

One Time Luck
New to this site, but not new to RP. I've been doing it in form or another pretty much all my life, actually. Anyway, I'm eager to get into some good RP, though I'll admit I'm a bit unsure on exactly where I should start. Anyone have any suggestions? I've always preferred the science fiction genre over others, though I'm not too picky either so long as it's a good plot and doesn't involve stuff that makes me uncomfortable or is offensive to me.

Another thing I was wondering is do I have to create a character of my own or can I play characters from published media (movies, books, comics, games, etc.)?
Hello and welcome, Rodimus!

You are free to join us in the shoutbox to chat and post any ideas you have in the Roleplay Ideas section of the forum, it's also a good place to check others' ideas and basic plots. You can also go to the Roleplay Recruitment section to see if anyone is looking for players. Now, for your questions...

You should probably start by looking around the two section I listed, along with the Roleplay page where the newest and often the roleplay which need the most players are found, do ask on the OOC section of each rp for permission to create a character, though!

As for characters, we have a Character Gallery page, and a Fandom section for roleplays that may be to your liking. Feel free to give me a holler if you want an instant plot!



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