Hi there.

I'm new to this little place, but I find it fascinating so far! Though new forums and groups have a tendency to make me nervous, RPN seems to be different from the ways I used to roleplay. Generally I would do most of my roleplaying on Tumblr, where 1x1 rp-ing was a difficult thing to accomplish. Here, the formatting is much more simplistic.

I go by Konstance. I love to talk but I have a bit of trouble stirring up new conversations, so it may not seem that way at first. Honestly, it was a bit of a stretch for me to even post this thread. But for the sake of maintaining fun interactions on the site, I'm vowing to break those barriers and reach out to people on a more frequent basis just to see what'll happen. ( :) ) (Also I love these smilies.)

I can't wait to see whom I'll encounter!
Hiya there, Konstance! Welcome to :RPN:. I really hope you'll have a good time and if you have any questions, please don't be shy, let us know! :D

Hallo and welcome. You won't have no trouble stirrin' up new conversations round here. We're so friendly and saccharine it'll make you retch with disgust, and that's true as th' day is long!

:pooka: I made them smilies, hee-hee. Glad y'like 'em.
Welcome, Konstance! I hope you enjoy RPN. Cloudy and I are moderators, so please don't hesitate to send us a report if anyone gives you trouble. If you have any questions, give the FAQ a look, and feel free to post in the Help & Information subforum.

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