

King of Smols
Hi, I am August.

I'm new to this site [of course], and I hope to engage in some interesting roleplays. I'm interested in group roleplays and would like to try to interact more because in past group roleplays I sort of just fade into the background forgotten to rot like the potato I am.
I am mostly interested in supernatural, fantasy type of roleplays. I mainly play male characters, and as annoying as it is I can't seem to help but make them short like me. Whether you believe me or not, IRL, I am 4'10 and for the longest time, I believed 5'4 was tall.

Anyways, I really can't wait to start roleplaying here, and I truthfully I am a bit nervous. I'll probably make a lot of mistakes, and I am a bit slow on things, so please be a little patient with me. :ghost:

:O I just found the emojis, and they're really cool! :grinningteeth:
Welcome, August! I'm sure you'll love the Nation, and I found that when I was new, the other members were very helpful in getting me acclimated for the most part. :3

Enjoy your time in the Nation! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! We mods don't bite, I promise. :3

Welcome, August! I'm sure you'll love the Nation, and I found that when I was new, the other members were very helpful in getting me acclimated for the most part. :3

Enjoy your time in the Nation! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! We mods don't bite, I promise. :3


Thank you!
I'm sorry for not showing my gratitude earlier, I just realized I am able to reply to stuff :ghostuvu:
Welcome August, I hope you have a lovely time on here. If you ever need someone who's willing to play a female role, please message me, or comment on my profile. Whatever's easiest for you. :)

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