

Captain's Favorite
Hey everyone I'm new to this site and to rping too so I have no idea what I'm doing(Heck I don't even know if I'm making this post right.) so if anyone who is a vet to rping (And have a lot of patience.) I would really appreciate it if you could show me the ropes and give me some pointers.
Hi Alushey, welcome to RpN!

If there's any tip I could give, that is to be creative and mindful of the flow of the story. Just let your colorful mind burst forth but also remember that you're telling the story with a partner.

That means you gotta respect them. Don't control their characters(godmodding) and definitely DO NOT create a character that overpowers the whole plot (Mary sue's/Marty Stu). As I've said, be creative and grab some flaws.

There's a lot to learn but there's also a lot to gain.

Overall, just enjoy the ride and welcome aboard matey! :D
I'm sure you'll do fine. If you find the right partner, you'll settle right in and find your niche.

Are you looking for a particular RP?
Kaiaphas said:
I'm sure you'll do fine. If you find the right partner, you'll settle right in and find your niche.
Are you looking for a particular RP?
Well something simple I guess. I don't really care what type of rp genre just something that's fun and simple for newbies like me

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