criminal activity to make ends meet.

Smoke-Show has been attending Super Support on and off for two years, always in costume or wearing his mask.

Smoke-Show added purple to his costume after his second time at SS. The advice being "add colour to your costume, makes you look more like a hero." Good advice as Smoke-Show was seen as a criminal and now is known as a ruthless vigilante.
Still a criminal, appears better to civilians and some trigger happy law enforcement though.

Has Acquired a few nicknames during his time in America, "Cruel Cloud" 'Mr Untouchable" "Slow torture"
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Name: Bonnie Cypress
Alias: Foxfire
Age: 21

Appearance: Bonnie No Ears.png

5' 9" white hair, green eyes. Bonnie is a young woman of average build. Her hair is somewhat long and goes to the midpoint of her back. She typically wears comfortable clothes and does not like anything fancy.

Gear: Bonnie wears a full spandex outfit in white and a motorcycle helmet, both with a strong fox motif. On her belt, she carries a pouch of zip ties to restrain enemies after having knocked them out. Bonnie wears gloves with claw tips that she incorporates into her combat style.

Skills: Bonnie is trained in judo and karate. She is also a gifted social media user and runs a super fan account where she promotes herself and other supers that she likes.

Flaws: Bonnie is nice to a fault. She will go out of her way to help others even if it puts her in danger. Her upbeat personality is typically found to be annoying by others, which has led to her having few friends. Because of this, she may appear clingy to anyone who is friendly to her. As a side effect of her powers, she is able to see and hear Japanese spirits that search her out for assistance, because she was chosen to be the emissary to the spirit world. Bonnie is not fluent in Japanese and the spirits aren't always cuddly animals, so she sometimes has to deal with malevolent beings that no one else can see. Her family worries that she is experiencing hallucinations.

Power: Pyrokinesis and fox-like senses. Bonnie can generate fire with her mind, is immune to being burned, and has the ability to hear and smell things a normal human might not.

Origin: At the age of 10, Bonnie saved a fox spirit from a dog and was granted her powers as thanks. This event turned her hair white. Doctors could not explain what had happened to her.

Extra: Bonnie is currently working as a waitress at a family restaurant. She has one sister named Melody who is 2 years her senior. They do not get along and often fight about what to do about their mother who is currently living alone. Their mother had a series of strokes that left her unable to fully care for herself. Bonnie lives with their mother while Melody does not. Melody insists that they get their mother into assisted living while Bonnie feels she can care for her until she recovers. Melody worries that their mother will not recover from the strokes.
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Elias Carter




Elias is 5”7 and he has brown hair and lavender eyes. He typically likes to wear casual clothing.



Easily distracted
Has Phasmophonia


Telekinesis is the ability to lift objects with the mind, Elias can lift up to 60lbs with his mind. Noted weaknesses from this besides the weight limit consists of mental fatigue, mental fog, and possible seizures if he over uses it.

He got his powers through genetics he developed them in middle school.

Currently in college working towards a degree in mechanical engineering

He has sucky time management and therefore sometimes he ends up working on assignments that are close to being overdue instead of dealing with what ever crime is being committed in that moment.

He is a vigilante that is hated by both heroes and villains simply because they find him annoying.

He was dubbed as ‘Karma’ by the people.

He had epilepsy before he developed his powers. However the mental exhaustion and fog they bring on can trigger a seizure.

He lives on campus with a unmentioned dormmate.

Has been going to super support for the last year as his alter ego Karma.

His reasoning for going to super support? Let’s just say he has both experience as a vigilante and a victim in distress and both leave some severe mental scars. Oh and Anger issues.

It took him a while to make his suit because he slowly got the supplies to do it. (Bills came first)

He works part time at a café.

(If I need to change anything let me know!)
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Name: Kenneth Herzog
Alias: Paladin
Age: 23

Appearance: Kenneth is 6'3" and has a strong physique.

Gear: Body armor, throwing knives.
Purchased with repurposed funds, it was designed to be lightweight while offering protection.
Skills: Skilled at hand to hand combat, has knowledge of firearms (but prefers not to use them) melee trained to wield his hammer. Is also a serious gym rat, sometimes over relying on his physique. Speaks German and Polish in addition to English.

Flaws: Currently grieving the death of his sister who was also a powered individual. This leads to bouts of depression and questions as to why he is still doing heroic work.
He also tends to hyperfocus on the task at hand, causing him to miss the bigger picture and harder to spot details. (Very big on mission goals, not so good at subtlety.)

Power: Kenneth produces energy constructs tied to his will. These always take the form of melee weapons, though the construct changes depending on the scenario.

Origin: He and his sister developed powers at a similar time, around 13, through family genetics changed by their grandparents being experimented on.

Extra: Has a secret love of karaoke, though he is very shy about it. He was named Paladin by an overzealous press reporter who was annoyed that he never stuck around to give interviews. He shaped his body armor to resemble a suit of armor as his grandparents romanticized the world to him by telling him stories of knights who seemed to always triumph even against the darkest of foes. Has a habit of taking loot after bringing down bad guys.
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Name: Rachel Chen
Alias: Aerobrush
Age: 26


5'4 with black hair and brown eyes. She typically wears a business casual style of dress. While not usually visible due to the type of clothing she wears, she actually has a pretty athletic build. Notably, she has large animal-like ears in place of normal ones, and a prehensile tail about as long as her legs.


She typically carries a rigging knife and a large bundle of rope. Her costume serves primarily as protective gear, but also has anchors that come from the shoes to keep her in place. It also has room for her ears and tail.

Practiced in Bajiquan.
Strong spatial awareness.
Naturally well-organized and patient.

Sensitive about her...odd features due to bullying about it in her childhood.
Her power can be difficult to use precisely, especially in tight spaces, due to essentially being a cannon.
Trauma from an accidental death she caused while acting as a hero.

Rachel can compress air to create air spheres in the palms of her hand, at the base of her feet, or at the tip of her tail. She can fire these off as air cannons as a destructive attack, but without her suit's anchors she'll also launch herself away at high speeds in the opposite direction of the cannon. Only one sphere can be made at a time.

Despite having completely normal parents, Rachel was born with both her animal-like features and her power.

Employed as a hero.

Has an older sister, but she's a completely normal human.

Has been going to Super Support for 6 months. She started attending after accidentally killing a villain she was pursuing.

She was taught Bajiquan by her father, and enjoys practicing it in her spare time.

Her hero career has been about 2 years.

Attended college and got her major in Communications.

Enjoys sewing, but it's a somewhat necessary activity for her to allow clothes to accommodate her.
 NAME: Edgar Vanta
ALIAS: Tenebrous
AGE: 20
APPEARANCE: public.png
GEAR: He tends to carry a lock picker and bobby pins when he has to do things manually. He lacks a costume, since his body is so changed it may as well be the costume. Beyond that, he travels light and doesn't carry a lot, as be can get a lot of mileage out of his natural abilities.
SKILLS: Edgar is adept and subtlety. He can pick pockets, locks, and cram into tight spaces with little difficulty or fuss.
FLAWS: Edgar is somewhat cowardly, but in the cowardly lion way. He's not a fighter and is well-awaew of this fact, so he's not keen on fighting someone head to head and would prefer to stack things in his favor. Once forced into open confrontation he can't escape from, his lack of real combat training and skill rears its ugly head and he's easily dealt with. Because he's spent so much time by himself, Edgar is suspicious and paranoid of others' intentions, which can hamper his ability to forge relationships and trust others.
POWER: Shadow Walk. Edgar can slip into just about dark space he can find. His corporeal form is akin to a living shadow, so he's in his element in the dark. He's especially potent at night or in pitch black spaces, where one is essentially in his realm. However, the main drawback is that the shadow in question has to fit his body. He won't be crawling into someone's pocket or purse. That being said, his thin, wiry frame allows him to get into some pretty tight spaces.
 ORIGIN: Edgar was just another street rat who pickpocketed and stole to get by. His powers didn't develop until the age of 12, where he noticed a black pigmentation on his skin that slowly grew to cover his entire body. Edgar inherited his genes from his father, but he never had a chance to know him as his mother had many suitors prior to his birth. Edgar's appearance was irrevocably changed as he became a walking, talking shadow. While he could roam the streets in the sun, he found his power greatly diminished or non-existent in the light. Thus, he kept to the cover of night to get the most mileage out of his newfound power. He's good at stealth and getting into places people wouldn't want him getting into. Beneath that flawed exterior, however, is someone who's never felt like he belonged anywhere and would like to be somebody to someone else.
EXTRA: Edgar has a bit of a sweet tooth. He has trouble resisting sugar and gets incredibly hyperactive when he consumes it. He also creates his own rorschach blots as a hobby.
Name: Arthur McCoy
Age: 22
Alias: Doc
Appearance:7 ft and decently muscled but still quite slender. He has shoulder length black hair and bright green eyes. His face is handsome if a bit sharp featured with a hawkish nose. He has pale almost corpse esq skin.f6921135-99a6-4812-9f70-5e28a7e47b81.jpeg
Gear: favpng_assassins-creed-brotherhood-assassins-creed-iii-ezio-auditore.png
His costume is made of sturdy bullet proof, from small arms, armor that still allows him freedom of movement. His costume has many pockets and pouches both hidden and non that he keeps various needles, viles, knifes, and powders. He has a cane that is in fact a rapier. It looks like a normal mahogany cane with a silver crow head as the handle, but with a twist and a pull he can reveal it's deadly nature. Has a one handed crossbow that is modified to fire syringe bolts.

Skills: Swordsmanship- is adept at using bladed weaponry like knifes and swords.
Acrobatics- Is quite good at dodging, parkour, and other such nimble feats.
Analysing- Spending a lot of time in a lab and workshop made it so he can figure out somethings weak point quite fast, no matter if it's man, mutant, or machine.

Flaws: Prideful- He never backs down from a challenge even if he really should. Will almost never ask for help even if he actually needs it.
Blunt- He is honest to a fault, he'll tell you exactly what's on his mind even if it gets his teeth kicked in. He is a terrible liar.
Glass jaw- He is not built extremely durable and so a strong enough direct hit can take him out.-
Wyed Science- Creations are strangely made and sometimes don't even seem to follow the laws of physics. This means sometimes unexpected things happen sometimes good sometimes bad.

Power: (Tinker)Mad science- He is extremely smart so smart some of the things he creates where thought to be impossible. He can create specific formulas to do specific things. Like his plague powder which can cause anything from uncontrollable sneezing to being covered in painful boils or his spaz vials a stimulant that increases reflects and reaction time but after the effects fade it leaves the user exhausted and weak. Every formula has a draw back or weakness.

Origins: Arthur was always smart even at a young age, at 8 he could do algebra and calculus, at 12 he made a new type of painkiller that wasn't addictive, this string of achievements continued until his 19th birthday when his father a successful scientist in his own right brought him in to see the latest project he was working on. It was a teleporter that they had already tested successfully with inanimate objects and were about to do there first live test with a rat. It seemed to be going fine until at the exact moment the subject disappeared the was a massive explosion that took out the entire lab. It was to days later that they found Arthur in a pocket of air under the rubble surrounded by strange formulas and equations with a white lab rat calmly sitting on his shoulder as he mumbled to himself. What they didn't know is when the machine exploded it showed him something that both broke and expanded his mind.
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