Hidan No Aria Rp


F rank butei
Student Info:





Home Nation:


School Year:

Butei Rank: (F, E, D, C, B, A, S)

Butei Division:


Fighting Style:



Other Info:


Love Interest:

Teacher Info:





Home Nation:




Fighting Style:



Other Info:


Love Interest:

I.U Info:





Home Nation:


School Year:



Fighting Style:



Other Info:


Love Interest:
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Student Info:

Name: Osa Tohyama

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Osa was the sort of unenthusiastic kid who liked to watch clouds. He preferred not to get involved in problematic activities, pretending to be busy to avoid responsibility. He also does not like fighting something he thinks we can talk stuff out.At times can be dense.

Home Nation: Japanese and Nigerian

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1960b000_F-rankOsa.jpg.22652e9bbe92dea35f5bc01b4ddef0e1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42822" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1960b000_F-rankOsa.jpg.22652e9bbe92dea35f5bc01b4ddef0e1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

School Year: 1st

Butei Division: Assault

Butei Rank: F (Hysteria mode S)

Weapons: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c19614c74_Deserteagal.jpg.dda689b5a9adcd0e010154c9b4e3fe28.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42825" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c19614c74_Deserteagal.jpg.dda689b5a9adcd0e010154c9b4e3fe28.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Sig.jpg.ba03aa3edb1bbb756815674f21a61c12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42826" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Sig.jpg.ba03aa3edb1bbb756815674f21a61c12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1961b4db_Blackblade.jpg.bddfd4e600daf34f5ecad65951e1108f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42827" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1961b4db_Blackblade.jpg.bddfd4e600daf34f5ecad65951e1108f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1961e917_DragoonsStorm.jpg.48083ab2581b12365739a00d894a6702.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42828" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1961e917_DragoonsStorm.jpg.48083ab2581b12365739a00d894a6702.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> His Desert eagle is illegally modified for 3 round burst.Also gun it made out of a special metal that let's his shots penetrate air and make it faster.

Fighting Style: He mixes it up with Dual guns and switching around into dual swords or daggers.While use Close quarter combat when I am close enough.

Skills: Dual Wielding

Abilities: (Hss)Hysteria mode let's his nervous system improve his body movements, while changing his personality to protect the girl in front of him. He can sometimes hit his opponents bullet back there barrel. It's called Billiard Shot. Has more abilities in Hss will be shown in rp.

Other Info: His belt has bullets around it.He can stay in Hss for about an hour. Normally listens to music.And reads manga or watches anime to fall asleep. He has named his guns Lapis and Lazuli

Background: Osa had a petty normal childhood. Osa was a kid who was kept into the school by his parent. He was confused when his parents told him he was going to this school. He originally want a normal life style then he changed his mind wondering how his life as a butei would begin

Love Interest:None atm



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Name: Kiro Kurokaze


Gender: Male

Personality:(Revealed in RP)

Home Nation:Japan



School Year: 2nd

Butei Rank: S

Butei Division: Assault and SSR

Weapons: His signature weapon(Pic Above): It's a knife that can be attached to a wire for a variety of purporses. It also can produce electricity to vibrate for easier cutting as well as stunning people with it's up to 100v.

Fighting Style/Abilities/Skills(Including other weapons): http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Ninjutsu

Other Info:

His Mask


Background:He grew up in a hidden clan of ninjas. They had adapted to modern day society though they did live on one of the more remote islands of Japan. He was trained vigorously from young age as he is the son of the clan leader, the title of leader is not heriditary and must be fought for when the clan leader's son comes of age. It was for that time his father was preparing him. It may have also been to that end his father sent him away to Butei School about 1 year ago.

Love Interest:Open
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Name: Karen Araragi

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: Befitting her name, Karen (Karen means "burning compassion") is a hot-blooded girl who acts as if she is a superhero who has the duty of protecting others from danger which sometimes contradicts with what her mission is. She is also a very hyper and excitable girl with a large amount of innocence to her its as if she doesn't understand what love to any degree is which would be correct. Whoever at times it as if she is a lot older than she really is saying things you wouldn't expect her to say that some times even takes teachers off track for a moment or two.

Home Nation: Japan



School Year: 1st

Butei Rank: A would be S if she didn't have her "must save everyone" personality and would follow the mission to the dot.

Butei Division: SSR Department and Assault.

Weapons: Her weapon is a double-tipped spear that can break apart into a three parts connected by a chain.


Fighting Style: Her fighting is her basic skill with her weapon mixed in with her ability of wind to make the attacks stronger and faster than most can keep up with. While unarmed she mainly focus on her legs to attack using her own unique fighting style but her arms aren't just for show either.





Skills: Spear welding, hand to hand combat.


  • Karen has the power of wind and can use it with ease very efficiently whether its to block bullets or just in order to attack it just comes naturally to her.
  • She can block bullets only using her spear never mind as well as using her wind ability.
  • She is extremely skilled with her spear, and can use it with an unbelievable amount of power
  • Even without a weapon she is a force to be reckoned with just not as strong.
  • She is also very flexible and agile thanks to long training days.


Other Info:

Background:She was raised in a rather unique household in which all the females members have joined some kind of organization that would make best use of their abilities. As it is Karen was born into a family where all the women have one curtain power, the power of wind and from a young age she was no different she had it alright but it was stronger than even her mothers at only age seven that when they began to train her, the same thing every day for the next six years. Six years passed as she was stronger than ever but her personality was rather different than most would have been she was more hyper and "giddy" than ever. From ten onward she began training with a weapon. She didn't like the sword nor anything until it came down to a spear in which she mostly liked but the "none pointy" end annoyed her so her parents changed it into a double-tipped spear by twelve she mastered it and changed her weapon into another design to make it better for her to use and when she finished with that it was time for her to pick what organization to join she picked Butei High to become a Butei.

Love Interest: TBA

((Sorry I kind of went over the top with the gifs but I couldn't resist)
Newtype said:
Name: Kiro Kurokaze

Gender: Male

Personality:(Revealed in RP)

Home Nation:Japan



School Year: 2nd

Butei Rank: S

Butei Division: Assault and SSR

Weapons: His signature weapon(Pic Above): It's a knife that can be attached to a wire for a variety of purporses. It also can produce electricity to vibrate for easier cutting as well as stunning people with it's up to 100v.

Fighting Style/Abilities/Skills(Including other weapons): http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Ninjutsu

Other Info:

His Mask


Background:He grew up in a hidden clan of ninjas. They had adapted to modern day society though they did live on one of the more remote islands of Japan. He was trained vigorously from young age as he is the son of the clan leader, the title of leader is not heriditary and must be fought for when the clan leader's son comes of age. It was for that time his father was preparing him. It may have also been to that end his father sent him away to Butei School about 1 year ago.

Love Interest:Open

Bills352 said:
Name: Karen Araragi
Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: Befitting her name, Karen (Karen means "burning compassion") is a hot-blooded girl who acts as if she is a superhero who has the duty of protecting others from danger which sometimes contradicts with what her mission is. She is also a very hyper and excitable girl with a large amount of innocence to her its as if she doesn't understand what love to any degree is which would be correct. Whoever at times it as if she is a lot older than she really is saying things you wouldn't expect her to say that some times even takes teachers off track for a moment or two.

Home Nation: Japan



School Year: 1st

Butei Rank: A would be S if she didn't have her "must save everyone" personality and would follow the mission to the dot.

Butei Division: SSR Department and Assault.

Weapons: Her weapon is a double-tipped spear that can break apart into a three parts connected by a chain.


Fighting Style: Her fighting is her basic skill with her weapon mixed in with her ability of wind to make the attacks stronger and faster than most can keep up with. While unarmed she mainly focus on her legs to attack using her own unique fighting style but her arms aren't just for show either.





Skills: Spear welding, hand to hand combat.


  • Karen has the power of wind and can use it with ease very efficiently whether its to block bullets or just in order to attack it just comes naturally to her.
  • She can block bullets only using her spear never mind as well as using her wind ability.
  • She is extremely skilled with her spear, and can use it with an unbelievable amount of power
  • Even without a weapon she is a force to be reckoned with just not as strong.
  • She is also very flexible and agile thanks to long training days.


Other Info:

Background:She was raised in a rather unique household in which all the females members have joined some kind of organization that would make best use of their abilities. As it is Karen was born into a family where all the women have one curtain power, the power of wind and from a young age she was no different she had it alright but it was stronger than even her mothers at only age seven that when they began to train her, the same thing every day for the next six years. Six years passed as she was stronger than ever but her personality was rather different than most would have been she was more hyper and "giddy" than ever. From ten onward she began training with a weapon. She didn't like the sword nor anything until it came down to a spear in which she mostly liked but the "none pointy" end annoyed her so her parents changed it into a double-tipped spear by twelve she mastered it and changed her weapon into another design to make it better for her to use and when she finished with that it was time for her to pick what organization to join she picked Butei High to become a Butei.

Love Interest: TBA

((Sorry I kind of went over the top with the gifs but I couldn't resist)


1 more and we can start


Céline Bushell






Céline is an overall open person to another's troubles or worries. A much better listener than a talker if you should say. Her expressions don't change much, however, somehow people have found her state of mind easy to perceive even without variety in her features. She has grace that appeals to many individuals, and a tranquility that can sometimes upset some. She normally wears a smile on her face, and when others require help, she tries to do her best at assisting them. Céline is an enigma, that's for sure, but an ally or a friend at the best and worst of times, and a threshold to doubts and concerns.

Home Nation




School Year


Butei Rank


[Perhaps could achieve S, but she prefers to not draw too much attention to herself...]

Butei Division



Céline's primary weapons are a set of very long razor wires, which she controls as if they where extensions of her own body. The wires are sharp enough to bind and restrain targets without damaging them. She can also use the wires to impale subjects and control them like marionettes. The wires themselves can be used to attack from virtually any angle, and seem to hover around Céline herself in an omnidirectional manner during combat. She is able to cause drastic shifts in their positions with extremely small movements, and in a few cases can be seen to manipulate them without any movement at all. The wires move much more quickly than even she herself does, and are extremely hard to see.​

Fighting Style

Céline avoids combat as an Informa agent, preferring to obtain data by being a "shadow", as her ancestor was. When she is forced to use force to get what sh wants, however, she relies on a fighting style that can be considered "clean", as she makes sure to not leave any sort of evidence of her presence there, to the point of removing a bullet from someone's body. It can also be considered elegant, as she uses slow and graceful gestures.


Razor Wires Wielding, Assassin Training and Close Shooting Combat


+ Time Ability User +


+ Acrobatic Maneuvers +

+ Enhanced Speed +

+ Enhanced Charisma/Persuasion/Charm +

+ Photographic Memory +

Other Info

| She is the descendant of a famous SOE agent, Violette "Bushell" Szabo |


Trained since an infant to carry her ancestor's legacy, Céline was an isolated child for a few years until she was officially introduced to society. As she reached 16, she was sent to become a Butei, expanding her family's influence and passing out information from IU.

Love Interest

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Name: Izaya Tachibana

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Is extremely devious and manipulative,Can be unpredictability,With a thorough understanding of human behavior and tendencies, he is able to determine people's thoughts and predict their reactions with high accuracy.Though with his twisted sense of humor and mocking personality Izaya is someone that can get along with just about anyone.

Home Nation: Japan

Appearance:http://rs1111.pbsrc.com/albums/h465/IsuzuAoi/Anime B O Y S/311256.jpg~c200

School Year: 3 year

Butei Rank: S

Butei Division: Assault

Weapons: Izaya carries a jacket full of knives and a special knife he uses to fight with and though he hates gun he keeps one hidden to surprise his opponent

http://www.knife-depot.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/United-Cutlery-GH0947B-rw-14249-4719.jpg (Throwing knives)

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_D9TmnAiTr_c/TEoRUruWE9I/AAAAAAAAB_M/WeDUtNASpzQ/s400/Fixed+Blade+Spartan.jpg (Battle Knife)

http://www.gunsandammo.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/8-most-underrated-personal-defense-handguns/ruger-sp101.jpg (His gun)

Fighting Style: Izaya is trained in Systema and Kenjutsu

Skills: Close Combat, Mid-Range(Knife Throwing), Information gathering, and mind control(not a power just very manipulative)

Abilities: Controlling others with his words like a centipede crawling into your brain using the information that he has gathered

Other Info: Is nearly always seen reading a book,Loves sweet things,Likes pranks and teasing

Background: Growing up under a father who is known as a world class information broker Izaya learnt a lot.Though being weak as he is he needed to learn to defend himself so he put his information skills to the test to find the top fighting classes and with his mind he picked up on everything easily to were he even beat his teachers. Wanting a bit more of a challenge he joined the school where butei a raised to be the best

Love Interest:Open
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Cyrus Lexington






Cyrus has a laid-back disposition and is rather sarcastic and critical of others. In tandem with his lackluster social skills and borderline flippant demeanor, he can come of as an insensitive and overly blunt individual. Because of this, he often finds himself butting heads with others. He is also rather lazy, and is no stranger to shirking off his everyday tasks and neglecting to put full effort into his assignments. Though, despite these many negative quirks, he can be a warmhearted person as well as a dependable ally to those whom he is acquainted with. He acts with calm and logic when faced with dangerous situations, often unfazed when others are quick to make mistakes. Cyrus can also be somewhat mischievous at times, and occasionally pulls pranks on those whom he considers friends

Home Nation:




School Year:


Butei Rank:


Butei Division:



Colt SAA


Hunting Knife


Fighting Style:

His fighting style mainly revolves around tactics and mind games, using his ability to read people to trick them into falling into well-placed traps and corners, at which point he'll subdue them with ranged gunfire or hand to hand combat. Though, he usually tries to resolves conflicts without fighting.


High Intellect-

Cyrus is a highly intelligent individual. He has a freakishly quick and precise analytical intuition, rendering him capable of solving difficult equations and puzzles with relative ease. He has excellent foresight, and often plans ahead, making sure to formulate contingency plans alongside tactics. His deductive reasoning is also top-notch, allowing him to use even the smallest of details to make breakthroughs in investigations.


Cyrus is also an accomplished marksman, the ability stemming from his mother's teachings. He is adept with Pistols, and can draw his weapon faster than the eye can see, landing quick and accurate shots from long range.

Hand to Hand Combat-

Despite not being trained in any specific martial arts, he is a skilled unarmed fighter that uses his reflexes and knowledge of human anatomy during fistfights. His body is in fairly good physical condition, so his endurance is also higher than average.



Other Info:



Born in the American Frontier near its end, Cyrus' family ran a post office in a small town often riddled with violence and corruption. His family consisted of him, his parents, and a younger sister, all of whom got along fairly well with each other. His mother was known for being a good shot and harsh critic of the people around her. This is where Cyrus gained his marksmanship and tendency to criticize others on a whim. His father was a cynical man who had a bad gambling addiction, though he would make up for it with his dedication to his friends and family. This is where Cyrus picked up most of his personality traits and resolve to protect the things he cares for. His relationship with his sister was especially tight though, the two cared for each other deeply. Cyrus lived a fairly difficult yet happy childhood, and was hoping to become a teacher in the near future.

Unfortunately though, this was cut short when his father gambled with the wrong people. The men were outlaws, with no regard for the law or the life around them, and certainly, not for the man who had beat them in a game of Texas hold 'em. They found out where he lived, and stormed the post office where him and his family lived. No less than twenty men, all of whom were armed and dangerous. Anxious with boredom, the outlaws decided to entertain themselves with their victims, handing Cyrus a gun. They instructed him to kill both his parents, if he complied they promised to spare him and his sister. With little time to think over the consequences, he did as he was told. The outlaws proceeded to beat him brutally, but kept their promise and left. Still not fully recovered from the beating and still reeling over the actions he had just taken, he couldn't stop his sister when she pulled her mother's pistol out of a drawer. Before putting the gun to her head, she cursed her brother, words that he would never forget, and took her own life.

The town sheriff arrived a couple minutes later. Disillusioned with his life on the Frontier and ashamed of himself for being unable to stop the event from occurring, the man adopted Cyrus as his own and headed for the city to start a new life. Cyrus was changed from that day forward, becoming apathetic and uninspired, coping with his despair by studying in the libraries of the city. He devoted most of his free time to learning new things, and becoming a more intelligent and aware person.

When the Great War came, he decided to enlist, lying about his age, hoping that he would find his purpose by once again facing death. Though his adoptive guardian had misgivings, he couldn't bring himself to stop Cyrus. Bringing the gun that his sister had taken her own life with, he headed to France in order to fight the Central Powers. Earning a reputation in his company for his use of a single-action revolver and massive amount of enemies killed. He was sent to the 308th Battalion to fight the German forces holding the Argonne Forest. Despite the Battalion being nearly wiped out, he managed to survive til the end, and came back home alive.

Unsure of where to go from there, he decided to work and at newspaper stand. Still using much of his time to study, he worked at that stand for the next year before receiving a curious letter in the mail. The letter was actually a invitation to be a test subject for cryogenic freezing, headed by the original headmaster of what would become Butei High in London. It was to preserve individuals with high combat prowess for the future. He accepted, and woke up about 80 years later, and was admitted into Tokyo Butei High.

Love Interest:

None at the moment.
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