

Active Dis-Member
In my cynical attempt to accrue more postage, and because, hey, I might just meet or reconnect with some people here (also not discounting the insomnia due to lack of anti-anxiety meds, fsck you very much Medicaid), voilà, my introduction thread/post thingy...

I am an atheist, progressive, trans*femme, gynephillic, certified-dysfunctional genius, and I occasionally say interesting things.

Sometimes people even like hearing them.

I'm in a (currently very long-distance) relationship with an amazing woman (and working my brain to pulp trying to reduce the distance more permanently).

I love Exalted, Pathfinder, Munchkin, and Scrabble, and would love to love GURPS and WEG d6 again. I'd also like the opportunity to get to know CoC, Fiasco, M&M, Champions, SITS, and just about every other game system out there, and maybe come to love them. ^^

I'm XO of the HMS Jonas Adcock (CA-489) of The Royal Manticoran Navy, with the rank of Commander (O5; Brevet).

Uh, other stuff... Oh, yeah, I work, when I can work, as a freelance editor and a tutor. ^___^

So, now that I've shot myself in at least 17 feet, any questions?

You seem to be quite the interesting person, and you definitely do say some interesting things. x)

I am not a terribly huge gamer myself, but I have played Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls, The Sims 3, World of Warcraft, and League of Legends. I mostly play Skyrim and The Sims the most, however. Maybe we message each other and just chat, chat, chat, chat, about games, games, games! :D

I hope you enjoy your time on here. :)
Hello and welcome to RP zone. :) And I'm totally trying to picture a forum-based Scrabble game now...

I haven't tried running Fiasco here, but it's a damn good game to play around a table. Drinks optional.

You will certainly get to try a shitload of other good stuff. Well, no GURPS. I don't think anyone plays GURPS anymore. Forget I implied GURPS was good stuff.

Funny you should mention CoC because I do have a potential CoC game bubbling away right now (but I'm taking liberties with the setting which might well require me to adjust the system appropriately).

Anyway, welcome aboard. Looking forward to seeing you around.
musician said:
You seem to be quite the interesting person, and you definitely do say some interesting things. x)

I am not a terribly huge gamer myself, but I have played Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls, The Sims 3, World of Warcraft, and League of Legends. I mostly play Skyrim and The Sims the most, however. Maybe we message each other and just chat, chat, chat, chat, about games, games, games! :D

I hope you enjoy your time on here. :)
I would love to. :) Unfortunately for me, I've not had many opportunities to play comp-based games; my boxes simply aren't high enough spec for anything nice released in the past 3-5 years, and by the time I do manage to acquire one able to play whichever game, most of my friends are well and truly over it. :( Then there are the fees for a lot of MMOs and such. >.< Ah, well. Minecraft is lots of fun, even if I never seem to have time for it anymore. :sweat: Then again, it's pretty fun to hear friends' war stories about stuff. :)

Kaerri said:
Hello and welcome to RP zone. :) And I'm totally trying to picture a forum-based Scrabble game now...
I know, right? :D It might not work so well on a forum, though, due to the need for some objective control (irl, the bag of tiles, on a forum, maybe a referee) to the letters available to play, which if not automated, can cause a fair bit of latency in turn-handling. >.< I'd be up for trying, though! :)

Grey said:
I haven't tried running Fiasco here, but it's a damn good game to play around a table. Drinks optional.
It looks awesome, but I can't seem to convince people around here to try it, even having offered to facilitate a group at local cons. :( And I'd say drinks, while optional, would definitely be apropos! :D

You will certainly get to try a shitload of other good stuff. Well, no GURPS. I don't think anyone plays GURPS anymore. Forget I implied GURPS was good stuff.
Aww! I used to adore GURPS. ^^ Never did have much of a group for it, although. :(

Funny you should mention CoC because I do have a potential CoC game bubbling away right now (but I'm taking liberties with the setting which might well require me to adjust the system appropriately).
Eeenterestink! > :)

Anyway, welcome aboard. Looking forward to seeing you around.
Thank you! And thank all of you! ^__________________________^
Yeah, GURPS has never really caught on, my side of the pond. These days where you'd expect it to be used, most GMs employ FATE instead. FATE is awesome, though, so it's a net gain.
True, in some ways. And Evil Stevie has mostly moved on to other interests the last... crap, quite a few years. :sweat:


And now I'm realizing that the last time I saw him, he was doing his first push for lego pirates. O.o Damn.
Haven't been following SJG, to be honest. But John Kovalic visits us at WARPcon almost every year.
Grey said:
Haven't been following SJG, to be honest. But John Kovalic visits us at WARPcon almost every year.
Steve Jackson used to be a fairly regular attendee at CONduit until, iirc, we switched hotels around ten-twelve years ago. ^^ He was pretty nice.

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