Hi there -wave-


New Member
Hi! It's taken me a while to get around to doing this, I'm sorry!

My name is Rachel. I'm 27 years old and from the U.S. I've been playing since I was about 12 years old, way back in the good ol' days of public AOL chatrooms. :) I went from there to private SL's to GreatestJournal to MySpace and now Facebook. All of the above use chatrooms and IMs as their writing medium. The current storyline I am in predominantly, one I run, uses Facebook, IMs/Chatrooms, and forum based play. I pretty much welcome anything that allows me to be my character.

I play primarily in modern/realistic based worlds, with a supernatural element thrown in from time to time. I stumbled upon this place by sheer accident while looking for gifs for a character of mine. I (foolishly) never realized that the RP community is really as large as it is, but that happens when you've been playing in the same 30-person circle for almost 15 years!

I write in paragraphs, though not novel length. :) I am not a length snob, more so an effort snob. My posts can range anywhere from a couple of sentences to entire pages. I work with what I am given; the more content I am provide, the more I will be able to answer with - and vice versa. Length doesn't matter to me so long as a character's intention and action is clear. I don't know if that really makes sense. I primarily do 1x1, but not because I don't enjoy group play. It just happens infrequently on my end.

I currently have about 12 active characters floating around in my head, with about 5-10 more inactive ones that are not a part of any SLs right now. Here is a link to my Tumblr page that lists all of my characters and current SLs I am a part of. It is still being updated after a format change, so character bios will be coming soon. :)

Please hit me up if you are interested in talking or maybe playing. )
Raychelle said:
I write in paragraphs, though not novel length. :) I am not a length snob, more so an effort snob. My posts can range anywhere from a couple of sentences to entire pages.
I can get behind that. You care about your character and the story they're moving through, and you appreciate it when others do the same. I'm the same way. The good news is, there's quite a few of us like that on the site. I'm sure you'll find them soon enough.

Thanks for taking a moment to introduce yourself Raychelle, welcome to RpN!
I am so sorry for just now responding to all of this, but thank you for the welcomes! And @Wulf, thank you about the Tumblr! I still need to finish updating it!

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